Process Meta-Model for a Software Process Definition and Improvement
Sandro Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira
Centro de Ciências Exatas e Tecnologia – Universidade da Amazônia (UNAMA)
Av. Alcindo Cacela, 287, 66060-902 – Belém-PA-Brasil
Alexandre Marcos Lins de Vasconcelos, José Francisco Pereira, Igor Cavalcanti Ramos
Centro de Informática – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)
Caixa Postal 7851 – 50732-970 – Recife-PE-Brasil
Keywords: Software Process Definition and Improvement, Quality Model/Norm, Software Development Environment.
Abstract: PSEE - Process-centered Software Engineering Environment - PSEE has one of its intentions to provide that
phases of the software process life cycle (definition, simulation, enacting and evaluation) can be
automatized. This work presents the structure and the automation of a software process meta-model capable
to group terminologies of processes based on quality models/norms and to help in the implementation and
refinement these types of processes. This implementation must be made from characteristics and properties
that define an organization or a specific domain of software project. The meta-model services were
automatized trough a tool and the description of them can be found in this paper.
The development of a quality software, with raised
productivity, inside the established stated period and
not needing more resources that those placed,
became a challenge for the organizations (Machado,
2000). The growth of the size and the complexity of
the software products make that these ones assume
critical roles in the organization businesses.
The experience of the software industry samples
that the main reason for failure of the projects is in
the lack of a software process disciplined, or either,
in the lack of a mechanism that qualifies the
management and control the quality of product.
Following the same trend, it already is widely
accepted that the quality of a software product is
determined by quality of process used during its
development and maintenance strongly.
Knowing the processes means to know how the
products are planned and produced. It fits to stand
out that, from the process definition, it is possible to
define measurements and to collect the execution
data. It gives to visibility to managers and technician
about the course of projects, making possible action
to control the variations of the project and the
processes for it used. In this direction, the software
process definition is a basic requirement for the
attainment of quality software products.
However, the software process definition is not a
simple activity; it demands experience and it
involves the knowledge of many aspects the
software engineering. The difficulty in defining
processes meets in the absence of a software process
possible of being applied generically. The processes
vary because the types of systems, the application
domain, the teams, the organizations and the
business restrictions are different, such as, schedule,
cost, quality and trustworthiness (Machado, 2000).
It already was argued so much about the
properties of this type of technology, however, it
perceives during the process execution from these
development environments that its implementation is
always not the reality of organization and projects
characteristics for this one. That’s why the
responsible users for the process definition do not
make use of a guide contend its real needs of
Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira S., Marcos Lins de Vasconcelos A., Francisco Pereira J. and Cavalcanti Ramos I. (2006).
Process Definition and Improvement.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 294-301
DOI: 10.5220/0001322202940301
execution and these ones indicate the best practices
to be instantiated from a standard process. Some of
these environments are PROSOFT (Reis, 2003),
Adele-Tempo (Belkhatir, 1994), ProcessWeaver
(Christie, 1997), Estação TABA (Rocha, 2001).
In this context Oliveira considered, in (Oliveira,
2005), the definition of an environment for software
process implementation, called ImPProS (Gradual
Software Process Implementation Environment),
that goals to make possible: the specification of
processes in accordance with the specific project
domain and the organization characteristics; the
instantiation of the software process in accordance
with the properties of each project; its simulation
from the configuration parameters (stated period,
pressures, cost, resources, etc.); an execution
(automation) similar the organizational process; and
an evaluation from the collection of metric this
This paper describes the specification and the
automation of a meta-model capable to group all the
components of a software process (processes,
activities, tasks, resources, procedures, etc.), ally to
the standards adopted for quality norms/models of
software (product and process), in order to
contemplate a repository with unified terminologies
from mappings and compositions, and a software
process definition and implementation taking
referential the quality proposal by systems
development industry.
Beyond this introductory section, the paper
presents five sections. Section 2 approaches the
detailing of the characteristics that compose the
software process implementation environment
considered by (Oliveira, 2005). In section 3 it is
presented the standard process structure adopted for
this environment. In section 4, we find the rules that
had originated the specification and the automation
of software processes meta-model. Finally, section 5
presents the final consideration.
The ImPProS is a project which is being performed
at the Center of Informatic of UFPE – Federal
University of Pernambuco with the partnership of
UNAMA - University of Amazônia, an financed by
CNPq - National Agency for Scientific and
Technological Development. The objective of
ImPProS is the creation of an environment to
support the implementation of a software process in
an organization in a gradual way. The "gradual"
term means that the implementation of the process is
improved with the experiences learned in its
definition, simulation, execution and evaluation.
The goals of ImPProS was adapted from the
structure that compose the software meta-process
described in (Reis, 2003), the characteristic
proposals for the implementation of a software
process (Balduino, 2002) and the life cycle for
continuous process improvement defined by IDEAL
Model (Mcfeeley, 1996). Thus, it is composed of a
cooperative environment, formed by nine main
ProDefiner: it provides the definition of
software process from the analysis of specific
ProSimulator: it makes possible the
simulation of a software process instantiated
from an execution plan of the process and
thus allows to foresee problems;
ProEnacter: it allows the automated
execution and monitoring of a software
process by a project team;
ProEvaluator: it provides the evaluation of
software process execution from the analyses
of qualitative and quantitative criteria;
ProImprove: it makes possible the systematic
execution of activities regarding the software
process improvement, based on the IDEAL
ProAnalyser: it allows the analyses and
decision taking concerning the evaluation
items which compose the software process;
ProReuse: it provides the software process
reuse from the definition of project scope and
its adaptation to the use context;
ProKnowledge: it makes possible the
collection, analyses and use of knowledge
learned during the execution of a software
ProConverter: it provides the conversion of
software process components defined for a
process (activities, artefacts, resources, etc.)
from the structures of quality norms/models.
Because the ImPProS has the one of its
characteristics the software process definition
Process Meta-Model for a Software Process Definition and Improvement
through a software process model and its
diagrammatic representation, it has a general
structure of software process composition the model
based on the definitions of ontologies the software
process defined by Falbo (Falbo, 1998).
Processes are collections of related activities that
have place during the product development.
Basically, a process consists of a structuralized set of
activities and, therefore, all the involved
infrastructure in the accomplishment of these
(devices, procedures and resources). Activities are
the tasks or works to be carried through. An activity
requires resources and can consume or produce
devices. For its accomplishment, an activity can
adopt a procedure. An activity can be decomposed in
other activities. Moreover, activities, in any level,
can depend on the finishing of other activities, called
pre-activities. The activity concept is present in all
the software process models and is considered
primitive that generate devices from entrance
devices assisted by resources. Activities can
correspond to different levels, either a task or a stage
of development process.
Describing the stages of process and the
activities to be carried through in each stage, it
appears the concept of Life Cycle Model that
structure activities and defines boarding of how
organize a project in phases. The life cycle is
initiated when the software is conceived until it
enters in disuse, or either, it contains a set of
development, operation and maintenance activities.
Ally to this concept we have the Combination,
which defines the way how a set of phases a life
cycle model must be carried through and specifies
the type of ordinance that the structure can be:
sequential or iterative.
The Work Products are software products
produced or consumed by activities during its
accomplishment. They are examples of devices:
revision manuals, workflow diagrams, object
diagrams, code source, etc. A device can be
decomposed in other devices (composition of
devices). It is the entrance or product of an activity,
being able to be devices of code, documents or
software components.
The Procedures are behaviours established and
commanded for the accomplishment of activities.
Some procedures can partially be automatized by
software tools. They are used to assist the
accomplishment of the activities, being able to be
directed to a specific type of activity, having to be
adjusted to a development technology and paradigm.
Ally to this concept, we have the Activities Patterns
that a procedure must suggest for the execution of an
activity. It represents a behavior which
decompositions of an activity have in common.
People, the software tools, the equipment, or any
other necessary infrastructures to the execution of an
activity, can be called Resource. A human
resources, specifically, plays a role in the execution
of the process activities. They are necessary
elements for the accomplishment of an activity, such
as human agents, hardware equipment and software
tools. They support or acts in the accomplishment of
the activity, but they can not be considered “raw
material” for the activity, or either, they only assist
the process, but they are not incorporated the
software product being considered resources for the
We can still find the concepts of Development
Paradigm, that are principles and concepts that guide
the development (for example: structuralized and
objects-oriented), and the Development Technology
that represents the technology to be used in the
software development (for instance the conventional
technologies of data processing and systems based
on knowledge). Finally, to limit and/or to restrict the
execution of the activities defined in the process, it
has the Restrictions, that specify the rules of
software process definition.
In the software process definition of ImPProS,
adapted from model defined by (Rocha, 2001),
defined in Figure 1, initially meets the software
process meta-model, made up of components and
the relationships between them that are deriving the
mapping of some software quality process norms
and models (CMMI (Chrissis, 2003), SPICE –
ISO/IEC 15504 (ISO, 1998), ISO/IEC 12207 (ISO,
2000), etc.).
The goal of this meta-model is to determine a
unique terminology for the software process
definition in ImPProS. It is great to stand out that the
structure of meta-model was defined to contemplate
all the software process components (process,
activities, devices, etc.), but not to restrict its
composition for some software process
norms/models (common in the works found in
specialized literature), or either, depending on
norm/model to be used, the user can make the
mapping of the same one using as base the ISO/IEC
12207 terminology and define its processes from the
use of this new meta-model.
The definition of a standard process establishes a
common structure to be used by organization in its
software projects and constitutes the base for
definition of all its processes. This way, a basic
process is established that will serve as starting point
for the posterior definition of the adequate software
processes to the different characteristics of each
project, allowing economy of time and effort in the
definition of new processes.
In view that different types of software have
distinct characteristics and require different
development boarding, the standard software
process of organization will have to be adapted
(specialized) considering the characteristics related
to the type of software (for example, information
systems) and to the development paradigm used (for
example, object-oriented). Thus, during the stage of
standard process specialization, activities could be
Standard Process Defintion
Standard Process
of Organization
Process Specialization
Process 1
Process n
. . .
Process Instantiation
Instance 1
Instance n
. . .
. . .
Software Engineering Practices
Organizational Culture
Software Development
Characteristics in Organization
(Maturity Model, Maturity Level,
Type of Software Development
Project Characteristics
Team Characteristics
Quality Product Characteristics
Life Cycle Model
Type of Software
Development Paradigm
Development Characteristics
Execution Planning
Plan 1 Plan n
. . .
Financial Resource
Profiles and its Hierarchy
Resources Cost
Process Meta
Figure 1: Software Process Definition Structure in ImPProS (Oliveira, 2005).
Process Meta-Model for a Software Process Definition and Improvement
added or be modified, in accordance with the context
for which it is carrying through the specialization.
The instantiation for specific projects consists the
adaptation of a specialized process to a project,
considering its peculiarities. In this stage, the life
cycle model, the methods and the tools that will be
used in the project, the human resources and its
responsibilities during the process and the consumed
and generated devices (products) are defined. The
ISO/IEC 9126 norm is used to identify the
requirements of quality product. Such characteristics
will influence the process from activities, methods
and techniques. The activities of specialized process
will have to be adapted to the life cycle model
chosen for the project and new activities could be
inserted in a determined life cycle. Thus, as result of
this phase an instance of process is generated
contends the components necessary for the software
process in order to represent the specific project to
be developed, taking care of all characteristics of
this development.
The ImPProS considered three contribution
points that, from analyses made in process
definitions and what specialized literature considers
as use, had perfected the specification of software
process in the three definite levels and make
possible that the definite components to the process
could be simulated in order to foresee problems in
the execution by project team:
Inclusion a set of new organizational,
software projects and products
Suggestion of software process components
from definitions processes have done
previously and knowledge learned during
these definitions;
Planning Level of Instantiated Process so that
it can serve as base for the simulation of this
process for a specific project.
The definition of execution plan an instantiated
process consists a specification of some
characteristics the process planning that make
possible its previous execution. This way, the user
can shape one or more plans to verify how the
instantiated process holds from the characteristics of
execution a specific project: financial resource;
metric; estimates; profiles and its hierarchy; cost;
and schedule. These attributes will be parameterized
to ProSimulator tool.
4.1 Specification of Meta-Model
Structure of ImPProS
From the previous agreement of the real importance
of a software process meta-model in a gradual
software process definition in automatized way, on
the basis of structure adapted in Figure 2, it searched
to project a repository that could add the concepts
defined in section 3 with the considered ones by
quality norms/models of software processes. As
defined by Falbo (Falbo, 1998) the definition of
ontology about software process composed of all the
standard content this type of process, not taking in
consideration terms associates to the quality
norms/models of software process.
Taking care of the needs proposals for the
ImPProS about its software process definition from
quality norms/models, it initially analyzed two types
of quality patterns standards for this goal: the ones
that we call in this work Maturity Norms/Models,
which describes guiding for the definition and
implantation of processes through specified practices
(activities, tasks, products generated, etc.) that they
are used directly in the software process, for
example the CMMI, ISO/IEC 15504, etc.; and
Reference Models, similar to the maturity
norms/models however they do clearly not indicate
practices for processes composition but intentions
(objective to be reached), waited results (produced
device, a significant change of state and the
attendance of specifications) and additional
information (references that can help in the process
definition and implementation) that they are
described through a relationship with maturity
norms/model, we can call the MPS.Br (Softex,
Beyond of software process, for the ImPProS
meta-model was used the ISO/IEC 12207 norm for
establishing a common architecture for the life cycle
of software processes with a terminology well
defined, contends processes, activities and tasks to
be applied during the software products supply,
development, operation and maintenance. It allows
that the processes are specified with a unified
terminology and this norm serves as base to promote
the relationship between the maturity norms/models
from the mapping of processes and practices
specified by these norms/models to the processes,
activities and tasks in ISO/IEC 12207 norm.
In addition to this, the ISO/IEC 9126 norm
(ISO, 2002) was also used to identify the quality
requirements of product. Such characteristics will
influence the process about activities, methods and
techniques. The activities of the specialized process
will have to be adapted to the life cycle model
chosen for the project and new activities could be
inserted in a life cycle. The influence of activities to
the process from the characteristics desired to the
product is proceeding the relationship between
activities and tasks of ISO/IEC 12207 norm and the
relevance degree of the quality characteristics
presented in ISO/IEC 9126 norm proposal for
ODDO et. al. (Oddo, 2003).
Figure 2 presents, from the use of SPEM
notations - Software Process Engineering Meta-
model (OMG, 2005), the relationship existing
between the types of quality norms/models used in
ImPProS, the ISO/IEC 12207 norm and the ISO/IEC
9126 norm. It is important to perceive the types of
relationships existing between them, which will
produce the results for the composition of the
terminologies the software process meta-model of
Figure 2: Relationship between quality norms/models
adopted by software process meta-model of ImPProS.
From the relationships considered in Figure 2,
Figure 3 presents, from the SPEM notations, an
adaptation of the concepts considered by Falbo,
presented in the session 3, and the patterns adopted
for quality norms/models used for the process
specification of ImPProS. This adaptation defines all
the elements that compose the software processes
meta-model of ImPProS.
It can be noticed, in Figure 3, the representation
of types of mappings between the quality
norms/models and ISO/IEC 12207 norm, which will
produce a great base for the software processes
definition and implementation in ImPProS. It is
observed that all are formed by software processes
and these have activities, if its origins will be
maturity norms/models, and waited results, if they
are resultant of reference models. In turn, the waited
results are mapped in activities in order to describe
the software process. These activities have: an
origin, which does not restrict that it is exclusively
deriving of a maturity norm/model or ISO/IEC
12207 norm, being able to originate from a type of
organization, a type of software project or simply
generic; a granularity, that defines the composition
of activities, or either, makes possible to describe if
the activity can be decomposed in others ones or if
its value is atomic (elementary); and a type, that it
classifies in accordance with its implementation goal
(Construction, Management or Quality Assurance).
In the following section, we have the description
that detail the automation of some functionalities
provided for software process meta-model of
4.2 Automation of ImPProS
The software process meta-model was developed
and integrated in the ImPProS environment to assist
the maintenance and management of terminologies
this repository described in previous section.
It is composed of some management services
that specify the maturity norms/models or reference
models that will serve as base for software processes
definition and implementation.
After that, the processes that compose them must
be configured in the ImPProS. The software process
meta-model makes possible to keep the information
about origin of the software process. From this
information, the activities used to specify the
processes can be registered through its detailing
about origin, granularity, type, restriction,
composition, chaining and others ones.
The human, software and hardware resources
have a specific area to be registered and associated
to an activity. It is important to emphasize that a
categorization of software resource is presented in
this automation in order to detail the tools available
in ImPProS.
All types of procedures can be visualized in
ImPProS, and its use depends on the development
paradigm and technology used for the software
project. Some procedures can have: activities
patterns to help in detailing of activities; tools
associated to automatize its use.
We can find the mapping between the activities
and processes constant in the maturity norms/models
with the activities of ISO/IEC 12207 norm, from the
analysis of tack between these components about its
use. It is possible to refer the waited results found in
Process Meta-Model for a Software Process Definition and Improvement
reference model with activities of maturity
norms/models to specify how these ones can be
executed inside a software process.
Finally, the automation of software process
meta-model has some particularities to specify and
choose the best life cycle model in guiding a
software process, through its structure and
The automation of the software process meta-
model by itself does not represent an advantage for
the process definition and implementation. The
ImPProS structure contemplates the automation of
tools for standard process definition, process
specialization and instantiation that to provide the
customization with the terminologies constant in this
meta-model. This way, the importance of ImPProS
meta-model is perceived through the conception of a
great repository of components that to provide the
specification and the refinement the software
process near the reality of a specific organization
and their software projects.
Any product resultant of an engineering activity, it is
waited that the software products have intrinsic
characteristics of quality perceivable by user. The
software quality can be seen a set of characteristics
that must be reached in a determined degree so that
the product takes care of the needs of its users.
However, it was observed that the software
product quality is on the software development
process. In other words, it is not possible to add
quality to software after soon. Thus, in 90’s, it had a
great concern about the quality of process the
Process Meta-
Maturtity Norm/Model
Reference Model
Life Cycle Model
It is formed
It is formed
It is composed [Maturity Norm/
Model or ISO/IEC 12207]
It is composed
[Reference Model]
It is mapped in
It is placed
It generates/consumes
It makes use
Is structures
ISO/IEC 12207
It is formed
It is mapped (Processes,
Activities, Tasks)
It is mapped
It is mapped (Activities, Tasks)
Figure 3: Composition Elements from Software Process Meta-Model of ImPProS.
software development organizations. This concern
resulted in models to evaluate and to improve the
software processes, whose goal is to give an
indication of the maturity of a software process and
to define action for evolutes it.
It expects that during the years the software
development organizations adjust its software
processes for the development of quality products
inside of trustworthy stated periods. Moreover, these
organizations will constantly be pressured to
optimize its processes of development and
maintenance, to produce products the lesser costs
and with increasing quality.
Thus, an environment capable to provide the
gradual software processes implementation from the
definition, simulation, execution and evaluation of
this process has a basic importance so that the scene
of process improvement the software development
organizations is more brightened up with the
automation of the activities, represented through
As we saw, a software process meta-model,
which adds the components of this type of process
associated the quality patterns inferred by systems
development industry, brings an enormous
advantage during the processes definition and
implementation, as well as its refinement for the
attendance of adequate organization and software
project characteristics. The goal of this work was to
present how the quality models/norms of software
process and product hold together to the components
of a software process and the importance to have this
automatized meta-model.
Currently the software process meta-model
meets total automatized and serving as base for the
tools of standard process definition, software process
specialization and instantiation in ImPProS.
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Process Meta-Model for a Software Process Definition and Improvement