Voice Over a MANET-extended JXTA Virtual Overlay Network
Luis Bernardo, Rodolfo Oliveira, Sérgio Gaspar, David Paulino and Paulo Pinto
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, P-2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
Keywords: Internet Telephony service, Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, Peer-to-Peer computing.
Abstract: This paper presents MANET-VoVON, a new Internet application for mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs)
providing voice over virtual overlay networks. A MANET-enabled version of JXTA peer-to-peer modular
open platform (MANET-JXTA) is used to support user location and optionally, audio streaming over the
JXTA virtual overlay network. Using MANET-JXTA, a client can search asynchronously for a user, and
delay the call setup until a path is available to reach the user. The application uses a private signalling
protocol based on the exchange of XML messages over MANET-JXTA communication channels.
Nevertheless, it is fully interoperable with normal SIP clients through an embedded gateway function. This
paper describes a prototype implementation of the proposed application and of the MANET-JXTA, and
presents some performance measurements.
Internet telephony services based on SIP (Session
Initiation Protocol) (Rosenberg, 02) were designed
for stable networks. The original IETF's approach
relied on a registration service to handle client's
mobility and availability. The call setup is forwarded
by a proxy server, which queries the registration
service for the current user location. Peer-to-peer
(p2p) services were proposed for replacing the
centralized registration service: Skype (Skype, 06)
(Baset, 04) uses Kazaa's p2p infrastructure for
storing the user's location, and P2P-SIP (Sing, 05)
uses a Chord p2p infrastructure for the same
purpose. However, both p2p approaches were
designed for the Internet and assume complete and
stable connectivity.
Unstable mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs)
present a challenge for the existing applications
because they are composed by scattered islands of
nodes, with limited connectivity. Under these
conditions it is costly to create and maintain a Chord
distributed hash table (DHT) with a ring topology
that does not match the MANET topology. A Chord
link may connect two nodes that geographically are
several hops distant. It is also costly to create and
maintain a virtual overlay network (VON)
connecting Kazaa supernodes. (Oliveira, 05) shows
that for these conditions the p2p infrastructures
above collapse for high node's speeds. For a
MANET it is also not acceptable to base the
telephony call’s success upon the connectivity to a
centralized node. Instead, a new asynchronous
tolerant approach is needed. The "location service"
must be capable of storing the user's "call desires",
and opportunistically establish the call when the
network topology allows it. Therefore, the call
establishment is not immediate but can take some
time after the user gives the command.
We have implemented MANET-VoVON
(MANET Voice over VON), a partition tolerant
telephony service. The prototype is based on a new
p2p architecture (Oliveira, 05b) that was
implemented as an extension of the JXTA platform
version 2.3.2 (JXTA, 06) optimized for unstable
MANETs (we call it MANET-JXTA in this paper).
This service interoperates with external SIP clients
through a gateway, and within the MANET using
MANET-JXTA services. It can stream audio directly
end-to-end, or through the p2p VON. An evaluation
of the MANET-JXTA overhead is presented in this
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: Section two introduces MANET-JXTA
main characteristics. Section three presents the
proposed internet telephony architecture, and its
interoperation with SIP based services. Section four
gives an overview of the prototype software
implemented, and some performance measurements.
Finally, some conclusions are drawn in section five.
Bernardo L., Oliveira R., Gaspar S., Paulino D. and Pinto P. (2006).
A TELEPHONY APPLICATION FOR MANETS - Voice Over a MANET-extended JXTA Virtual Overlay Network.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pages 227-233
MANET-JXTA defines an extended set of the JXTA
core p2p protocols and services (JXTA, 04), on top
of which applications can be implemented. These
protocols provide the basic functionality for peer and
resource discovery, communication and
2.1 JXTA
Applications run on a JXTA VON, which is a set of
peers grouped on peer groups created by exchanging
advertisements. All entities and resources (peers,
groups, pipes, endpoints, queries, services, etc.) in
JXTA are represented by advertisements.
Advertisements are XML documents having unique
IDs. JXTA core p2p services manipulate
advertisements caching them and using searching
procedures when caching fails.
JXTA defines a set of protocols adapted for
searching advertisements on the Internet (JXTA,
04). Basic query–reply message exchanges are
supported by the Resolver Service (RS), which
implements the Peer Resolver Protocol (PRP). RS is
then used to implement other application specific
resolution services. When no cache information is
available, PRP uses a search service to look for
advertisements. The most basic search service is the
Rendezvous service and besides PRP other higher
level search services also use it (e.g. Peer Discovery
service, Pipe Binding Protocol). Additionally, JXTA
supports a loosely-consistent DHT of advertisements
(Rendezvous peer view service) implemented by a
subset of Rendezvous peers. A Rendezvous (RV)
peer is the equivalent to the Kazza's supernode: it
acts as an advertisement concentrator supporting
searches for a subset of non-RV peers.
Inter-peer communication in JXTA is usually
implemented by exchanging XML messages over a
communication channel created by the pipe service.
The pipe service defines a one-to-one or one-to-
many non-reliable peer-to-peer channel that
transport messages through the VON connecting the
peer-nodes, crossing NAT routers and firewalls.
JXTA 2.0 defines two additional communication
layers that are not adapted to telephony applications:
endpoint service implements static connections;
JXTA sockets implement reliable communication.
Pipes use logical identifiers at system level that
are associated and resolved to physical addresses by
the Endpoint Routing Protocol (ERP) at run-time,
and when the connection is lost. Therefore, they
identify univocally an application and a peer,
independently of how many network interfaces the
peer's machine has, or if their IP addresses change.
However, pipes introduce an important message
overhead that results from all the JXTA headers
included by the JXTA core protocols and the
application protocols. The minimum set includes the
Endpoint Router header, which has the source and
destination endpoint addresses, and a tentative route
to the destination. (Antoniu, 05) evaluates the
JXTA's communication performance on a Fast
Ethernet, and shows that JXTA overhead can be
very high for small packet sizes. On the other side, a
minimum of five percent throughput degradation is
achievable on a Fast Ethernet for large packet sizes.
MANET-JXTA handles queries preferentially using
searching, because cached information tends to be
outdated too fast on MANETs. It is also capable of
using the original JXTA mechanism to interoperate
with pure, non MANET-JXTA peers. MANET-
JXTA adds the MANET rendezvous protocol
(MANET-RVP) (Oliveira, 05b), a p2p protocol that
uses a cross-layering flooding approach for
propagating query messages through rendezvous
peers in real-time. Query messages are flooded
directly into the wireless LAN (WLAN) using IP
multicast. It does rely on any existing VON
topology. That might not be adapted to the physical
topology. Due to peer movement, several RV peers
may be located on the same network region. A
clustering protocol is used to reduce the flooding
overhead on these conditions. Each RV peer sends
beacons periodically. Using the beacon information,
RV peers are capable of selecting a subset of the RV
peers as broadcast group leaders, responsible for
broadcasting the query messages through all RV
peers. Beacons are also used to detect the
appearance of new neighbours. Notice that for a
MANET almost all the peers must be RV peers
because the topology may change continuously.
MANET-JXTA also modifies the Resolver
Service (RS), responsible for answering
advertisement queries. A TTL (Time-To-Live)
parameter was added to the query message, allowing
applications to specify time limited asynchronous
After the query message reaches a RV peer, it is
successively flooded using MANET-RVP protocol
until it reaches all connected RV peers, within the
specified maximum number of network hops. The
response message is sent back to the query
originator reversing the query message path. If the
path is broken (a peer in the path is out of range), the
route resolver protocol uses RS to search for another
path using the destination endpoint addresses.
Besides answering to the query with local
information, RV peers add the query message to a
finite length active query table. When a RV peer
previously out of range (peer 3 in figure 1) is
detected, the queries in the table are repropagated to
it, and to the RV peers in the island it belongs to,
eventually being stored by all RV peers that ever get
in touch with a covered peer island.
Figure 1: Query resolution after user 3 discovery.
For MANET-JXTA, the VON connecting the
peers is created on-demand after MANET-RVP is
used to answer a query. VON links are defined by
the path elements contained in the answer message
headers. Therefore, after a query resolution it
matches the physical MANET topology, with
minimum communication overhead. All neighbour
peers in the VON are within radio coverage. If peers
move from their original position, MANET routing
protocols can be used to maintain the VON links as
long as the application pipes are alive.
JXTA reference implementation (JXTA, 06) only
supported TCP and HTTP transport protocols.
MANET-JXTA added an UDP transport protocol
module. The use of UDP links eventually reduces
the end-to-end jitter on the application pipe's
communications over 802.11 error prone WLANs
(Zhang, 04). However, no quality of service
guarantees are provided by the existing 802.11 MAC
protocols on ad-hoc mode, and the implemented
UDP module does not support any traffic
differentiation mechanisms either.
The MANET-Voice over VON (VoVON)
application implements a telephony application on a
MANET enabled version of JXTA service. Figure 2
shows the overall VoVON architecture.
Within MANET-JXTA enabled peers, VoVON
supports asynchronous telephony call setup to a
remote peer. VoVON application publishes a
VoVON ModuleSpecificAdvertisement, which
specifies the control receiving pipe advertisement.
Therefore, using MANET-JXTA resolver service,
other VoVON peers can search for VoVON
advertisements, and can establish a call using the
pipe advertisement.
If a MANET-JXTA RV peer exists
interconnecting the MANET to the Internet (forming
a meshed wireless network), the application supports
synchronous call setup using standard JXTA
protocols and services.
The model also includes a JXTA-SIP gateway
(figure 2), which allows standard SIP clients to make
calls to JXTA peers and to receive calls from JXTA
peers, without modifying the user agent. The
gateway associates a DNS domain name to the
VoVON's JXTA name space, and encapsulates the
RTP audio stream into XML messages, when
needed. It supports direct interaction with SIP users,
or indirect interaction, through SIP proxies.
Figure 2: MANET-VoVON architecture.
3.1 Signalling
The VoVON's signalling messages were defined as a
XML mapping of the SIP messages. In order to
handle JXTA pipe unreliability, all VoVON
messages are confirmed. A timer is used to
retransmit them if no acknowledge is received and
up to nine attempts are made. Table 1 presents a
subset of the messages supported by VoVON.
Call setup original three-way hand-shake was
mapped into a four-way VoVON message hand-
shake over a pipe channel. Call_Req message
includes the classical INVITE fields (e.g. Session
Description Protocol (SDP) field), but adds a TTL
field that defines for how long the call request is
valid. Call_Reply message acknowledges the
reception of Call_Req, and is equivalent to SIP's
"100 trying" message. Call_OK message implements
the "200 OK" SIP's message, with the corresponding
fields (including the SDP field), and the SIP codec
negotiation rules are followed. VoVON adds two
Call_Connect messages to initialize audio streaming
on each way, containing private pipe advertisements
(see figure 3).
A TELEPHONY APPLICATION FOR MANETS - Voice Over a MANET-extended JXTA Virtual Overlay Network
The SDP field was modified, to allow the
definition of either a RTP endpoint (RTP protocol,
IP address and the port number); or a JXTA pipe
(receptor pipe advertisement string). Through pipes
audio is transmitted over the VON links crossing
firewalls and NAT routers, reaching any peer within
JXTA VON. Pipes usage also minimizes the
network setup time on a MANET – no MANET
routing overhead exists. On the other hand, RTP
streams introduce an initial routing overhead – it is
necessary to discover the IP route between both
peers before sending the audio samples. Depending
on the MANET routing algorithm (Perkins, 01)
discovering an IP route for a remote peer several
hops away may mean: flooding the entire MANET
with a "route request" packet for on-demand
protocols (e.g. AODV, DSR, etc.); or continuously
updating a routing table for proactive protocols (e.g.
DSDV, OLSR). However, pipes may introduce a
huge bandwidth overhead (Antoniu, 05).
Table 1: MANET-VoVON signalling messages and their
mapping to SIP messages.
INVITE Call_Req / Call_Reply
200 OK (for INVITE) Call_OK
ACK (for INVITE) Call_Status_Reply_OK
BYE / 200 OK Call_End / Call_End_ACK
VoVON call termination is implemented by a
two way message hand-shake. No REGISTER
message is included in VoVON signalling. Instead,
all peer associations are made using MANET-JXTA
RS (resolver service), more adapted to the unstable
nature of the MANETs.
3.2 SIP Interoperation
SIP interoperation with VoVON is supported by
JXTA-SIP gateways. A JXTA-SIP gateway
publishes a JXTA-SIP gateway advertisement
instead of a VoVON advertisement, which includes
additional gateway specific information. Therefore,
using the MANET-JXTA RS, other VoVON peers
can search for JXTA-SIP advertisements, and can
use them to establish a call to a SIP client.
A JXTA-SIP gateway is associated with a DNS
domain name and implements the SIP protocol stack
to communicate with SIP users and SIP proxies.
Each JXTA user is associated with a VOVON
uniform resource identifier (URI) within the JXTA
network. Thus URI can be associated with a SIP
URI identifying the domain when seen through a
JXTA-SIP gateway:
vovon:(name JXTA)
sip:(name JXTA) @ domain DNS
When a VoVON client requests a call setup to a
SIP URI, the VoVON application uses MANET-
JXTA RS to search for VoVON advertisements with
the URI's name component. If the search fails,
MANET-JXTA RS is then used to find JXTA-SIP
gateway advertisements. A bidirectional connection
is established to one of the JXTA-SIP gateways.
Figure 3 shows the messages exchanged through
the control pipes during a call setup from a
MANET-JXTA client to a SIP user agent connected
to a SIP proxy. JXTA-SIP gateway runs the VoVON
setup message hand-shake at the JXTA interface
with the VoVON user, and perform the translations
described above.
SIP Proxy
SIP user
100 trying
180 Ringing
180 Ringing
RTP PayloadXML Payload
200 OK
200 OK
200 OK
200 OK
Figure 3: call setup from JXTA to SIP using a SIP proxy.
JXTA-SIP gateway maintains all audio encoding
specifications in the SDP audio fields it sends to the
SIP proxy or to the SIP user. Although, it swaps all
domain names with references to its domain name
(IP address) and to a dynamic UDP port, which is
allocated in response to a new VoVON client
request. Therefore, the JXTA-SIP gateway always
intermediates the audio streams from VoVON users
and SIP users, converting the encapsulation formats
and the addresses between the VoVON user (XML
message or RTP packets) and the SIP user (RTP
packets). In case of JXTA-SIP gateway failure, all
active connections are torn down, and VoVON
clients have to select a new MANET-JXTA gateway
and create new connections (possibly associated
with a different DNS domain).
Calls can be disconnected by any of the call
participants. When SIP's "BYE" or VoVON's
Call_End messages are received, JXTA-SIP end the
audio streaming, and completes the disconnection
signalling exchanges for each connection.
3.3 Interaction with SIP Proxy
JXTA-SIP gateway can be configured to register
itself on a SIP Proxy. However, the usual SIP
procedure of sending a REGISTER message for
each VoVON user cannot be used since the SIP-
Proxy does not know who is available in the
Instead, JXTA-SIP gateway sends the SIP Proxy
a domain REGISTER message associating itself
with all names within a DNS domain name. A SIP
proxy handles an INVITE request by trying to match
a registered full URI. If none exists, it tries to match
a registered domain. In this case, it forwards the call
to the gateway and decrements the "Max-header"
field in the SIP header.
When a JXTA-SIP gateway receives a call to the
JXTA-SIP's DNS domain, it answers back with a
"100 trying" message and starts a MANET-JXTA
RS query looking for a VoVON user with the URI
name. This query carries a zero TTL value, meaning
that it only accepts calls when the VoVON user is
reachable at that instant. If the user is located, the
messages exchange follow a pattern similar to the
one presented in figure 3. Otherwise the call is
A VoVON prototype application is currently being
implemented over a prototype implementation of
MANET-JXTA. MANET-JXTA current prototype
extended a previous prototype presented in
(Oliveira, 05b) with the RS and the MANET-RVP
presented above.
4.1 VoVON Prototype
We implemented a MANET-JXTA application
which combines the VoVON user application and
the JXTA-SIP gateway application.
VoVON signalling is exchanged using two
control unidirectional pipes: one receiver pipe to
receive connection requests from remote client pipes
and other signalling messages; one client pipe for
connecting to remote control VoVON receiver pipes.
Audio can be transmitted using two JXTA pipes
(one for each direction), or using two RTP streams
over UDP.
Audio is handled using Java Media Framework
(JMF) version 2.1.1e (JMF, 06). The application
captures and formats audio into RTP format using
two JMF modules. VoVON application always tries
to select the GSM codec, due to its compression rate
(13 Kbit/s), but it is compatible with any format
supported by JMF.
Audio is transmitted over a JXTA pipe with the
RTP header, encapsulated in a XML message.
Therefore the JXTA pipe acts as a tunnel that
transparently sends audio samples through the JXTA
VON. JMF objects are connected to JXTA pipes
using a local UDP socket. JMF objects stream audio
to a local UDP socket, where the RTP packets are
received and sent through an audio JXTA pipe. RTP
packets are extracted from JXTA messages and sent
to the JMF objects using the same UDP socket.
Therefore, the architecture is not optimised for
sending audio over JXTA pipes because it
introduces additional jitter due to local socket
transmissions at the sender and at the receiver side.
The audio player is capable of compensating
some jitter, by storing the received audio samples on
a circular buffer and delaying their presentation.
However, if an audio sample is received after its
presentation time, it is discarded. By default, JMF
uses an audio buffer length of 250 ms, but it can be
configured to a maximum value of 1000 ms.
The graphical interface, presented in figure 4,
supports the application configuration and the call
initiation and termination. The user is allowed to
define its JXTA name (My Name), the JXTA group
it joins (Name), if it is a rendezvous peer (in
RendeVouz menu), and the gateway configuration
(RTP port and IP address, and the DNS domain
name, in the Gateway menu). The application
presents a list of known VoVON peers in a table, but
also allows the introduction of a SIP or VOVON
URI (by default is a SIP URI) to start a new call.
The Current MANET-JXTA implementation can
only use one of the transport protocols for all JXTA:
TCP or UDP. It cannot use both in parallel. When
the application is run for the first time, it opens a
MANET-JXTA configuration menu where the
transport module and the transport parameters are
chosen. The application stores the configuration in a
".jxta" directory for the next run.
4.2 Performance Measurements
VoVON application initial performance tests
focused on its overhead, compared to other Voice
over IP applications, and on its SIP interoperability.
A TELEPHONY APPLICATION FOR MANETS - Voice Over a MANET-extended JXTA Virtual Overlay Network
Figure 4: VoVON application user interface.
Audio can be sent using RTP packets over UDP
transport protocol, or using JXTA pipes over UDP
or TCP protocols. For GSM audio encoding, eighty
audio samples per second are sent. Using the
Ethereal protocol analyser (Ethereal, 06), we
measured the total number of bytes sent, represented
in table 2. JXTA pipes send two IP packet fragments
per sample, and TCP sends an acknowledge packet.
As expected, JXTA pipes introduce a huge overhead
that results from the presence of an Endpoint Router
and a VoVON headers, and from the XML encoding
overhead. This conclusion is consistent with
(Antoniu, 05), confirming that pipe encapsulation is
only valuable when bandwidth is not a problem, the
connection requires NAT or firewall crossing, or the
connection has a short life, dissuading any extra
MANET-route discovery delay.
Table 2: JXTA Pipes communication overhead for GSM
audio encoding.
Audio Encoding Sample size [Bytes]
RTP 153 Bytes/sample
JXTA Pipes over UDP 1799 Bytes/sample
JXTA Pipes over TCP 1818 Bytes/sample
Even with this large bandwidth overhead, it is
only possible to send audio over a JXTA pipe if the
end-to-end jitter introduced by the encoding and
decoding process is not significant, compared with
using RTP channels. Jitter is usually defined by
equation 1 (Schulzrinne, 03). Jitter is the mean
deviation (smoothed absolute value) of the
difference D between the arrival time and the sender
time tag. The smoothing factor of 1/16 is used to
reduce the effect of huge isolated deviation peaks,
common on 802.11b WLANs.
J(i)= J(i-1) + (|D(i-1,i)| - J(i-1))/16 (1)
Table 3 presents the average jitter value
measured at the receiver side for two SIP
Communicator user agents (SipCommunicator, 06)
using RTP streams over UDP, and for two VoVON
applications communicating on a network with only
two peers, using a TCP JXTA pipe. Jitter was
measured using Ethereal protocol analyser (which
uses equation 1), capturing the packets just before
they are received by the JMF object. The results
show that the use of JXTA TCP pipes introduces an
average jitter overhead of about 10 msec (52.8 %)
for one JXTA hop. This value can be compensated
using JMF buffering, and is clearly below the
maximum end-to-end delay defined by ITU-T for
telephony applications (150 msec).
Table 3: Average jitter for an unloaded Ethernet, measured
using Ethereal.
Audio encapsulation and network Jitter [ms]
RTP 19,23
RTP over JXTA TCP pipes 29,39
Table 4 presents the average jitter value
measured for an extensive set of experiments, with
two VoVON applications communicating on a
network with only two peers, for four different
setups. The jitter on the JXTA pipe was measured
when the XML audio messages are received from
the pipe (excluding the jitter introduced at the last
local socket retransmission), using a measuring
function included in the VoVON application. The
pipes' jitter measurements show that 802.11b
network is responsible for a 28% increase on the
average jitter for UDP pipes, and a 1% increase for
TCP pipes, comparing them to the Fast Ethernet
measurements. This behaviour difference is
probably due to a high overhead handling
fragmented 802.11b UDP packets on MS Windows
XP. Unfortunately, it was not possible to test
MANET-VoVON on Linux because the kernel does
not handle fragmented multicast UDP packets,
required for MANET-RVP. It also shows that TCP
congestion control effects are not noticeable
possibly because traffic bandwidth is very low.
VoVON JXTA-SIP gateway interoperability was
tested by connecting a VoVON client to a VoVON
JXTA-SIP gateway and to a SIP Communicator
(SipCommunicator, 06) user agent, using 802.11b
WLANs and Fast Ethernet. The system was also
tested with JAIN-SIP Proxy (NIST-SIP, 03). In all
cases, it was possible to start calls from the VoVON
clients and the SIP Communicator clients.
Table 4: Jitter measurements for unloaded networks using
VoVON and JXTA pipes.
Audio encapsulation and network Jitter [ms]
Pipes over UDP on Fast Ethernet 16,18
Pipes over TCP on Fast Ethernet 16,45
Pipes over UDP on 802.11b 20,75
Pipes over TCP on 802.11b 16,68
This paper shows that MANET-JXTA peer-to-peer
open platform can be used to implement real-time
applications on a MANET or on meshed networks. It
shows that using MANET-RVP deferred search, it is
simple to have call setup triggered by connection
availability in a simple way. Other alternative
approaches, like using SIP events (Roach, 02),
would be complex. A centralized approach would
require a connection to a third party: the location
server. A decentralized approach would require
periodic flooding of searches or replies, controlled
by the application.
Internet Telephony based on p2p architectures
(i.e. Skype and P2P-SIP) has focused primarily on
the user's location tracking. This paper proposed and
analysed the possibility of also using the p2p
network for streaming audio, concluding that due to
the huge bandwidth overhead, its use should be
restricted to extreme situations: NAT and firewall
crossing, or short-lived connections. Results show
that the end-to-end jitter is acceptable when audio is
sent through a p2p VON.
Future work includes the continuation of the
design and implementation of MANET-JXTA and
MANET-VoVON. Quality of service can be
improved by introducing message differentiation
mechanisms in JXTA pipes, and by introducing
advanced flow control mechanisms based on
network state measurements. Further prototype
tuning is also necessary on the JXTA UDP transport
module and on the audio pipe communication. The
audio pipe's communication jitter can be reduced by
connecting the JMF classes directly to the JXTA
pipes using the JMF RTP socket interface. Finally,
comprehensive MANET multi-hop tests will be
done and reported on a future paper.
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A TELEPHONY APPLICATION FOR MANETS - Voice Over a MANET-extended JXTA Virtual Overlay Network