attribute to be able to execute service. After a
role passes the service authorization, it can get
the service information by using access mode of
service attribute in the SAPA.
(10) Actor: Actor is a dynamic object. Every actor
can be defined as a triple <user, role , t>, where
t is the period time of the actor. When a user u
that is be assigned a role r activates r, system
creates an actor a, which is <u, r, t>. The
constraints of r are passed to the actor a
(11) Authorization group: Authorization group is one
process of authorization. Figure 2 depicts
elements and relations involved in authorization
group. One authorization group consists of a
actor, permissions(P), and its lifecycle.
Authorization group can be defined as a
triple<actor, permissions, lifecycle>. When user
u activates role r that is assigned to u, system
creates an actor a that is <u,r,t>. So the actor a
has permissions of role r , which are represented
P(r). P(r) consists of permissions to the service
and service attribute. In the process of
implementing authorization group, the
permissions of the actor are called enabled
permissions(EP). EP consist of enabled
services(ES) and enabled service
2.2 Dynamic Management
Authorization group has five basic states, which are
dormant, invoked, valid, invalid, hold. Authorization
group transform its state according to the dynamic
system information. Figure 3 depicts state transition
of authorization group.For example, when system is
busy, authorization group transform from valid to
hold and suspended. After completing authorization,
authorization group turns into invalid state.
The lifecycle of authorization group, which is
designated by the variable Lifecycle_AG, is decided
by services providers according to the system state.
For example, there are large numbers of users to
request the Web services, so that the services
provider can not undertake the busy condition. The
Web services providers can adjust the system
condition by adusting the size of Lifecycle_AG. If
AG is invalid state, the actor can not access to the
objects. When AG is in valid state, the role of
corresponding actor can access to the authorization
objects, service and service attributes. At the same
time, t of the actor is the time between the current
time and the time that actor is created. If t is in scope
of Lifecycle_AG, actor is in the work. When t
exceeds the value of Lifecycle_AG, actor is
inactivated and is destroyed. As a result, the role can
not execute the service and attributes.
2.3 Permission Assignment
DARBAC model enforces attribute access control at
two levels, service level and service attribute level.
If user u wants to get information of service s, u
must be assigned one or more roles. Role r, that is
assigned to the user u and can execute service s,
must be granted permissions to both service s and
attributes of s. Once role r passes the service level
access control, it also must pass the service attribute
access control. Roles maintain two lists, one is the
list of services that roles that are assigned to the
users have permissions to execute, the other is the
list of access modes of attributes that roles have
permissions to access. For a role that be able to
execute service and get the information, it must be
granted permissions to both the service and service
Services use the attributes as the carrier of
information that be passed in to(or out of) the
services. A service assigns a minimum permission to
each of its parameters in order to enforce service
attribute level access control. That is to say, a
service must at least have read access to its input
parameter, write access to its output parameters.
2.4 Authorization
This section discusses how a user who nominates a
role is granted permissions to get the requested
service. Authorization changes with the context of
web services environments. In the DARBAC model,
Figure 3: State Transition of Authorization Group.
Do r m a nt Invoked Valid
Ho l d
Invali d
Suspend Re s t o r e
Sus pen d
Us e
Te rmi na t e
Re ad y
Figure 2: Authorization Group.