Burdescu Dumitru Dan
Software Engineering Department, Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics, University of Craiova,
Bvd. Decebal, Nr. 107, 200440, Craiova, Dolj, Romania
Mihăescu Marian Cristian
Software Engineering Department, Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics, University of Craiova,
Bvd. Decebal, Nr. 107, 200440, Craiova, Dolj, Romania
Keywords: Web platform, e-learning application.
Abstract: This paper presents a Web platform on which we developed an e-Learning application. The platform
represents a web framework in which web applications may be developed. On the platform an e-Learning
application is deployed. The e-Learning application brings together professors and students in a
collaborative environment managed by secretaries and supervised by administrators. This paper introduces a
novel Web application frame based on MVC. This frame separates the business logic from the view and
model. Employed technologies, software architecture and software development process improve and
ensure the application maintainability, scalability and performance.
The main goal of the application is to give students
the possibility to download course materials, take
tests or sustain final examinations and communicate
with all involved parties. To accomplish this, four
different roles were defined for the platform:
sysadmin, secretary, professor and student.
The main task of sysadmin users is to manage
secretaries. A sysadmin user may add or delete
secretaries, or change their password. He may also
view the actions performed by all other users of the
platform. All actions performed by users are logged.
In this way the sysadmin may check the activity that
takes place on the application. The logging facility
has some benefits. An audit may be performed for
the application with the logs as witness. Security
breaches may also be discovered.
The overall activity of users represents valuable
data. This data may be off-line analyzed using
machine learning or even data mining techniques
such that important conclusions may be obtained
regarding the quality of service for the application.
The quality of service may have two indicators: the
learning proficiency of students and the capability of
the application to classify students according to their
accumulated knowledge.
A statistics page is also available. It presents
the number of users that entered the application, the
total number of students, and the number of students
with and without activity and other information that
gives an overall view on the activity on the
Secretary users manage sections, professors,
disciplines and students. On any of these a secretary
may perform actions like add, delete or update.
These actions will finally set up the application
such that professors and students may use it. As
conclusion, the secretary manages a list of sections,
a list of professors and a list of students. Each
discipline is assigned to a section and has as
attributes a name, a short name, the year of study
and semester when it is studied and the list of
professors that teach the discipline which may be
maximum three. A student may be enrolled to one or
more sections.
The secretaries have also the task to set up the
structure of study years for all sections. The
structure of a study year is made of a list of periods.
Dumitru Dan B. and Marian Cristian M. (2006).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 315-318
DOI: 10.5220/0001424803150318
All periods that define the study year are disjunctive
in time and are characterized by a name, start date
and end date. For each period there are also set up
the exams that may be taken and the grants that are
needed. The way of defining what the student can do
and when proved to be very flexible and easy to
understand and use.
The secretaries have the possibility of searching
students using different criteria like name, section,
year of study or residence. The secretaries have a
large set of available reports regarding the student’s
status. Among them there is a list of students who
took all exams, a list of students who requested grant
for taking an exam one more time and many other
reports specific to secretary work.
The main task of a professor is to manage the
assigned disciplines while s discipline is made up of
chapters. The professor sets up chapters by
specifying the name and the course document. Only
students enrolled in a section in which a discipline is
studied may download the course document and take
tests or examinations. The manner of creating tests
and exams is intended to be flexible enough for the
All tests and exams are taken under time
constraints. For each chapter the professor sets up a
number of seconds necessary to answer questions
that chapter. When a test or exam is taken all the
seconds are summed thus obtaining a maximal
interval of time in which the student has to finish the
test. The elapsed and remaining time are managed
on server side and presented to the student after each
answered question.
The professor has also enough flexibility for
creating and editing questions. A question may
contain pictures, thus equations, formulas or other
graphics may be imbedded into it.
Students may download only course materials
for the disciplines that belong to sections where they
are enrolled. They can take tests and exams with
constraints that were set up by the secretary through
the year structure facility.
All users must authenticate through username
and password. If the username and password are
valid the role of the user is determined and the
appropriate interface is presented. The platform
assigns a set of actions that the user may perform.
Each time a user initiates an action the system
checks if that action allowed. This approach ensures
security at user’s level and makes sure that a student
may not perform actions that are assigned to
professor, secretary or sysadmin users.
A history of sustained tests is kept for all
students. In fact, the taken test or exam is fully saved
for later use. That is why a student or a professor
may view a taken test or exam as needed. For each
question it is presented what the student has
checked, which was the correct answer, which was
the maximum points that could be obtained from
that question and which was the number of obtained
points. At the end it is presented the final formula
used to compute the grade and the grade itself.
Besides these core functions for on-line testing
other ones are implemented or currently under
development. A message board is implemented for
professors, secretaries and students to ensure peer-
to-peer communication. This facility is implemented
within the platform such that no other service (e.g.
email server) is needed.
The logging facility that is mainly used by
sysadmin is transparently implemented for all users
(secretaries, professors and students). Whenever one
of them performs an action (e.g. a student starts or
finishes an exam) that action is recorded for later
Many issues appear when applications contain a
mixture of data access code, business logic code,
and presentation code. Such applications are difficult
to maintain, because interdependencies between all
of the components cause strong ripple effects
whenever a change is made anywhere. The Model-
View-Controller (MVC for short) design pattern
solves these problems by decoupling data access,
business logic, and data presentation and user
The e-learning platform consists of a
framework on which a web application may be
developed. On server side we choose only open
source software that may run on almost all
platforms. To achieve this goal Java related
technologies are employed.
The architecture of the platform allows
development of the e-learning application using
MVC architecture. This three-tier model makes the
software development process a little more
complicated but the advantages of having a web
application that produces web pages in a dynamic
manner is a worthy accomplishment. The model is
represented by DBMS (Data Base Management
System) that in our case is represented by MySQL.
The controller, which represents the business
logic of the platform, is Java based, being build
around Java Servlet Technology. As servlet
container Apache Tomcat 5.0 is used.
This architecture of the platform allows
development of the e-learning application using
MVC architecture. This three-tier model makes the
software development process a little more
complicated but the advantages of having a web
application that produces web pages in a dynamic
manner is a worthy accomplishment. The model is
represented by DBMS (Data Base Management
System) that in our case is represented by MySQL.
The controller, which represents the business logic
of the platform is Java based, being build around
Java Servlet Technology. As servlet container
Apache Tomcat 5.0 is used.
The view tier is template based, WebMacro
technology being used. WebMacro is also a Java
based technology the link between view and
controller being done at context level. The
separation between business logic and view has
great advantages against having them together in the
same tier. Once web developer has set up the
business logic, web designer can independently
work on the view. This decoupling makes
development process more productive and safer.
One of the biggest disadvantages of having business
logic and view together is the lack of modularity that
brings problems in application testing and error
Tesys application is an implementation of
platform to which new data sources, business logic,
and data views may be added.
The business logic of the application uses Java
classes. There are four levels of dependency
between classes: servlets, actions, managers and
Servlets level has so far two of them:
MainServlet and DownloadServlet.
The MainServlet can be seen as the main gate
of the application. Its main purpose is to check
whether the request may be fulfilled or not from
user’s role point of view. By default, a user is a
visitor and may execute only non-critical actions.
The MainServlet redirects visitor users to welcome
page where they are supposed to provide a username
and a password in order to login. The second level
of classes in the dependency tree has the action
classes that effectively take care of the requests. The
main action classes are Login, Logout, Sysadmin,
Secretary, Student and User.
Secretary class codes the actions that may be
run by secretary users. There are 64 defined actions
that code sections, professors, students, disciplines,
exams, grants and feedback management. Ten
actions implement secretary’s communication with
students and professors.
Professor class codes the actions that may be
run by professor users. There are 46 defined actions
which code disciplines (chapters, test and exam
questions), students, grants management. Professors
to communicate with students and secretaries use ten
Student class codes the actions that may be run
by student users. There are 51 defined actions which
code test and exam taking and displaying,
maintenance of profile data, communication with
secretaries and professors, request of grants to take
another examination and fill in feedback forms.
The third level of classes in dependency tree
has the manager classes that are extensively used by
action classes. Manager classes are in close
relationship with the database relations. We have
implemented twelve manager classes for the most
important relations. A manager class implements all
needed operations on a specific relation.
The last level of classes consists of bean
classes. These classes are used mainly in manager
classes and are in one to one correspondence with
the relations from the database. In fact, for each
relation there was defined a bean class.
The model is implemented in MySQL and
consists of 21 relations. Among the most important
ones are: user, role, userrole, usersections, sections,
questions, testquestions, examquestions, testresults,
examresults, messages, activity.
This database model is used as a completely
passive holder of the data that is manipulated
entirely by the controller. The model is totally
unaware of the existence of either the view or the
controller and of its participation in MVC
The view uses WebMacro templates. Similarly
to action classes in Controller, the templates are
organized into folders based on the role of the user
that will have them displayed.
The platform is currently in use on Windows 2003
Server machine. The setup process consists of two
stages. After all needed software is installed (JDK
1.4.2, Apache Tomcat 1.5 and MySQL) the
application is deployed. The database structure is
created and a sysadmin user is added.
After the setup process finishes the sysadmin
user logs in and creates a secretary user. The
secretary adds the sections, professors, disciplines
and students.
After secretary finishes the setup process
professors may start to manage their assigned
disciplines. Each professor defines the chapters of
each discipline by setting up the name of the chapter
and the corresponding course document. After
adding a chapter, test and exam questions are also
Once the platform is running and all sections,
disciplines, course documents and questions are in
place, students can also start using the application.
This means they can download course materials and
take tests and exams.
As a privilege of the sysadmin and professor,
they can monitor the activity of every student for
each discipline. This monitoring facility provides a
good view over the activity of the student. The
system keeps tracking when the student logged in,
how much time he spent until logging out, which
courses were downloaded, how many tests were
taken and at what chapters. Table 1 presents the
activity of a student regarding a certain discipline.
Table 1: Activity of a student regarding a certain
Property Value
Number of
downloaded chapters
Number of tests from
chapter 1 (grades)
10 ( 9.5, 8, 7.5,6.2,3.3,
9.8,6.5,8.3, 7.1,8.9)
Number of tests from
chapter 2 (grades)
9 ( 8.5, 9, 7.2,5.9,7.3,
9.8,6.5,8.3, 7.1)
Number of tests from
chapter 3 (grades)
10 ( 9.8, 8, 7.9,6.9,7.9,
9.2,7.5,5.3, 8.1,8.9)
Number of tests from
chapter 4 (grades)
11 ( 4.5, 5, 7.8,6.9,5.8,
9.5,6.8,8.7, 7.8,7.6)
Exam grade 8.6
So far, the system was proven to be solid
enough with good response time.
This paper presents how a web application for
computer based testing was designed and
implemented. The design of the platform is based on
MVC model that ensures the independence between
the model, the controller and the view.
These choices were very carefully done, only
open source software being used. All queries comply
SQL Standard so that the DBMS may be changed
without interfering the controller and the view part.
The goal of the platform is to create an
environment in which students can take tests or
exams at different disciplines. Sysadmin, secretary
and professors manage the entire infrastructure of
the application. The task of the secretary is to
manage the general infrastructure consisting of
sections, professors, disciplines and students.
Professors have to manage their assigned disciplines
which means editing questions for testing or
examination purposes.
This platform is currently in use and has three
sections and at each section four disciplines. Twelve
professors are defined and more than 650 students.
At all disciplines there are edited almost 2500
questions. In the first month of usage almost 500
tests were taken. In the near future, the expected
number of students may be close to 1000.
Recording student’s activity under these
circumstances provides great information regarding
user traffic. After six month of usage there are more
than 40,000-recorded actions. Our next concern is to
employ different methods of analyzing the traffic in
order to create usage patterns and keep the
application in good shape.
Other facilities are under continuous
development and will give all users the possibility to
create a better collaborative environment.
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