deliver the complete origin set, although some have
only a few erroneous pixels. From Table 2, we see that
the 8-neighborhood variants have the best accuracy
(< 0.1%). Of these, ETFT8 is the fastest (see also
Fig. 9). For applications needing maximum accuracy,
VDT8 is the method of choice. Although VDT8 has
a better complexity, it is probably slower because of
the hidden time constant: the image is scanned twice.
Finally, we illustrate the locations of the pixels with
erroneous origin sets for the leaf image in Figure 8.
In this paper, we both analyzed and extended sev-
eral distance and feature transform methods for bi-
nary images. Our goal was to provide a guide for
practitioners in the field for choosing the best method
that meets application-specific accuracy, speed, and
output completeness criteria. First, we perfected the
existing simple-FT method AFMM to deliver more
accurate results (AFMM Star, Sec. 3). We next ex-
tended this method to a new tolerance-based feature
transform, FMTFT, that allows e.g. overcoming un-
desired sampling effects when computing skeletons
(Sec. 4). Next, we discussed three other easy-to-
implement TFT methods: the existing VDT (Sec. 5),
the new ETFT (Sec. 6), and the GTFT extension of
Lotufo’s graph-searching method (Sec. 7).
For computing exact distances, ETFT4
2 is the
fastest of the considered methods. Although there
are other, faster, exact DT methods, e.g. (Meijster
et al., 2000), the ETFT4
2 can accommodate
early distance-based termination and has a simple im-
plementation (cf. Fig. 6). For computing origin sets,
all methods produce fairly accurate results (< 0.1%
errors) for tolerances even up to
2. VDT8 is the
most accurate, while ETFT8 is the fastest. Finally,
FMTFT8 is still useful, as it is the only considered
method that can handle different speed functions.
We next intend to extend our TFT methods to 3D
and investigate their relative performance and accu-
racy. This should be rather straightforward, as all
considered methods either do not depend on dimen-
sion (FMTFT, GTFT, ETFT) or have equivalents in
higher dimensions (FMM, VDT). Next, we plan to
apply the TFT methods to compute robust skeletons
of 3D and higher dimensional objects.
This work was supported by the Netherlands Organ-
isation for Scientific Research (NWO) under grant
number 612.065.414.
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