This proposal unlike PUMAS-AWS does not
consider information retrieval from different devices
(servers and MDs).
Concerning Web Service (WS) adaptation, some
works use technologies external to the classical WS
architecture in order to perform different
adaptations. For instance, (Pashtan et al., 2004)
propose to adapt the content delivered by the WS by
transforming it using XSLT style sheets. However,
their approach does not consider the user’s context,
considering only the user’s device and preferences.
(Keidl et al., 2004) propose an integration of the
context definition into SOAP in order to find a WS
able to satisfy user’s needs considering her/his
location, devices, presentation properties, and
connectivity preferences. By using SOAP in order to
discover a service, this proposal violates somehow
the principles WS standard architecture, where SOAP
is only used for communication purposes. Through
AWSDL, our proposal respects the standard WS
In this paper, we have integrated the concept of
Adapted Web Services (AWS) into the Peer
Ubiquitous Multi-Agent System (PUMAS)
framework. This result is PUMAS-AWS, a
framework which focuses on the search of
information among several AWS-based WIS. These
AWS are able to answer queries in an adapted way,
according to the context of use (composed of the
personal characteristics of the user, the features of
the access device, and the user’s location). In this
paper, we also highlight the roles of the Router
Agent and the AWS Agent of PUMAS-AWS which
are in charge of the Matching and the Query Routing
process, fundamental pieces for adapting
information. The Matching process consists in
retrieving the set of AWS which answer the query
according to the context. The Query Routing process
relies on two activities: the analysis of the query and
the selection of AWS. The first activity leads to a
possible split of the query. The second one is
achieved by the Matching process.
We now aim at improving the algorithms and
mechanisms used in the Matching Process. We also
need to define a system for establishing priorities
among fixed criteria of adaptation in order to
facilitate the process of selecting AWS performed by
both the AWS Agent and the RA. In order to improve
the matching process, we investigate semantic
approaches, such as WSMO introduced by (Roman
et al., 2005). Finally, we are also interested in
defining a mechanism for capturing the context in an
automatic way.
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