Ed Lawson
Artificial Intelligence Center
Naval Research Laboratory
Washington, DC 20375
Zoran Duric
Department of Computer Science
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA 22030
convex hull, gesture recognition, human computer interaction, deficits of convexity, k-means clustering.
We describe a method of recognizing hand gestures from hand silhouettes. Given the silhouette of a hand, we
compute its convex hull and extract the deficits of convexity corresponding to the differences between the hull
and the silhouette. The deficits of convexity are normalized by rotating them around the edges shared with the
hull. To learn a gesture, the deficits from a number of examples are extracted and normalized. The deficits
are grouped by similarity which is measured by the relative overlap using k-means clustering. Each cluster is
assigned a symbol and represented by a template. Gestures are represented by string of symbols corresponding
to the nearest neighbors of the deficits. Distinct sequences of symbols corresponding to a given gesture are
stored in a dictionary. Given an unknown gesture, its deficits of convexity are extracted and assigned the
corresponding sequence of symbols. This sequence is compared with the dictionary of known gestures and
assigned to the class to which the best matching string belongs. We used our method to design a gesture
interface to control a web browser. We tested our method on five different subjects and achieved a recognition
rate of 92% - 99%.
Humans efficiently communicate using a wide range
of verbal and nonverbal communications mecha-
nisms. Traditional forms of human computer interac-
tion, however, provide only a limited range of inputs.
The mouse, for example, provides users with left
click, right click, and movement capabilities. Con-
trast this with hand gestures, a natural form of com-
munications, which has a virtually unlimited number
of instantiations. While the mouse and keyboard are
extremely popular and successful input devices, nat-
ural communications can make human computer in-
teraction more efficient. In this paper, we describe a
novel method of static hand gesture recognition us-
ing convex hulls. Using this technique, we have built
a gesture interface to a web browser. We accurately
and efficiently recognize gestures captured with an in-
expensive web camera, despite a wide range of hand
orientations and locations. We also demonstrate the
ability to recognize multiple permutations of the same
Given a hand silhouette, we compute the convex
hull and extract the deficits of convexity, which cor-
respond to the difference between the hull and the sil-
houette of the hand. Deficits of convexity are strongly
related to bitangents, the line tangent to a silhouette
at two distinct points. The bitangent, along with a
third point that is most distant from the bitangent is in-
variant under affine transformations (Lamdan, 1988);
(Buesching, 1996). We train by extracting the deficits
of convexity from all examples of each gesture. These
deficits are clustered using k-means clustering. A rep-
resentative deficit from each cluster is chosen and a
symbol is assigned to the deficit. Gestures are rep-
resented by the string of symbols corresponding to
the nearest neighbor of each of the extracted deficits.
Distinct sequences of symbols corresponding to the
training gestures are stored in a dictionary. Each of
the sequences stored in the dictionary correspond to
a different instantiation of a gesture. Given an un-
known gesture, its representation is created and com-
pared against the dictionary of known gestures. Ges-
tures are recognized if the corresponding sequence of
symbols is an exact match. If no matching sequence if
found, the gesture is rejected as an unknown gesture.
Lawson E. and Duric Z. (2006).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 123-128
DOI: 10.5220/0001376101230128
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 presents a discussion on related literature.
Section 3 outlines the methodology used to solve this
problem. Section 4 presents experimental results. Fi-
nally, section 5 presents conclusions and future work.
One application of gesture recognition that has been
active for many years is sign language recognition.
Starner et al. shows a system that tracks sign lan-
guage in real time for continuous sentence recognition
(Starner, 1998). Their system takes measurements of
the hand (shape, orientation, and trajectory) and com-
bines these with hidden Markov models to produce
a powerful system capable of a recognition rate of
between 97.8 - 99.3 percent while using a wearable
Hand gestures have also been explored as a means
of human computer interaction. Oka et al. demon-
strates a system of hand gesture recognition and fin-
ger tracking for use in an application called the En-
hanced Desktop (Oka, 2002). An image of the ap-
plication (such as a drawing application) is projected
onto a desk and users can then manipulated the image
using hand gestures. It is necessary to both directly
manipulate objects (by doing tasks such as grabbing
an object and moving it) and communicate with the
computer using symbolic gestures.
Hidden Markov Models (HMM) are a popular
method to use in the recognition of gestures (Starner,
1998). HMMs were originally employed in the field
of automatic speech recognition (ASR). The dynamic
natures of both gesture and speech suggested that
a similar approach might be successful in gesture
recognition. Oka uses a HMM to recognize 12 differ-
ent gestures, based on the direction of motion of the
detected fingertips (Oka, 2002). The authors boast
an accuracy rate of 99.2% of single finger gestures
and an accuracy rate of 97.5% of double-finger ges-
tures. Starner achieved similar recognition rates in
ASL recognition (Starner, 1998).
The major difficulty in using HMMs for gesture
recognition is related to the quality of the sensor.
When the sensor quality is poor, tracking becomes
much more difficult. In such situations, measure-
ments become less reliable and HMMs yield poor re-
A convex hull is a geometric shape such that no
two points in the shape are connected by a line seg-
ment that contains points outside of the shape (Oviatt,
2002). Fig. 1 shows two examples of convex hulls of
hand gestures. The lines show the convex hull while
hull points are marked with an x. The gesture on
the left is the gesture created by extending the index
finger and curling the remaining fingers towards the
palm. The gesture on the right is the gesture created
by extending and splaying all of the fingers.
Figure 1: Gesture Silhouette and Convex Hull.
We compute the convex hull using the graham scan
algorithm, which was selected for its speed and sim-
plicity. The graham scan algorithm builds the convex
hull by systematically examining all the shape points
to determine if they are inside of or outside of the cur-
rent shape. Points inside of the shape are discarded,
while points outside of the shape are added to the hull.
The algorithm runs in time linear to the number of
points in the object (O’Rourke, 1998). Next, we ex-
tract the deficits of convexity. Starting at the top-left
hull point, we trace the contour of the hand until an-
other hull point is found. The contour of the hand can
be efficiently traced by examining points neighbor-
ing the current point (clockwise at the previous loca-
tion) until the next hand point has been found (Chang,
1989). The extracted deficit of convexity is normal-
ized by rotating the edge shared with the convex hull
to align it with the X axis, shown in eq. (1). In this
equation, the start point indicates the starting convex
hull point and finish denotes the finished convex hull
point. The rotated deficit is aligned by translating the
first moment of the deficit to the midpoint of the im-
θ = arctan(
) (1)
The process of computing the deficits can occasion-
ally result in a deficit that is extremely small. As we
see in fig. 1, this is particularly true around the tips
of the fingers and the side of the hand. Therefore,
we establish three thresholds for evaluating whether
a deficit is accepted or rejected. The width thresh-
old T
rejects deficits that are too narrow. The height
threshold T
rejects deficits that are too short. The
area threshold T
rejects deficits that meet the height
and width requirements, but are still too small. Ex-
amples of normalized deficits of convexity that meet
these thresholds are shown in fig. 2.
During training, a number of examples of each ges-
ture are captured. The deficits of convexity from these
Figure 2: Normalized Deficits of Convexity extracted from
the Silhouette.
examples are extracted, normalized and clustered ac-
cording to their shape. The selection of the number of
clusters (k) is critical to the success of the methodol-
ogy. A value that is too low may not have the ability to
learn all of the instantiations of all of the gestures. A
value that is too high will memorize individual exam-
ples and will not have the ability to generalize. Sec-
tion 4 describes the selection of k as it relates to one
specific set of gestures.
Clustering requires a direct comparison of the
deficits of convexity. While there are a number of
ways to accomplish this, we have developed a tech-
nique that provides a similarity score from 0 to 1. To
compare the deficits, the number of pixels in the inter-
section of the two deficits is computed and divided by
the number of pixels in the union of the two deficits.
s =
A score of 1 indicates a perfect match, while a score
of 0 indicates that the deficits have no pixels in com-
mon. This measure is similar to the L1 / city-block
distance normalized by the union of the two shapes.
K-means clustering computes a local maxima. A
better answer can be found by clustering a number of
times and evaluating the answers. The clustering is
evaluated by measuring the sum of the within group
variance (SSW) given by eq. (3) (Jain, 1991).
The cluster mean (
) is the deficit that is the most
similar to all of the deficits in the cluster. Good
clustering results in a small within group variance.
K-means clustering terminates either when the SSW
is below a threshold or when a predefined number
of iterations has been completed. Once completed,
the cluster templates and unique symbols to represent
each cluster are stored for later use.
When a gesture is presented during training mode,
the deficits of convexity are extracted in a counter-
clockwise manner starting at the first point encoun-
tered on the first row when scanning from left to right.
Each deficit extracted is normalized and compared to
each of the cluster templates. The resulting sequence
of symbols is stored in a dictionary during training
mode. During testing, the sequence of symbols is
compared to known sequences in the dictionary to
find the matching gesture.
By only returning exact matches, we make the as-
sumption that we may not know every gesture pre-
sented (open set assumption). If every gesture pre-
sented will be from the database, we could return the
closest matching string or return the nearest N neigh-
bors of each cluster and use a voting scheme.
Using this technique, we built a system to control a
web browser using hand gestures. To do this, we
first analyzed the functionality of the web browser
and identified six important functions of web brows-
ing. These functions are moving the cursor (”point”),
clicking on a link / button (”click”), returning to the
previously viewed page (”back”), returning to the
home page (”home”), scrolling up or down a page
(”scroll”), and finally stopping a page from loading
(”stop”). Next, a gesture is associated with each of
these functions. That is, when the gesture is recog-
nized the associated function is executed. The point
and scroll gestures use the relative difference between
the location of the gesture to determine the amount to
move the cursor or page (Lawson, 2005). The ges-
tures chosen to be associated with each of the func-
tions are shown in the table below. In the top row is
point, click; second row is home, back; third row is
stop, scroll.
Images are captured with an inexpensive web cam-
era (Creative Web Cam Pro Ex), pointed down on
the hand is it makes gestures against a solid colored
background. The hand is extracted by subtracting the
background based on some statistics gathered before-
The deficits of convexity are captured, normalized
and compared against the thresholds established ear-
lier. For these experiments, the hand image size is
320x240. The thresholds used were T
=15, T
20, T
= 500.
Data was collected from 5 different subjects (3
male, 2 female). The subjects were told how to make
each of the 6 gestures, but encouraged to make them
in a way that felt comfortable. Data was collected for
1 minute per gesture, a total of 6 minutes per sub-
ject. During this period of time, subjects were asked
to move their hand to different positions and to pivot
their wrist so that their hand appeared in different an-
gles. Subjects were also instructed to experiment with
different instantiations from the gesture that felt com-
Figure 3: Gestures used to control the web browser.
Figure 4: Examples of the point gestures made by one sub-
fortable to them. Figs. 4 - 9 shows examples of ges-
tures that were collected from one subject. The ex-
amples show a wide variation in the location and ori-
entation of the hand as well as a number of different
permutations of each gesture. The click and stop ges-
tures also show several examples where the hand is
partially out of the field of view.
The first experiment analyzes the impact of vary-
ing the number of clusters. To evaluate this impact
of varying the number of clusters, we select a sub-
ject from the data set and split the data into a training
/ validation set and a testing set. Next, 5-fold cross-
validation is done over the training / validation set, the
results of which are shown in the fig. 10.
The figure shows a low overall recognition rate
when the number of clusters is low (5-10) increas-
ing to a maximum when k = 12 (94 % recognized),
then gradually falling again. When there are too few
clusters, there is too much generalization. This gen-
Figure 5: Examples of the click gestures made by one sub-
Figure 6: Examples of the home gestures made by one sub-
eralization results in an inability to represent all of
the gestures or all of the different instantiations of
each gesture. On the other hand, when there are too
many clusters, more memorization occurs, resulting
in a poor overall recognition rate. When selecting
the number of clusters we must take this into account
to select the smallest number of clusters that is just
“large enough ”. Furthermore, when an unknown ges-
ture is presented, each extracted deficit must be com-
pared against each of the cluster templates. A smaller
number of clusters means less processing time. In
this case, we select k = 12 as the preferred number
of clusters, which results in an estimated error rate of
6%. Fig 11 shows the clusters found when k = 5 (left)
and k = 12 (right). When K = 5, the mean variance
between the deficit and the cluster mean is 0.1156.
When k = 12, the mean variance between the deficit
and the cluster mean is 0.0958.
Next, we test the methodology on each of the 5
individuals. For each subject, the first step is to ex-
tract and cluster all of the deficits from the training
gestures. String representations for each of the train-
ing gestures are generated and stored in the dictionary.
Fig. 11 shows an example of the results of k-means
Figure 7: Examples of the back gestures made by one sub-
Figure 8: Examples of the scroll gestures made by one sub-
clustering when k=12 and some of the training ges-
tures and string representations stored in the dictio-
If we assign the letters a - l to deficits 1 - 12, re-
spectively, the strings for the gestures in fig. 12 are
“ce”(point), “de”(click), “h”(home), “d”(back), “cbji
(stop), and “c”(scroll).
When presented with an unknown gesture, the
deficits of convexity are extracted and compared
against the cluster templates. A sequence of symbols
corresponding to the best matching cluster templates
is generated to represent the gesture. This sequence of
symbols is compared against the dictionary to find the
matching string. The results of this process for each
of the 5 subjects is shown in the confusion matrices
The average recognition rate for each subject
ranges from between 92.47% to 99.32%. Gestures are
recognized at a rate of between 92.93% to 97.36%.
The lowest recognition rate is for the stop gesture,
likely because this gesture contains the most deficits
of convexity. The confusion matrices show only a
few instances of gestures being misclassified. Most
columns due not add up to 100%, due to the open set
Figure 9: Examples of the stop gestures made by one sub-
Figure 10: Evaluating the impact of the number of clusters
on the results.
assumption. This information is summarized in fig.
Analysis of variation (ANOVA) analyzes the inter-
action between the gesture and subject. In this case,
the null hypothesis is the recognition rate does not
vary between gesture and subject. At 95% confi-
dence, the null hypothesis is accepted.
We have demonstrated an effective technique for
recognizing gestures captured by a noisy sensor. We
have demonstrated that it is possible to perform this
recognition with only a few clusters, and that there is
no significant variation due to either different gestures
or different subjects. This technique can be applied to
recognize any gesture that has at least one deficit of
convexity. A fist, for example, has no deficits of con-
vexity and would not be a good candidate for recog-
Figure 11: Cluster templates whenk=5(left) andk=12
Figure 12: Some of the training gestures with deficits of
convexity highlighted.
Future efforts will focus on better ways of acquir-
ing examples and training. Ideally, we would like to
only acquire several examples of a gesture, then artifi-
cially create additional examples. Furthermore, rather
than an offline learning mechanism, we would like to
learn on line. In this manner, the user can provide
only several examples, then begin to have gestures
recognized and gradually improve performance as the
system is used.
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gesture recognition for augmented desk interface sys-
tems. In Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International
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Point Click Back Home Scroll Stop
Point 91.84% 6.12% 0.04% 0.68% 0.68% 0.00%
0.68% 95.92% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
3.40% 0.00% 87.76% 1.08% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 94.56% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 94.56% 0.00%
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 97.28%
Point 97.85% 1.08% 0.04% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00% 94.62% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00% 0.00% 94.62% 1.08% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 92.47% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 96.77% 0.00%
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 78.49%
Point 99.19% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00% 99.19% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00%
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 97.56%
Point 96.43% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00% 96.43% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00% 0.00% 98.81% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 95.24% 1.19% 0.00%
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 97.62% 0.00%
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 94.05%
Point 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00% 86.96% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00% 0.00% 91.30% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 97.83% 0.00%
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 95.65%
Figure 13: Confusion Matrices for each of the subjects.
Description Average Variance
Point Gesture 97.06% 0.10%
Click Gesture
94.62% 0.21%
Back Gesture
94.50% 0.26%
Home Gesture
96.45% 0.12%
Scroll Gesture
97.36% 0.04%
Stop Gesture
92.93% 0.66%
Subject 1 93.65% 0.12%
Subject 2
92.47% 0.50%
Subject 3
99.32% 0.01%
Subject 4
96.70% 0.02%
Subject 5
95.29% 0.27%
Figure 14: Statistics from confusion matrices.