holder slices (skipped P slices).
By doing so, the bit rate needed to transmit the bit-
stream can be reduced significantly. Especially in the
case of a static camera and a fixed background, this
bit rate reduction has very little impact on the visual
quality. This opens up interesting new possibilities
for certain video applications such as video confer-
encing where the proposed approach can be seen as
the basis for QoS. Another advantage of the adapta-
tion process is the fact that the execution speeds of
the receiving decoder fairly increase. Next to this, the
concept of placeholder insertion can be used to switch
from one Profile to another; for instance going from
the Extended Profile to the Baseline Profile.
The XML-driven content adaptation process, as de-
scribed in this paper, is elegant and generic by de-
sign, but the results indicate that there are some per-
formance issues. These shortcomings will be exam-
ined in future research aiming to achieve a content
adaptation engine that is employable in real-life use
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stitute for Broadband Technology (IBBT), the Insti-
tute for the Promotion of Innovation by Science and
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