IBM Corporation’s blueprints and on the on-going
research for autonomic computing conducted at the
IBM’s laboratories (IBM, 2003, IBM 2004, IBM,
2005). The three blueprints are overviews of the
basic concepts, constructs and behaviors for building
autonomic capability into computer systems. The
autonomic component architecture relies on the
technique of feedback control optimization based on
forecasting models, which technique facilitates the
self-management features of an autonomic system.
In (Yuan-Shun, 2005), a new model-driven
scheme for autonomic management is presented.
This scheme can better allocate resources by using
reliability models to predict and direct the
distribution of monitoring efforts. If certain services
or components are predicted to have high reliability
at a particular time, then there is no need for
intensive monitoring during that period, but those
with low reliability require intensive monitoring.
Our research considerably differs from the
related work in this area for the reason that we target
the modeling of both reactiveness and autonomicity
in distributed systems.
The research work reported in this paper is our first
step towards developing a formal framework for
developing distributed reactive autonomic
components along with their relationships, and the
qualitative properties such as reliability and safety
constraining the behavior of the system. Particularly,
it addresses: 1) the extension of the existing TROM
formalism for modeling real-time reactive systems
to AS-TRM formalism for supporting autonomic
behavior; 2) the characteristics of AS-TRM for
determining the requirement specification, design,
and implementation of AS-TRM; and 3) the
architecture and communication mechanism of AS-
TRM for implementing autonomic as well as real-
time reactive functionalities. This paper describes
only the architecture aspects of AS-TRM, i.e. it does
not deal with load balancing and efficiency aspects,
as these are part of our future work on AS-TRM.
One of the most important aspects of autonomic
systems is their self-management – a feature
requiring formal mechanism for self-diagnosis of the
AS-TRM system’s quality status. The evolving
nature of the AS-TRM requires continuous
monitoring of the quality levels to evaluate the risk
of deploying a change on the configuration of the
AS-TRM system, and to diagnose potential safety
hazards in AS functionality. We are investigating
means for achieving continuous quality assessment
of the evolving AS-TRM. We intend to develop and
analyze algorithms and negotiation protocols for
conflicting quality requirements, and determine what
bidding or negotiation algorithms are most effective.
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Emmerich, W., 2000. Engineering Distributed Objects.
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Horn, P., 2001. Autonomic Computing: IBM’s Perspective
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Kephart, J.O., Chess, D.M., 2003. The Vision of
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McCann, J. A., Huebscher, M.C., 2004. Evaluation issues
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Computing and Grid Enabled Virtual Organizations
(AAC-GEVO’04), pp.21-24.
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Yuan-Shun Dai, 2005. Autonomic Computing and
Reliability Improvement. Eighth IEEE International
Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed
Computing (ISORC'05), pp. 204-206.