established some application scenarios for EBGM.
EBGM seems a very suitable choice when there is
only one training image per class, and a reasonable
choice when there are two. Even for more training
images per class, EBGM should be used when the
images are extremely small, or when the eyes are not
ideally located.
A number of issues are still open. With regard to
identification accuracy, it is clear that we need to uti-
lize more appropriate metrics or enhance the existing
ones. One way to approach this problem is to weigh
the contribution of each fiducial feature by a differ-
ent amount when computing the total similarity over
the whole face. The major obstacle in this case is the
determination of the appropriate weights in a system-
atic way. A simple idea is to weigh each contribution
according to the expected accuracy in estimating the
feature position, so that we bias our decision towards
those fiducial points we have more confidence in.
Another way of improving performance would be
to use a larger number of fiducial points for each
image, by interpolating between the positions of the
known features. For example, 25 original points and
55 interpolated points have been used in (Bolme,
2003) to construct each Face Graph, while we have
used only the 20 points originally defined by Human-
Scan. The main concern here is to avoid using too
many and closely spaced points, as that would de-
grade identification accuracy (Wiskott et al., 1999).
Our early experiments show that adding just one ex-
tra point can improve average performance by about
1%, but some of the tried extra points can degrade
performance by three times as much.
The choice of kernel sizes is also very important as
images are downsized, since the use of smaller ker-
nels would reduce correlation between convolution
results from neighboring jets. Ideally, we would like
to have an algorithm that can dynamically adapt to the
image dimensions and adjust the size and composition
of the kernel set accordingly.
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Integrated Project CHIL, contract number 506909.
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