Florin Leon
Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science, ”Gh. Asachi” Technical University, Bd. Mangeron 53, Iaşi, Romania
Gabriela M. Atanasiu
Faculty of Civil Engineering, ”Gh. Asachi” Technical University, Bd. Mangeron 43, Iaşi, Romania
Keywords: Data mining, Geographic Information Systems, Supervised clustering, k-Nearest Neighbor, Seismic risk
Abstract: This paper aims at designing some data m
ining methods of evaluating the seismic vulnerability of regions in
the built infrastructure. A supervised clustering methodology is employed, based on k-nearest neighbor graphs.
Unlike other classification algorithms, the method has the advantage of taking into account any distribution of
training instances and also data topology. For the particular problem of seismic vulnerability analysis using a
Geographic Information System, the gradual formation of clusters (for different values of k) allows a decision-
making stakeholder to visualize more clearly the details of the cluster areas. The performance of the k-nearest
neighbor graph method is tested on three classification problems, and finally it is applied to a sample from a
digital map of Iaşi, a large city located in the North-Eastern part of Romania.
Given the costs of natural and technological disasters,
there is a clear need for measurement and evaluative
techniques that enable efficient resource allocation for
decision-making stakeholders. A key concept for the
evaluation of vulnerability, developed primarily for
seismic events, is the fragility curve. Fragility curves
(or damage functions) are used to approximate
damage due to natural hazards, i.e. fragility is a
measure of vulnerability or estimation of overall risk.
Fragility functions can be developed using
fferent methods, heuristic, empirical, analytical or a
combination of two methods. Heuristic functions are
developed using the consensus opinion of Structural
Engineering experts with years of experience
designing various types of structures and observing
the behavior of such structures for past earthquakes.
Empirical functions are based on observed data, while
analytical damage functions are based on modeling
the idealized structural behavior for different
constructions (Norton & Abdullah, 2004).
Fragility curves can be used for modeling the
s of a possible natural hazard event, as a method
of analyzing the behavior of built infrastructure under
different scenarios, in order to minimize the effects of
an actual catastrophic incident. Because of the
complexity of the spatial information involved, one
needs an automatic method to efficiently investigate
the overall vulnerability of an area. The fragility curve
is a mathematical expression that relates the
conditional probability of reaching or exceeding a
particular damage state, given a particular level of a
demand or hazard (Simpson et al., 2005). HAZUS
(National Institute for Building Sciences, 2001)
specifies four damage states: slight, moderate, severe,
and complete damage state.
Data mining or knowledge discovery in databases
the process of search for valuable information in
large volumes of data, exploration and analysis, by
automatic or semi-automatic means, of large
quantities of data in order to discover meaningful
patterns and rules (Fayyad, Piatetsky-Shapiro &
Smyth, 1996).
This paper aims at designing some data mining
ethods in order to evaluate the seismic vulnerability
of regions in the built infrastructure, using as case
study an example from Iaşi, a large city of Romania
(Atanasiu & Leon, 2006).
Leon F. and M. Atanasiu G. (2006).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 153-156
DOI: 10.5220/0001308301530156
The data mining problem implies analyzing a set of
points defined as geographic coordinates x and y and
their damage or risk level r. Depending on the
considered approach, the risk can be nominal, which
means that each building belongs to a certain risk
class C
, or numerical, i.e. each building has a risk
probability associated with it, a real number
. The goal is to find the subsets of nearby
points, clusters, which share the same C
, or at least
clusters with minimum impurity, i.e. most of the
cluster members should belong to the same class or
have close r values.
A straightforward approach is to use a
categorization algorithm to describe such subsets of
points. In general, categorization is a task of finding a
target function f that maps each attribute set A that
defines an object into one (or more, each with a
degree of membership) predefined class C. This target
function f is also known as the categorization or
classification model.
In the literature (Tan, Steinbach & Kumar, 2005;
Han & Kamber, 2000; Mitchell, 1997; Nilsson, 1996)
several categorization types of algorithms are
described. Among the most frequently used are rule-
based methods, prototype-based methods and
exemplar-based methods.
For the particular purpose of our research, the
rule-based categorization seems to be most
appropriate, since we need a non-hierarchical, explicit
partition of data. A nearest-neighbor-based approach
is useful, because the prediction phase is irrelevant in
our case. The damage of the building cannot be
predicted by taking into account only the damage of
its neighbors. Also, this class of algorithms always
performs well on the training set, with error rates
close to 0.
Such an algorithm is the Non-Nested Generalized
Exemplar, NNGE (Martin, 1995; Witten & Frank,
2000), which forms homogenous hyper-rectangles
(generalized exemplars) in the attribute space such
that no exception should be contained within. The
hyper-rectangles do not overlap, and in this way, the
algorithm prevents over-fitting.
In order to test the behavior of the algorithm we
used a test problem proposed by Eick, Zeidat, and
Zhao (2004), displayed in figure 1, where different
point colors represent different classes.
The results of NNGE algorithm are presented in
the same figure. One can see the hyper-rectangles
found by the algorithm, which are 2-D rectangles in
our case. In addition, the convex hull of the cluster
points is emphasized and the internal area of the
convex hull is hatched.
Figure 1: NNGE results for the test problem.
The algorithm only discovers axis-parallel hyper-
rectangles; it cannot take into account other
distributions of data. Another disadvantage is that
NNGE can link rather distant points, if there is no
exception example lying between them.
An alternative approach is to use a clustering
method instead of classification, which should also
use the predefined r values of points.
The goal of the cluster analysis is to group the
instances based only on information found in the data
that describes the objects and their relationships, i.e.
their attributes. Objects within a group should be
more similar or related to each other than to objects
from other groups. The greater the similarity (or
homogeneity) within a group and greater the
difference between group, the better the clustering.
There are many clustering algorithms known in the
literature: hierarchical (nested) vs. partitional (un-
nested), exclusive vs. overlapping or fuzzy, complete
vs. partial (Tan, Steinbach & Kumar, 2005).
Clustering is typically applied in an unsupervised
learning framework using particular error functions,
e.g. an error function that minimizes the distances
inside a cluster, therefore keeping the clusters tight.
An unsupervised approach for the problem
presented in figure 1 would most likely lead to
clustering together all the points in the upper region,
because they are closer to each other from the
topological point of view, even if they belong to
different classes.
Supervised clustering, on the other hand, deviates
from traditional clustering since it is applied on
classified examples with the objective of identifying
clusters that have high probability density with
respect to single classes (Eick, Zeidat & Zhao, 2004).
For our problem, we propose a clustering method
that simultaneously takes into account the topology of
instances and their established r values. The algorithm
is simple: every instance is linked to its nearest
neighbor or to its k-nearest neighbors with the same
class or close r values. The links formed in such a
way determine several graphs in the instance set. The
graphs of directly or indirectly connected points are
the clusters one needs for our purpose.
Figure 2 shows the results for the same problem,
for different values of k. The convex hull of the
cluster points is also displayed and its interior area is
When k increases, so does the average size of the
clusters. The iterative process is useful for a decision-
maker in order to capture details at different levels of
complexity. The clustering results are useful only up
to a point (usually between 2 and 4). When k is 1, the
number of graphs is large and the clusters seem
disconnected. When k is large, all the points of a class
tend to be connected and the local topology
information gets lost.
Zoning of hazard prone regions is a common practice.
The vulnerability of existing classes of buildings,
other critical structures and population is dependent
on their exposure to the hazard, which varies from
location to location. The spatial characteristics of
hazard and vulnerability justify the application of
mapping and spatial technologies such as GIS in the
risk assessment process.
Figure 2: k-NN graph results for k=1 (top left), k=2 (top
right), k=3 (bottom left), and k=8 (bottom right).
Figure 3: GIS-based vulnerability map.
A widely accepted definition of GIS is the
following: “a Geographical Information System is an
organized collection of hardware, software
geographical data and personnel designed to
efficiently capture, store, update manipulate, analyze
and display all forms of geographically referenced
information” (Lavakare & Krovvidi, 2001).
Figure 4: NNGE cluster map.
Figure 5: Cluster map for k-NN graph with k=3 and
categorical distances.
From the digital map of Iaşi one can consider a
detail, where the constructions are colored depending
on their r value as shown in figure 3: green stands for
minor damage, cyan means moderate damage, yellow
represents major damage, and red stands for near-
Figure 4 shows the cluster map provided by
NNGE. Figure 5 shows the results of k-NN graph
with k=3 and categorical distances, i.e. links are only
considered between instances that belong to the same
class C
. The number associated with each instance is
the cluster number that the object belongs to.
In figure 6 a similar result is presented. In this case
a link is drawn between nearby instances only if the
absolute value of the difference between their r values
is smaller than one definite value ε. In this example
we considered ε = 0.25. The number associated with
each instance represents the r value, in percents.
Figure 6: Cluster map for k-NN graph with k=3 and
real number distances.
Based on the above described methodology, these
results can be later superposed on the regular GIS
map, giving the decision-making stakeholder a
graphical suggestion about the spatial clusters among
building classes with buildings that belong to the
same risk or damage class (figure 7).
Figure 7: Spatial clusters of vulnerability classes on a GIS
The method presented here proves to be useful to
identify the clusters of constructions on the urban
built infrastructure taking into account the classes of
seismic vulnerability.
A future research direction would be to add a
weighting mechanism to the instances, depending for
example on the area of the building or on its
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