Luis Zarza, Josep Pegueroles, Miguel Soriano, Rafael Martínez
Jordi Girona 1-3 CAMPUS NORD C3 08034 Barcelona Spain
Keywords: Genetic algorithms, Cryptographic protocols, Automatic protocols design, Protocols evaluation.
Abstract: Genetic algorithms techniques are broadly accepted as an easy way to solve optimization problems. They
provide, in a reasonable time, optimal or near-to-the-optimal solutions to problems involving a large amount
of variables and entries. In this work we present Genetic Algorithms as a tool aiding the design of security
protocols. The design process is divided in the following steps: a population consisting in a set of protocols
is established; the population evolves according the benefits criteria programmed in the evolution process.
The mapping of valid protocol messages to individuals in a population and the election of proper genetic
algorithm evolution mechanisms are presented as key items in the whole process. All proposals in this work
have been implemented in a software tool including basic features as cryptographic protocols design using
public key and symmetric cryptography. Results achieved with simple examples confirm our expectations
and point as future work the development of new versions including advanced features.
The genetic algorithms, based in Charles Darwin’s
Evolution Theory, constitute a problem solving
technique with great acceptance. However, its
application to the design of cryptographic algorithms
has not been studied enough. In this paper we
introduce some of the fundamental concepts
required for its understanding and application, and
its utility and power to solve security problems are
Most of the genetic procedures are relatively
easy to implement. Generally the most difficult
aspect to achieve is the evaluation of each
individual. Generally speaking, it’s assumed that it is
not hard to find a good solution to a problem if there
is a procedure to quantify and evaluate different
solutions for that problem. In such conditions even
the optimal solution can be easily found. On the
contrary, when problems to solve refer to systems
with large amounts of variables, or worse, when
formal mathematical methods are not available for
modeling requirements and optimize solutions, the
finding of a mechanism to evaluate different
proposals or solutions to the problem is very useful.
In this sense, we propose the use of Genetic
Algorithms to the design of complex cryptographic
protocols, including many variables and with non
existing formal evaluation method.
The evaluation of security protocols must
consider fundamental aspects such as required
amount of data for transmission or the prevention of
malicious parties accessing it, among others.
J. H. Holland established the principles of genetic
algorithms, inspired by the book “The Genetic
Theory of the Natural Selection”, from the
evolutionary biologist R. A. Fisher. Holland started
its work in 1962 presenting it them in the book
“Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems”,
published in 1975 (Holland, 1975). Holland
proposed to face complex problems acting as natural
systems do with the adaptation processes for
evolution. GA is a metaheuristic technique, and the
basic idea behind its proposal was to design artificial
systems that can replicate as natural beings. Each
element in a population would represent a possible
(not optimal) solution, and the generation of new
elements would be done according to the “natural
selection” rules in their way to optimality.
Zarza L., Pegueroles J., Soriano M. and Martínez R. (2006).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 316-319
DOI: 10.5220/0002102003160319
2.1 GA and Optimizing Problems
The most common application of genetic algorithms
has been the solution to optimization problems,
where have been shown to be very efficient.
Nevertheless, it’s not possible to apply GA
techniques to any optimization problem; next the
most important requirements a problem must satisfy
to be solved with this techniques are: the optimal
solution must be among a finite number of possible
proposals enumerated, an aptitude function for
evaluating proposals must be defined, and the
proposals must be able to be codified so that it is
easy to implement in the computer.
The first requirement is very important since if
the search space is not limited it could happen that
the genetic evolution never finds the optimal
solution (not even by exhaustive search).
The fitness function is critical in our systems
since it allows comparing the benefits of different
proposals by the assignment of numerical values.
Overcoming the difficulty that entails its
development, specially having in account that the
optimal solution is unknown, this function is one of
the most important goals in our proposal. According
to the result of the fitness function, some proposals
will be “punished” and other “awarded” so the last
will have more possibilities for reproduction and this
way they will propagate its characteristics to get
closer to the optimal solution.
Each genotype is an element in the search space
and its interpretation take us to a phenotype, which
is a solution proposal. Each possible solution
proposal described by a phenotype must be the
interpretation from at least one genotype. The
difficulty in the third point is in the definition of this
relation between the numerical sequence (genotypes)
and the solution proposals (phenotypes).
2.2 Operation of a Simple GA
A simple genetic algorithm can be formally
represented as follows:
generate initial population, G(0);
evaluate G(0);
generate G(t) using G(t-1);
evaluate G(t);
until find a solution;
First, the initial population is created, constructed
by a set of character strings that represent solution
proposals for the problem. Then, each individual is
evaluated with the fitness function to know its
benefits. By means of the aptitude of each
individual, a selection must be made for combining
and this way produce next generation (presumably,
the “best ones” will be selected). This sequence can
be iterated until the best of the found solutions
achieves our expectations (Koza, 1995).
The generation of individuals for next generation
involves the combination phase, this is, the copy of
portions of code from selected parents, and
mutation, this is, the random introduction of changes
in code of individuals of new generation (Srinivas,
3.1 Cryptographic Protocols and its
A protocol is a set of rules or conventions that define
a message interchange among two or more parts.
Security protocols are designed so that the parts
safely communicate over an insecure network.
Security requirements include, among others,
secrecy, authenticity, integrity and no-repudiation.
In cryptographic protocols, all or some messages
can contain encrypted fields.
A cryptographic protocol evaluation must return
a value that indicates its “goodness”. This goodness
can be determined considering characteristics such
as if a party does not receive or understand a
message intended for him, or if a message is
received redundantly, or if the receiver can’t
demonstrate the sender knows the message.
Depending on the application field of the
evaluated protocol, some additional parameters or
requirements can be defined for being satisfied.
3.2 Previous Works
Automatic evaluation of security protocols and the
metaheuristics application for the search of security
protocols has been studied previously by different
Ocenásek Pavel, PhD student from the Czech
Republic, presents in 2005 an article as part of his
works on his doctoral thesis proposing the use of GA
for the design of security protocols (Pavel, 2005).
Chen Hao, John Clark and Jeremy Jacob
presented an article in 2004, which explains the
development of an automatic system for designing
security protocols. They don’t use GA, but another
metaheuristic technique called “simulated
annealing”, on which some physical principles
related with materials exposed to changes of
temperature are simulated (Hao, 2004). The
proposed tool is based in the BAN logic (Burrows,
Abadi and Needham) that introduces an inference
rules set that focus on the evolution of beliefs of
honest parties involved in a protocol as they
exchange information (Burrows, 1990).
Brackin present a high level language for
applying formal methods to the security analysis of
cryptographic protocols. This language is applied in
a tool called CAPSL, developed by the United States
Navy (Brackin, 1999).
4.1 Operational Bases
In the tool for the design of cryptographic protocols,
the genetic algorithms were programmed as follows.
The selection is by rank while applying elitist
selection copying the two best individuals from each
generation to next. Mutations are introduced to
individuals and to genes, and only one helix is used.
Next parameters can be adjusted: Number of helix,
symbols, genotype and population size, weight of
evaluation aspects, mutation and permutation
probabilities, and number of crossover points.
4.2 Software Tool
The proposed tool was built, in its last version, to
solve problems that require the use of public and
symmetric keys, with or without a certifying
authority. At this preliminary stage, elements like
hash function, timestamps and nonces are not used.
Neither is considered man in the middle attacks, or
the introduction of data from previous runs of
protocols. Of course, those aspects will be
considered for future versions of the system.
Since each individual from population is a
protocol to evaluate, individual evaluation is
protocol evaluation. First generation protocols are
randomly defined, so their results will show very
low values.
Next generation’s individuals will be the result
from combinations of best individuals from previous
generations, so their characteristics will be better.
The proposed tool works with populations of
individuals. The first population, this is, the first
generation is built randomly. Each individual is
defined by a genetic code, a series of N helix, this is,
N series of numbers. Each number can take a value
from zero to a specified maximum number.
Numbers from individuals of first generation are
For evaluate each individual, its genetic code is
interpreted according a criteria that considers the
combination of the numeric values stored in the
helix, from where a series of binary values are
extracted. This series is subdivided to establish the
possible values for parameters that define the
phenotype from the individual. These parameters are
the characteristics that will be evaluated from each
The most complex process in evolution is the
evaluation, because this will have to show with
numbers the goodness of the analyzed protocols.
This function is built so it must test step by step the
operation of security protocols, registering with
detail the consequences.
The phenotype from the individual is obtained,
by getting the binary string from the helix
combination on the individual’s genotype, and
subdividing the bits for obtaining the parameters of
messages defining the protocol.
Non valid messages, like having the same origin
and destiny or not having any information, are
eliminated. Non valid keys, like being redundant or
data not suitable for be a key, are eliminated too.
Non-existent key references are not eliminated
because they could be existent later.
Several cyclical loops are initiated to check each
message, for each entity, trying to solve each key
and register new data if there is any. All entities try
all messages because it is considered that all entities
could be listening all communications. New data
acquired by entities are registered indicating if it was
directed to him, and if it was authenticated. These
operations are repeated until there is not possibility
of decoding any messages by any entity.
The value to be assigned to the protocol is
calculated according next criteria: number of
achieved goals, redundant received data, times that
data was received before a required key, data leaked,
number of messages sent, cost by sending long or
short messages, and cost for encoding with public or
symmetric keys.
In the program, the user can select among a list
of problems to solve, which are described in a
external file that can be edited. There are sections
for adjusting GA parameters (population size,
maximum number of messages for protocol and
mutation probabilities, and weight parameters for
evaluation of protocols (goal achieved, pain for
redundancy, late decrypting, leakage, number or
messages, cost for transmitting or encrypting large
or small messages). There are controls for start, stop
or restart the advance of generations. It is shown on
screen the best evaluated protocol of current
generation and it can be written to a file.
The intention on this project is to generate new
protocols to solve security problems, but at this point
it has been validated with known protocols
generation, for simple problems. These problems
were used for adjusting evaluation criteria, needed
for finding a solution. The tool proposed simple
protocols for problems on data exchange considering
aspects that the tool evaluates, which are: public and
symmetric keys, certifying authority, and the
previously described evaluation criteria.
5.1 Example
A and B rely on Authority C to know public keys,
but they can use symmetric keys for data exchange.
Mejor protocolo:
Mensaje 1 C -> A: { Kb }Kc-1
Mensaje 2 C -> B: { Ka }Kc-1
Mensaje 3 A -> B: { { Kab }Kb }Ka-1
Mensaje 4 A -> B: { Xa }Kab
Mensaje 5 B -> A: { Xb }Kab
Datos adquiridos:
A: Kb Xb
B: Ka Kab Xa
Because of the cost for encrypt large messages
with public keys, the system evaluates better to
protocols that exchange data with symmetric keys.
In this article we have presented a software tool that
applies the metaheuristic techniques of GA for the
creation of cryptographic protocols.
The first versions of the tool were for a concept
proof. They were encouraging and motivated the
addition of new elements and refining of parameters
for the evaluation of protocols for more complex
problems. All parameters required fine adjust to be
able to solve all problems without having to adjust
them. They needed to be further adjusted to reflect
real life costs.
There are a lot of pending aspects that will be
added into the tool in a short term: nonces and hash
In a middle term there will be considered the
generation of attacks for a testing protocol, using
genetic algorithms.
In the long term it will be considered the
possibility for the generation of security protocols
for electronic voting and auctions.
This work has been partially supported by the
research project SECONNET (TSI2005-07293-C02-
Holland, J 1975, Adaptation in natural and artificial
systems, University of Michigan Press, Michigan.
Koza, J 1995, ‘Survey of genetic algorithms and genetic
programming’, Proceedings of the WESCON’95, pp.
Srinivas, M, & Patnaik, L 1994, ‘Genetic algorithms : a
survey’, IEEE Computer, pp. 17-26.
Pavel, O 2005, ‘The security protocol design using genetic
algorithms’, Preceedings in the 11th Conference and
Competition STUDENT EEICT, vol., no., pp. 576-580.
Hao, C, Clark, J & Jacob J 2004, ‘Automated design of
security protocols’. Computational Inteligence, vol.
20, no. 3.
Burrows, M, Abadi, M & Needham, R 1990, ‘A logic of
authentication’, ACM Transactions on Computer
Systems, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 18-36.
Brackin, S, Meadows, C & Millen, J 1999, ‘CAPSL
interface for the NRL protocol analyzer’, Proceedings
of ASSETT99.