Franck Luthon
University of Pau and Adour River, Computer Science Lab. LIUPPA
ateau Neuf, Place Paul Bert, 64100 Bayonne, France
Brice Beaumesnil
University of Pau and Adour River, Computer Science Lab. LIUPPA
ateau Neuf, Place Paul Bert, 64100 Bayonne, France
Segmentation, Closed-Loop, Hue, Motion, Snake, Active Contour, Talking Head, 3D-Model.
This article deals with facial segmentation and liptracking with feedback control for real-time animation of
a synthetic 3D face model. Straightforward approaches consist in two successive steps: video analysis then
synthesis. Our approach departs from the previous ones in that we build a global analysis/synthesis processing
loop, where the image analysis needs the 3D synthesis and conversely. A first facial segmentation is computed
according to which the 3D face model is positionned. Then the feedback loop, implemented from the 3D
animated model back to the input pixel segmentation algorithm, helps to correct some (few) control points
that were badly tracked, which are detected by measuring the vertical distance between lip contour and cor-
responding 3D face model. When this distance is too big, we re-enter into the image segmentation process
and zoom-in inside a few regions of interest (ROI) where the algorithm is run again, with a new set of tun-
ing parameters better suited to the pixel neighborhood context. In that way, the face segmentation is refined
in order to extract more precise parameters. This approach is inspired from control theory with closed-loop
systems. The contribution of the paper is to use simple image processing techniques, but to improve segmen-
tation through the feedback loop. Results show that real-time and robust performances are achievable under
real-world conditions, which are two key issues for face and lip tracking applications.
We present a complete real-time analysis/synthesis
framework allowing lip tracking for animation of a
clone with a single camera in unconstrained environ-
ment (typ. webcam in the office). The approach
is based on lip segmentation from a hue component
computed within a non-linear color space that is ro-
bust to luminosity variations. Inner and outer active
contours are extracted, and then interpreted to make a
real-time realistic animation of a clone’s mouth.
For synthetic talking head animation, realistic ren-
dering of lip motion is the key point. The purpose of
this paper is to link in real-time the face image analy-
sis with the synthesis of an animated 3D model of
the head. We focus on the speaker’s lip video seg-
mentation from a mono-camera (webcam or motor-
ized camera) for on-line animation of the mouth of a
clone, without dealing here with the sound informa-
tion (no speech processing). In future developments
of course, speech processing should be coupled with
image processing for optimal audiovisual rendering.
But here, we want to investigate what one can do with
the video only. Our aim is to get a realistic render-
ing of the mouth motion, but not necessarily to get
the most precise lip contour extraction. It means that
image analysis needs not to be very sophisticated, but
just good enough for our application (i.e., get an ac-
ceptable rendering for a realistic animation). We pro-
pose to compensate for some defaults in the analy-
sis by implementing a feedback loop form the 3D
synthesis towards the input segmentation process. In
other words, the low-level (early vision) segmentation
process is corrected (on-line at video rate) by some
high-level information coming back from the 3D syn-
thetic face (with all its semantics and animation con-
straints) through a retroaction channel. Hence, the
key point of our scheme is not to use or develop com-
plex and time consuming algorithms, but to use a rela-
tively simple segmentation algorithm, and to take ad-
vantage of the feedback channel to improve the seg-
mentation quality in areas where it failed at the first
run. Therefore, our efforts are dedicated to the design
of the global real-time processing chain (from video
Luthon F. and Beaumesnil B. (2006).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 402-407
DOI: 10.5220/0001367604020407
input towards synthetic clone output).
Most of the approaches proposed in the literature
do not implement this feedback loop. They are of-
ten based on high level methods like AAM (Cootes
et al., 1998), that require large-sized video training
databases for off-line learning. If they are well suited
for the whole face (Batur and Hayes, 2005), they are
not precise enough for the lips.
Our approach departs from the above mentioned
methods in the sense that we want to use low-level
algorithms that can adapt to any mouth shape without
a priori knowledge about the face. The main adavan-
tages of such a strategy is that real-time is achievable
and that neither (possibly heavy) learning stages nor
huge databases (to derive a priori knowledge about
faces) are required.
In the literature, some authors have already pro-
posed to use a feedback strategy, either for texture
segmentation (Pichler et al., 1998) (with K-means
classification in the open-loop, smoothing filter in
the closed-loop), object recognition (Mirmehdi et al.,
1999) (with three control strategies at low, interme-
diate and high level). For video object tracking (Er-
dem et al., 2003) proposes a scheme with boundary
prediction in the open-loop, boundary correction in
the closed-loop, and performance measures without
ground-truth (Erdem et al., 2004) that yields some
nice properties and results: non rigid object tracking,
robustness to occlusions, no need of training thanks to
automatic weight control, on-line tracking for coarse
estimates. However, pixel accurate boundary tracking
is only achieved off-line. Moreover, the use of ac-
tive contours requires a proper initialisation (via user
interface as in (Fu et al., 2000)). In (Erdem et al.,
2003), the boundary initialisation on the first frame is
done manually by the user in an interactive (non-real
time) mode. In real-time mode, a change detection al-
gorithm is proposed but not implemented in real-time.
Taking experience from those previous works, we
propose a contribution in liptracking to remove the
constraint of manual initialisation or training and to
achieve real-time processing with pixel-accuracy.
Fig. 1 illustrates our global approach. The forward
stage of our framework is divided into four parts:
1. low-level color segmentation (analysis): it works
in a color space that is little sensitive to lighting
variations and exhibits very distinctly skin and lip
hue areas.
2. active contour positioning (estimation): to delin-
eate both inner and outer lip contours.
Figure 1: Feedback scheme for real-time coupling of lip-
tracking with animation.
3. transmission of geometrical parameters (communi-
cation): via Internet to a distant computer
4. clone animation (interpretation/synthesis): it uses
the lip contours extracted at step 2 and transmitted
at step 3.
The backward stage consists in three steps:
5. error measurement at the receptor side
6. backward transmission of some ROIs that need to
be processed again (because of poor segmentation)
7. re-run of the segmentation process on those ROIs
(step 1)
Our work assumes that we have at our disposal an
automatic tool for face detection and tracking, so that
an optimal framing of the speaker’s face is available
(which is required in the case of videoconferencing
for example). This is part of another project about in-
telligent videoconferencing that is under study at our
. If this is not the case, the only constraint
is that the speaker should stay in front of the camera
with little motion (normal behavior in front of a web-
cam). In this paper, we simply ask the speaker to seat
in front of the camera so that his face covers the major
part of the image. Moreover, we ask him to have the
mouth closed (neutral position) on the first frames of
the sequence, in order to make a good initialisation of
his mouth proportions (width and height). This allows
to take into account the distance between the speaker
and the camera, that may vary from one acquisition
to another, but that is important for 3D model cali-
bration and clone animation. Therefore, the whole
image frame is considered as the search area at the
Then the speaker should stay at about the same dis-
tance from the camera during the session, so that the
mouth shape proportions remain the same (since the
camera is supposed to be static here).
Lighting conditions are not calibrated nor constant:
they correspond to realisitic office environment (non
uniform lighting, light sources that may be added or
suppressed depending on the daylight).
Starting from two previous works: an MRF clas-
sification approach based on hue and motion detec-
tion (Li
evin and Luthon, 2004), and an active contour
Laboratoire d’Informatique de l’Universit
e de Pau et
Pays de l’Adour, France,
Figure 2: a) Original image; b) Hue computed from LU X;
c) Hue from HSL color space; d) Hue computed as G/R
(often used for face/lip segmentation).
approach by Delmas et al. (Li
evin et al., 1999), we
have developed our framework, that connects synthe-
sis with anlaysis through a feedback loop, in order to
counteract the defaults of the image analysis part and
achieve the following goals:
good performance in unconstrained environ-
ment (ordinary lighting conditions, small head-
movements allowed)
real-time running of the analysis/synthesis loop
(i.e. at video rate: 25 or 30 fps)
enough precision on the inner lip contour for real-
istic animation
to cope with hair, beard, race, gender.
2.1 Extraction of Lip Area
For face and lip segmentation, we work in the LU X
color space (Li
evin and Luthon, 2004). This color
space is non-linear with respect to the RGB color
components. It helps to reinforce the color contrast
while being relatively insensitive to lighting varia-
tions. In this color space, most of the color informa-
tion relative to a human face is coded by the hue com-
ponent (red chromaticity) in the particular case when
R>L(L being the luminance Eq. 1). Therefore, we
derive from LUX space the simplified hue compo-
nent U, Eq.(2), that is more discriminating than RGB
or HSL for face and lip segmentation (see Fig. 2).
L =(R +1)
(G +1)
(B +1)
1 (1)
U =
si R>L,
255 otherwise or if L<λ.
The threshold λ is introduced in order to detect very
dark areas like the inner side of the mouth or nostrils.
This will amplify the various gradients computed on
the hue, as explained below.
Since the hue difference between face and lip is
well contrasted in LUX space, we can easily classify
pixels as lips or face by simple use of the K-means
classification algorithm. The algorithm works with
three classes : lips, face and background; it exploits
two types of low-level information: the mean value
of hue in a given neighborhood, and the maximum
deviation from this mean value for any pixel in the
neighborhood. Compared to MRF-based classifica-
tion that induces high computing time, the choice of
the K-means technique is justified be its lower com-
putation cost.
But a good initialisation of the centers of the three
classes is required for proper convergence of the al-
gorithm. Since we want to avoid heavy learning stage
with huge data-bases, we use an heuristic approach to
set ad hoc parameters that only depend on the mean-
value of speaker’s face hue in the whole image (that
is easily estimated through histogram computation).
This allows a good initialisation of the class centers,
and hence a rapid convergence towards the solution
(Fig. 3d).
In addition, we have implemented a non linear fil-
ter that searches for the lip bounding box (BB) in the
following way: since the mouth is the bigger reddish
horizontal form in the face, we look for this kind of
feature inside the face among pixels belonging to the
lip-class. We scan sequentially all pixels belonging to
the lip-class and apply the nonlinear filter mask de-
fined by Eq.(3). If the neighbors belong to the same
class (lip), their filtered value is weighted according
to their position and contributes to the current pixel if
it also belongs to lips. Otherwise, the current pixel is
set to zero.
M(j) if U (i) lip
0 otherwise.
M is a matrix of size L × C (image size) initialised
to 0 and the a
(with j ν(i)) are the coefficients at-
tributed to the different pixels belonging to the causal
and connex neighborhood ν(i) of the current pixel i
(see Fig.3a).
This nonlinear filter technique yields in a single
pass (rapid processing) the localisation of the lips.
The mask gives more importance to elongated forms
in the horizontal direction, which allows to make the
difference between ears and mouth, that are usually
the two biggest reddish zones in a face (Fig. 3d). Af-
ter filtering, we get a map of the face with the higher
values located on the largest reddish forms, among
which the mouth with the highest value of the map
(usually at the lower left edge of the lips, see white
cross in Fig. 3d).
This simple technique gives an approximate BB
for mouth positionning in the image plane (Fig. 3b).
However, it may fail when lip corners are not well
detected or when lower and upper lips form two sep-
arated areas (this may happen e.g. in the case of the
Figure 3: a) Hue U with non-linear filter mask coefficients
; b) Original color image, with bounding-box and outer
lip contour points; c) Hue Histogram; d) 3-class map given
by the k-means algorithm, with pixel having the highest
value of M in white.
Figure 4: Liptracking for real-time animation of a 3D face
model: a) Video input: color image ; b) Initialisation of
outer snake obtained from bounding box (in blue); c) In-
ner and outer snakes after convergence; d) Animated clone:
synthetic talking head position.
French phoneme [a]). To cope with those situations,
a lip tracker is added: it is based on Lucas-Kanade al-
gorithm applied on a few relevant points detected on
the outer lip contour. Since the speaker is supposed
to have his mouth closed in the first image, we are
guaranteed to have a single lip area at the beginning,
so that the outer lip contours can be tracked properly
afterwards, even if the two lips are no more connected
areas in the video sequence. Using this simple motion
estimation technique instead of motion detection as in
evin and Luthon, 2004) yields a better robustness
to lighting variations.
Having this complementary information, we are
able to complete the face classification map and get
the whole mouth area properly: we look for one or
two forms close to the tracked points and we link them
together. We then get the mouth optimal BB by a sim-
ple scan of the connected component lip-hue area that
includes the pixel detected as being the most likely
on the lip border (point giving the maximum value of
M, i.e. located on the bigger horizontal reddish form,
Fig. 3d).
2.2 Snakes and Clone Animation
For estimating the lips outer border, one active con-
tour or snake (Kass et al., 1987) is initialised with the
BB detected as explained above.
This snake is made of a finite number of control
points (typ. 2 × 16 = 32 points) that are forced to
undergo only vertical displacements during iterations.
The points are initialised on cubic curves computed
from the BB and from the lip map (to position the lip
corners), Fig. 4b. The forces used for snake conver-
gence are the following:
an internal force that controls elasticity and curva-
ture (very classicaly defined)
an external force that specifies the features that
should attract the snake (namely spatial gradients
computed both on hue and on luminance maps)
a constraint force that is specific of the problem at
hand (the snake is forced to converge towards the
gravity center of the BB).
After convergence of the outer snake, another
snake (inner one) is initialised on the outer one, then
shrinked by an anisotropic scaling w.r.t. the mouth
center and taking into account the actual thickness of
After convergence of the inner snake towards the
inner lip contour, the interpretation step for our appli-
cation purpose is readily done: we are able to com-
pute various geometrical features from the control
points of the two snakes, that are then used as input
parameters for the 3D head model. This computation
of animation parameters is of course dependent on the
3D model used. Our talking head is a 3D clone from
. It is built with 275 mobile points that allow re-
alistic synthesis of mouth motion thanks to six anima-
tion parameters (dedicated to visemes and phonemes
of the French language) (Beno
ıt et al., 1992). In our
case, a simple system of linear equations transforms
the snakes control points coordinates into animation
parameters that are taken as input by the 3D model.
Actually, we only use four control points: left and
right lip corners, central upper and lower lip positions.
We present in this section two types of results:
image analysis results that show the performance
of lip segmentation, BB detection, lip contours es-
timation (Fig. 5)
image synthesis results that show various positions
of the animated model computed/interpreted from
the points estimated in the first step, and show also
some cases of failure that are corrected by the feed-
back loop.
Thanks to Institut de la Communication Parl
ee, Greno-
ble, France,
Figure 5: a) Snakes after convergence; b) lip hue classifica-
tion map; c) gradients; d) color image.
3.1 Analysis Result: Segmentation
Fig. 2 shows the interest of using color components
derived from the non linear LU X color space, espe-
cially for skin hue segmentation in adverse lighting
conditions: one can see that lip hue is clearly distinct
from the face skin hue (see Fig. 2b), even in the case
of a non uniform lighting (here the face is enlighted
The algorithm is robust to lighting variations:
abrupt light changes (like putting on/off a lamp in the
room) do little influence the quality of segmentation
since relevant hue mean values (for each of the three
classes) are re-estimated on-line as each new frame is
acquired, so that the classification algorithm adapts to
light changes over time.
Since our hue-based algorithm does not rely on
any a priori knowledge about the face (apart from the
mean value of hue that is estimated online), it learns
special features like beard or mustaches at initialisa-
tion (a case of hairy face is illustrated in Fig. 6).
This lip segmentation process yields precise loca-
tion of the mouth in the face, with a BB including
completely the lips, which gives a good initialisation
for the snakes.
3.2 Synthesis Result: Animation
After BB detection and snake convergence on the lip
contours (Fig. 4 and 5), one can interpret the detected
points for lip animation of the 3D model.
The keypoint is that even if lip contours are not very
well estimated (poor initial segmentation), it is not
redhibitory for a realistic animation. Indeed the com-
parison between the estimated snake locations and the
3D model positions allows to make a backward cor-
rection (through the feedback loop).
As regards the inner lip contour, teeth are not a
problem: they even amplify the gradients, ensuring
a better convergence (see Fig. 6). However, another
issue that has to be addressed is the presence of re-
Figure 6: Typical analysis/synthesis results for different
visemes corresponding to French phonemes: top) vowels
[o] and [a] with corresponding synthetic clone positions;
bottom) vowels [e] and [] plus the neutral position.
flected highlights on lips (Fig. 6). The proposed feed-
back processing helps to solve this problem (Fig. 7).
As a matter of fact, outer lip contours are very well
estimated when the mouth is wide open. On the op-
posite, inner lip contours are well estimated when the
mouth is closed or in the case of protrusion We may
use this fact in conjunction with the 3D result to guide
the processing of re-computation where the segmen-
tation initialy failed. This is what we are currently
We have shown that real-time realistic animation of a
synthetic talking head is achievable with :
a rapid initialisation without heavy learning stage,
a few points tracked by a fast segmentation scheme
the use of a feedback loop to correct some segmen-
tation defaults.
Currently, only vowels were tested carefully. The
clone reproduces the speaker’s lip motion with a very
nice precision. It moves even to fast ; we have to slow
down the animation process in order to reproduce re-
alistic human lip motion: in fact, this will be very
easy to implement because of the feedback control.
As in the case of control systems (cf. PID correctors
in automation theory), one can give to the global chain
the right time constant and damping factor in order to
guarantee stability and to reach the best compromise
between speed and precision.
This work demonstrates that one can build a com-
plete anlaysis-synthesis chain that works in real-time
for 3D head animation, without using sound informa-
tion nor face databases for learning.
The algorithmic part is made of relatively sim-
ple (and hence rapid) image processing steps: LU X
color transform for robustness to lighting conditions
Figure 7: Regularisation through the 3D model: a) Good
match between segmentation and model; b) Bad match: a
control point of the inner snake is clearly erroneous and
is corrected by the 3D mesh corresponding position ; c)d)
After correction through feedback: front view with 3D lip
model reshaped.
and lip separation, K-means classification with 3 hue
classes, non linear filter for BB initial localisation,
motion estimation via LK algorithm for Bounding
Box tracking, snake initialisation deduced from the
BB position, snake convergence towards inner and
outer lip contours. The (eventually) badly segmented
points (detected by a distance measure on the 3D
model) are re-processed (thanks to the closed-loop).
Currently, we simply replace the bad point by the cor-
responding point of the model. But we will now im-
plement a reprocessing on that pixel (zoom-in in the
neighborhood and local re-computation in that little
Indeed we still have some time left to spend at this
reprocessing: the whole analysis algorithm, imple-
mented in non optimised C-code on an i386 processor
at 1.4GHz, works in real-time (i.e. processing rate
better than 30Hz). This is 30 times faster than the
algorithm presented in (Li
evin and Luthon, 2004).
Another direction of our current research is to seg-
ment not only the lips, but also other face features
(namely nostrils, eyes, eyebrows and ears). This will
help to get other relevant points for 3D model scal-
ing (cf. user-dependent facial geometry taken into ac-
count at initialisation step), for regularisation of poor
input data (cf. re-segmentation through the feedback
loop that adds rigidity constraints and other seman-
tics to the ill-posed problem at the pixel side) and for
more realistic animation (cf. face expressions during
Moreover, having more information on the whole
face may enable a better understanding of some spo-
ken phonemes (e.g. to make the difference between
French phonemes [e] and [y], the nose position is
very important for animation: indeed, from a visual
perception viewpoint, the mouth has almost the same
shape in both cases. The only difference is that for
phoneme [y], the mouth is closer to the nose
Finally, as we want to be able to animate various
clones and propose a generic solution, we are also
working on the use of MPEG4-compliant 3D models
(using FDP and FAP, facial animation parameters).
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