the sybil attack, an adversary can “be in more than
one place at once”.
Intrusion and Misbehavior detection:
In sensor networks, many potential sources of faulty
packets exist. The source may be benign, such as a
malfunctioning sensor reporting impossible data, or
the source may be malicious - an outside attacker
performing a denial-of-service by injecting garbage
data, or a compromised node triggering false alarms
or misleading data. As possible solution, Sensor
Node Traceback Scheme (SNTS) to trace malicious
packets into the network is proposed in (Damon
Smith et al., 2004).
As the same time reliable and timely detection of
deviation from legitimate protocol operation is
recognized as a prerequisite for ensuring efficient
use of resources and minimizing performance losses.
The basic feature of attack and misbehavior
strategies is that they are entirely unpredictable. The
random nature of protocol operation together with
the inherent difficulty of monitoring in the open and
highly volatile wireless medium poses significant
Resilience to node capture and ensuring
By using cryptography in the sensors, it is easy to
prevent attacks by unauthorized intruders. On the
other side, cryptography by itself cannot prevent
node capture or inside attackers because in this case
the attacker would have the full control over the
sensor, including the cryptographic keys.
One-time sensors - In (Kemal Bicakci et al., 2005)
the concept of one-time sensors to mitigate node-
capture attacks is proposed by utilizing the low-cost
property of sensor nodes. The idea is to preload
every sensor with a single cryptographic token
before deployment, so that any node can only insert
one legitimate message. If the sensor is captured,
this sensor can only inject a single malicious
message in the sensor network.
However this approach is not an appropriate choice
for applications that require sensors to send arbitrary
messages and the integrity and/or confidentiality of
these messages should be protected, in particular
dealing with medical care sensors.
Robustness against attacks:
WSN protocols need to be able to identify failed
neighbor nodes in real time and to adjust
accordingly to the updated topology. At the network
level, the routing protocol should be made aware of
faulty nodes to ensure that faulty nodes are routed
Self diagnosing sensor nodes - A method of
introducing a level of fault tolerance into wireless
sensor networks is proposed in (Harte et al., 2005),
performed by monitoring the hardware and detecting
the status of physical malfunctions, caused by
impacts or incorrect orientation.
Software analysis is performed on the raw data from
the accelerometers to determine the orientation of
the node and to detect impacts.
Event boundary detection - The main purpose is to
identify the faulty sensors and detection of the reach
of events in sensor networks with faulty sensors.
Two novel algorithms for faulty sensor identification
and fault-tolerant event boundary detection are
proposed and analyzed in (Ding et al., 2005). These
algorithms are purely localized and thus scale well
to large sensor networks. The computational
overhead is low, since only simple numerical
operations are involved. The algorithms can be
applied as long as the “events” can be modeled by
numerical numbers.
Modeling and Detection of Misbehavior in
The pervasiveness of wireless sensor devices and the
architectural organization of wireless sensor
networks in distributed communities, where no trust
can be assumed, are the main reasons for the
growing interest in the issue of compliance to
protocol rules. Reliable and timely detection of
deviation from legitimate protocol operation is
recognized as a prerequisite for ensuring efficient
use of resources and minimizing performance losses.
The basic feature of attack and misbehavior
strategies is that they are entirely unpredictable. In
the presence of such uncertainty, it is meaningful to
seek models and decision rules that are robust,
namely they perform well for a wide range of
uncertainty conditions. One useful design
philosophy is to identify the rule that optimizes
worst-case performance over the class of allowed
uncertainty conditions. The situation is challenging
because several protocols operate in a non-
deterministic manner. Thus the distinction of normal
behavior from occasional misbehavior is not
In a wireless network, information about the
behavior of nodes is available to immediate
neighbors through direct observations. If these
measurements are compared with their counterparts
for normal protocol operation, it is then contingent
upon the detection rule to decide whether the
protocol is normally executed or not. Furthermore,
we propose to study the interaction between the
detection system and the attacker as players
participating in a zero-sum game. On the one hand,
the detection system would like to devise a detection