established in conjunction with finance corporations
or banks. A survey shows that different countries
providers different strategies in offering the
e-transactions under Me-commerce system. In
China, bank system accepts e-transaction through
mobile system providers. However in Taiwan, the
bad debts or irrecoverable credits from mobile bills
are huge burden to them. However, the finance
corporations or banks, who issue credit cards, would
appreciate the new Me-commerce based on the
contracts. Under such circumstances,
Me-commerce for ETC using the proposed
mechanism will become viable. An Internet
linkage e-interaction system should be created in the
proposed ETC system.
For most methods for e-commerce and
Me-commerce, there are demands of matching
hardware and software to meet the system
requirements for user identification, function
recognition, interaction authentication, data storage
and processing. A complete system design should
include software and hardware solutions to realize
the proposed system concept.
For personal mobility, any kind of wireless
communication can be considered. Radio
frequency communication has been used for several
decades. VHF data link (VDL) is developed as an
important media for long range data communication.
Its system infrastructure, operation and maintenance
are tedious and expensive engineering work but poor
coverage from ground users. Wireless
communication based on 802.11, blue tooth, RF and
others may be capable for excellent performance for
high data rate, but are limited in transmission range.
The wireless technologies are known as 100 meters
or less. The extension of communication coverage
requires a complete plan of networking, such as
mobile base stations. For consideration of limit
distance short message interaction, wireless
communication can be adopted. Another problem
might be considered on the population of users.
The frequency division multiple access (FDMA)
technology has its defect to occupy frequency
channel by each user. The time division multiple
access (TDMA) and code division multiple access
(CDMA) overcome these defects to use frames and
slots for each packet data. All users will not
occupy certain frequency channels, and will share
the quality of service in use. Mobile
communications, of the second generation (2G) of
Global System of Mobile communication (GSM),
the 2.5 G of General Packet Radio Service (GPRS),
the 3 G of wide band communication, and beyond
3G (B3G) of higher performance system, are
introduced (Jorg, 2001) (Joachim, 2001). Base
stations for wider coverage of excellent
infrastructure investment have been well furnished in
most developing and developed countries (Gunnar,
1998). The adoption of any mobile communication
service will be a correct choice in the future
development. Beyond wide range coverage, short
distance data exchange using wireless
communication can be considered as integration into
a new system design.
This paper proposes a feasible solution of ETC
using mobile communication infrastructure to
achieve toll collection as part of Me-commerce. The
proposed ETC protocol is organized by GSM, RF
module, microprocessor (AT89C52) and the related
hardware for circuit design and implementation.
The proposed ETC contains car unit (CU) and road
side units (RSU) to exchange the toll message
between vehicle and toll center. A toll protocol is
studied and established to fast complete a toll
transaction within driving through period. By
on-campus test, the proposed ETC is verified with
feasibility in GSM framework (Jorg, 2001) (Joachim,
2001) (Gunnar, 1998).
In this paper, system installation is designed
and fabricated out in the laboratory with complete
on-campus experiment. Technologies such as Car
Unit (CU) and Road Side Unit (RSU) using
microprocessor to exchange message between RF
transceivers are involved. The communication
means of RF and GSM in hierarchical structure is
organized to link a transaction and authentication
process with software implementation.
In this paper, we propose a new ETC system design
using mobile communication for freeway and
parking lot application. The proposed ETC system
configuration is shown in Figures 1, 2 and 3 for
different applications as solutions for freeway
entrance gate control, toll station control and parking
lot control. In the proposed ETC system, there are
key components to develop, such as the Roadside
Transmitter (RS-TX), the Roadside Receiver
(RS-RX) and the Car Unit (CU). In the proposed
ETC system design, both systemic hardware as well
as Me-commerce software is discussed in details.
The CU includes a group of the identical electronic
transceivers as RS-TX and RS-RX, termed
functionally as CU-TX and CU-RX, respectively,
using a microprocessor for digital signal processing.
It is a device on the vehicle. The functions of