the application and study of several techniques of
3D Active Vision, with the final goal of object 3D
reconstruction. In short, the functions already
integrated in the referred computer platform and
experimentally analysed, obtain good results when
applied to objects with strong characteristics. From
the same used results, it is possible to conclude that
low quality results are strongly correlated with
strong points detection and matching, as the
functions in the further steps of the 3D
reconstruction methodology adopted (Figure 1) are
based on those points.
The next steps of this work will focus on improving
the results obtained when the objects to be
reconstructed have smooth and continuous surfaces.
To do so, the approach will be:
o inclusion of space carving techniques for object
reconstruction (see for example, (Kutulatos, 1998),
(Sainz, 2002), (Montenegro, 2004));
o the strong points to use in the 3D space object
definition will be detected with the use of a
reduced number of markers added on the object;
o inclusion of a camera calibration technique, as
well as pose and motion estimation algorithms;
some of the techniques to consider are (Meng,
2000) and (Zhang, 2000).
Finally, the computer platform will be used in
3D reconstruction and characterization of 3D
external human shapes.
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project "Segmentation, Tracking and Motion
Analysis of Deformable (2D/3D) Objects using
Physical Principles", reference POSC/EEA-
SRI/55386/2004, financially supported by FCT -
Fundação de Ciência e Tecnologia in Portugal.
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