Sandrine Lanquetin, Marc Neveu
LE2I, UMR CNRS 5158, UFR des Sciences et Techniques,
Université de Bourgogne, BP 47870
21078 DIJON Cedex, France
Keywords: Adaptive subdivision, non uniform scheme, Loop scheme.
Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a new non-uniform Loop scheme. It refines selected areas which are chosen
manually or automatically according to the precision of the control mesh compared to the limit surface. Our
algorithm avoids cracks and generates a progressive mesh with a difference of at most one subdivision level
between two adjacent faces. As adaptive subdivision is repeated, subdivision depth changes gradually from
one area of the surface to another area. Moreover generated meshes remain a regular valence. Results
obtained from our scheme are compared to those of the T-algorithm and the incremental algorithm.
Subdivision surfaces were introduced in 1978 by
Catmull-Clark (Catmull et al., 1978) and Doo-Sabin
(Doo et al., 1978) as an extension of the Chaikin
algorithm (Chaikin, 1974)]. These surfaces are
widely used in character animation (such as Geri's
Game © or Finding Nemo ©) to smooth models.
Indeed, from a coarse mesh, successive refinements
give finer meshes. A sequence of subdivided meshes
converges towards a smooth surface called limit
surface. Since the beginning of subdivision surfaces
in 1978, many subdivision schemes were proposed.
Some are approximating and others are interpolating
(i.e. control vertices of successive meshes belong to
the limit surface). We focus on Loop subdivision
(Loop, 1987) for this research. This scheme is
approximating and can only be applied on triangular
Most of schemes were first uniform. In uniform
schemes, the subdivision rules are the same for the
whole input model. For example, the Loop scheme
splits each face of the input mesh into four. The
number of faces quickly increases whereas there is
generally no need to smooth the model everywhere.
Indeed, subdivisions do not bring much geometric
modification into flat areas; faces which are not
visible do not need many subdivisions. Other
geometric criteria can be used such as accuracy or
curvature. Or more simply, users can manually
choose faces or vertices to be subdivided.
Non uniform subdivision (also called adaptive
subdivision) can be decomposed into two parts.
First, an area to be subdivided has to be chosen by
different ways such as in (Amresh et al., 2003),
(Dyn et al., 1990), (Meyer et al., 2002), (Zorin et al.,
1998). Secondly, topological rules have to be
determined such as in (Amresh et al., 2003), (Pakdel
et al., 2004), (Seeger et al., 2001), (Zorin et al.,
1998). These rules aim to generate a new mesh
without the cracks that can be caused by a difference
between the subdivision levels of two adjacent faces.
In the case of Loop’s triangular scheme, rules have
to preserve triangular faces.
In this paper, we focus on the topological problem.
Some algorithms already deal with this subject.
Thus, the algorithm of Seeger et al. splits adjacent
faces into two if they present a crack and into four
otherwise (Seeger et al., 2001). Amresh et al.
similarly propose to split faces into two, three or
four faces according to the number of cracks created
by the face subdivision (Amresh et al., 2003). From
these algorithms, Pakdel and Samavati extend the
rules to produce a smooth surface with visually
pleasing connectivity (Pakdel et al., 2004).
Our contribution consists in new topological rules
for non-uniform Loop subdivision. The algorithm
we propose takes advantages of the above mentioned
algorithms. Indeed, our algorithm produces meshes
with progressive changes between faces of different
subdivision level but without subdividing a too large
Lanquetin S. and Neveu M. (2006).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pages 134-141
DOI: 10.5220/0001350301340141