Zouheir Trabelsi and Khaled Shuaib
College of Information Technology
UAE University, Al-Ain, UAE
Keywords: Intrusions Detection Systems, Spoofed ARP, ARP Cache Poisoning, Packet Sniffers.
Abstract: Spoofed ARP packets are used by malicious users to redirect network’s traffic to their hosts. The potential
damage to a network from an attack of this nature can be very important. This paper discusses first how
malicious users redirect network traffic using spoofed ARP packets. Then, the paper proposes a practical
and efficient mechanism for detecting malicious hosts that are performing traffic redirection attack against
other hosts in switched LAN networks. The proposed mechanism consists of sending first spoofed packets
to the network’s hosts. Then, by collecting and analyzing the responses packets, it is shown how hosts
performing traffic redirection attack can be identified efficiently and accurately. The affect of the proposed
mechanism on the performance of the network is discussed and shown to be minimal. The limits of current
IDSs regarding their ability to detect malicious traffic redirection attack, based on spoofed ARP packets, in
switched LAN networks are discussed. Our work is concerned with the detection of malicious network
traffic redirection attack, at the Data Link layer. Other works proposed protection mechanisms against this
attack, but at the Application layer, using cryptographic techniques and protocols.
Traditionally, research in the area of information and
communication security focused on helping
developers of systems prevent security
vulnerabilities in the systems they produce, before
the systems are released to customers. In addition, in
most studies on network security, only external
attacks were being considered. All of these areas are
of the outmost importance when it comes to
information and communication security, but need to
be complemented with research supporting those
developing detection and recovery mechanisms, and
studying internal threats. MiM attack is used by
malicious internal users to sniff the network traffic
between target hosts, in switched networks.
Malicious users can tap in on the network traffic for
information without the knowledge of the networks
legitimate owner. This information can include
passwords, e-mail messages, encryption keys,
sequence numbers or other proprietary data, etc.
Often, some of this information can be used to
penetrate further into the network, or cause other
severe damage. This underlines the importance of
reliable MiM attack detection techniques that can aid
network administrators, in detecting malicious
sniffing activities in switched networks.
Today, IDSs, such as Snort (www.snort.org),
have become a standard part of the security
solutions, used to protect computing assets from
hostile attacks. IDSs are able to detect many types of
attacks, such as denial of services (DoS) attacks and
IP spoofing attacks. But, their ability and reliability
to detect some particular attacks are still
questionable, notably the MiM attack. IDSs must be
able to detect the MiM attack since malicious
sniffing activities in switched networks rely on this
attack (Trabelsi, 2004, Trabelsi, 2005). This paper
discusses the limits of the main IDSs regarding the
detection of the MiM attack, provides an
understanding of how MiM attack works, and
proposes a novel efficient mechanism for detecting
MiM attack-based sniffing activities in switched
networks. The proposed detection mechanism is
based mainly on the generation of spoofed packets
which are sent to the network’s hosts. By collecting
and analyzing the response packets, it will be
possible to identify hosts performing MiM attack
against the other hosts in the network. Even though,
the proposed mechanism injects additional spoofed
Trabelsi Z. and Shuaib K. (2006).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 40-47
DOI: 10.5220/0002102400400047
packets in the network, the network will not be
flooded and its performance will not be affected,
since the number of the injected packets is relatively
very limited. In addition, it will be shown that the
proposed mechanism does not disturb the network
activities of the hosts.
The rest of the paper is organized as following:
Section 2 provides an overview of the related work
done in this area. Section 3 gives a brief
understanding of some networking concepts to lay
the groundwork for what follows. Section 4
discusses the ARP cache poisoning attack. Section 5
discusses the MiM attack and how it is used for
malicious sniffing activities in switched network.
Section 6 presents an efficient mechanism for
detecting hosts sniffing switched networks. Section 7
presents a tool, called AntiMiM, for detecting
malicious sniffing hosts in switched networks, based
on the proposed detection mechanism. Section 8
discusses the affect of the proposed detection
mechnaism on the network performance. Finally,
conclusions are made and some directions for future
research are provided in section 9.
Although few tools and some newer IDSs can detect
ARP anomalies, most of them do not specially target
the ARP cache poisoning attack and the MiM attack.
Those attacks are interesting to detect because they
are highly intentional. No virus or worms use it, so
when such attacks are in effect, there is certainly
some human controlling them. Besides, most IDSs
rely on Sniffer-based sensors to detect those attacks,
greatly restricting their effectiveness in switched
Arpwatch (
ftp.ee.lbl.gov) is a tool that aims to
keep sysadmins informed (usually via email) about
changes in the IP/MAC mappings. This catches
many interesting events, such as IP addresses being
changed (by authorized personnel or not), MAC
addresses being changed (either by software
reconfiguration or by physically replacing Ethernet
card), new machines being added to the network
(because of gratuitous ARPs), common
misconfigurations (like IP address conflicts), etc. To
do that, Arpwatch monitors Ethernet activity and
keeps a database of Ethernet MAC address/IP
address pairs. By sniffing the network, Arpwatch
tries to detect any packet that has an Ethernet MAC
address/IP address pair which does not appear in
Arpwatch’s database. However, Arpwatch can’t tell
these non-malicious events apart from intentional
ARP spoofing attacks. On large busy networks with
overworked or lax sysadmins, where typically
hundreds of ARP anomalies are reported daily, many
real serious attacks may pass unchecked. In addition,
Arpwatch’s detection technique presumes that the
host running Arpwatch has access to a monitoring
port on the Switch (usually, known under the name
of SPAN port, or mirroring port). Therefore, it would
be more interesting and efficient to detect any ARP
anomalies without the use of any access privilege or
special ports on the Switches. In addition, there is
usually a substantial performance impact when port
mirroring is in effect; this strategy makes ARP
spoofing detection based on sniffing not quite viable
on switched networks. Snort is an open source
network intrusion prevention and detection system
utilizing a rule-driven language, which combines the
benefits of signature, protocol and anomaly based
inspection methods. Snort is able to detect ARP
cache poisoning attack by checking each packet
contents. If the analyzed packet has an Ethernet
MAC address/IP address pair which does not appear
in Snort’s database, then the system administrator is
alerted. Like Arpwatch, Snort is an intrusion
detection sensor, that is, it should have access to a
monitoring port or be placed in a location where it
can see all the incoming and outgoing network
This section is aimed at providing a brief
understanding of Address Resolution Protocol
(ARP) and ARP cache.
3.1 ARP Protocol
To map a particular IP address to a given hardware
address (MAC address) so that packets can be
transmitted across a local network, systems use the
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) (
Plummer, 1982).
ARP messages are exchanged when one host knows
the IP address of a remote host and wants to discover
the remote host’s MAC address. For example, if host
1 wants host 2’s MAC address, it sends an ARP
request message (Who has?) to the broadcast MAC
address (FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) and host 2 answers
with his addresses (MAC and IP). Basically, an ARP
message on an Ethernet/IP network has 8 important
parameters: Ethernet header source and destination
MAC address, Ethernet type (=0x0806 for ARP
message), ARP message header source and
destination IP address, source and destination MAC
address, operation code (1 for request), (2 for reply).
It is important to mention that there is nothing
specifying that there must be some consistency
between the ARP header and the Ethernet header.
That means you can provide uncorrelated addresses
between these two headers. For example, the source
MAC address in the Ethernet header can be different
from the source MAC address in the ARP message
3.2 ARP Cache
Each host in a network segment has a table, called
ARP cache, which maps IP addresses with their
correspondent MAC addresses. There are two types
of entries in an ARP cache, namely: Static entries
which remain in the ARP cache until the system
reboots and Dynamic entries which remain in the
ARP cache for few minutes (this depends on the
operating system (OS)) then they are removed if
they are not referenced. New ARP requests allow to
add them again in the ARP cache. Static entries
mechanism is used unfortunately in small local area
network (LAN). However, in large networks, the
deployment and updates of static entries in the ARP
caches of the hosts are non practical networking
tasks. New entries in the ARP cache can be created
or already existing entries can be updated by ARP
request or reply messages.
ARP cache poisoning attack is the malicious act, by
a host in a LAN, of introducing a spurious IP address
to MAC address mapping in another host’s ARP
cache. This can be done by manipulating directly the
ARP cache of a target host, independently of the
ARP messages sent by the target host. To do that, we
can either add a new fake entry in the target host’s
ARP cache, or update an already existing entry by
fake IP and MAC addresses.
4.1 Static ARP Cache Update
An efficient technique to protect an ARP cache
against the ARP cache poisoning attack is to use
static entries in the ARP cache. That is, the entries in
the ARP cache cannot be updated by ARP request
and reply packets, and do not expire. But, this can
provide a wrong believe of security under some OSs,
such as Windows 2000 and SunOS Solaris 5.9. In
fact, those OSs marks static entries in their ARP
caches, but authorize their updates by ARP request
and reply packets. Consequently, such entries
cannot be considered as static entries, but solely
permanent entries in the ARP caches.
4.2 Dynamic ARP Cache Update
In principle, to corrupt the entries in the ARP cache
of a target host, a malicious host generates ARP
request or reply messages including fake IP and
MAC addresses. However, in practice, the success of
this malicious activity depends on the operation
system of the target host. A malicious host may
attempt to send fake ARP reply messages to a target
host even though the malicious host did not receive
any ARP request message from the target host. If the
OS of the target host accepts the fake ARP reply
message from the malicious host without checking
whether or not an ARP request message has been
generated before, then the received ARP reply
message will corrupt the ARP cache of the target
host with a fake MAC/IP entry. Alternatively, the
malicious host may attempt to send ARP request
messages, instead of ARP reply messages. .
Table 1 shows the result of an experiment we
performed on several common OSs. The objective of
this experiment is to identify which OSs with
dynamic entries in the ARP caches are vulnerable to
the ARP cache poisoning attack. Table 1 indicates
Table 1: Update of dynamic entries in the ARP caches using ARP request and reply messages.
Windows XP Windows
2003 Server
Linux 2.4 Linux 2.6 Free BSD
Solaris 5.9
Does the entry exist
in the ARP cache?
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
ARP request
ARP reply
9 : Means that the ARP request or reply message is accepted by the system and therefore allows the update
or the creation of an entry. X : Means that the ARP request or reply message is rejected by the system and
therefore does not allow the update and the creation of an entry.
clearly that: All tested OSs, except Windows 2000
and Free BSD 4.11, do not allow the creation of a
new entry by an ARP reply message and all tested
OSs allow the creation of a new entry by an ARP
request message. However, if the entry exists already
in the ARP cache, all tested OSs allow its update by
an ARP reply (even in the absence of an ARP
request) or request message. Therefore, when using
ARP reply messages, the ARP cache poisoning
attack becomes difficult to realize against most OSs.
However, it remains indeed possible when using
ARP request messages. Most common OSs are still
vulnerable to the ARP cache poisoning attack (
2004). Malicious users can first use ARP request
messages to create fake MAC/IP entries in the ARP
caches of their target hosts. Then, fake ARP reply
massages are used to maintain the existence of the
fake entries in the ARP caches of the target hosts.
In shared networks, when the Network Interface
Card (NIC) is set to the promiscuous mode all the
traffic can be sniffed, since each packet is
broadcasted to all hosts. However, in a switched
network, even by setting their hosts’ NIC cards into
the promiscuous mode, hackers cannot capture all
the traffic in the network, because all packets sent by
a host will be received only by the destination host,
unless it is a broadcast packet. The MiM attack
allows a malicious user to sniff a switched network.
The attack consists into rerouting (redirecting) the
network traffic between two target hosts to a
malicious host. Then, the malicious host will
forward the received packets to the original
destination, so that the communication between the
two target hosts will not be interrupted and the two
hosts’ users will not notice that their traffic is sniffed
by a malicious host.
To do that, the malicious user should first enable
his host’s IP packet routing (IP packet forwarding),
in order to become a router and be able to forward
the redirected packets. Then, using ARP cache
poisoning attack, the malicious user should corrupt
the ARP caches of the two target hosts, in order to
force the two hosts to forward all their packets to his
host. It is important to notice that if the malicious
host corrupts the ARP caches of two target hosts
without enabling its IP packet routing, then the two
hosts will not be able to exchange packets and it will
be a DoS attack. In this case, the malicious host does
not forward the received packets to their legitimate
destination. This is extremely potent when we
consider that not only can hosts be poisoned, but
routers/gateways as well. All Internet traffic for a
host could be intercepted by performing a MiM
attack on the host and the network’s router. The
MiM attack is performed as follows (where C is the
malicious host, and A and B are the two target
hosts): Host C enables its IP packet routing and
corrupts the ARP caches of hosts A and B, using
ARP cache poisoning attack. Figure 1 (a) shows the
initial entries in the ARP caches of hosts A and B,
before the ARP cache poisoning attack. After the
attack, host A associates host B’s IP with host C’s
MAC, and host B associates host A’s IP with host
C’s MAC (Figure 1 (b)). Consequently, all the
packets exchanged between hosts A and B will first
go to host C. Then, host C forwards them to the
legitimate destination (host B or host A).
Figure 1: The entries of the ARP caches of hosts A and B before and after the ARP poisoning attack.
To perform a MiM attack, the malicious host should
enable the IP packet routing and corrupt the ARP
caches of its target hosts. Therefore, if IP packet
routing is enabled in a host, then it is a suspicious
host. Only routers and some servers need to enable
the IP packet routing since they have to perform
packets routing. But still, we need to prove that the
suspicious host has performed also ARP cache
poisoning attacks against target hosts. In section 6.1,
we discuss an efficient technique for detecting any
host in the network with enabled IP packet routing.
Hosts with enabled IP packet routing are called
suspicious hosts. Then, in section 6.2, we discuss a
technique for detecting, among the suspicious hosts,
those that have performed ARP cache poisoning
attacks against other hosts in the network.
6.1 Detection of Hosts with Enabled
IP Packet Routing
The following is a technique based on an algorithm
for detecting any host with enabled IP packet
routing, in a switched network. The technique
consists of two phases and assumes that there is a
host in the network, Test host, used to do all the tests
needed during the two phases.
Phase 1: Generation of trap ICMP echo request
packets. In this phase, the Test host sends a trap
ICMP Ping packet to a given target host in the
network. Usually, if a host A (whose IP address is
IP_A and MAC address is MAC_A) wants to Ping a
host B (whose IP address is IP_B and MAC address
is MAC_B) in a network, then host A should send to
host B an ICMP echo request packet. A Ping packet
is used to detect whether or not a host is connected
to the network (
Postel, 1981, Stevens, 2001). For host
A, there is no reason and it is meaningless to send a
Ping packet to itself, since this means that host A
wants to know whether or not it is connected to the
network. Usually, hosts use other mechanisms to
perform any networking tests on their NIC cards,
such as the use of Loop IP addresses (e.g.:
When host A wants to send to itself a Ping packet, it
should set the “Destination MAC address” field in
the Ethernet header and the “Destination IP address
field in the IP header to the values “MAC_ A” and
IP_A “, respectively. However, the Test host
attempts to Ping itself, using a trap ICMP echo
request packet. In fact, the Test host wants to send
this packet to each host in the network. Therefore,
the value of the “Destination MAC address” field in
the Ethernet header of the trap ICMP Ping packet is
set to the MAC address of the target host in the
network (MAC_Target_host). The value of the
Destination IP address” field in the IP header of the
packet is kept as usual, that is the IP address of the
Test host (IP_Test_host). The values of the main
fields of the trap ICMP Ping packet are as shown in
Table 2.
Table 2: Trap ICMP Ping packet.
Ethernet header
Source MAC address = MAC_ Test_host
Destination MAC address = MAC_ Target_host
Ethernet Type = 0x0800 ( IP message)
IP header
Source IP address = IP_Test_host
Destination IP address = IP_Test_host
ICMP header
Type = 8 (echo request)
Code = 0
The NIC card of each target host in the network will
receive a trap ICMP Ping packet sent by the Test
host. Since, the MAC address in the “Destination
MAC address” field of the trap packet matches the
MAC address of the target host, then the packet will
be accepted by the target host and sent to the IP layer
for processing. Since, the IP address in the
Destination IP address” field does not match the IP
address of the target host, then the target host will
either discard or forward the packet to the host
whose IP address is specified in the “Destination IP
address” field. If the target host is set to do IP
packet routing, then the packet will be forwarded to
the Test host, otherwise, the packet is discarded.
Table 3 shows the results of an exercise we
performed on several common OSs. This experiment
confirms that when the IP packet routing is enabled
all tested OSs forward the received trap ICMP Ping
Table 3: Responses of the tested OSs after receiving the trap ICMP Ping packet.
2003 Server
Linux 2.4 Linux 2.6 Free BSD
Solaris 5.9
Enabled IP packet routing? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
The target host forwards the
trap ICMP Ping packet to the
original host?
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
When the target host is set to do IP packet
routing, it will forward the original packet with the
same IP and ICMP headers, but with a different
Ethernet header, as a router did. The destination
MAC address will be set to the MAC address of the
Test host, and the source MAC address will be set to
the MAC address of the target host.
Phase 2: Detection of the hosts with enabled IP
packet routing. All hosts that send back the received
trap ICMP packets to the Test host, have enabled IP
packet routing, and consequently are considered as
suspicious hosts. In order to capture the forwarded
trap ICMP packets sent by the target hosts, the Test
host may use a Sniffer or any program that allow to
capture ICMP Ping packets (echo request) whose
Destination IP address” field is set to the IP
address of the Test host.
6.2 Detection of ARP Cache
Poisoning Attack
In section 6.1, we discussed a technique for
detecting the hosts with enabled IP packet routing.
Those hosts are classified as suspicious hosts. In the
following section, we discuss a technique for
detecting the hosts, among the suspicious hosts, that
have performed ARP cache poisoning attack against
other hosts in the network. If a host has enabled IP
packet routing (suspicious host) and has performed
ARP cache poisoning attack against other hosts in
the network, then we can conclude that the host is
most likely sniffing the network traffic. This
technique consists into corrupting the ARP cache of
a suspicious host in order to force it to forward to the
Test host the packets received from its victim hosts.
It will be demonstrated that by analyzing the traffic
generated by a suspicious host, it is possible to
identify whether or not the suspicious host has
performed ARP cache poisoning attacks against
target hosts in the network.
We assume that A, B, C, D and E are the hosts of
a network. Hosts A and B are exchanging network
traffic. The IP packet routing in host D is enabled. In
addition, host D has corrupted the ARP caches of the
two hosts A and B, in order to sniff their traffic.
However, the ARP cache of host C is not corrupted
since it is not the target of the malicious host D. Host
E is the Test host. The detection technique described
in section 6.1 allows us to identify host D as a
suspicious host, since its IP packet routing is
enabled. The initial values of the entries (IP/MAC)
in the ARP caches of hosts A, B, C and D, before the
process of the corruption of the ARP cache of any
suspicious host, are:
The ARP cache of host A (corrupted ARP cache) i.e.
IP_B – MAC_D, the ARP cache of host B
(corrupted ARP cache) i.e. IP_A – MAC_D, the
ARP cache of host C i.e. IP_A – MAC_A and IP_B
– MAC_B and the ARP cache of host D i.e. IP_A –
MAC_A and IP_B – MAC_B.
For each suspicious host, we corrupt first its ARP
cache, using ARP cache poisoning attack. To do
that, the Test host E sends fake ARP requests to the
suspicious host D. So that, all the entries IP/MAC in
the ARP cache of host D will have the MAC address
of the Test host E as MAC address (MAC_E). After
this attack, the entries in the ARP cache of the
suspicious host D become corrupted: The ARP cache
of host D (corrupted ARP cache) i.e. IP_A –
MAC_E, IP_B – MAC_E and IP_C – MAC_E
Consequently, any packet sent by host A to host
B will go first to the suspicious host D, since the
ARP caches of hosts A and B have been corrupted
before by the suspicious host D (Figure 2: arrow
(1)). Then, the suspicious host D forwards the
received packet to the Test host E, since the ARP
cache of the suspicious host D has been corrupted
by the Test host E (Figure 2: arrow (2)). Finally, the
Test host E takes a copy of the received packet and
forwards it to the legitimate destination host, which
is host B (Figure 2: arrow (3)).
Figure 2: The network path of the packets sent by host A
to host B.
By analyzing the packet sent by the suspicious
host D to the Test host E, we can easily reveal that
the source IP address in the IP header of the packet
(2) is of host A, but the source MAC address in the
Ethernet header of the packet is of the suspicious
host D; however it should be equal to the MAC
address of host A. Consequently, we have the prove
that the suspicious host D has corrupted before the
cache ARP of host A in order to sniff its traffic. If
the Test host receives only legitimate packets from
the suspicious host D, that is the packets’ source IP
is host D’s IP and the packets’ destination IP is the
Test host E’s IP, then we can conclude that the
suspicious host D has enabled IP packet routing but
it is not sniffing any network traffic. Host D may
have enabled IP packet routing by accident without
any intention to perform malicious sniffing activities
against other network hosts. The whole process of
detection is then repeated for the remaining
identified suspicious hosts.
Based on the proposed detection techniques, an
application, called AntiMiM, has been developed
using Visual C++6.0 and WinpCap Library. The
application detects any host sniffing the switched
network using the MiM attack. AntiMiM application
has been evaluated against the two IDSs Arpwatch
and Snort. The application does not require a
monitoring port (SPAN) to run, unlike Snort and
Arpwatch. In addition, Snort and Arpwatch are not
able to detect the network’s hosts with enabled IP
packet routing. Finally, AntiMiM does not require a
predefined database of valid IP/MAC entries, like
Snort and Arpwatch. The database is used to verify
whether or not a given IP/MAC pair found in a
captured packet belongs to the database. Usually,
such a packet is used when performing ARP cache
poisoning attack. When Snort or Arpwatch are used
to detect ARP cache poisoning attack, the network
administrator should provide them with a database of
valid IP/MAC pairs. The generation of such a
database is times consuming. In addition, in large
networks, the database may include erroneous
entries. When a new host is connected to the
network, or a host gets a new MAC address (after
changing its NIC card) or IP address, the database
should be updated.
The proposed detection mechanism uses two
techniques that attempt to send spoofed packets to
the network’s hosts and then collect the response
packets for analysis. Therefore, for the efficiency of
the proposed mechanism, it is important to compute
the number of packets injected in the network. If the
network is flooded with heavy traffic, then its
performance may be affected.
We assume that there are n hosts in the network
including the Test host used to perform all the tests
(refer to sections 6.1 and 6.2). The proposed
mechanism detects first, among the n hosts, the hosts
with enabled IP packet routing, using the technique
discussed in section 6.1. We assume that m hosts
with enabled IP packet routing have been identified
(called suspicious hosts). Hence, the Test host will
send (n-1) trap ICMP echo request packets to the (n-
1) hosts in the network. Only, m hosts will forward
back the received packets, since they have enabled
IP packet routing. Therefore, ((n-1) + m) packets are
injected in the network, while detecting the hosts
with enabled IP packet routing.
Then, the proposed mechanism attempts to detect
among the m identified suspicious hosts, the hosts
that have performed ARP cache poisoning attack
against the other hosts. When the technique of the
section 6.2 is used, the Test host sends fake ARP
requests to the suspicious hosts in order to corrupt all
the entries in their cache. Since there are n hosts
including m suspicious hosts in the network, and the
maximum number of IP/MAC entries in an ARP
cache is (n-1), the Test host needs to generate ((n-
1)*m) fake ARP request packets. In addition, since
the ARP cache entries are supposed to expire if they
are not referenced within few minutes (typically
between tens of seconds to a few minutes, according
to the OS), then the Test host should keep sending
fake ARP requests periodically. As long as the Test
host keeps doing this, the suspicious hosts will not
issue ARP requests for that IP addresses, since their
ARP cache entries will always be within the timeout
threshold. Therefore, if the Test host waits a period
of 10 seconds, for example, and then sends again the
((n-1) *m) fake ARP packets, and the detection
process will take 1 minutes, then the Test host will
inject (((n-1)*m)*6) packets in the network.
Consequently, the use of the proposed techniques
does not degrade the network performance since
they do not flood the network with heavy traffic. On
the other hand, the techniques are independent from
the Switch brand and model, since they are based on
the attack of the ARP caches of the suspicious hosts.
Throughout this paper, we demonstrated that sniffing
is still a big thread even in a switched network. This
is against the belief that switched network are safe
from sniffing activities.
Most of the works done in the area of malicious
sniffing activities detection, deal with Sniffers in
shared networks. Few IDSs, mainly Snort and
Arpwatch, tried to detect malicious sniffing activities
in switched networks. The limits of those IDSs
regarding their ability to detect properly MiM attacks
have been discussed.
The paper proposes a mechanism for detecting
sniffing hosts in switched networks. The hosts use
the MiM attack, to sniff switched network. The
proposed mechanism consists into sending spoofed
packets to the network’s hosts. By collecting and
analyzing the responses packets, it has been
demonstrated how malicious sniffing hosts can be
identified efficiently and accurately. The mechanism
does not degrade the network performance when
injecting packets into to the network, since the
number of injected packets is relatively very limited.
Future works will be to make an IDS plug-in
version of the proposed mechanism, such as Snort
plug-in, and to lower the false positive/negative
ratios when the hosts use personal firewalls to filter
the incoming and outgoing traffic.
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