Antonia Bertolino, Jinghua Gao, Eda Marchetti
Via Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa
Application testing, conformance testing, DTD, XML, XML Schema.
With XML and XML Schema widely acknowledged as the de facto standard for data exchange and interop-
erability between remote applications, the need for checking integrity and adequacy of XML documents, also
by means of automated tools, increases. In this perspective, this paper addresses two objectives: we provide a
classification and a short overview of the diverse existing approaches for the testing of XML-based documents;
then, pushing further the potential of XML for testing purposes, we pursuit the application of traditional test-
ing methods to programs using XML input data. We discuss the use of XML and XML schema as a basis for
formalizing and automatizing the testing of applications using such kind of data, with particular reference to
recent proposals for specification-based and perturbation-based testing approaches.
In the pursuit of working interoperability among inde-
pendently developed systems, industry is increasingly
adopting open specifications and binding such spec-
ifications to standardised technologies. Such bind-
ing technologies must be open in nature, to allow
for a wide range of diverse platforms, languages, and
tools to be used, and still create compliant applica-
tions and content. The XML (eXtensible Markup
Language)(W3CXML, 1996) is today the predomi-
nant format for data representation and is generally
recognized as the standard way to exchange informa-
tion between remote systems and to bind the specifi-
cations (W3C, 2005).
As well as the XML documents (also known as in-
stances), the W3C has developed specifications for
creating “control documents” that are used to de-
fine the structure of XML documents themselves.
These specifications - first Document Type Definition
(DTD) (DTD, 1996) and later XML Schema (XSD)
(W3CXMLSchema, 1998) allow parties to construct
vocabularies of tags for particular types of documents,
and to insist on particular structuring rules.
Paired with XML diffusion, the DTDs and XML
Schema have largely spread up. DTDs and XML
Schemas are used for expressing basic structural rules
and complex restrictions of the diverse data and pa-
rameters that units/components exchange with each
other: both of them can be considered as the struc-
turing schema of XML documents. The introduction
of XML first, and of XML structuring schemas then,
paved the way for a lot of tools and techniques de-
voted to check the most varied aspects and concerns
of the produced documents. In fact, in parallel with
the establishment of common formats for data ex-
change, and the standardization of parameters in com-
munication interfaces, the need grew for ensuring the
quality and integrity of the produced documents, as
well as for validating that the XML products do con-
form, from a syntactical viewpoint, to the established
standard formats and schemas, and, if feasible, also
to the intended semantics. We refer broadly to the
whole variety of developed technologies as “XML-
based testing”. However, the kind of verifications
pursued, and the approaches and tools adopted vary
far and wide from case to case. Besides, the various
techniques are not alternative, but depending on the
specific application can be combined in several inter-
esting ways.
As is further discussed in this paper, the introduc-
tion of formalized and standardized formats for input
data representation allows for a wealth of checks, and
not all its potential has been explored so far. In this
context, this paper focuses on two objectives:
1. For aim of clarification we provide a classification
Bertolino A., Gao J. and Marchetti E. (2006).
In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Inter net Technology / Web
Interface and Applications, pages 268-273
DOI: 10.5220/0001254602680273
of the diverse existing approaches, organized into
a logical structure based on their varying types of
2. From the above classification it is clear that the
enormous potential of XML and similar language is
only marginally exploited for testing purposes. We
propose to use XML and XML Schema for ”for-
malizing” the testing of the applications which use
such kind of data.
In the next section we overview existing ap-
proaches, distinguishing between approaches that are
applied to the XML documents, and approaches that
start from the XML Schema. Then, in Section 3,
we look at the future, by discussing the potential of
leveraging application test techniques with automated
tools relying on XML input data. Finally, we draw
conclusions and hint at future work.
The term XML-based testing acquires different mean-
ings both in common sense and in literature. It can
refer to verifying the adequacy of a XML document
with respect to the users exigencies; verifying the ad-
equacy of a XML instance with respect to a specific
schema (DTD or XML schema); verifying the well-
formedness of a schema structure; or even for defin-
ing methodologies for merging or matching diverse
XML schemas.
In this vast context of diverse interpretations, this
paper tries to classify the various testing approaches
and represent them into a structured form (Figure 1).
We identify first a course division of XML-based test-
ing into XML documents testing and schema based
testing. We provide the reader with a brief definition
of what is understood for XML-based testing in the
various nodes of the tree, and a tentatively complete
overview of the literature.
2.1 Testing XML Documents
Over the years, XML format flexibility and its possi-
bility to be adapted to any kind of situation increased
the possibility to use it into diverse customized do-
mains as well as for data interchange for web-sites,
graphics, remote and real time applications.
With the aim of developing successful applications,
which can correctly interoperate each other, verifying
the correctness and adequacy of XML data becomes
extremely important. For this diverse approaches
have been defined as detailed in the rest of this sec-
2.1.1 Well-formedness of XML Document
Due to its flexible schema, XML leaves to its users a
certain freedom in writing their specific documents.
With the aim of interoperability the W3C XML Core
Working Group(W3C, 2005) provides a sort of core
infrastructure that can be used for verifying the XML
document. This is represented by a set of XML-based
guidelines that provide metrics for determining the
conformance to the W3C recommendations (W3C,
A first essential test that must be assessed on an
XML file instance is called well-formedness (a simi-
lar test is also conducted for XML Schema, see later).
This is a basic requirements for an XML file, if this
property is not satisfied the tested file cannot even be
classified as an XML file. Well-formedness can be
easily verified, also a simple browser generally pro-
vides conformance validation features for such kind
of validation, however well-formedness does not give
enough guarantees on the quality of an XML file.
Using as a basis such kind of testing indications,
different sets of test suites have been implemented, for
instance (XMLTestSuite, 2005),(NIST, 2003). Each
of them is represented by a test file (including up to
diverse thousands of tests) generally associated with
a test report, which contains all the background infor-
mation for verifying a specific aspect of the confor-
mance of the XML document to the basic recommen-
2.1.2 Compliance to Specified Requirements
Along with more and more implementations using it,
in order to realize the information exchange and tran-
sition between the different systems, XML documents
need to conform to requirements coming from dif-
ferent domains. The requirements can derive from a
standard or consist of some specific rules defined by
the developers community, which can represent the
specification of input domain or other requirements
of the system.
Basically the target of the compliance are document
verification and validation. Document verification is
used to verify that the messages generated by the sys-
tem are conforming to the input standard. Document
validation instead is used to check the conformance of
the content and structure of the documents, and for-
mat the documents to the requirements.
For the automatic verification and validation tools
have been implemented, such as (RTTS, nd) which
developed strategies for automated production of re-
quest XML documents for posting to facilitate the
testing of web services and components to facilitate
the validation of data content of XML documents;
(XMLUnit, 2003) which enables unit testing of XML,
and compare a control XML document to a test docu-
XML Based Testing
Adopting perturbation
based testing
Generation of
conforming XML
Verifying XML
documents against
the schema structure
of XML schema
Using derived
to specified
of XML document
Schema Based Testing
Testing XML Documents
Applying testing strategy
for XML-based test generation
and matching
Figure 1: XML Based Testing.
ment to do the validation; (XMLTester, 2002), (XM-
LValidator, 2005), which use different methodologies
to for large, complex systems.
2.1.3 Using Derived Schemas
When a vast amount of information must be manipu-
lated and organized having a common reference struc-
ture is extremely important. For overcoming these
problems, research on how to derive a common struc-
ture from XML instances is going on actively and
interesting result have been produced (Levy, 1999),
(Shanmugasundaran et al., 1999), (Widom, 1999),
(Goldman and Widom, 1997). Recent applications
of this technologies are (Shafazand and Tjoa, 2002),
(Wang et al., 2000), which extract schema using some
graphs according to the frequency of element occur-
rence in XML documents and (Hagen et al., 2004)
in which the authors represent, by using the XML
markup, a text type schema definition of the structure
of the scientific paper.
In parallel with these approaches, another field of
research, also called instance-level matching (Rahm
and Bernstein, 2001), tries to derive a common struc-
ture by dynamically analyzing the diverse XML el-
ements and extracting from time to time the proper
schema structure. For implementing such kind of
analysis diverse proposals have been adopted such as
rules, neural networks, and machine learning tech-
niques (Berlin and Motro, 2001), (Doan et al., 2000),
(Doan et al., 2001), (Li and Clifton, 1994), (Li and
Clifton, 2000), (Li et al., 2000).
2.2 Schema Based Testing
Many programs set their special requirements on the
XML file, and can work only if the files conform to
their specifications. Currently there are two solutions
that are most popular to this dilemma. One is docu-
ment type definition (DTD), another is XML schema,
which became an official W3C recommendation in
May 2001.
Establishing in fact a formalized agreement on the
format of data exchange supports the application of
testing strategies for checking the local data structures
and the interfaces used by the different components.
Using a DTD or XSD allows a recipient of an XML
instance to determine whether that instance conforms
to the control document by testing the XML instances
for conformance against control documents. DTDs
and XSDs have been the first step towards testing
for the conformance of content and applications. Li-
braries such as Xerces provide specific interfaces for
document validation and many editors are today avail-
able fort assist the XML instance developer writing
instances conforming, for construction, to an XML
The recent literature collects several contributions
dealing with testing of DTD and XML schema.
Schema based testing can be divided into:
- well-formedness,
- Verifying XML documents against the schema struc-
- Generation of conforming XML documents from
2.2.1 Well-formedness of XML Schema
Several XML schema validators for checking the syn-
tax and the structure of the W3C XML Schema docu-
ment are available. Among them, widespread used
are SQC (Schema Quality Checker) (SQC, 2001),
XSV (XML Schema Validator) (W3CXMLValidator,
2001), and XML Spy5 (XMLSpy, 2005). Recently
an interesting approach has been proposed by (Li and
Miller, 2005), which detects semantic errors in XML
schemas by using mutation analysis.
2.2.2 Verifying XML Documents Against the
Schema Structure
XML validation means checking the conformance of
structure and data in an XML document against dif-
ferent specifications or protocols models.
Different XML documents can use different
schemas (DTD or XML Schemas) to specify the valid
(what they can do) and invalid (not allowed) docu-
ments. In this case a XML document can be con-
sidered valid only if everything in the document con-
forms to the declarations in schema. For this usually
a schema should include all the elements, attributes
and entities that can be used in the document as well.
There exist several tools to verify the XML docu-
ments against its DTD or XML Schema. For instance,
(Boobna and de Rougemont, 2004), (XMLBuddy,
nd), (XMLJudge, nd) and (EasyCheXML, nd).
2.2.3 Generation of Conforming XML Instances
The widespread diffusion of XML Schema rises the
proliferation of a lot of tools and methodology for de-
riving XML instances, which represent the allowed
naming and structure of data for component interac-
tion and for service requests. XML instances can be
generated from DTD as well.
Depending on the schema, XML instances can be
manually generated. This could be complicated and a
huge work when schemas are complex. So tools for
automated XML instance generation based on DTD
or XML schema appeared. Some of them generate the
XML instance directly, such as (SunXMLInstance-
Generator, 2003), (XMLGenerator, 1999), (XM-
LXIG, 2004), (Tian et al., 2003). Some tools gener-
ate instances in other notations, like java files (EJB-
SourceGenerator, 2003), (JavaXMLBindlets, 2003),
C++ classes (XOMA, 2002), or .NET language such
as C and VB.NET (ObjectModelGenerator, 2004).
But most of them generate the instances randomly.
The disadvantage of random generation tools is that
instances cannot cover all possibilities of the schema.
An emerging and innovative research field is thus
the application of traditional testing strategies (see
an overview in (Bertolino and Marchetti, 2004)) for
generating suites of XML instances from the XML
Schema structure as introduced in section 3.
2.2.4 Integrating and Matching Schemas
Currently the necessity for applications of managing,
using and transforming diverse structure of XML data
is rising. For facing this problem diverse solutions has
been proposed, which can be classified depending on
the level at which the integration is performed (Rahm
and Bernstein, 2001).
Generally the integration of diverse schema( DTD
or XML schema) can be done involving all the
schemas or only part of them (Meo et al., 2005). Con-
sider the former, diverse references can be found in
literature which proposed automatic transformations
safeguarding also the semantic matching of the in-
volved schemas (Bergamaschi et al., 1999), (Doan
et al., 2000), (Castano et al., 2001), (Anand and
Wilde, 2005), (Jeong and Hsu, 2001), (Meo et al.,
2005), (Meo et al., 2003), (Boukottaya et al., 2004).
From a tester’s point of view, the XML schema for-
mally expresses the basic rules and complex restric-
tions of data and parameters that the diverse class of
systems and web applications exchange, thus provide
an accurate and formalized representation of the input
domain. The data and parameters that system applica-
tion will exchange, are in fact represented accordingly
to a format suitable for automated processing, which
is clearly a big advantage for testing. However so far
this potentiality has been only partially exploited and
the available tools only implement random generation
of XML instances (sec.2.2.3). Adopting a test strat-
egy for test case derivation will have a double posi-
tive side effect: the generation of more accurate and
mindful XML instance and the improving of automa-
tization in test cases specification. In the best of our
knowledge only two works of applying a specific test
strategies have been proposed which rely on the adop-
tion of partition testing and mutation, respectively.
3.1 Specification Based Testing
The specification based techniques rely on the struc-
tural properties derived from the program specifica-
tions and different techniques can be used for guid-
ing the section of test data ((Bertolino and Marchetti,
2004)). Considering, in particular the generation of
XML instances from Schema, interesting research
area is represented by equivalence partitioning. This
testing strategy relies on the partitioning of the input
domain into subdomains so that any input within a
subdomain can be taken as a representative for the
whole subset. XML Schema lends itself quite natu-
rally to the application of equivalence partition test-
ing. The subdivision of the input domain into subdo-
mains can be done by exploiting the formalized rep-
resentation of the XML Schema. From the diverse
subdomains identified, the application of equivalence
testing amounts to the systematic derivation of a set
of XML instances.
A first work in this direction is XML-based Par-
tition Testing (XPT)(Bertolino et al., 2006). This
method uses the prevalent approach to input do-
main partitioning, the Category Partition method (Os-
trand and Balcer, 1988) combined with techniques of
boundary conditions.
3.2 Adopting Perturbation Testing
In the direction of using commonly adopted testing
strategies for guiding the XML based testing, another
interesting work is (Offutt and Xu, 2004) that presents
a new approach to testing Web services. The au-
thors, taking as a basis the approach in (Lee and Of-
futt, 2001) which presents a technique for using muta-
tion analysis to test the semantic correctness for XML
based component interactions, consider communica-
tion infrastructure of web services, typically XML
and SOAP, and develop new approach to testing them
based on data perturbation.
We presented in this paper a survey of the existing
approaches for the XML-based testing, trying to clas-
sifying them into a well defined structure. Our intent
was twofold: first developing a reference schema that
can be useful to anyone is facing with the vast and
complex world of XML-Based testing. The second
objective was identifying the possible field for further
future researches. We in particular focus on the appli-
cation of the commonly used testing strategies taking
as an input the XML Schema structure. This is an
innovative field of research that is only partially ex-
ploited but has a lot of potentiality also on view of
automating the test cases generation. As future direc-
tion we want to investigate on this and on the basis of
the works summarized in this paper, developing other
innovative testing proposals. In particular we wan to
focus on some new methodologies for integrating an
combining the diverse existing approaches, such for
instance of 2.1.3 with XPT. Finally thanks to the col-
laboration to diverse university and consortium work-
ing on the e-leaning environment, we want to vali-
date our testing methodologies with case studies taken
from the field.
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