Which Complementarities for Manufacturing Information Systems?
Virginie Goepp, François Kiefer
INSA de Strasbourg
24, Boulevard de la Victoire
67084 – Strasbourg Cedex, France
Keywords: Manufacturing information system, requirement analysis, problem formulation, dialectical analysis.
Abstract: The development of manufacturing information systems involves various stakeholders, who are not
specialists for information systems. Therefore the stakes of the methods for such projects are to provide
models which are understandable for all people involved, and conceptual enough to support the alignment
between business, information system and manufacturing strategies of the company. The use of problem
based models, stemmed from dialectical approaches, is efficient for the understand ability and a coarse
strategic analysis, but it is limited through the project size. At the opposite, goal driven requirements
engineering approaches enable to tackle large projects and detailed strategic analysis, but they are limited
because of the difficulty to deal with the fuzzy concept of a goal. So, it would be interesting to gain from
these two approaches. This paper first presents a problem driven approach for manufacturing information
systems. It consists in a key-problem framework and a set of steps to exploit it. The assumption made is to
base requirement elicitation on the problems encountered by the stakeholders. Then its matching with goal
driven requirements engineering is shown and the complementarities between these two approaches are
drawn and further discussed.
Today, information systems (IS) occupy a prime
position in our organisations. Indeed “Information
that is timely, relevant and easy to access is a
cornerstone of modern organisations. All
organisations, whether in the private or the public
sector, have IS to help them manage their activities.
These IS are key to the success – and often survival-
of many organisations” (General Direction III of
European Commission 1996).
Thus, the development of the IS in particular for
manufacturing companies is a crucial endeavour.
Indeed, manufacturing systems are generally
supported by computers and its peripherals, which
ensure its facilities integration like, for example, in
the Computer Integrated Manufacturing
environment (Nagalingam and Lin 1999). This
specific kind of IS, called “global information
infrastructure” in (Chalmeta et al. 2001), should:
carry out efficient information processing offering
the correct information at appropriate time; allow for
the co-operation between the enterprise’s
subsystems and its external elements; cover up the
heterogeneity of physical resources and information
applications and be able to respond to the changes in
the enterprise’s way of functioning and the evolution
of support technologies (Mayer and Painter 1991).
In other words, to reach these objectives the
main stakes of the development of such systems, in
particular in the upstream phases, would be:
To provide efficient means to support the
construction of a comprehensive but although
conceptual view of the system to be developed.
This is essential to help developers understand
what users want and to help users understand
what technical systems can do in a context
where technical systems increase in diversity
and complexity (Yu 1997).
To ensure the alignment between business,
information system and manufacturing
strategies. This alignment is acknowledged for
the future cooperation between these sub-
systems (Croteau and Bergeron 2001).
Goepp V. and Kiefer F. (2006).
KEY-PROBLEM AND GOAL DRIVEN REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING - Which Complementarities for Manufacturing Information Systems?.
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 102-109
DOI: 10.5220/0002438901020109
However, such projects involve various
stakeholders, from the workshop manager to the
operators. Each has different background, skills,
knowledge, perceptions and is generally not a
specialist for the IS but only a user. Therefore the
models and tools to tackle these stakes must be
understood and shared easily by all of the actors
involved. Experiences, stemmed from the enterprise
modelling field, where the actors involved are also
various, shows in (Chen et al. 1997) that discussions
around the concept of problem are efficient to
involve users during upstream phases of
development and design.
So it is proposed, for the manufacturing
information systems, to base the requirements
engineering process on the concept of problem. The
emphasis is the “whys” underlying the requirements
(Yu and Mylopoulos 1994) but through a problem
view and the related alternative IS architectures.
According to (Sowa and Zachmann 1992) and
adopting the systemic angle, the IS architecture is
composed of the definition of the components of the
IS, a description of their interconnections (both
“logical” and “physical” within a network, for
instance) and finally, their interaction in time
(system dynamics) (Goepp and Kiefer 2005). The
architecture concept is used as a shared and
negotiated model of the target system. Its definition
is built around the problem formulation.
However to be efficient the problem driven
approach has to be guided. Therefore it is proposed
to support the process with dialectical analysis tools.
These tools deal with the formulation and solving of
problems in the form of contradictions. The study of
the contradictions enable to foresee changes and
follow evolution in the future. The relevance of
dialectical analysis in the IS field has been
demonstrated in (Bjerknes 1992; Bratteteig and
Ogrim 1994).
Our work is based on OTSM-TRIZ (Khomenko
and Kucharavy 2002) because, unlike other
dialectical approaches, OTSM-TRIZ provides
effective ways to formulate and deal with the
solving of contradictions. OTSM-TRIZ is used to
build a key-problem framework, which is the basis
for the problem driven requirements engineering.
These set of generic contradictions are completed
with a set of step supporting the requirements
engineering process with as a result the definition of
an architecture of the target IS.
Our practical experiences of this approach in
(Goepp and Kiefer 2003b), for example, show its
efficiency to support conceptual work and
communication between the various stakeholders.
The required communication and an in depth
analysis of the domain are reached. However, this
approach is only applicable to medium-scale
projects where the project leader is capable of
determining the state of a contradiction for the
whole field of study. Moreover the recommended
strategic analysis remains coarse.
Taking into account these drawbacks and looking
for further improvements, it seems that goal driven
requirements engineering should be useful. Indeed,
goals have been recognized to be an essential
component involved in the requirements engineering
process (Potts 1997). These kind of approaches have
proved, among other, to be an effective way to elicit
requirements (Dubois et al. 1998) (Kaindl 2000)
(Lamsweerde 2001) (Potts et al. 1994) (Rolland et
al. 1998b) and to support a systematic exploration of
design choices (Lamsweerde 2001) (Potts et al.
1994) (Hui et al. 2003) (Rolland et al. 1999a).
Despite these contributions it is also acknowledged
in (Anton and Potts 1998) (Haumer et al. 1998) and
(Lamsweerde et al. 1995) that is not so easy to deal
with goals. It is, for example, difficult for domain
experts to deal with the fuzzy and abstract concept
of a goal (Rolland et al. 1997).
Considering these different elements it would be
relevant to gain from problem and goal based
approaches for the requirements engineering process
of manufacturing IS. This article proposes to lead a
reflection on the complementarities between these
two kind of approaches. It focuses on drawing
potential research perspectives enabling to couple
problem and goal driven approaches. Therefore the
problem driven approach is presented progressively.
Firstly, in the second section the key-problem
framework and its role in the requirements
engineering process is pinpointed. Then the stepping
to exploit these framework is exposed in the third
section. Based on this presentation, the fourth
section makes a mapping between problem and goal
driven requirements engineering and emphasizes the
complementarities between these two approaches.
These complementarities are analysed and further
discussed in order to propose potential work
directions. This analysis is split up into two opposite
but complementary directions: from problem based
approach to goal based one and vice versa.
The proposed approach is based on generic models
of problems in the form of a so called key-problem
framework. It is built through a dialectical analysis
using the OTSM-TRIZ problem formulation process
Manufacturing Information Systems?
in the form of contradictions. The framework
consists in a set of three key-problems or evolution
contradictions. It is combined with some basic
problem solving tools of OTSM-TRIZ to guide the
requirements elicitation, negotiation and
specification around the definition of an architecture
of the target manufacturing IS.
2.1 Formulation “Process” of
“Evolution” Contradictions
The proposed dialectic analysis is based on OTSM-
TRIZ (Khomenko and Kucharavy 2002), which is a
meta-method facilitating the problem-solving
process. As in most dialectic approaches, it is based
on the contradiction concept but, unlike other
approaches, OTSM-TRIZ suggests processes and
tools for formulating and solving contradictions.
Different contradiction classes are defined
depending on the analysis point of view. Because we
focus on the requirements engineering process, an
overall analysis of the whole manufacturing IS
domain is required. Therefore, the most general
angle, i.e. the “evolution” contradiction, is chosen. It
points to the overall contradiction of a particular
family of systems – manufacturing IS in our case.
To formulate evolution contradictions we should (cf.
Figure 1):
Describe the class of systems
Identify functions to be fulfilled by this class of
Identify performance parameters of each
function. The evolution contradictions are
contradictions between two performance
parameters belonging to the same function.
They are expressed through a characteristic
Figure 1: Formulation process of key-problems.
Table 1: Links between semiotic features, generic
functions and characteristic elements of the key-problem
framework (Goepp and Kiefer 2004a).
2.2 Application to the Information
System Family of Systems
This process has been applied for manufacturing IS
and fully detailed in (Goepp and Kiefer 2003a).
Even if OTSM-TRIZ details the way to formulate
evolution contradictions, the knowledge required to
perform these steps has to stem from the application
domain. Therefore to be relevant they have to
include an in-depth analysis of the basic
requirements of the IS. So, building this framework
is based on specific knowledge of the IS field, i.e.
the role of IS within organisations to define
performance parameters, and the semiotic analysis
framework for IS engineering as proposed in
(Stamper et al. 2000) to define generic functions.
Each semiotic feature is associated to a generic
function of manufacturing IS and finally to a
characteristic element. Each characteristic element
represents a class of contradiction (cf. Table 1).
At last, the outcome is a key-problem
framework, representing the generic set of problems
to be solved on a macro level, during the IS
development. It contains three evolution
contradictions which respectively relate to the
amount of information, the degree of specificity of
information and their decision-making freedom.
Figure 2: Overview of the key-problem framework.
Semiotic features
c Element
Social effect Per-forma frame
Pragmatics /
Class of system
function 1
function 2
function 3
parameter 1
parameter 2
In contradiction
Evolution contradiction / key-problem
through a characteristic element
Decision making
The three contradictions are formulated as follow
(cf. Figure 2):
The amount of information made available to
each person must be increased to enhance
coordination and the improvement of the
organisation, but it should not be increased
because too much information harms the
efficiency of the action.
The degree of specificity of the information
available to each person must be increased so
that the data is exploited efficiently, but this must
not be done because it harms the coordination
and improvement of the organisation (making it
more difficult for shared representations to
Freedom to make decisions must be reduced
in actions in order to limit "non quality" and be
efficient in the action, but this must not be done
because people need a certain autonomy which is
essential to implement organisational learning.
3.1 Overview of the Steps
In view of how it is constructed, the key-problem
framework provides a set of “fundamental” concepts
to make an overall analysis of the what the system
should be, while enabling the assessment of the
design choices which kind of technical components,
for example. It enables the evolution of specific
manufacturing IS to be analysed from three
different, but complementary, angles. In other
words, the requirements engineering process shall be
guided by acknowledged contradictions for a
particular case. A contradiction is considered to be
acknowledged when it is felt by the users of the IS
under study. In view of the genericity of the
contradictions formulated and in order to be
efficient, the use of the framework has to be guided.
This section presents a sequence of steps to exploit
the key-problem framework in order to lead
requirement specification by defining a target
architecture of the system. The architecture of the
system by describing the components and related
objectives of the system, their time and spatial
interactions provides of model easy to share by the
various stakeholders.These set of steps are based on
other tools and principles of OTSM-TRIZ, which are
dedicated to contradiction solving.
The proposed set of steps and the principles are
the following :
Finding acknowledged contradictions or
reformulation of the key-problems using partial
solution and Ideal Final Result principle
Determining the “extreme” architectures or
solving/integration of the contradictions using
the intensification principle
Moving from “extreme architectures” to a
targeted architecture or interpretation of the
intensified architectures using the “multi-
screen” view tool.
Figure 3 shows an overview of the proposed
approach. The three steps and the results of each
step are presented. The principles used at each step
and the role of the key-framework within this
process are specified in italic.
contradiction 2
contradiction 3
Set of extreme
Ideal Final
contradiction 1
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Figure 3 : Overview of problem driven requirements engineering process (Goepp and Kiefer 2004b).
Manufacturing Information Systems?
3.2 Finding Acknowledged
The first stage consists in determining the
acknowledged contradictions for the IS under study.
Identifying the “individual” and “collective” roles of
the IS under study enables the three evolution
contradictions to be reformulated so that they can be
assessed by the IS users. Interviews are conducted to
carry out an appraisal of the framework. The various
contradictions stem from gaps between general
knowledge in a given field (here the key-problem
framework) and goals in a particular situation. In the
boarder of OTSM-TRIZ, understanding opposition
between general knowledge and specific conditions
enable to “converge” efficiently on a solution. It is
the “convergence” principle.
During this reformulation phase partial solutions,
solving partially the formulated contradictions can
be expressed. To support the partial solution finding
it is proposed to use the notions of Ideal Final Result
(I.F.R) and resources. The I.F.R. notion consists in
defining all situations in terms of the ideal. This
definition help formalise the solution-seeking
direction while disregarding all restrictions to
achieving it. The notion of resources during problem
solving consists in fostering solutions which call on
resources that are directly available in the
environment. For technical systems, when the
problem cannot be solved easily, new resources,
which preferably cost nothing or very little, are
introduced into the system. As a guide to refine this
preliminary requirement elicitation and negotiate
them we propose to use the notion of extreme
3.3 Determining “Extreme”
This phase is based on the intensification principle.
It means we can imagine the harmful effect of the
problem in an exaggerated form, even approaching
the absurd. The essence of the problem is then
An extreme architecture is an architecture
corresponding to a combination of the basic
intensification of the acknowledged contradictions.
For each acknowledged contradiction, two basic
intensifications can be envisaged: one focusing on
the collective aspect of the IS under study and the
other on the individual aspect. Thus, for the
contradiction relating to the amount of information,
focusing on the individual aspect means reducing the
amount of information stored. For the same
contradiction, focusing on the collective aspect
means increasing the amount of information stored.
When a single contradiction is acknowledged,
intensification on the individual and collective levels
means the definition of two extreme architectures.
When there are two or three acknowledged
contradictions, these basic intensifications must be
combined and lead to four or eight extreme
architectures. These phase enables to define a
“reduced” set of alternative “extreme” architectures
of the system to develop. This set will support the
refinement and negotiation of the requirements
during the third and last phase of the proposed
3.4 Moving From Extreme
Architectures to One “Target”
The architectures defined in the previous phase are
not real architectures, but only asymptotical
architectures to real situations. They intensifie the
number and type of components which must be
Therefore, sometimes the absurd nature of
certain extreme architectures is highlighted. In a
particular study having set aside these architectures,
the remaining architectures are made to converge
towards a target architecture.
To do this, we use the “multi-screen” view to
relocate the system under study both on a time scale
(past, present, future) and on a systemic scale (sub-
system, system, super-system). This graph offers (cf.
Figure 4) a structuring support to carry out strategic
alignment and alignment with the evolutions as
defined in works on IS alignment
Figure 4: “Multi-screen” view tool
Short Medium
IS strategy
the screens
For manufacturing IS, it is proposed to study the
company strategy as super-system, the
manufacturing IS strategy as system and the
manufacturing strategy as sub-system for the
following time scales: present, short/medium term
and long term. The three “screens” concerning the
present can be filled thanks to the as-is analysis.
Then the work consists in analysing vertical links
between the “screens” to ensure a coherent IS
strategic alignment (between company,
manufacturing IS and manufacturing system
strategies), and horizontal links between the
“screens” to ensure IS alignment with evolutions
The problem driven approach proposes an original
view on requirements engineering for manufacturing
IS. The use of problem based models, stemmed
initially from the technical design field is relevant
and efficient to assist the communication ability
between various stakeholders. This concept is easy
to share and understand by all of the people involved
whereas it is difficult to deal with the fuzzy concept
of a goal often used in requirements engineering.
The scope of this section is to propose new research
directions by showing the links and
complementarities between the approach based on
problem models and “classical” goal driven
requirements engineering. First it is proposed to
make a matching between problem and goal driven
process in order to emphasize the differences and
similarities between them. Then, in order to gain
from advantages of both approaches their
complementarities are studied into two opposite but
complementary directions: from problem based
approach to goal based one and vice versa.
4.1 Mapping from Problem Driven
Approach to Goal Driven
The main assumption of the problem driven
approach, exposed in sections 2 and 3, consists in
basing elicitation, negotiation, validation and
specification of requirements on the formulation of
the problems encountered by the users. The
formulation of these problems for IS manufacturing
is supported by the key-problem framework. This
one combined with other tools and principles of
OTSM-TRIZ enables to build progressively an
consensual view of the system to be developed.
Indeed, during the reformulation phase, the Ideal
Final Result and resources notions are useful to
pinpoint quickly the solution seeking direction.
During this phase, the expression of the reasons of
the contradiction existence can be assimilated to the
identification of goal elements. The partial solutions
discovered during this phase are part of scenarios,
which are usually combined with goal identification
to improve goal modelling (Rolland et al. 1998b).
Similarly the “extreme” architectures are a
limited set of scenarios. Indeed, according to
(Rolland et al. 1998a), scenarios are classified
according to their intention, content and their level
of abstraction. The IS architecture appears in this
classification at the intention level “exploratory”, at
the content level “objects of the real world” and at
the abstraction level “type of objects” (Goepp and
Kiefer 2004b). The combination of acknowledged
contradictions and intensification principle is here
interesting because only few but relevant scenarios
are studied. These are relevant because built around
the key-problems, which pinpoint the aspects to be
treated carefully during the IS development.
During the last phase the “extreme” architectures
are studied with the “multi-screen” view in order to
converge to the target architecture. The target
architecture is the base for the requirement
specification of the system under study. This step is
supported by the “multi-screen” view tool. The
analysis of the potential links between the “screens”
enables to refine the goals initially identified by
taking the organizational environment into account.
A coarse strategic alignment between the company,
the information and manufacturing system strategies
is provided. Requirement negotiation is supported by
the visual feature of the “multi-screen” view.
The use of the concept of a problem as
alternative to the goal one is interesting, however
some drawbacks remain. Indeed, the approach is
only applicable efficiently on small/medium scale
projects, where the limited scope enables to
determine the state of the contradictions
“acknowledged” or not. The strategic analysis is not
enough detailed and could be improved. In the
following sub-sections potential complementarities
are outlined and studied.
4.2 Mapping from Problem Driven
Approach to Goal Driven
In this sub-section we lead a reflection about how
goal based approaches could improve the problem
Manufacturing Information Systems?
based approach. As shown previously the use of the
concept of problem is interesting and relevant in the
context of manufacturing IS. However the
conceptual work with these models could be
improved if combined with goal identification. This
implies to analyse and formalize in detail the links
between problem formulation and goal
identification. Indeed, the study around the key-
problem framework enables to discover goals
however the completeness is not formally checked.
Therefore, the problem dimension has to be linked
with the goal taxonomies functional versus non
functional goals or soft and hard
Moreover the refinement strategy recommended
in many goal driven approaches like in (Anton and
Potts 1998) could complete the problem based
approach. For example, the mechanisms proposed in
(Rolland et al. 1998b) to discover goals at lower
level of abstraction could be transposed to refine the
problem breakdown. This breakdown would
improve the detail level of the analysis, which
remains coarse.
Last but not least goal modelling techniques like
the goal/strategy map or map for short exposed in
(Rolland et al. 1999b) could be used to describe
more formally the architecture model by associating
to each architecture the corresponding goal/strategy
map in a standard formalism. The map formalism
could also be used to reduce the gap between the
acknowledged contradictions and the related
alternative architectures.
In this sub-section we lead the reflection in the
opposite direction in order to propose improvement
possibilities for goal based approaches through
concepts used in the problem based approach. The
goal/problem coupling already evoked previously
could be relevant to improve the practical use of the
concept of a goal. Indeed, for example, the impacts
between considered strategies and related key-
problems could enable to make the goal concept
more concrete for the various stakeholders. If the
strategies and goals are illustrated through the
related problems, these abstract concepts become
more comprehensive.
Moreover, the intrinsic feature of a key-problem
could be exploited to manage conflicts between
goals. This management is a problem often
discussed in the literature for example in (Darimont
et al. 1998). Indeed, a key-problem is a contradiction
and contains therefore intrinsically a conflict. By
checking the consistency between the key-problems
and the alternatives related to conflicting situations
the goal conflict management could be improved. In
this way solving directions for the conflicts could be
highlighted systematically.
Concerning the scenario identification aspect, the
intensification principle and the “multi-screen” view
could be used advisedly to complete existing
scenario identification approaches. Indeed, the
intensification principle enables to emphasize
quickly and efficiently the relevance of the identified
scenarios. The “multi-screen” view gives a visual
support for building a shared view of the scenario
alternatives. This is essential to help managing
various stakeholders with various concerns.
We would like to thank the team of the CRI (Centre
de Recherche en Informatique) – Panthéon La
Sorbonne (France) particulary Colette Rolland and
Camille Salinesi for their help by, among other,
providing us bibliographic material.
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International Symposium on Requirements
Engineering (RE'97), Washington D.C., USA, 226-
Yu, E., and Mylopoulos, J. "Understanding Why in
Requirements Engineering - with an Example."
Workshop on System Requirements: Analysis,
Management, and Exploitation, Schloss Dagstuhl,
Saarland, Germany.
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