• Expert feedback polices: These associated
VEAS users with “expert” and “security” roles
(e.g., to review a video segment, secure a
space, etc.).
• Delegation and escalation polices: These
policies define what to do when an alert or a
request has been delivered, but it cannot
“consumed” by a user in the assigned role.
Policies in this category permit a user to
delegate an alarm directed to him/her to
another role, and redirect alarms to other roles
when a specified timeout expires.
The most advanced commercial surveillance
systems, e.g., (GVI), utilize multi-camera motion
detection to detect simple predefined events, and
they are useful for guarding a perimeter (e.g., track
potential intruders along a fence). Unlike VEAS,
such surveillance systems cannot detect user–
specified complex events, cannot utilize installation-
specific knowledge (e.g., know who is a visitor or an
employee, or be aware of spaces requiring escort and
those that do not), and cannot combine and/or task
sophisticated video analysis algorithms.
Early event processing systems, such as Snoop
(Chakravarthy, 1994) developed event algebra based
models, with generic event operators such a filter,
sequence, and count. CEDMOS (Baker, et al., 1999)
moved toward self-contained events and the
computation of event parameters for complex
events. Although these systems explored ideas that
have been adopted by VEAS and stream databases,
usability and efficiency were not addressed.
Stream databases, e.g., STREAM (Stanford
University), Aurora (Abadi, et al., 2003), TinyDB
(UC Berkeley), Borealis (Borealis Project; Abadi, et
al., 2005), and Streambase (Streambase System),
utilize a relational model with SQL enhanced with
time-based windows for data streams. Operators are
based on generic relational operators, i.e., selection,
projection, join, aggregates, and group-by.
The VEAS model and language, which builds on
ideas from our earlier awareness work (Baker et al.,
2002), includes surveillance-specific operators are
built on a dynamic Entity Model. They are
specializations spatial operators (e.g., in Meeting
room 2), temporal operators (e.g., workweek,
holiday, 3rd shift), entity identification operators
(e.g., visitor, employee in a specific organization),
and relational algebra operators.
To perform event processing, stream databases
(e.g., STREAM (Stanford University), Aurora
(Abadi, et al., 2003), TinyDB (UC Berkeley), and
Borealis (Borealis Project; Abadi, et al., 2005))
require use of time windows for stream queries and
assume that there is no late arriving information.
Optimization is performed assuming that input
information is readily available and no information
extraction cost is considered.
In contrast, VEAS requires no time windows
(which is a requirement in video surveillance due to
arbitrarily late arriving information). It performs
incremental computation, and deals with information
arriving late. These capabilities permit awareness
specifications to take into account and reduce the
cost of video analysis tasks.
Stream databases have no tasking and
information gathering capabilities. In contrast,
VEAS proactively gathers information that is
missing to confirm or refute a partially matched
event pattern within an awareness specification.
VEAS is capable of tasking and executing video
analysis algorithms and/or involve human (e.g.,
subject matter expert) to collect needed information
and decision making.
The CBRE combines the coordination
capabilities of workflow systems (Georgakopoulos,
et al., 2000; BEA; TIBCO; Vitria; Georgakopoulos,
2004) with the content routing and syndication
capabilities of existing content management systems
(EMC; FatWire; FileNet; Georgakopoulos, 2004).
In addition, CBRE provides a novel drill down
capability for determining the evidence of and
pedigree of each alert in support of situation
understanding by end-users, as shown in
Figure 4.
VEAS helps automate surveillance by analyzing
surveillance video from potentially thousands of
cameras and other non-video sensors and
automatically detecting complex events that indicate
situations of interest, alerting humans about them,
providing the evidence that led to the alerts, and do
this in near real-time—at pace with their input video
streams. When information is missing or uncertain,
VEAS has the capability to gather additional
information proactively to make the appropriate
determinations. In this paper, we focused in the
presentation of VEAS’s novel runtime architecture
and event processing capabilities, and described the
application of these in the video surveillance
domain. The novel capabilities and key benefits of