handling of exceptions as well as when they occur.
In UML, a ‘Signal’ is a metaclass defined as a
specification of an asynchronous stimulus
communicated between instances. An ‘exception’ is
a special ‘Signal’ occurring with fault stimulus such
as the violation of a preconditional or range
invariant (OMG 1998). Douglass (Douglass 1999)
had suggested the extended sequence diagrams that
represent an exception handling. From his
suggestion, a message stereotyped with ‘exception’
represents exceptional behaviours in embedded
software. The exception message is limited to
express negative scenario exception only.
In this paper, we presented an approach to extending
UML 2.0 sequence diagrams to model unexpected
behaviours of embedded software. Based on the
profile, we added modelling notations into UML 2.0
sequence diagrams in order to describe unexpected
behaviours in embedded software. Interrupts and
exceptions frequently occur under the operation of
embedded software. To model such unexpected
behaviours, we used new interaction operators ‘try’
and ‘interrupt’ for handling exceptions and
interrupts. The extensions in this paper help
modelers design embedded software clearly,
intuitively, and correctly.
There are some features to be considered.
Interrupts and exceptions could be lost during the
occurrences of other interrupts and exceptions. They
should be handled during other events. However, our
extensions could not cover those. It should be
controlled or handled by operating the system level.
Our final goal is the application of our
extensions to embedded software modelling for
multi-processor SoC platform. Sequence diagrams
for a multiprocessor system are more complex than
those of a single processor system. We are under
research about the modelling of unexpected
behaviours of embedded software that are executed
on multi-processor system.
This work was supported in part by IT Leading
R&D Support Project funded by Ministry of
Information and Communication, Republic of Korea
and support program supervised by the
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