ıa E. Buemi, Marta E. Mejail, Julio C. Jacobo, Mar
ıa J. Gambini
Departamento de Computaci
on. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires
on I. Ciudad Universitaria.1428 Buenos Aires. Rep
ublica Argentina
Stack filter, sinthetic aperture radar, speckle, classification.
Stack filters are a special case of non-linear filters. They have a good performance for filtering images with
different types of noise while preserving edges and details. A stack filter decomposes an input image into
several binary images according to a set of thresholds. Each binary image is filtered by using a boolean
function. Adaptive stack filters are optimized filters that compute a boolean function by using a corrupted
image and ideal image without noise. In this work the behaviour of an adaptive stack filter is evaluated for the
classification of synthetic apreture radar (SAR) images, which are affected by speckle noise. With this aim
it is carried out a Monte Carlo experiment in which simulated images are generated and then filtered with a
stack filter trained with one of them. The results of their maximum likelihood classification are evaluated and
then are compared with the results of classifying the images without previous filtering.
Stack filters are a special case of non-linear filters.
They have a good performance for filtering images
with different types of noise while preserving edges
and details. These filters consist of a decomposition
by thresholds of an input signal obtaining a binary sig-
nal for each threshold. Each binary signal is filtered
using a sliding window. Stack filters can be gener-
ated using an adaptive algorithm, in such a way that
the so-called stacking property holds. The stack filter
design method used in this work is based on an algo-
rithm proposed by Yoo et al. (Yoo et al., 1999). In
this paper we study the application of this type of fil-
ter to Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. SAR
images (Goodman, 1976) and (Oliver and Quegan,
1998) are generated by a coherent illumination sys-
tem and are affected by the coherent interference of
the signal backscatter by the elements on the terrain.
This interference causes fluctuations of the detected
intensity which varies from pixel to pixel. This ef-
fect is called speckle noise. Speckle noise, unlike
noise in optical images, is neither Gaussian nor ad-
ditive; it follows other distributions and is multiplica-
tive. Due to all of this it is not possible to treat these
images using the classical techniques appropiate for
optical image processing. The analysis of this type
of images has been treated in the literature using sev-
eral statistical methods, see for example (Frery et al.,
1999), (Mejail et al., 2001), (Mejail et al., 2003)
and (Mejail, 1999). Under the multiplicative model,
the returned image Z can be thought as two indepen-
dent random variables: the random variable X that
represents the backscatter and the random variable Y
that represent the speckle noise. Different statistical
distributions have been proposed in the literature. In
this work we use the Gamma distribution, Γ, for the
speckle, the reciprocal of Gamma distribution, Γ
for the backscatter, which results in the G
et al., 1996) distribution for the return. These distrib-
utions depend on three parameters: α that is a rough-
ness parameter, γ a scale parameter, and n the equiv-
alent number of looks. In this work, we classify an
image into different regions according to their homo-
geneity degree, which will be refered to section 5. Af-
ter filtering, the image data have undergone changes
in their statistical distribution functions. A study of
the kurtosis and the skewness coefficients obtained af-
ter filtering show that the image data follows a more
gaussian distribution. Then, we classify the image by
using the maximum likelihood method and consider
the normal distribution with different parameters for
each region. The structure of this paper is as follows:
section 2 gives an introduction to stack filters, sec-
E. Buemi M., E. Mejail M., C. Jacobo J. and J. Gambini M. (2006).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 33-40
DOI: 10.5220/0001376400330040