Communication Magazine (Special Issue on
Software Radio, vol. 33, 1995), (Special Issue on
globalization of software radio, vol. 37, 1999).
In (Jondral, 2005) the author refers to a
transceiver as a software radio (SR), if its
communication functions are realized as programs
running on a suitable processor. An ideal SR
directly samples the antenna output which does not
seem feasible w.r.t. e.g power consumption and
linearity as well as resolution requirements on
analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). A software
defined radio (SDR), however, is a practical and
realizable version of an SR: The received signals are
sampled after a suitable band selection filter, usually
in the base band or a low intermediate frequency
band (Jondral, 2005).
Figure 1: Basic discrete-time structure of a digital radio
communications system with a modular iterative receiver,
cf. (Faber, 2005), Fig. 1.4, p. 11.
In many available publications such as e.g.
(Srikanteswara et al., 2000), (Glossner et al., 2003),
more or less inflexible implementation platforms or
hardware oriented processing architectures for the
control unit have been discussed rather than the
software architecture and real-time operation of
reliable reconfiguration. In (Drew et al., 2001),
(Hoffmeyer et al., 2004) the basic idea of
reconfiguration in a wireless environment was
addressed. However, the authors discussed
procedures which are relevant to the network and
the negotiation process for the updating. The
hardware/software architecture and processing
schemes inside terminals has not yet been
considered in detail.
In order to obtain a flexible radio terminal, the
modular receiver design is a viable asset. In
particular, the physical layer (PHY) modules require
inputs and outputs which facilitate a plug-and-play-
type deployment. Devising PHY receiver modules
which accept, process and generate log-likelihood
ratios (LLRs) is a desirable approach because of the
potential to implement optimum or near-optimum
receiver strategies.
The concept of LLRs in receivers has been
introduced in text-books already in the early 1970s,
cf. e.g. Sect. 5.2, pp. 126ff. of (Whalen, 1971). It
has been applied to e.g. demodulators, see e.g.
(Whalen, 1971), (Chui, 2005), channel decoders, cf.
e.g. (Hagenauer et al., 1994), and joint source-
channel decoding (JSCD), see e.g. (Hagenauer,
1995), (Jung, 1997). However, the aforementioned
publications do not consider implementation issues
in an SDR context. Publications like (Grass et al.,
2001), (Jondral, 2005), (Srikanteswara et al., 2000),
(Glossner et al., 2003), (Drew et al., 2001),
(Hoffmeyer et al., 2004), focusing on SDRs, have
not yet dealt with LLR based receiver realizations.
Such receiver realizations are seldom and usually
consider only parts of the receiver, often the channel
decoder, cf. e.g. (Montorsi et al., 2001), (Faber et
al., 2004)).
The manuscript is organized as follows. The
transmitter and receiver concepts deployed by the
authors shall be briefly described in Sect. 2. The
authors shall discuss their approach to the
reconfiguarbility in Sect. 3. The FALCON setup
implemented by the authors shall be discussed in
Sect. 4. The measurement results obtained with the
FALCON will be summarized in Sect. 5. Sect. 6
concludes the manuscript.
In what follows, the matrix-vector notation is
used. Matrices are denoted as upper case characters
in bold face italics, vectors are lower case characters
in bold face italics. Furthermore, complex-valued
variables are underlined.
To the best knowledge of the authors, a complete
view on LLR based receiver design and realization
including iterative detection has first been given in
(Faber, 2005), cf. e.g. Sect. 1.2, pp. 9ff. The basic
discrete-time structure of a digital radio
communications system with a modular iterative
receiver is depicted in figure 1 in the case of a single
transmitter and a single receiver and baseband
modeling, cf. (Faber, 2005), Fig. 1.4, p. 11. Other
signal sources are considered as interference. The
source generates the information signal to be
In figure 1, we assume a digital source signal,
represented by the vector
s . The transmitter