Dubravko Culibrk
, Oge Marques
, Daniel Socek
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton FL 33431, USA
Hari Kalva
, Borko Furht
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton FL 33431, USA
Video processing, Object segmentation, Background modeling, Bayesian modeling, Neural Networks.
Object segmentation from a video stream is an essential task in video processing and forms the foundation
of scene understanding, object-based video encoding (e.g. MPEG4), and various surveillance and 2D-to-
pseudo-3D conversion applications. The task is difficult and exacerbated by the advances in video capture
and storage. Increased resolution of the sequences requires development of new, more efficient algorithms for
object detection and segmentation. The paper presents a novel neural network based approach to background
modeling for motion based object segmentation in video sequences. The proposed approach is designed to
enable efficient, highly-parallelized hardware implementation. Such a system would be able to achieve real
time segmentation of high-resolution sequences.
Object detection and segmentation from a video
stream are essential tasks in video processing and
form the foundation of scene understanding, object-
based video encoding (e.g. MPEG4), various surveil-
lance applications, as well as the emerging research
into 2D-to-pseudo-3D video conversion. Increased
complexity of the sequences requires development of
new, more efficient algorithms for object detection
and segmentation.
Commonly used approach to extract foreground
objects from the image sequence is through back-
ground suppression (Haritaoglu et al., 2000)(Stauf-
fer and Grimson, 2000), when the video is grabbed
from a stationary camera. However, the task be-
comes difficult when the background contains shad-
ows and moving objects, and undergoes illumina-
tion changes. A number of proposed techniques are
able to achieve real-time processing of comparatively
small video formats(e.g. 120x160 pixels, CIF res-
olution) and, usually, at somewhat reduced frame
rates. It is unlikely, however, that the existent ob-
ject detection approaches will be able to efficiently
cope with the increase in the resolution of video se-
quences. The development of a parallelized object
detection approach, which would allow for efficient
hardware implementation and object detection in real-
time for high-complexity video sequences (in terms of
the frame size as well as background changes), is the
focus of this paper.
The proposed solution employs a feed-forward
neural network to achieve background subtraction. To
this end, a new neural network structure is designed,
serving both as an adaptive Bayesian model of the
background in a video sequence and an algorithm for
background subtraction and foreground object detec-
tion and segmentation. Neural networks posses intrin-
sic parallelism which can be exploited in a suitable
hardware implementation to achieve fast segmenta-
tion of foreground objects.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 provides a survey of related published work.
Section 3 describes the main aspects of the proposed
approach. Section 4 is dedicated to the presentation of
simulation results. Section 5 contains the conclusions
and some directions for future work.
Some of the early object segmentation methods deal-
ing with the instances of non-stationary background
were based on smoothing the color of a background
pixel over time using different filtering techniques
such as Kalman filters (Karmann and von Brandt,
Culibrk D., Marques O., Socek D., Kalva H. and Furht B. (2006).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 474-479
DOI: 10.5220/0001374604740479
1990), or Gabor filters (Jain et al., 1997) to create a
reference background frame. It is used to segment the
foreground objects by subtracting the reference frame
from the current frame of the input sequence. How-
ever, these methods are not particularly effective for
sequences with high-frequency background changes.
Slightly better results were reported for techniques
that rely on a Gaussian-based statistical model whose
parameters are recursively updated in order to fol-
low gradual background changes within the video se-
quence(Boult et al., 1999). More recently, this model
was significantly improved by employing a Mixture
of Gaussians (MoG), where the values of the pixels
from background objects are described by multiple
Gaussian distributions(Stauffer and Grimson, 2000).
This model was considered promising since it showed
good foreground object segmentation results for many
outdoor sequences. However, weaker results were
reported (Li et al., 2004) for video sequences con-
taining non-periodical background changes (e.g. due
to waves and water surface illumination, cloud shad-
ows, and similar phenomena). These models are para-
metric in the sense that they incorporate underlying
assumptions about the probability density functions
(PDFs) they are trying to estimate.
In 2003, Li et al. proposed a method for fore-
ground object detection employing a Bayes decision
framework (Li et al., 2004). The method has shown
promising experimental object segmentation results
for sequences containing complex variations and non-
periodical movements in the background. In addi-
tion to the generic nature of the algorithm where
no a priori assumptions about the scene are neces-
sary, the authors claim that their algorithm can han-
dle a throughput of about 15 fps for CIF video res-
olution. The approach is specific in the fact that it
uses a statistical model of for the changes between
the current frame and the reference background image
maintained by applying an Infinite Impulse Response
(IIR) filter to the sequence. A Bayesian classifier is
then used to classify the changes, detected through
frame differencing between the current frame and the
reference frame, as pertinent to background objects
or foreground objects. The statistical model is non-
parametric since it does not impose any specific shape
to the PDFs learned. The model is general in terms of
features extracted from the sequence and they experi-
mented with the use of different features. The results
of these experiments are reported in (Li et al., 2004).
Recently the approach of Li et al. has been adopted
and extended to create a part of a surveillance sys-
tem intended for maritime environments (Socek et al.,
While the use of Bayesian models as bases for
background subtraction is not new, it has been limited
by the fact that they are general in the sense that they
impose no constraints on the shape of the estimated
probability density function. This typically makes
them more computationally expensive than most of
their more restrictive counterparts (e.g.(Boult et al.,
1999)(Stauffer and Grimson, 2000)). However, mov-
ing away from the particle estimator systems used
typically to estimate probability density functions in
the Bayesian models (Li et al., 2004) to neural net-
works, it is possible to make them suitable for parallel
execution and increase their effectiveness.
Classical Probabilistic Neural Network
(PNN)(Specht, 1990) architecture has been used
by researchers to improve the object segmen-
tation(Doulamis et al., 2003) and perform the
classification of segmented objects (Azimi-Sadjadi
et al., 2001). In both solutions the neural network is a
supervised learning classifier guided by a a different
supervisor classifier algorithm.
In (Doulamis et al., 2003) authors present an unsu-
pervised video object (VO) segmentation and tracking
algorithm based on an adaptive neural-network archi-
tecture. Object tracking is handled as a classification
problem and implemented through an adaptive net-
work classifier, which, however, relies on the results
of the initial video object segmentation module to ad-
just itself to the variations of the sequence. The neural
network is but a part of the background segmentation
algorithm. Hence, the whole system does not posses
inherent parallelism of the PNN. As such, the system
is not suitable to serve as basis of an efficient hard-
ware implementation.
An approach employing a PNN classifier in a time
varying environment is proposed in (Azimi-Sadjadi
et al., 2001). A PNN was used to classify clouds
based on their spectral and temperature features in the
visible and infrared GOES 8 (Geostationary Opera-
tional Environmental Satellite) imagery data. A tem-
poral updating approach for the PNN was developed
to increase the classification accuracy by accounting
for the temporal changes in the data. The network it-
self is a supervised leaner and is updated every time
a new frame is processed. As in the approach of
(Doulamis et al., 2003), the PNN is a submodule of
the system, and its parallelism can only partially be
exploited in a hardware implementation.
The proposed background modeling and subtraction
approach relies on a novel adaptive neural network.
The architecture employs an adapted General Regres-
sion Neural Network (GRNN) (Specht, 1991) com-
ponent, to serve as an estimator of the PDF of cer-
tain features belonging to background. GRNNs, typi-
cally used as Bayesian classifiers, are supervised clas-
Figure 1: Structure of Background Modeling Neural Network.
sifiers, requiring a training set. However, in the do-
main of background modeling it was possible to ex-
tend them to form new neural network architecture
which is an unsupervised learner. This Background
Modeling Neural Network (BNN) is suitable to serve
both as a statistical model of the background at each
pixel position in the video sequences and highly par-
allelized background subtraction algorithm. The de-
sign of BNN relies on a basic background modeling
idea: feature values corresponding to background ob-
ject will occur most of the time, i.e. more often than
those pertinent to the foreground.
Three tasks, typical for probabilistic background
modeling (Stauffer and Grimson, 2000)(Li et al.,
2004), which BNN should perform have been iden-
1. Storing the values of the features and learning the
probability with which each value corresponds to
background / foreground.
2. Determining the state in which new feature values
should be introduced into the model (i.e. when the
statistics already learned are insufficient to make a
3. Determining which stored feature value should be
replaced with the new values.
The two latter requirements are consequences of
the fact that real systems are limited in terms of the
number of feature values that can be stored to achieve
efficient performance.
The structure of BNN, shown in Figure 1, has three
distinct subnets. The classification subnet is a GRNN
(Specht, 1991). It is a central part of BNN concerned
with approximating the PDF of pixel feature values
belonging to background/foreground. The GRNN is
a neural network implementation of a Parzen estima-
tor (Parzen, 1962). This class of PDF estimators as-
ymptotically approaches the underlying parent den-
sity, provided that it is smooth and continuous.
The classification subnet contains three layers of
neurons. Input neurons of this network simply map
the inputs of the network, which are the values of the
features for a specific pixel. The output of the pattern
neurons is a nonlinear function of Euclidean distance
between the input of the network and the stored pat-
tern for that specific neuron. The nonlinear function
used is as proposed by Parzen. The only parameter
of this subnet is a so-called smoothing parameter (σ)
used to determine the shape of the nonlinear function.
The structure of a pattern neuron is shown in Figure
2. The output of the summation units of the classifica-
Figure 2: Pattern neuron of GRNN.
tion subnet is the sum of their inputs. The subnet has
two summation neurons: one to calculate the prob-
ability of pixel values belonging to background and
the other for calculating the probability of belonging
to foreground.
The classification subnet requires no training to
store the patterns (feature values) representative of
background. This is accomplished simply by setting
the weights of the connections between the input and
pattern neurons to the value of the features of the pat-
tern to be stored. The classification subnet diverges
from GRNN in the way the weights between the pat-
tern and summation neurons are determined. These
values are used to store the confidence with which a
pattern belongs to the background/foreground. The
weights of these connections are updated with each
new value of a pixel at a certain position received (i.e.
with each frame), according to the following recursive
=(1 β) W
=(1 β) W
+ β (2)
when the maximum response is that of the i-th neuron,
=(1 β) W
+ β (3)
=(1 β) W
if the maximum response is not that of the j-th neuron,
- value of the weight between the i-th pattern
neuron and the background summation neuron at
time t,
- value of the weight between the i-th pattern
neuron and the foreground summation neuron at
time t,
β - learning rate.
Equations 1-4 express the notion that whenever an
instance pertinent to a pattern neuron is encountered,
the probability that that pattern neuron is activated by
a feature value vector belonging to the background is
increased. Naturally, if that is the case, the proba-
bility that the pattern neuron is excited by a pattern
belonging to foreground is decreased. Vice versa, the
more seldom a feature vector value corresponding to a
pattern neuron is encountered the more likely it is that
the patterns represented by it belong to foreground ob-
jects. By adjusting the learning rates, it is possible to
control the speed of the learning process.
The output of the classification subnet indicates
whether the output of the background summation neu-
ron is higher than that of the foreground summation
neuron, i.e. that it is more probable that the input fea-
ture value is due to a background object rather than a
foreground object.
The activation and replacement subnets are
Winner-Take-All (WTA) neural networks. A WTA
network is a parallel and fast way to determine mini-
mum or the maximum of a set of values, consistent
with the task of doing so within a neural-network
based solution. In particular, these subnets are ex-
tensions of one-layer feedforward MAXNET (1LF-
MAXNET) proposed in (Kwan, 1992).
The activation subnet performs a dual function: it
determines which of the neurons of the network has
maximum activation (output) and whether that value
exceeds a threshold provided as a parameter to the al-
gorithm. If it does not, the BNN is considered inactive
and replacement of a pattern neuron’s weights with
the values of the current input vector is required. If
this is the case, the feature is considered to belong to
a foreground object.
The first layer of this network has the structure of a
1LF-MAXNET network and a single neuron is used
to indicate whether the network is active. The output
of the neurons of the first layer of the network can be
expressed in the form of the following equation:
= X
{F (X
|i = j)} (5)
F (z)=
1, if z 0;
0, if z<0;
The output of the first layer of the activation subnet
will differ from 0 only for the neurons with maxi-
mum activation and will be equal to the maximum ac-
tivation. In Figure 1 these outputs are indicated with
. A single neuron in the second layer of the
activation subnet is concerned with detecting whether
the BNN is active or not and its function can be ex-
pressed in the form of the following equations:
NA = F (
θ) (7)
where F is given by Equation 6 and θ is the activation
threshold, which is provided to the network as a para-
meter. Finally, the replacement subnet in Figure 1 can
be viewed as a separate neural net with the unit input.
However, it is inextricably related to the classification
subnet since each of the replacement subnet first-layer
neurons is connected with the input via synapses that
have the same weight as the two output synapses be-
tween the pattern and summation neurons of the clas-
sification subnet. Each pattern neuron has a corre-
sponding neuron in the replacement net. The func-
tion of the replacement net is to determine the pattern
neuron that minimizes the criterion for replacement,
expressed by the following equation:
criterion = W
+ |W
| (8)
The criterion is a mathematical expression of the idea
that those patterns that are least likely to belong to the
background and those that provide least confidence
to make the decision should be eliminated from the
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3: Results obtained for representative frames: (a) frame from the original sequence, (b) segmentation results obtained
for the frame shown, (c) segmentation result with morphological enhancement.
The neurons of the first layer calculate the negated
value of the replacement criterion for the pattern neu-
ron they correspond to. The second layer is a 1LF-
MAXNET that yields non-zero output corresponding
to the pattern neuron to be replaced.
To form a complete background-subtraction solu-
tion a single instance of a BNN is used to model the
features at each pixel of the image.
The approach is intended to serve as basis for the de-
sign of a hardware component, which would be able
to exploit its highly parallel nature. However, to eval-
uate the approach, a simulation application, which
can be run on a typical PC, has been developed. While
this simulation is sequential in its execution and can-
not provide a valid estimate of the speed of the target
hardware system, it can demonstrate the segmentation
ability of the system.
The approach has been tested on a number of mar-
itime environment sequences. All of the sequences
used in the experiments are currently available at the
following link: http://sasi.cse.fau.edu/ccst/sequences.
Primary sequence used for testing is that of a port in-
let, taken by a static camera. The sequence consists
of 18230 frames of 720x480 pixels, corresponding to
a bit more than 10 minutes of recording at 30 frames
per second. It contains a large number of diverse ves-
sels, in terms both of color and size, moving at differ-
ent rates, in different directions and at different dis-
tance from the camera. The sequence is also complex
in terms of background changes related to the water-
A representative frame from the sequence as well
as the result of segmentation are given in Figure 3.
Grey pixels correspond to the foreground. Figure 3(c)
shows the same segmentation result when a morpho-
logical open and then morphological close operation
are applied. The support region for the operations is a
two pixel wide square.
A detail of the first frame of the original sequence
(shown in figure 3(a)) containing several small objects
as well as the segmentation result for that part of the
frame with and without morphological operations ap-
plied is shown enlarged in Figure 4. Light grey pixels
are classified as foreground due to the BNNs recog-
nizing that these are new values not yet stored, while
the dark grey ones are stored but classified as fore-
ground based on the learned PDFs.
The neural networks used in the experiments are
fairly simple. The simulation application implements
BNNs containing 20 processing, two summation and
one output neuron per pixel in the classification sub-
net. The activation and replacement subnet attribute
for additional 20, i.e. 41 processing units respectively,
bringing up the total of neurons used per pixel to 84.
The input neurons of the classification shown in Fig-
ure 1 just map the input to the output and need not be
implemented as such.
The learning rate (β) of the networks was set to
0.005 and the smoothing parameter (σ) for the clas-
sification subnet used was set to 10. The activation
threshold (θ) of the activation subnet was set to 0.95.
The performance of the simulation application al-
lows for efficient experimenting. It is capable of
processing a single frame of size 720×480 in 2.25
seconds on average, which translates to 8 frames of
160×120 pixels per second or 2.2 frames per second
(fps) for images sized 320×240 pixels, on a 3.0 GHz
Pentium IV based system.
Object segmentation is a fundamental task in several
important domains of video processing. The com-
plexity of captured and stored video material is on
the rise and current motion based segmentation algo-
rithms are not capable of handling high-resolution se-
quences in real time. The possibility of resolving this
problem through a highly parallelized approach is the
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 4: Details of: (a) a frame of the original sequence, (b) segmentation result and (c) segmentation result enhanced using
morphological operations.
focus of the research presented.
The research resulted in a new motion based ob-
ject segmentation and background modeling algo-
rithm, proposed here. It is parallelized at sub-pixel
level. The basis of the approach is employment of
a novel neural network architecture designed specifi-
cally to serve as a model of background in video se-
quences and a Bayesian classifier to be used for ob-
ject segmentation. The new Background Modeling
Neural Network is an unsupervised classifier, differ-
ing from the approaches published before. The pro-
posed model is independent of the features used and
general since it does not impose restrictions in terms
of the probability density functions estimated.
A PC based system has been developed to evalu-
ate the algorithm using a complex maritime sequence.
The results obtained through these experiments are il-
lustrated in the paper via representative frames.
Full exploitation of the algorithm’s parallelism can
be achieved only if the system is implemented in hard-
ware, allowing for highly-parallelized execution.
Future work will proceed in several directions: Use
of features different than RGB values will be explored
to evaluate the impact of the choice of features on the
performance of the system. Methods to enhance the
segmentation, other than morphological transforma-
tions, will be explored (e.g. single frame color-based
segmentation, depth cues from stereo sequences). Fi-
nally, development of a FPGA based system which
would achieve real time segmentation of HDTV and
QuadHDTV sequences will be explored.
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