Andrew Stone and Pete Sawyer
Computing Department
Infolab 21, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK
Tacit knowledge, Requirements, Tracing, Latent Semantic Analysis, Natural language processing.
Pre-requirements specification tracing concerns the identification and maintenance of relationships between
requirements and the knowledge and information used by analysts to inform the requirements’ formulation.
However, such tracing is often not performed as it is a time-consuming process. This paper presents a tool
for retrospectively identifying pre-requirements traces by working backwards from requirements to the doc-
umented records of the elicitation process such as interview transcripts or ethnographic reports. We present
a preliminary evaluation of our tools performance using a case study. One of the key goals of our work is to
identify requirements that have weak relationships with the source material. There are many possible reasons
for this, but one is that they embody tacit knowledge. Although we do not investigate the nature of tacit knowl-
edge in RE we believe that even helping to identify the probable presence of tacit knowledge is useful. This
is particularly true for circumstances when requirements’ sources need to be understood during, for example,
the handling of change requests.
Requirements specifications are incapable of repre-
senting a problem domain in its entirety in all but the
most trivial cases. One of the reasons for this is that
much of the knowledge about the problem domain is
tacit in nature.
The notion of tacit knowledge was first exten-
sively explored by Michael Polanyi in his seminal
book “The Tacit Dimension” (Polanyi, 1983). Polanyi
briefly summarises tacit knowledge as “knowing
more than you can tell”, that is, knowledge that is so
inbuilt within your own understanding of a process
that awareness of this knowledge is neither apparent,
nor explicable. Kevin Ryan (Ryan, 1993) presented
a modern corollary when expressing concerns about
the role of Natural Language Processing (NLP) in
the requirements engineering process. Ryan’s state-
ment that “neither informal speech nor natural lan-
guage text is capable of expressing unambiguously
the myriad facts and behaviours that are included in
large scale systems” reflects the tacit knowledge em-
bedded within the problem domain.
Requirements often embody tacit knowledge that
the analyst already has, or has uncovered from their
analysis of the problem domain. The starting point
for our research is that the identification of knowl-
edge would help in two ways. Firstly, it would help
the validation of requirements. Secondly, it would
help in situations such as system evolution or dealing
with requirement change requests, where the prove-
nance of requirements needs to be understood. We
are investigating this problem by developing tool sup-
port for a form of pre-requirements tracing designed
to establish backwards traces from requirements into
extant textual source material such as interview tran-
scripts. We hypothesise that where provenance can-
not be established between requirements and source
material, this may indicate the influence of tacit in-
formation during synthesis of the requirements. Of
course, there are other reasons for why requirements
might lack identifiable provenance, but identifying a
lack of provenance is interesting in itself as it permits
requirements analysts to determine common sources
of requirements ambiguity. This paper explains our
approach to pre-requirements tracing and tacit knowl-
edge identification and presents initial results from
applying our tool.
Stone A. and Sawyer P. (2006).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 139-144
DOI: 10.5220/0001311701390144
Gotel and Finkelstein (Gotel and Finkelstein, 1994)
identify both the need for and the difficulties asso-
ciated with requirements tracing. They divide trac-
ing into two classes: pre- and post- requirement
specification tracing, which are analogous to high-
end and low-end tracing as mentioned in (Ramesh
and Jarke, 2001). Pre-requirement specification trac-
ing is concerned with the requirement’s life before it
is included in the requirements specification. Post-
requirements specification tracing deals with life af-
ter inclusion. Pre-requirement specification tracing is
underdeveloped compared to post-requirement spec-
ification tracing. One problem standing in the way
of pre-requirements specification tracing is that re-
quirements synthesis often involves much more than
a simple transformation process in which information
elicited from stakeholders is re-written.
This is particularly well illustrated by the use of
contextual elicitation techniques such as ethnographic
analysis. Contextual techniques result in a rich de-
scription of the problem domain. On the one hand,
this makes identification of tacit knowledge easier by
the analyst. However, even where a requirement is
derived from explicit elicited information with min-
imal application of tacit knowledge, the relationship
between the raw elicited material and the require-
ment may be hard to identify without careful read-
ing of both. Certainly, the lexical similarities between
the source material and the requirement may be very
The impact of tacit knowledge makes the identi-
fication of a requirement’s provenance much harder
still. A previous study on the use of ethnography
in systems engineering (Bentley et al., 1992) anal-
ysed the working practises of Air Traffic Controllers
(ATC). Embedded within this poorly structured infor-
mation are examples of tacit knowledge. When con-
fronted with a slow aeroplane about to enter a busy
sector in which all flight levels (permitted altitudes of
flight) will shortly be filled, the sector chief rerouted
the slow aeroplane to another sector as shown in Fig-
ure 1.
The ethnographer explicitly identified this as an ex-
ample of tacit knowledge as at no point are any details
about the aircraft in question mentioned, not even the
originating sector, yet the chief is still able to reroute
the aircraft. When questioned later the chief replied
that he knew which aircraft was in question just by
looking at the radar. Plausibly, therefore, an analyst
experienced in the ATC domain might synthesise a
requirement about the radar display that provided the
information used by the chief. Since the nature of
this information is only implicit in the ethnographic
10.56 Wing writes a height revision on a con-
troller’s livestrip following a telephone call. (In-
bound from Scottish. Much of this co-ordination
is done on the wings.)
11.05 Controller PH to Controller IS: ‘you
can track Mac9025 to me, ....
[Controller IS is on the telephone]: ‘pardon?’
Chief: ‘J...’ll take 9025’
Controller IS: ‘oh ... OK ...
11.17 SA: ‘Chief theres this he wants
Chief: ‘all levels are blocked through there
Spends a moment thinking
Chief: ‘no, he’s a slow one there’s no way he’ll
be clear then so we’ll take him through Liffy’
Figure 1: An example of tacit knowledge embedded in a
typical air traffic control scenario.
report, the provenance of the radar display require-
ment would be difficult to trace were the requirement
and ethnographic report the only information avail-
able for seeking the trace. Dealing with this limited,
textual information is the subject of the next section.
Requirements are typically represented in natural lan-
guage. Determining any semantic meaning from nat-
ural language will require an understanding of the lan-
guage that comprises it. Rule based approaches to lin-
guistics are brittle in the face of linguistic variability
and do not scale well to new problem domains which
introduce unique vocabulary. Alternative approaches
rely on statistical properties of the text, this gave rise
to the notion that language is understandable by ob-
servation, rather than the classical theoretical linguis-
tic approach. Statistical analysis takes place on a body
of language, or corpus, and is composed of examples
of natural language potentially in the scale of millions
of words.
The applicability of corpus linguistics to doc-
ument processing in requirements engineering has
been shown in several problem domains and at dif-
ferent levels. Rolland and Proix provide a general
background for the applicability of natural language,
and therefore natural language processing, to require-
ments engineering (Rolland and Proix, 1992). Ger-
vasi and Nuseibeh use automated lightweight tech-
niques to provide automated validation of require-
ments in some of NASAs requirements specifications
(Gervasi and Nuseibeh, 2002). Sawyer et al. (Sawyer
et al., 2005) provide evidence that probabilistic natu-
ral language processing is applicable to requirements
engineering processes across different domains. One
such technique is Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA).
Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) is a vector space
technique that results in the formation of a multidi-
mensional, document-word space (Deerwester et al.,
1990). It is computationally intensive but allows intel-
ligent document query and retrieval whilst overcom-
ing the traditional problems of polysemy (multiple
meanings per word) and synonymy (multiple words
that mean the same thing) (Berry et al., 1995; Du-
mais, 1991). The number of occurrences of each word
in a document determines the document’s magnitude
in that dimension, thereby determining the position
of the document in the space. Similar documents ap-
pear to cluster together in the space. This clustering
can be heightened by reduction of the space to fewer
dimensions by singular value decomposition. Simi-
larity can therefore be determined via a variety of al-
gorithms, such as simple Euclidean distance. LSA is
commonly accepted to be a shallow technique that ac-
curately manages to approximate human expectations
of linguistic comparison.
A simple document-word space technique, al-
though not LSA, has been used by Johan Natt och
Dag et al. (Natt och Dag et al., 2005) to determine
linguistic equivalence between two different sources
of requirements : market requirements and business
requirements. The lexical technique used resulted in
more than 50% of correct links between requirements
being identified. Further, it was estimated that up to
63% of similar requirements could be identified in
this manner. However, this technique is based on lex-
ical similarity measures. It has not been determined
if this technique can be used to infer semantic simi-
larities across the wide variety of document types re-
quired for pre-requirement specification tracing.
By searching for traces between requirements and
their respective sources it should be possible to de-
termine requirements that are not firmly derived from
source material, thereby reflecting an instance of
Poorly sourced knowledge, that is knowledge
which is not clearly defined and should therefore
be subject of further investigation
A form of tacit knowledge, whose presence in the
requirements specification demonstrates a descrip-
tion of the external behaviour of a tacit process
Note that we are not seeking to measure require-
ments completeness. Establishing the absence of re-
quirements that represent information explicit in the
source material or (even harder) implicit from tacit
knowledge, is outside the scope of this work. The
tool implements three distinct phases of analysis:
Collation All source documentation and the current
version of the requirements specification are pre-
pared here. Several steps are performed, such
as collating all the documents into a single logi-
cal collection for easier processing, tokenisation,
stemming and the removal of syntactic elements
of speech. The source material is then split into
chunks to enable comparison. As currently imple-
mented, the size and content of chunks are deter-
mined by a heuristic boundary detection algorithm
(Manning and Sch
utze, 2000)
Comparison The semantic equivalence of chunks is
determined by use of LSA. Chunks of source ma-
terial are them compared against chunks of the re-
quirements specification; the similarities are noted.
The application of LSA that we propose requires
that the contents of all documents are compared to
produce a document similarity matrix. The doc-
ument similarity matrix contains numbers in the
range [1,1], where -1 represents content that is se-
mantically divergent, and 1 represents content that
is semantically identical
Analysis Candidates of matching chunks are pre-
sented to the analyst who may filter the results to
increase clarity. Only candidate matches are dis-
played and it is left to the analyst to finally confirm
or deny a candidate match
An overview of these operations is presented in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Identification of sources of requirements. H ere
chunks t(6) and t(7) are likely to be identified by the system
as examples of tacit or poorly sourced knowledge as their
source is not known. Note that not all source chunks may
contribute to the requirements specification.
In order to test the validity of our approach LSA was
used to trace between a concept of operations for a
new system and an ethnographic report of the exist-
ing system. The ethnographic reports relate to a UK
air traffic control system. The concept of operations
was developed by Bentley (Bentley, 1994) for a tool
to prototype ATC systems. The ethnographic report
was scanned from a printed document using optical
character recognition techniques. It contained scan-
ning errors that resulted in spelling and grammatical
mistakes that we left uncorrected in order to better ap-
proximate real world documents. Neither the concept
of operations nor the ethnographic data are as vocab-
ulary rich as the newspaper stories considered earlier.
Therefore they were much less computationally ex-
pensive to perform LSA on. The full process took
under a minute on a desktop machine.
We have not yet conducted a study to determine the
effects of varying the size of each document chunk,
although a trade off becomes immediately apparent.
This is that small chunk sizes (e.g. single sentences)
can lead to difficulty in analysts accurately interpret-
ing results as there are too many chunks and relations
to concurrently track. Larger chunk sizes abstract a
lot of the information and result in an overly granu-
lar comparison. We decided to use 5 sentences per
chunk for this experiment. This is somewhat arbitrary
and future versions will use variable size chunks, so
for example, the analyst can investigate individual re-
quirements clauses or steps in a scenario. This chunk
size was used on both the concept of operations and
the ethnographic report.
5.1 Evaluation
Two measures that can be used to demonstrate that
LSA is matching human expectation are recall and
precision. In order to calculate these measures, it is
first necessary to manually determine the correct links
between the concept of operations and the ethno-
graphic reports. The recall and precision may then
be calculated as follows:-
1. Compute the similarities between chunks
2. Select a threshold, α in the range [-1,1]
3. Select a chunk of the concept of operations, i
4. Manually compare i to all chunks of the ethno-
graphic report to produce a set of matches, r
5. For chunk i determine all the chunks of the ethno-
graphic report that have a similarity value greater
than α to produce a set of matches r
6. Calculate the recall as
recall =
7. Calculate the precision as
precision =
Essentially, recall can be seen as the percentage of
correct associations in the current list with respect
to the total number of correct associations, i.e. how
many correct associations have been discovered at
this point. Precision is the percentage of correct as-
sociations with respect to the size of the associations
list, i.e. how many of the results are correct. It is
therefore expected that the recall of LSA will be high
when the threshold is low. By setting the threshold
to 1 (the lowest threshold possible) all documents
will be included in R
, ensuring total recall. In
other words, every chunk in the concept of opera-
tions will appear to be derived from every chunk in
the ethnographic report. However, this will result in
poor precision as the number of incorrect associations
in R
is high. As the threshold tends towards 1 pre-
cision should increase as the weak and noisy candi-
date matches are eliminated.
Figure 3: Recall and precision as a function of threshold.
In order to test that LSA can be used to perform se-
mantic level comparison on these sorts of documents,
the associations between 4 of the 25 chunks of the
concept of operations were recorded against the 85
chunks of the ethnographic report. These manual as-
sociations were then used to plot the recall and pre-
cision against threshold, as shown in figure 3. This
figure is made from a population sample; correspond-
ing confidence interval plots are presented in figures 4
and 5. These plots show the 95% confidence interval
for each sampled point, i.e. the range in which 95%
of all members of the population are contained within
assuming a normally distributed sample, calculated as
¯x ± 1.96(
Figure 3 clearly shows that as the minimum thresh-
old of relatedness increases the recall decreases and
the precision increases. This provides evidence that
LSA is approximating human expectations of seman-
tic equivalence for the documents being considered.
Figure 4: Recall and associated 95% confidence intervals.
Figure 5: Precision and associated 95% confidence inter-
If LSA was providing the opposite of human expec-
tation we would expect to see the precision drop as a
function of threshold. If LSA was producing random
results we would expect to see no trend at all in the
precision and recall curves.
5.2 Badly Sourced Material
We define any chunk as being badly sourced if it has
no relatedness to chunks belonging to other docu-
ments for α > 0.1. An examination of the chunks
of the concept of operations that were poorly sourced
fell in to two main categories:
1. A detailed description of the semantics of shared
user displays. These were requirements invented
by Bentley as part of his work on shared displays.
2. Chunks where Bentley has used knowledge from
his own field work at the ATC centre and knowl-
edge elicited by him from the ethnographer. Nei-
ther type of information were explicitly represented
in the ethnographic report.
Other, less significant examples of poorly sourced text
were due to us erroneously scanning too much of one
of the leading pages in the document that contained
the concept of operations, but was unrelated to the
concept of operations. LSA correctly identified this
material as not being associated with the ethnographic
report. The results also include examples of the tool
correctly identifying poorly sourced chunks of Bent-
ley’s concept of operations as potentially tacit in na-
ture. One example of this is a chunk chunk of text that
contains the lexical term ‘strip’. Strip is a common
word in both documents, but despite this the chunk
is correctly identified as poorly sourced. The chunk
deals primarily with a description of the pragmatics
of different views of the airspace, such as a written
strip view or a radar view. Similarly, despite many
instances of the word ‘radar’ in the ethnographic doc-
ument no strong link is made with this chunk, as LSA
has correctly identified that this chunk is primarily
concerned with a concept not covered in the ethnog-
Our approach assumes that a significant proportion
of requirements are derived relatively directly from
elicited problem domain information. If most of
the requirements are invented rather than derived the
number of candidate matches will be too low for the
tool to offer any useful insights into requirements
provenance. In addition, there are four factors that
constrain the circumstances in which our approach is
Media are not necessarily in text form. Video, audio
and pictorial sources of information may be used to
inform a requirements specification.
Media availability reduces the accuracy of the sys-
tem if not all source media are available. The sys-
tem is likely to identify many cases of tacit knowl-
edge if the amount of source material is relatively
Inconsistent vocabulary reduces the accuracy of
techniques such as LSA. There is potential to incor-
porate tools such as WordNet (Miller et al., 1990)
to determine lexical similarity via synonym sets.
Document evolution may result in new associations
appearing and old associations being removed.
Within these constraints we believe that our prelim-
inary results demonstrate the potential of LSA to offer
insights into requirements provenance and the influ-
ence of tacit knowledge. However, as noted above,
we need to provide greater flexibility over chunk size.
In particular, chunks must map onto the requirements,
use cases, business events, or whatever is the natural
unit of traceability in the requirements document un-
der analysis. This will inevitably require some man-
ual pre-processing by the analyst.
We also plan to evaluate LSA against other tech-
niques that may yield similar or better results. In par-
ticular, text reuse algorithms used in plagiarism de-
tection technologies may provide meaningful output,
such as n-gram overlap (Clough et al., 2002), sub-
string matching via greedy string tiling (Wise, 1996)
and sentence alignment (Piao et al., 2002).
We propose a method of pre-requirements tracing
that uses a corpus linguistics technique to achieve
semantic-level comparison. By splitting up require-
ments specifications and the source material from
which they were derived into chunks and compar-
ing their semantic similarities, it is possible to de-
termine likely sources for each chunk of the require-
ments specification. Further, this permits us to iden-
tify requirements not firmly derived from the sup-
plied source material. We argue that these require-
ments represent either poorly sourced knowledge or
instances of tacit knowledge embedded in the prob-
lem domain or the analyst’s mind. We have demon-
strated that LSA, a linguistic technique designed to
overcome the problems of polysemy and synonymy,
can approximate human expectations of semantic re-
latedness between chunks of source material and their
resulting specification. The source material contains
less rich text than found in other domains, such as
newspaper articles, but is still able to match human
expectation. We plan to show that this technique can
be used to identify instances of tacit processes and
enable pre-requirements tracing on an on-going soft-
ware development project to update the student reg-
istry system at Lancaster University.
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