Ihab El Kabary
Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences
Ain Shams University
Amal Elnahas
Faculty of Media Engineering and Technology
The German University in Cairo
Said Ghoniemy
Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences
Ain Shams University
Ad-hoc networks, hybrid routing algorithms, mobile network routing protocol.
Designing a routing protocol that can adapt to the changes in the underlying network conditions, as well as
incorporating a minimum overhead is a challenging task for ad-hoc networks. In this paper, we present the
Weighted Critical Path Routing (WCPR) protocol that strives to incorporate the merits of reactive and proactive
ad hoc routing schemes. The aim of our work is to achieve low latency between highly active pairs of nodes,
thus increasing the overall performance of the network without dramatically increasing the routing overhead.
The genuine aspect of WCPR is that it initially starts-off as a conventional reactive Dynamic Source Routing
(DSR) protocol. The network traffic is monitored in attempt to gradually discover pairs of highly interactive
nodes in the network. Critical Paths are then constructed between these pairs of nodes and proactively safe
guarded. The established CPs are treated differently depending on the amount of traffic consumed by each.
WCPR is evaluated through simulation experiments and proved to outperform DSR in terms of delay with
minimal increase in overhead.
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self-
configuring network composed of mobile nodes that
operate without the need for any established in-
frastructure. Such form of networks is needed in
many situations where no fixed communication in-
frastructure is available or where this fixed infrastruc-
ture is expensive to establish in terms of time or
money constraints. Examples are battlefield applica-
tions, emergency relief operations, and others. In an
ad-hoc network, nodes are free to move randomly and
can act as both hosts and routers at the same time. Due
to their limited transmission range, every node in the
ad hoc network is not aware of the complete topol-
ogy of the whole network and multiple hops maybe
needed for one to exchange data with another node
not in its direct transmission range.
The dynamic nature of MANET caused by con-
tinuously changing network topology and traffic pat-
tern renders the design of a suitable routing proto-
col a challenge. Previously proposed routing proto-
cols fall mainly into two divert categories based on
their mode of operation: proactive protocols and re-
active protocols. Proactive routing protocols, such as
DSDV (C. Perkins, 1994), WRP (S. Murthy, 1996),
CGSR (C. Chiang and M.Gerla, 1997) and OLSR
(T. Clausen and Behrmann, 2001) exchange routing
information periodically between nodes and maintain
a set of available routes ready to be used by nodes at
all time. On the other hand, reactive protocols such as
DSR (Johnson and Maltz, 1996), AODV (Perkins and
Royer, 1999), ABR (Toh, 1997), PLBR (R. Sisodia
and Murthy, 2002), LAR (Ko and Vaidya, 1998) and
DZALAR (Elnahas, 2005) attempt to perform a route
discovery operation on demand when a specific route
is needed. An obvious trade-off exists between the
routing overhead and the delay in constructing a route
when attempting to use proactive or reactive proto-
cols. Proactive protocols can provide low latency and
good reliability but at the same time are associated
with high overhead specially with the increase of the
El Kabary I., Elnahas A. and Ghoniemy S. (2006).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pages 51-58
number of nodes in the network. The high overhead,
measured in terms of the number of routing packets
transmitted in the network, is caused by the need to
periodically maintain all routes even if they are not
needed, which affects the most valuable resource in a
MANET, the bandwidth. On the other hand, reactive
protocols efficiently make use of bandwidth as they
delay the route discovery mechanism until a route
is requested thus dramatically decreasing the routing
overhead but enduring an apparent increase in latency.
Hybrid adaptive routing protocols have been sug-
gested in an attempt to balance the overhead and
the adaptability to network conditions by implement-
ing both proactive and reactive protocols in differ-
ent regions or at different times in the same network.
A variety of hybrid protocols, such as ZRP (Haas,
1997), CEDAR (P. Sinha and Bharghavan, 1999),
ZHLS (Joa-Ng and Lu, 1999) and SHARP (V. Rama-
subramanian, 2003), have been suggested combining
proactive and reactive routing mechanisms in various
In an earlier work presented in (I. kabary, 2006),
we proposed a hybrid routing protocol that attempts
to incorporate the merits of both proactive and reac-
tive schemes taking a totally different approach by
focusing on locality of calls in order to achieve low
latency. The idea of our protocol is to initially starts-
off as a conventional reactive routing protocol like the
DSR (Johnson and Maltz, 1996) and then attempt to
monitor the network traffic patterns in order to dis-
cover pairs of nodes that exchange information more
often than others. The routes between these pairs of
highly active nodes (called critical paths) are proac-
tively safe-guarded to ensure minimum routing de-
lay . In this way, routes that are frequently used
are maintained, while other routes between low active
nodes, are created on demand. This approach ensures
the efficient use of scarce bandwidth and at the same
time decreases the latency between highly active pairs
of nodes and between the intermediate nodes found
within the critical route paths. Achieving low latency
between pairs of highly active nodes does not come
without a price. Safeguarding the critical paths causes
an increased overhead as pointed in (I. kabary, 2006).
In this paper, we present the WCPR protocol that
attempts to decrease the overhead entailed by safe-
guarding the critical paths. The idea of WCPR is
to treat different critical paths differently depending
upon their criticality. Thus, how frequent a certain
path is safeguarded depends on how critical it is. This
criticality is measured depending on the amount of
traffic consumed by each path.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The
next section sheds some light on related work in hy-
brid and adaptive routing protocols. The description
of WCPR is presented in section 3. In section 4 we
perform a thorough investigation on the performance
of WCPR and finally the summary of our contribution
and the future work are presented in section 5.
A variety of hybrid ad hoc routing protocols have
been developed like ZRP (Haas, 1997), CEDAR
(P. Sinha and Bharghavan, 1999), ZHLS (Joa-Ng and
Lu, 1999) and SHARP (V. Ramasubramanian, 2003).
Each protocol exploits the benefit of proactive and re-
active shemes in different ways.
The ZRP (Zone routing Protocol) is one of the first
known hybrid routing protocols based on defining a
zone around each mobile node consisting of its k-
neighbors. A proactive routing protocol is used to per-
form routing within the zone while on-demand reac-
tive routing is used between nodes in different zones.
The proactive routing protocol is used to provide each
node with a view of its surrounding routing zone
topology. On the other hand, global route discov-
ery is initiated through a process called bordercasting.
Bordercasting allows a node to send packets to its pe-
ripheral nodes only (nodes lying on the boundary of
the route zone) and preventing other nodes accessing
the packet. So route discovery is efficiently estab-
lished via bordercasting a route request to the entire
source node’s peripheral nodes, which in turn border-
cast the request to their peripheral nodes and so on if
the destination is not within their respective routing
zones. Once the destination is discovered in one of
the zones, a route reply is echoed back to the source
in the form of a reversed list of peripheral nodes be-
tween the source and destination that the route request
passed through. In this way, ZRP focuses on decreas-
ing the route discovery overhead.
CEDAR (Core Extraction Distributed Ad hoc
Routing) is a robust QoS routing protocol that is built
on the idea of dynamically electing a set of distributed
nodes which form the core of the MANET. This is
done by approximating a minimum dominating set of
the MANET. Each core host maintains the local topol-
ogy of hosts in its domain and performs route com-
putation on behalf of these hosts. Then QoS routing
is achieved by propagating the bandwidth availability
information throughout the core nodes. When a path
is requested between two nodes, a shortest widest path
(a path with maximum bandwidth) is calculated using
information gained by these core nodes.
In the ZHLS (Zone-based Hierarchical Link State)
routing protocol, at design time, the network is di-
vided into non-overlapping zones. Initially, each node
knows its position and therefore its zone ID through
Global Positioning System (GPS) by mapping its
physical location to the zone map. Then, each node
only knows the node connectivity with its zone and
the zone connectivity of the entire MANET. When a
node needs to send data to a specific destination, the
source needs to search for the zone ID of the destina-
tion node before any data can be transmitted. First the
source node checks the intrazone routing table, if the
destination is found then it is within the same zone. If
not, a location request is sent to every other zone un-
til the zone ID of the destination is identified. In this
way, overhead can be decreased dramatically.
On the other hand, SHARP attempts to automati-
cally find the balance point between proactive and re-
active routing. This is done by adjusting the degree
to which route information is propagated proactively
versus the degree to which it needs to be discovered
reactively. SHARP is distinguished in a way that it en-
ables each node to use a different application-specific
performance metric to control the adaptation of the
routing layer, not just focusing on decreasing route
All of the previous hybrid routing protocols have
not specifically focused on the issue that usually mo-
bile nodes interact and send data to a relatively small
number of nodes when compared to the total number
of nodes in the MANET and usually from this small
set of nodes lies an even smaller set of nodes that re-
ceives data at a relatively high rate (we call them hot
destinations). The WCPR protocol focuses on this
observation and attempts to identify and proactively
maintain routes between each node and its hot desti-
nations while using an on-demand reactive protocol
when attempting to communicate with the rest of the
nodes in the network. By this way WCPR is genuine
when compared to other hybrid routing protocols as
it strives to achieve call locality and low latency be-
tween pairs of highly interactive nodes.
The proposed WCPR protocol is composed of ve
main modules, as explained in this section in details.
An overview of the protocol is presented followed by
a description of each of the modules.
3.1 Protocol Overview
Our proposed protocol is based on the earlier version
published in (I. kabary, 2006), where highly active
nodes are identified and critical paths (CPs) are con-
structed and maintained between those nodes. CPs
are periodically maintained by checking the validity
of those paths every inspection interval. All CPs are
treated alike and inspection interval value is the same
for all paths.
Table 1: Critical path categories.
Category Outgoing Traffic % Inspection Interval
Category 1 25% 12s
Category 2 50% 6s
Category 3 75% 3
In this work, in attempt to decrease the overhead
associated with maintaining critical paths, we propose
treating critical paths emerging from the same source
node (SRC) differently depending upon their critical-
ity. This criticality is measured based on the amount
of traffic consumed by each CP. The higher the traffic
consumed through a CP, the higher its criticality be-
comes and the more attention will be given to this CP.
Hence, inspection interval value varies according to
the degree of criticality. By increasing the inspection
interval for some paths, overhead is reduced.
In Table 1 , critical paths are categorized into three
different categories, representing three different levels
of CP criticality. The number of categories is a tuning
parameter that can be set according to the different
traffic types and requirements.
The outgoing traffic from a source to a destination is
measured as an activity ratio calculated as follows:
(DST ) =
P ktSent(DST )
P ktSent(i)
where d is the number of destination nodes for a cer-
tain source SRC.
3.2 Protocol Design
The WCPR is composed of the following five compo-
CPDA: Critical Path Detection Algorithm
CPCA: Critical Path Construction Algorithm
CPIA: Critical Path Inspection Algorithm
CPRA: Critical Path Re-construction Algorithm
CPBA: Critical Path Break-up Algorithm
The CPDA attempts to discover pairs of highly ac-
tive nodes and calls on the CPCA to establish a critical
path between those nodes. The CPIA proactively safe
guards the previously established CPs and checks that
the CP is always valid with no broken links. If the
CPIA detects an invalid CP, it calls on the CPRA to
immediately re-establish an alternative CP having the
same source and destination. Finally CPBA decides
when a CP is no longer distinguished and its no longer
a benefit to keep the CPIA proactively safe guarding
it. The next ssubsections explain the functionality of
the five algorithms in more details.
3.2.1 Critical Path Detection Algorithm (CPDA)
The CPDA is responsible for detecting destination
nodes, called hot destinations, receiving a relatively
high rate of traffic from data transmissions, accord-
ing to the categories described in Table 1. Infor-
mation about data exchange between each node and
all its destinations is accumulated in the HotDesti-
nationTable, shown in Table 2, stored at each source
Table 2: Hot Destination Table.
Destination PacketsSent ActivityRatio
Initially, the HotDestinationTable of each node is
empty. When the source node SRC attempts to send
packets to a destination node DST, an entry is made in
the HotDestinationTable of the SRC node with DST
written in the Destination field and the PacketsSent
(initially set to 0) is incremented by the number of
packets sent to that specific destination DST. Every
time the SRC node sends packets to any destination,
the PacketsSent field of that specific destination is in-
cremented in the HotDestinationTable of the SRC.
The degre of interaction between the SRC node and
a specific destination is set in the ActivityRatio field.
Depending on the value of the ActivityRatio (AR), the
category of the CP is determined and saved.
In order to dynamically adapt to the changes in
the traffic, a CP category may change with time ac-
cording to the outgoing traffic patterns of the SRC
nodes. Accordingly, CPDA must be able to up-
grade/downgrade the category of an already estab-
lished CP. This can be seen in lines 23 to 33 of Figure
1. The upgrade/downgrade mechanism works by cre-
ating a packet that contains the new category of the
CP, this packet is forwarded to the DST node of the
CP, which in turn updates the InspectionInterval ac-
cording to the new category as Table 1 implies.
Checking the CPs is only done every β packets sent
by the source node in order to decrease the overhead
associated with creating, maintaining or breaking up
a critical path.
3.2.2 Critical Path Construction Algorithm
The CPCA algorithm, described in Figure 2, is simple
yet crucial to the overall protocol. It is concerned with
the creation of the CP between a pair of nodes that
have already been identified by the CPDA as a pair of
highly active nodes. Once the CPCA is called upon
by the CPDA with parameters SRC and DST; CPCA
marks the route that contains the SRC and DST as
source and destination nodes in the cache entries of
3. DST = GetPcktDestn(pkt)
4. if(HotDestTable.Contains(DST)==true)
5. IncrementHotDestEntry(DST)
6. else
7. AddHotDestEntry(DST)
8. totalPkts=0
9. foreach HotDestEntry e in HotDestTable
10.{ totalPkts =
totalPkts + e.pktsSent }
11.pktsSent = GetPacketsSentBy(DST)
12.path = RetrievePathFromCache(SRC,DST)
13.AR = pktsSent/totalPkts;
14.if (pktsSent % beta == 0)
16. // Creating new CPs
17.if (AR>0.75 AND not IsCP(path))
18. CPCA (SRC,DST,Category3)
19.if (AR>0.5 AND not IsCP(path))
10. CPCA (SRC,DST,Category2)
21.if (AR>0.25 AND not IsCP(path))
22. CPCA (SRC,DST,Category1)
23. // Upgrading CPs
24. else if(AR>=0.75 AND
25. (path.Cat==1 OR path.Cat==2))
26. UpgradeCP(SRC,DST,3)
27. else
28. if(AR>=0.5 AND (path.Cat==1))
29. UpgradeCP(SRC,DST,2)
30. // Downgrading CPs
31. else if(AR<0.75 AND
32. (AR>=0.5 AND path.Cat==3))
33. DowngradeCP(SRC,DST,2)
34. else if(AR<0.5 AND
35. (AR>=0.25 AND path.Cat==2))
33. DowngradeCP(SRC,DST,1)
34. // Decompose CP
35. else if(AR<0.25 AND IsCP(path)
Figure 1: CPDA algorithm.
the DSR as a CP, along with its category. Not only
that, but the CPCA creates a CriticalPathAdvertise-
ment packet containing the complete CP and sends
this packet to the destination node to add it to its data
structure found at each node called CriticalPathTable,
that enlists all CPs that this node is part of. The Crit-
icalPathTable is a vital data structure and its role will
be evident in the CPIA explained in the next subsec-
3.2.3 Critical Path Inspection Algorithm (CPIA)
CPIA module is in charge of monitoring the CPs and
periodically assuring that they are ready to be used
instantly by the SRC nodes. The OnTimerElapsed
function will be recalled for each CP according to
4. CPAdvPacket = CreateCrtclPathAdvPckt()
5. ForwrdToDSTNode(CPAdvPacket)
Figure 2: CPCA.
the category of this CP. The OnTimerElapsed func-
tion is attached to each CP and triggered on different
time intervals depending on the category of the CP
as described in Table 1. This function is responsi-
ble for sending CPValidation packets from the DST
to the SRC informing the SRC that the CP is still in-
tact. On the other hand, if the SRC does not receive a
CPValidation packet within a specific time interval, it
will mean that the CP is broken and an alternative CP
should be established. The CPIA is shown in Figure
3 and Figure 4 . It is split into two parts, one used by
the DST nodes and the other used by the SRC nodes.
3. CP.DST.SndValdtnPckt(CP.SRC)
4. ReschdleTimer(CP.Inspection_Interval)
Figure 3: CPIA (DST).
3. if(CP.CheckForValdtnPckt()==false)
5. CP.ValidtnReset()
Figure 4: CPIA (SRC).
It is worth mentioning that line 4 of CPIA in Fig-
ure 3 is responsible for rescheduling the next time
OnTimerElapsed will be called, since this Inspection-
Interval could be changed by the CPDA due to the
upgrade/downgrade mechanism of CPs as explained
before. Also, the OnTimeElapsed is triggered at the
SRC node with a small lag in time to give chance for
the CPValidation packet to be received from the DST.
3.2.4 Critical Path Re-construction Algorithm
The CPRA, in Figure 5, will be initiated by CPIA
when a CP has been broken. CPRA is responsible for
rediscovering an alternative path and when found will
call upon CPCA giving the new CP the same category
as the broken CP it replaced.
3. DSRRouteRedscvry(SRC,DST)
Figure 5: CPRA.
3.2.5 Critical Path Break-up Algorithm (CPBA)
CPBA is called upon by CPDA when the proactive
maintenance of a CP made by the CPIA is no longer
beneficial, as the use of the CP has deteriorated, and
the overhead made in keeping the CP valid is useless.
The CP should return to be a normal path once more
as shown in Figure 6.
3. UnmarkPath(SRC,DST)
4. RemoveCP(p)
Figure 6: CPBA.
Simulation experiments have been conducted in order
to evaluate our proposed protocol. This section details
the simulation environment, as well as presenting the
analysis of the results obtained.
4.1 Simulation Environment
Our simulation model considers a 1000x1000 m
square area. Fifty nodes are involved in the simula-
tion, each has a wireless transmission range of 250
meters. Each simulation runs for 300 seconds. Mo-
bile nodes move within the simulation area accord-
ing to the Random Waypoint (RWP) mobility model,
where each node randomly chooses a point to move
to at a randomly selected velocity. The node, then,
pauses for a certain pause time before repeating the
same pattern again. All nodes have a uniform speed
distributed between 0 and 10 m/s. The pausetime,
which reflects the node
s degree of mobility, ranges
from 0 to 300 seconds. When pausetime is 0 sec-
onds, it means that all nodes are in continuous mo-
tion and the ad hoc network is in a high degree of
mobility. When pausetime is 300 seconds, it means
that all nodes are stationary throughout the simula-
tion. From the 50 nodes, 8 nodes engage in initiating
constant-bit-rate (CBR) connections with bit rates of
Table 3: Simulation Parameters.
Simulation Parameter Value
Simulation time 300s
Simulation area 1000x1000m
Number of mobile nodes 50
Transmission range 250 m
Radio Propagation model Two-Ray ground
Antenna Type Omni-directional
Mobility model RWP
Speed Between (0, 10) m/s
Pause time 0,50,100,150,200,250,300 s
CBR sources 8
Packet rate 2 packets/sec
Packet size 512 Bytes
β 20 packets
two packets per second, as in (V. Ramasubramanian,
2003). The complete set of simulation parameters are
listed in Table 3.
In order to effectively test the performance of
WCPR protocol we created a generic traffic pattern
scheme for each CBR source node (SRC ) in which
the node transmits data to 6 different destination
nodes (DST) at different times with variable transmis-
sion lengths. This will cause each CBR SRC node
to have several CPs with variant categories. These
paths will inevitably have their categories changed
(upgraded/downgraded) as the simulation runs. Ex-
amples of such different traffic patterns generated by
8 different source nodes (nodes 1 till 8) are shown in
Figure 10, where destination nodes were chosen ran-
4.2 Simulation Results
The performance of the WCPR protocol is compared
to that of the DSR (Johnson and Maltz, 1996) and to
the Critical Path Routing (CPR) protocol (I. kabary,
2006). The DSR were chosen for comparison as
WCPR is considered a modification added to the ba-
sic DSR protocol. Three performance metrics were
considered, namely: average end-to-end delay, packet
delivery ratio, and route overhead.
Results in Figure 7 and 8 show that the perfor-
mance of WCPR outperforms DSR and is nearly iden-
tical to that of CPR in terms of packet delivery ratio
and average end-to-end delay. In various pause-times
CPR merely had a 1% advantage in both these met-
rics due to the fact that in WCPR the lowest Inspec-
tionInterval given to the most critical CPs (3 seconds)
was used with all CPs of CPR. The main advantage of
WCPR is in decreasing the routing overhead. WCPR
was accompanied with less overhead throughout the
various pause-times when compared to that of CPR
by 18% when pause-times ranged between 0 and 150
seconds as shown in Figure 9.
Figure 7: Packet Delivery Ratio.
Figure 8: Average end-to-end delay.
Figure 9: Routing overhead.
This paper presents the design, implementation and
evaluation of the adaptive WCPR protocol which at-
tempts to benefit from the merits of both the reac-
tive DSR protocol, which saves the bandwidth, and
the proactive scheme which results in lower latency.
s genuine aspect is that it focuses on achieving
low latency between pairs of highly active nodes in
the MANET.
The proposed protocol is an evolution of the CPR
with the focus on further decreasing the control over-
head entailed in the operation of the CPR protocol.
The idea of WCPR is that it treats different CPs
emerging from the same source node differently de-
pending upon their criticality. This criticality is mea-
sured depending on the amount of traffic consumed
by each CP. In other words, the higher the traffic con-
sumed through a CP, the higher its criticality becomes
and the more attention will be given to this CP. Sim-
ulation results showed that our efforts paid off and
routing overhead in WCPR was decreased by 18.3%
in comparison to CPR at relatively high degrees of
mobility (ranging from 0 to 150 seconds).
Future work will focus on attempting to establish
Quality of Service (QoS) measurements in the CPs
created by the protocol. Clearest example will be to
allow the CP to satisfy certain levels of bandwidth
requirements. Also monitoring the effect of giving
higher priorities to packets that are being sent through
CPs seems to be very interesting. We will also focus
on trying to avoid creating CPs that incorporate nodes
that are constrained and have low battery life times
remaining in attempt to increase the life time of these
nodes. Finally we will focus on comparing WCPR
with other protocols, specifically hybrid routing pro-
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Figure 10: Traffic patterns for 8 sources.