Once reflection coefficients are measured, and
applying the three models exposed in previous
section, the electromagnetic characterisations of
brick wall and the chipwood panel have been
obtained. The fitting of reflection models provides
the electromagnetic characteristic parameters of each
material (dielectric constant: 5.0-j0.2 for brickwall,
and 3.3-j0.1 for chipwwod). Using these
characteristic parameters, and taking into account
the geometric distribution of the experimental
elements (obstacle, transmitter and receiver antennas
relative locations), Beckmann formulation was
applied following the three strategies enunciated in
previous section.
Comparisons among measured scattering patterns
and computed patterns using Beckmann in one step,
by segments, and by patching the illuminated area
are shown in figures 15 and 16. Results indicate
better fitting when Beckmann application takes into
account the geometry of the problem.
Figure 15: Scattering patterns, chipwood panel, parallel
polarisation, incidence 20 degree.
Results of a measurement campaign of scattering
pattern over flat obstacles are presented. From
measurement outcomes, the involved materials are
electromagnetically characterised in the 5 GHz band.
Moreover, modelling of scattering patterns
generated by flat obstacles is proposed, based on
Beckmann formulation. Among three possible
strategies of implementation, that based on patching
the illuminated area on the obstacle surface, and then
considering local contributions from every patch, is
tested and provides the best results.
Comparison among simulation results and actual
situation measurements show the good behaviour of
the algorithm, the better as the flatter and more
conductive the material is.
As low reflective materials presents reflection paths
in several directions of the incident region,
simulation tools taking into account scattering
patterns instead of just specular reflection will obtain
better predictions.
Figure 16: Scattering patterns, chipwood panel, parallel
polarisation, incidence 20 degree
This work has been supported by Xunta de Galicia,
Project Ref. PGIDIT05TAM32201PR.
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