[Title: A customer purchases a flight ticket of reservation seat,
but cannot find available flight, so he gives the second choice.]
[Viewpoints: Staff, customer]
1. A staff asks a customer about leaving airport, destination and
departure date as customer’s request.
2. The staff sends the customer’s request to reservation center
via private line.
3. He cannot find available flights with the request.
4. He informs the customer of no available flights and asks the
customer about another departure date.
5. The customer gives another departure date.
6. The staff sends the customer’s request to reservation center
via private line.
7. He retrieves available flights with the new request.
8. He informs the customer of a list of available flights.
9. The customer selects a flight that he/she will get.
10. The staff retrieves available seats of the flight.
11. He shows a list of available seats of the flight.
12. The customer selects a seat of the flight.
13. …
Figure 4: Generated a new exceptional scenario.
Ben Achour proposed guidance for correcting
scenarios, based on a set of rules (Achour, 1998).
These rules aim at the clarification, completion and
conceptualization of scenarios, and help the
scenario author to improve the scenarios until an
acceptable level in terms of the scenario models.
Ben Achour's rules can only check whether the
scenarios are well written according to the scenario
models. We propose generation methods of
exceptional scenarios and alternative scenarios from
a normal scenario.
Derek Cramp claimed the importance of
alternative scenarios. He proposed a model to create
alternative scenarios (Cramp et al., 1995). However,
his model strongly depends on a specific domain.
Ian Alexander proposed a scenario-driven search
method to find more exceptions (Alexander, 2000).
In his approach, a model answer was prepared with
knowledge of all exception cases identified by
stakeholders. For each event, related exceptions are
listed as a model answer. His model answer,
however, strongly depends on a specific domain.
Neil Maiden et al. proposed classes of exceptions
for use cases (Maiden et al, 1998). These classes are
generic exceptions, permutations exceptions,
permutation options, and problem exceptions. With
these classes, alternative courses are generated.
They proposed a generation method of alternative
paths for each normal sequence from exception
types for events and generic requirements with
abnormal patterns (Sutcliff et al., 1998).
Our approach for generating scenarios with a
differential scenario is independent of problem
We have developed a generation method of
scenarios using a differential scenario. Because of
the space limitation, we showed just one example,
but we confirmed that alternative scenarios and
different normal scenarios can be generated with
our method.
We have to validate the ideas more thoroughly
by applying to several different problem domains.
We have been developing a prototype system based
on the method. The evaluation of our method
through the use of the prototype system is another
future work.
Achour, C. B., 1998: Guiding Scenario Authoring, Proc. of
the Eight European-Japanese Conference on
Information Modeling and Knowledge Bases, pp.181-
Alexander, I., 2000: Scenario-Driven Search Finds More
Exceptions, Proc. 11
International Workshop on
Database and Expert Systems Applications, pp.991-
Cramp, D.G., Carson E.R., 1995: Assessing Health Policy
Strategies: A Model-Based Approach to Decision
Support, Proc. International Conference on System,
Man and Cybernetics, Vol.3, pp.69-73.
Fillmore, C.J., 1968: The Case for Case, in Universals in
Linguistic Theory, Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Maiden, N.A.M., Manning’ M.K., Ryan M., 1998:
CREWS-SAVRE: Systematic Scenarios Generation
and Use, Proc. IEEE 3
ICRE’98, pp.148-155.
Ohnishi, A., 1996: Software Requirements Specification
Database on Requirements Frame Model, Proc. IEEE
ICRE’96, pp.221-228.
Railway Information System Co., Ltd., 2001: JR System,
Sutcliffe, A. G., Maiden, N. A. M., Minocha S., Manuel D.,
1998: Supporting Scenario-Based Requirements
Engineering, IEEE Trans. Software Engineering,
Vol.24, No.12, pp.1072-1088.
Toyama, T., Ohnishi, A., 2005: Rule-based Verification of
Scenarios with Pre-conditions and Post-conditions,
Proc. 13
IEEE RE2005, pp. 319-328.
Weidenhaupt, K., Pohl, K., Jarke, M., Haumer, P., 1998:
Scenarios in System Development: Current Practice,
IEEE Software, March, pp.34-45.
Zhang H., Ohnishi, A., 2004: Transformation between
Scenarios from Different Viewpoints, IEICE Trans.
Information and Systems, Vol.E87-D, No.4, pp.801-