An Empirical Approach to Improve the Browsing
Process of Internet Retrieved Results
Dimitrios Rigas and Antonio Ciuffreda
Department of Computing, University of Bradford, Bradford, UK
Keywords: Internet, multimedia, graphics, browsing, earcons, musical stimuli.
Abstract: This paper describes a survey and an experiment which were carried out to measure some usability aspects
of a multi-modal interface to browse documents retrieved from the Internet. An experimental platform,
called AVBRO, was developed in order to be used as basis for the experiments. This study investigates the
use of audio-visual stimuli as part of a multi-modal interface to communicate the results retrieved from
Internet. The experiments were based on a set of Internet queries performed by an experimental and a
control group of users. The experimental group of users performed Internet-based search operations using
the AVBRO platform, and the control group using the Google search engine. On overall the users in the
experimental group performed better than the ones in the control group. This was particular evident when
users had to perform complex search queries with a large number of keywords (e.g. 4 to 5). The results of
the experiments demonstrated that the experimental group, aided by the AVBRO platform, provided
additional feedback about documents retrieved and helped users to access the desired information by
visiting fewer web pages and in effect improved usability of browsing documents. A number of conclusions
regarding issues of presentation and combination of different modalities were identified.
Today most of the popular web search engines
display information of retrieved documents in a
textual format. The documents are displayed in a
relevance-based order and consist of a title, a brief
description and a URL. Although this approach used
by most of the search engines is fairly simple and
efficient, different problems still exist. For example,
many users may struggle to read, analyse and visit
the retrieved documents. This becomes particularly a
problem when there is a large amount of textual
entries displayed in the interface. A browsing
process of this nature may frustrate users if it is
carried out on a frequent basis. Common user
activities involve scrolling up and down to locate
desired textual entries and repeated visiting of links.
As the Internet becomes bigger and users search
queries becomes complex, the results obtained
increasingly become difficult to browse. Therefore
the way the results are communicated to users
becomes critical and additional user feedback might
help users to locate the desired document easier.
Many search engines are trying to improve the way
the retrieved documents and links are presented and
often additional information for these documents is
However the approach is mainly textual and
using a single sensory channel. The use of a single
channel limits the scope for improvements.
In an ideal scenario, users should be able to
browse as many results as possible using as fewer
keystrokes or more movements as possible. Some of
the experiments described in this paper address some
of these issues by incorporating multimodal graphs
that use of visual (e.g., graphics and colour) and
auditory stimuli (e.g., earcons).
A different number of research studies have been
done in the past years for providing alternative
approaches to text-based interfaces of Internet
search engines. Most of these works are based on the
development of two-dimensional or three-
dimensional graphical objects aimed at displaying
retrieved documents from search queries. Other
Rigas D. and Ciuffreda A. (2006).
MULTI-MODAL WEB-BROWSING - An Empirical Approach to Improve the Browsing Process of Internet Retrieved Results.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 269-276
DOI: 10.5220/0001568402690276
studies have also investigated the use of auditory
stimuli (e.g., speech and non-speech) to
communicate different types of information in user
interfaces. The sections below briefly review some
of those studies.
2.1 The Use of Graphics
Several research studies have investigated the
development of three-dimensional or two-
dimensional graphs for browsing Internet and
databases search results. The use of three-
dimensional graphs on interfaces has been
considered in different experiments carried out in
recent years. Periscope (Wiza, 2004), based on AVE
technology (Wiza, 2003) makes use of a series of
three-dimensional Interface Models of holistic,
analytical or hybrid nature. Periscope allows
documents to be displayed at different levels of
abstractions and therefore improving the
visualization of documents. A similar approach has
been applied on other systems, such as Cat-a-Cone
and NIRVE. Cat-a-Cone (Hearst, 1997). These
systems use a single three-dimensional graph based
on a tree shape in order to organize the collection of
retrieved information according to their categories.
These techniques enable users to easily scroll the
tree branches in order to browse and locate the
desired documents. NIRVE (Sebrechts, 1999) is an
original platform that uses a set of advanced three-
dimensional graphs to display the entire set of
retrieved documents. The interesting feature of
NIRVE is on the organised arrangement of
documents according to clusters (Cugini, 2000).
Three-dimensional graphs are excellent tools for
data visualization but they are often very complex.
The lack of simplicity in these graphs is one of the
common problems in these platforms. This is often
the result of the overexploitation of the visual
channel and in some cases to inappropriate usage of
visual metaphors.
Many experiments have also been performed
using two-dimensional graphs. Kartoo (Kartoo) is an
innovative search engine in which retrieved results
are communicated to users as icons. The retrieved
documents are scattered in an interactive map
together with suggested words. The correlations of
the retrieved results and keywords are displayed
using bonds between the icons. Another application
called Insyder (Reiterer, 2000), (Mann, 2000) used
synchronized multiple views. These allowed users to
browse retrieved documents using a variety of two-
dimensional graphs. Another application, called
Envision (Heath, 1995), (Wang, 2002), allowed
users to browse documents using a specific two-
dimensional graph. The two axes of the graph
communicated different attributes of the documents.
Documents were communicated as icons and
grouped in the graph in ellipses that formed clusters.
A different application called VQuery (Jones,
1998a), (Jones, 1998b) was developed for libraries
and utilised the Venn diagram methodology to
display documents according to the query terms they
contained using a Boolean approach.
Most of the visual metaphors used in several two-
dimensional graph-based applications appear to be
effective as they incorporate intuitive and easy to
read and understand graphs. These graphs
communicate small volumes of data and so they do
not visually overload the user. These simple and
well-understood displays, however, limit
considerably the amount of data that can be
presented to the user at any given time during the
interaction process.
2.2 The Use of Sound
A series of experimental studies have demonstrated
the successful application of non-speech and speech
sound as a means to communicate information. Non-
speech sound can be broadly divided into earcons,
auditory icons and special sound effects. Auditory
icons (Gaver, 1986) are short sounds that we hear in
our everyday life. They are also often referred to as
‘environmental sounds’. The use of auditory icons
(Gaver, 1993) was implemented in an application
called SonicFinder.
Earcons are another form of auditory stimuli.
They are short musical messages that have attracted
research attention in recent years. Earcons have been
used in graphical interfaces for communicating
information (Brewster, 1993), (Brewster, 1994),
(Rigas, 1996). Earcons have also demonstrated to be
useful in interfaces for visually impaired users (Alty,
2005), (Edwards, 1987), (Rigas, 1997) (Rigas,
Text-To-Speech technology (Duggan, 2003) has
been widely adopted in a wide range of applications.
The success of this type of synthetic speech can be
explained by the technical improvements made into
the naturalness and fluency of the sound. The use of
recorded speech can communicate a valid tool for
delivering information, thanks to the level of
naturalness and intelligibility that can be obtained.
The main drawback of this type of speech sound can
be found to the manual recording needed for each
single instruction. For this reason this technology is
mainly used in applications where the number of
instructions is limited.
An experimental browsing platform, called AVBRO
(Audio Visual BROwser), has been developed in
order to serve as a basis for this experimental
programme. The functionality of this platform is
mainly focused on typical search engine browsing
activities. The aim is to investigate usability aspects
of a multi-modal approach in search engines for
delivering a larger but usable amount of information
related to the retrieved results from Internet queries.
The term usable also refers to the meaningfulness of
the information provided to the users in order to
make their decisions regarding the suitable
document or link to follow.
AVBRO uses Google API technology (Google
Web APIs) and the Goggle search engine to perform
query operations over the Internet and obtain the
required documents or links. For each retrieved
result, AVBRO counts the occurrences of each user
provided keyword within the document. The results
are communicated in a multi-modal context
consisting of graphs and earcons. These metaphors
have been designed within the AVBRO platform to
help to communicate the information (i.e.,
documents or links obtained as a result of an internet
search) and they are evaluated in terms of their
usability and usefulness for user browsing.
Figure 1 shows the visual interfaces of the
AVBRO experimental platform. The initial page of
the platform provides an interface with five different
text fields. Each text field is associated with a
specific colour and a specific musical instrument.
Users need to enter one keyword for each of the five
text fields. The results page is divided into two
areas. In the left area of the interface, the retrieved
results are displayed textually like in any other
search engine. Each result entry consists of a title, a
description and the URL. In the right part of the
interface, a multi-modal graph is presented. The
graphs also have auditory output. By clicking with
the mouse to a specific area of the graph, a sequence
of notes using different musical instrument is played
in a rising pitch order. For example, if a keyword
was encountered once within a document, a single
note using a specific timbre would be played.
3.1 Graphical Modalities Used
The interface of the AVBRO platform allows users
to choose three different two-dimensional multi-
Figure 1: A visual illustration of the AVBRO experimental platform with three examples of the multi-modal graphs used.
Display Area
MULTI-MODAL WEB-BROWSING - An Empirical Approach to Improve the Browsing Process of Internet Retrieved
modal graphs. The purpose of these graphs was to
communicate the frequency of occurrences of each
query word for each retrieved document which is
displayed in the result page.
Figure 1 show the three graphs used. The first
two graphs (a) (b) communicate each document in a
particular shaped object, where lines
(communicating occurrences) of specific colours
(communicating the keyword used) are displayed
within it. Each object displayed is numbered
according to the ranked order number of the
document it communicates.
The third graph (c) is shaped similar to a table
where the numbered columns communicate
documents. Frequency of query words are
communicated by the location of black spherical
object within coloured cells inside the columns,
where the colour of the cell communicates the query
word used.
3.2 Sound Used
As previously stated, each textfield included in the
search page is associated with a different musical
instrument. The musical instruments chosen for this
platform are the piano, the organ, the saxophone, the
drum and the guitar. The graphs allow a set of rising
pitch musical notes from these instruments to be
played when the user clicked over the area of the
displayed graph communicating a specific
document. The number of played notes
communicates the number of occurrences (up to 10)
of the corresponding query word.
The starting point of this investigation was an initial
survey. A short pre-experimental questionnaire was
handed to users in order to gather information
regarding their qualifications, views, experience and
their computer background.
More specifically, the questionnaire aimed to
identify the level of their browsing expertise and the
number of keywords often used to search the
internet, their internet searching habits and their
opinions on multimodality for browsing activities.
The questionnaire also included questions about
the use of multimedia tools for searching and
browsing the internet in order to collect users’
opinions and previous experience with multimedia
The results of this survey demonstrated that most
of the users regularly used more than one keyword
and that the number of pages accessed for each
search was most of the times greater than one.
The results of this pre-experimental
questionnaire also revealed that no one has ever had
any extensive experience with the use of
multimodality for web searching purpose. This
finding demonstrates that multi-modal browsing is
not widely used for browsing internet based
retrieved results. Most of users agreed that sound
and graphics could actually communicate
information of retrieved search results.
On completion of the initial survey, a set of
experiments have been carried out to test the
functionality and usability of these multi-modal
graphs in terms of successful communication of
information to the users, the attitude of users and the
overall validity of the approach taken.
Users had to perform eight tasks. All tasks
involved search operations over the Internet with a
number of keywords ranging from one to five. The
eight tasks were divided in three different levels of
difficulty. These included two simple tasks with one
to two keywords, three intermediate tasks with three
to four keywords and three complex tasks with five
A total of sixty users took part in these
experiments. The users were all students from the
University of Bradford and had different levels of
Internet browsing and computer skills.
The simple and intermediate tasks were
performed by a total of thirty users. These users
were divided into two groups of fifteen each. An
experimental group that used the AVBRO platform
and a control group that used the Google search
engine. The complex tasks were performed by
another thirty users who were again divided in the
same way into two groups of fifteen users for each
In both groups, users were requested to use the
graphical objects displayed and the musical stimuli
played. After performing each of the search
operations users were required to enter the number
of pages accessed in order to complete the task and
obtain the required information.
In addition to the number of pages accessed,
users in the experimental group were also required
to note for each task performed the level of their
perceived difficulty and the perceived usefulness of
the multimodal graphs used. Users from the control
group were required to note the level of usefulness
of the text used for displaying information in
addition to the level of their perceived difficulty of
the task performed.
Figure 2 shows the results of the simple and
intermediate tasks for the control and experimental
groups. It can be seen that there is a small difference
for the simple tasks between control and
experimental groups. However, there is a noticeable
difference for intermediate and complex tasks. The
results of complex tasks for the control and
experimental groups can be seen in Figure 3. It can
be seen that the number of pages visited by users is
typically double in the control group when compared
to the experimental group.
Figure 2: The results of the easy (a, b) and intermediate tasks (c, d) for the control and experimental group.
MULTI-MODAL WEB-BROWSING - An Empirical Approach to Improve the Browsing Process of Internet Retrieved
In these experiments the functionality of the
multimedia-based interface was evaluated and
compared with the functionality of a normal
interface for search engines.
The mean number of the pages accessed was 1.2
for the experimental and 1.26 for the control groups
in order to complete the two simple tasks, 1.44 for
the experimental and 2.48 for the three intermediate
tasks and 1.22 for the experimental and 2.53 for the
control groups for the three complex tasks.
The mean numbers and standard deviation of all
the tasks performed for the control and experimental
groups can be seen in Figure 4. Statistical
calculations of the T-test demonstrated that the two
simple tasks and one intermediate level task were
not significant but the remaining five tasks
(intermediate and complex) were statistically
significant. By using a critical value of 2.763, the T-
Tests were for Task 1: T = 1, for Task 2: T = 0.22,
for Task 3: T = 3.38, for Task 4: T = 1.48, for Task
5: T = 4.46, for Task 6: T = 3.56, for Task 7: T =
3.72 and for Task 8: T = 3.33.
The analysis of the results gave good insights
about the continuation of this research programme.
Examples are the use of additional visual and
graphical metaphors that communicate different
types of information in a non redundant way and the
inclusion of speech and non-speech sound.
The experiments clearly demonstrated that the use
of multimodal graphs helped users to browse
retrieved results. This was particularly the case for
intermediate to complex queries. The use of non-
speech sound was not tested on its own in the
experiments. It was observed that users during the
browsing process assigned a secondary role to the
non-speech sound and their browsing decisions were
based on the graphs. This user behavior is attributed
to the fact that both graphs and non-speech sound
communicated the same information redundantly. It
is believed that utilisation of auditory and visual
stimuli in a non redundant way will enable to
communicate a larger volume of information at any
given time during the browsing process. Auditory
stimuli could also involve the use of auditory icons
and speech.
Figure 3: The results of the complex tasks for the experimental (a) and control (b) groups.
Figure 4: The mean and standard deviation values of pages visited for the entire set of tasks performed by users in the
experimental and control group during the experiments.
In this paper, the AVBRO platform and experiments
performed under this platform were described. The
experimental platform utilised multimodal
metaphors in addition to text to communicate
internet based retrieved results. The experiments
performed involved two experimental and two
control groups in order to measure any difference in
user performance. The experimental results
demonstrated that the users were particularly helped
when they had to perform tasks ranging from
intermediate to complex. The level of complexity
refers to the queries performed. No significant
improvement was observed when users had to
perform simple tasks.
The results of these experiments demonstrated
that the use of audio and visual metaphors for
providing additional feedback about documents
retrieved can in most cases significantly help users
to access the desired information. Additionally the
experiments demonstrated a positive attitude by
users towards some of the multimedia features
offered in the experimental platform, proving the
validity of the multimodal graphs approach and the
need of further research in this direction. Currently,
a series of further experiments are performed in the
light of the results of these experiments.
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