As in Table 1, in congestion at a terrible
earthquake, the group feels dissatisfied at a rate of
0.390: 0.267: 0.342 (spatial movement: time shift:
other media movement). The priority level that the
entire group adopts is time shift > other media
recommendation > spatial movement. In congestion
at a large firework (Table 2), the group priority level
is other media recommendation > time shift > spatial
movement. In congestion at ticket reserving (Table
3), the group priority level that the entire group
adopts is time shift > other media recommendation >
spatial movement.
It is clear from result of the questionnaire that the
method of “It becomes easy to connect the
telephone in several-meter previous Tokyo Station
area. ” (spatial movement) is not allowed by users
and users’ dissatisfaction is much. We understood
that clear domination is not seen about time shift and
other media recommendation, and the approximation
might be shown, and some user allowance is
admitted. As in Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4, we can
understand a more detailed characteristic.
We have studied a mobile communication network
user opinion by using the AHP approach. To apply
the AHP approach, we have firstly assumed THREE
hierarchies; goal, dissatisfaction, and traffic control
schemes. We have subsequently assumed practical
situations where network traffic exceeds the system
capacity; a terrible earthquake, a large firework, and
a popular ticket reservation. Using these situations
we have presented the internet AHP questionnaire.
We have made Waseda University students as well
as Fukagawa High School students reply to the
questionnaire. We have analyzed the AHP
questionnaire results to finally evaluate users’
dissatisfaction regarding these traffic control
schemes. In other words, we have shown which
traffic control scheme performs worst in the mobile
communication network from users’ dissatisfaction
view point.
It is left for future research to make senior (old)
people to reply to our internet questionnaire
(because our questionnaire respondents were nothing
but university and high school students belonging to
a young generation). Our qualitative result may
change to a questionnaire respondent generation.
NTT DoCoMo,Inc. started ‘Push Talk’ service in
2005. It is also left for future research to investigate
that this ‘Push Talk’ can be an alternative media as a
traffic control scheme at the bottom level in our
AHP analysis.
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