Uwe Berner, Thomas Rieger
Interactive Graphics Systems Group (GRIS), Department of Computer Science, Technische Universität Darmstadt,
Fraunhoferstr. 5, D-64283Darmstadt, Germany
Keywords: Surface Simplification, Morph-Targets, Quadric Error Metrics, Avatar.
Abstract: Many effective automatic surface simplification algorithms have been developed. These automatic
algorithms create very plausible results in many cases, but at very low levels of detail they do not preserve
the visual appearance of the original model very well. This could be improved if surface simplification
algorithms were able to make use of semantic or high-level meaning of models. The idea of our new method
using a morph-target-based surface simplification is to use distance information inside the morph-targets to
acquire the relative importance of different surface regions without user guidance. Using this additional
input the model is simplified by using modified quadric error metrics.
An important field of activity at the Interactive
Graphics Systems Group (GRIS) are conversational
user interfaces where the primary goal is to give the
computer a face to talk with. The goal is the
development of software architectures to shift
complex tasks to human like assistants (avatars)
which can be incorporated on different stationary
and mobile devices like laptops, PDAs and mobile
phones. Our present work deals with scalability of
animation and graphical representation of avatars to
make our system available even on small platforms.
More details are provided in (Berner and Rieger,
2005) and (Rieger, Taponecco and Berner, 2005). In
this paper, we will focus on optimization strategies
for the graphical representation of a conversational
During the last years many effective automatic
surface simplification algorithms have been
developed which generate a surface approximation
of fewer polygons from complex models. These
automatic algorithms create very plausible results in
many cases, but at very low levels of detail they do
not preserve the visual appearance of the original
model very well. This could be improved if surface
simplification algorithms were able to make use of
semantic or high-level meaning of models. Kho and
Garland introduced a user-guided mesh
simplification (Kho and Garland, 2003) that allows
the user to selectively control the relative importance
of different surface regions. While this approach
allows to preserve the visual appearance of the
original model well, interaction from the user is
required to achieve this result. The idea of morph-
target-based surface simplification is the usage of
distance information inside the morph-targets to
acquire the relative importance of different surface
regions without user guidance. Using this additional
input data the graphical model is simplified by using
the well known quadric error metrics (Garland and
Heckbert, 1997) as the base simplification
Many successful methods to simplify a given
complex mesh are based on iterative edge
contraction (Hoppe, 1996, Garland and Heckbert,
1997, Lindstrom and Turk, 1998). These approaches
iteratively collapse edges in increasing order of cost,
not regarding any semantc meaning of a
differentiated region. On the other hand, there are
amongst others three semi-automatic simplification
methods “Zeta” (Cignoni, 1998) , “Semisimp” (Li
and Watson, 2001) and “User-Guided
Simplification” (Kho and Garland, 2003) which are
using user interaction to produce improved
simplification results. Zeta requires a precomputed
sequence of simplifications as input. Users can
selectively refine a model by locally changing error
Berner U. and Rieger T. (2006).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pages 116-121
DOI: 10.5220/0001355001160121