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Conboy, K. & Fitzgerald, B
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Dove, R., 1997. The Meaning of Life and the Meaning of
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Highsmith, J.A.I., 2000. Adaptive Software Development:
A Collaborative Approach to Managing Complex
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Jayaratna, N., 1994. Understanding and Evaluating
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Nandhakumar, J. & Avison, D.E., 1999. The fiction of
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Washington DC USA.
Paetsch, F., Eberlein, A. & Maurer, F., 2003.
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Qumer, A. & Henderson-Sellers, B., 2006b. Comparative
evaluation of XP and Scrum using the 4D Analytical
Tool (4-DAT), Proceedings of the European and
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Extreme Programming (XP)
The XP software development process focuses on
iterative and rapid development. XP is characterized
by six phases: Exploration, Planning, Iterations to
first release, Productionizing, Maintenance and
Death (Beck, 2000; Wolak, 2001). XP stresses
communication and coordination among the team
members all the time; and requires cooperation
between the customer, management and
development team to form the supportive business
culture for the successful implementation of XP.
Schwaber and Beedle (Schwaber & Beedle, 2002)
report that Scrum is a flexible, adaptable, empirical,
productive and iterative method that uses the ideas
of industrial process control theory for the
development of software systems. According to
Schwaber and Beedle (2002), Scrum has threes
phases: Pre-Game, Development and Post-Game.
The Pre-Game phase has a further two sub-phases:
planning and high level design (architecture).