1981)(Lucas and Kanade, 1981)(Koga et al., 1981)
the method that yields the greatest PSNR. This paper
also sought to maintain the coherence between frames
by applying the motion information to strong edges
that determine the direction of brush strokes among
other elements.
The character of brush strokes is determined by
such elements as the color, the direction, the size,
and the shape. Most of the painterly rendering algo-
rithms(Litwinowicz, 1997)(Hertzmann, 1998)(Hays
and Essa, 2004) use a very simple form of brush
strokes that have the same shapes and sizes among
the characteristics of brush strokes. For such reasons,
the resulting images convey a static, machine-like at-
mosphere, unlike the active and intense effects of the
actual paintings. This paper, however, created brush
strokes of diverse directions, sizes, and lengths using
the linear and curvy shapes and local gradient interpo-
lation, and applied them to the motion map in order to
produce a painterly animation.
Litwinowicz and Hertzmann used the optical flow
method for motion estimation in order to move the
brush strokes from the previous frame to the cur-
rent one(Litwinowicz, 1997)(Hertzmann and Perlin,
2000). This method, however, calculates the motion
using only the intensity information between neigh-
boring pixels, and thus, the occlusion problem be-
tween a foreground and a background and between a
foreground and another foreground is neglected. This
paper used both the optical flow method(Horn and
Schunck, 1981)(Lucas and Kanade, 1981) and the
block-based method(Koga et al., 1981) in order to re-
solve the problems associated with using twodimen-
sional image, among the various methods of motion
estimation chose the method with the biggest PSNR.
Hertzmann(Hertzmann and Perlin, 2000), in order
to maintain the coherence of the brush strokes be-
tween frames, applied new brush strokes on the re-
painting part of the next frame by using the paintover
method, similar to the paint-on-glass method, differ-
ence masking, and the motion data. His method, how-
ever, has two problems. First, because a video has
noises and/or the occlusion problem, the motion in-
formation calculated between frames is not accurate.
Hertzmann failed to resolve the problem of flicker-
ing by applying his motion data to every element
such as the directions, locations, and shapes of the
brush strokes(Hertzmann and Perlin, 2000). This pa-
per sought to decrease the flickering phenomenon by
applying the motion data only to the strong edges
that determine the directions of the strokes and using
the motion map elsewhere. Second, in a real paint-
on-glass animation, the coherence between frames is
maintained by using the canvas of the previous frame
as the initial canvas for the next frame and by applying
brush strokes only to where it should be re-painted.
Hertzmann(Hertzmann and Perlin, 2000), however,
warped the canvas of the previous frame using the in-
accurate motion data, and used that warped canvas as
the initial canvas for the next frame. Also, he cal-
culated the difference masking not by using the im-
ages of the current source and the initial canvas, but
by comparing the images of the previous sources with
the images of the current sources. When using the dif-
ference masking calculated in such a way to paint the
brush on the previously warped canvas, it may show
much difference from the images of the current source
and continue the flickering phenomenon onto the next
frame. It is because the image with the most main-
tained coherence is an image of a source. This paper
sought to maintain the coherence between frames by
calculating the difference map between the image of
the current source and the canvas onto which the mo-
tion map had been applied.
Hays redefined the characteristics of the brush
strokes and produced brush strokes for each frame be-
cause a hole had appeared on the canvas due to the
imperfect motion information and/or a phenomenon
of partially erased characteristics of the brush strokes
had appeared on the canvas(Hays and Essa, 2004).
Hays method, however, also has disadvantages as it
applies a process of decreasing the opacity by 10%
for each frame in an attempt to avoid the flickering
that emerge in the process of the redefinition of brush
strokes. It is too dependent on opacity, in other words.
The method also conveys a feeling of mere movement
of brush strokes between frames by using only line
brush strokes for the texture.
Motion estimation refers to the estimation of the vec-
tors of the motion between the previous frame and the
current frame. The method proposed by in this paper
employed for motion estimation include: the method
of finding the pixel with the minimum pixel-to-pixel
variation among the flow vectors(Horn and Schunck,
1981); the method of motion estimation based on an
assumption that the motion vector remains unchanged
over a particular block of pixels(Lucas and Kanade,
1981); and the block-based method that, using the
block mask, finds the pixels with the best-matching
block of the same size(Koga et al., 1981). Based on
the motion information(the directions and the mag-
nitudes) gathered by using these methods, this paper
chooses the method with the biggest PSNR.