formation of the dynamics of social networks and on
methods for the network structure analysis. A
mathematical model correctly describing these
phenomena would help optimize resource and
service allocation as well as economic and
management policies for companies in both the
traditional and electronic business sectors, and also
for organizations involved in collaborative activities,
such as distribution of funds, innovation and know-
how exchange, and so on.
We have applied the apparatus of statistical
physics to describe the emergence of social
networks. The network dynamics was defined in
terms of its structure (i.e. how many subsystems are
there and what is, as observed, their influence on the
overall dynamics) as well as parameters of its
elementary constituents (these parameters are the
mental reaction time and, possibly, response times of
external systems coupled with or simply affecting
the social network). In the presented experiments,
the proposed model has demonstrated a prognostic
potential far superior to any of the classical
modeling approaches. At the same time, the model
proved to be quite encompassing but natural and
thus easy to interpret and validate.
In our prior research reported elsewhere, the
system-theoretic framework was successfully
applied to capture the structure of different
languages and to compare the efficiencies of text-
and hypermedia- based communication (Kuleshov
., 2005; Kryssanov et al., 2005). In future studies,
we plan to explore various authorship networks.
The authors would like to thank, without
implicating, Lada A. Adamic and Jean-Pierre
Eckmann for providing the data used in the research.
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