Jiyoung Park, Seon-Min Rhee
Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
Myoung-Hee Kim
Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
Center for Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
Keywords: multi-user tracking, visual tracking, immersive display.
Abstract: We present a novel vision-based system for tracking multiple users in a spatially immersive display.
Without requiring them to wear any markers or other devices, we can detect and track the heads of several
participants. In a projection-based display environment, the lighting conditions make it difficult to extract
silhouettes or shape features from acquired images. Using a separate IR lighting and stereo camera system
solves the problem, and makes background subtraction simple and fast. We start by finding general location
of the users’ heads in each image, from the silhouettes and projection histogram of the foreground regions.
These points are used to create search areas, one in each image of a stereo pair. By cross-correlation
between the search areas, corresponding points in each image are identified, and these are used to determine
an accurate 3D location on the head. Finally, the search areas in consecutive frames are correlated to
maintain the identification of the users over time. Experimental results demonstrate the viability of the
proposed system.
User tracking has been studied extensively in the
context of many applications, such as surveillance
and virtual reality (VR). In an immersive VR
environment, tracking is essential to provide the user
with the correct view and accurate interactions with
virtual objects. Although there are many user
tracking methods, non-intrusive tracking is the most
desirable since it offers the user a more natural and
comfortable VR environment. Spatially immersive
displays are now widely used and their scale is
increasing, so that the tracking of multiple users is
becoming crucial. But relatively little work has been
done on non-intrusive multiple user tracking in
immersive environments. While Vorozcovs et al.
(2005) recently developed an optical tracking
method for a spatially immersive display, it can only
follow a single user and requires a special device to
be worn on the user’s head. There are two main
reasons for the lack of work on user tracking in large
VR environments. First, a static background cannot
be guaranteed because the image projected on the
display screens also results in continuously varying
illumination of the users, which is disastrous for
robust feature extraction. Secondly, possible camera
set-ups are very restricted because the camera must
not occlude the projection screen. One option is to
attach cameras just above the screens. But this
configuration does not allow general feature-based
tracking methods to provide stable results, because
important features of the face or body of a user are
not always seen in the resulting image sequences.
In this paper, we introduce a vision-based
approach for detecting and tracking multiple users in
a spatially immersive display. A generic CAVE
system was used, with no additional custom
hardware. The lack of intrusive devices encourages
intuitive interaction between multiple users and
maximizes the capacity of collaborative
environments. We believe it will motivate the
Park J., Rhee S. and Kim M. (2006).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 464-467
DOI: 10.5220/0001372204640467