Table 1: EI comparison.
Neuro The proposed Image Manually
True Spurious Lost EI True Spurious Lost EI
Image1 26 13 25 13 1.46 13 2 13 0.58
Image2 11 3 32 8 3.64 9 4 2 0.55
Image3 29 27 8 2 0.34 26 2 3 0.17
Image4 17 12 10 5 0.88 9 4 8 0.71
Image5 35 29 24 6 0.86 29 2 6 0.23
Image6 17 13 10 4 0.82 10 7 7 0.82
Image7 12 11 12 1 1.08 11 1 1 0.17
Image8 10 6 13 4 1.70 9 6 1 0.70
Average 20 14 17 5 1.27 15 4 5 0.49
Fingerprint segmentation is not a full-solved
problem in fingerprint recognition and mainly aims
to reduce time expenditure of image processing and
to improve minutiae detection. The main difficulties
of fingerprint segmentation are that low quality
regions are hard to be classified and that the
fingerprint images are often interfered with
remaining ridges which are the afterimage of the
previously scanned finger and are hard to be
removed especially when they appear clear
structures. It is difficult to correctly estimate the
orientations of low quality ridge regions, and a
manually recoverable region should be taken as
background if its orientations are falsely estimated.
Spurious minutiae are generally produced by
including manually or algorithmically unrecoverable
ridge regions as foreground. In order to accurately
remove unrecoverable regions and remaining ridges
and as a consequence to improve the minutiae
detection, this paper, following our previous work
(Zhu, 2005), proposed a method, primary
segmentation, to exclude non-ridge regions and
(manually or algorithmically) unrecoverable regions,
and then proposed the secondary segmentation to
reclassify the foreground blocks of the primary
segmentation to remove the remaining ridges. The
experiments show that the proposed method leads to
an improvement of minutiae detection.
This work was sponsored by the national natural
science foundation of China (Project No. 60373023)
and by science and technology research Foundation
of Hunan City College (No. 20057306)..
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