Alexandra Queirós, Nelson Rocha
Escola Superior de Saúde, Universidade de Aveiro, Campo Universitário, 3810 Aveiro, Portugal
Keywords: Social Solidarity Institutions, Reference Information Model, Electronic Social Record.
Abstract: The paper presents an overview of a Reference Information Model for the introduction of information
services into the social solidarity institutions. The model is based on a complete description of the different
institutional process, from a high level to a deep detail perspective, and was used for the implementation of
a Client Management Information Service for Private Social Solidarity Institutions.
In the presence of the pressures and challenges
placed on the welfare structures it is urgent to
optimise the available resources. In Portugal, the
welfare public services represent only a small part of
the social support that is given to the citizens. The
Private Social Solidarity Institutions (PSSI) play a
very important role to fulfil the gaps of the public
services, since they are the ones that give most of the
support and are closed to the society.
According to the Law nº 119/83 of 25 of
February (PSSI statutes), the PSSI “are non-profit
and non-public institutions which main purpose is to
provide social support to necessitous persons but
also to promote education and prevention of
The government recognises the relevance of PSSI in
the provision of social services to the population
threw the establishment of cooperation and financial
agreements. In fact, the family support has been
decreasing and the public welfare agencies consider
the PSSI a strategic part in the care system. They
provide a number of social services, namely
domiciliary support or health care.
In many PSSI it is possible to evidence that care
providers are involved in repetitive administrative
tasks. Such tasks can be supported by technological
solutions so that more time could be left for the
clients. The present situation is particularly
inadequate because, on one hand, the cost of the
human resources consumes a great part of the PSSI
budgets and, on the other hand, the actual paradigms
promote an easy access to the existing resources and
the knowledge sharing wherever and whenever
necessary. It must also be pointed out that in care
providing the multidisciplinary teamwork involving
different service providers has an extreme
importance, but the relationship between the
different entities is not always trouble-free,
contributing decisively to the reduction of
Therefore, the systematic use of Information
Technologies (IT) in the communication,
management, processing, availability and exchange
of information between PSSI, citizens and social
agents must be stimulated. A clear desire is the
development of citizen centred services using new
organizational frameworks that integrate
heterogeneous compilations of resources to be
acceded as a uniform conglomeration of information
and knowledge. This need elapses from the care
providers’ own action. Assuming that they must be
information managers, IT must be used to introduce
more objectivity on the different social tasks.
However, it is important that the technological
introduction might be done in a sustainable way and
not supported by a set of unframed projects.
The present paper reflects the results of a research
work that intends to contribute to the development
Queirós A. and Rocha N. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 343-348
DOI: 10.5220/0002442403430348
of methodologies that will help the technological
evolution of the PSSI. The main issue is to evaluate
if a conceptual framework for the PSSI essential
information can facilitate the introduction of IT
services and promote the participation of the PSSI
collaborators in the different phases of the required
reorganization procedures.
A regional project within the Programme Aveiro
- Digital (Rocha, 2002) is being used to validate the
outcomes of the research effort. Therefore, it is
possible to take benefit from a regional perspective,
since a sustainable development has more chances of
success when it is geographically located and when
there is the opportunity of repeating experiences. It
is also advisable not to forget that the regional
dimension is fundamental in the conception and
implementation of policies since it is at the base
level that the relationships are more easily handled.
The next section provides a short description of
the constraints related with the improvements of the
PSSI organizational procedures. The fourth section
presents a Reference Information Model for the
PSSI information services. The fifth section
describes the Electronic Social Record, a main
element to model the PSSI essential information.
The sixth section contains a presentation of the
experience gained in a regional project involved
several PSSI (which provide support services to
elderly and disabled people) and public welfare
agencies. Finally, an outlook on the results is
provided in the seventh section.
The technological evolution of the Portuguese PSSI
is somewhat precarious. A study done for the PSSI
of the Aveiro region (Souza, 2004) shows that
almost all the inquired PSSI have several computers,
though the connections to a network are almost
inexistent. The Microsoft Office is quite spread and
some PSSI also make use of applications for
administrative purposes, mostly not integrated.
There is not any specific software for the
management of the clients’ information (in all the
studied institutions, the clients’ records are based on
Concerning to the communication itself, the most
used means of communication are: the telephone (in
the communication with the exterior), telephone,
paper and personal contact (in the communication
inside the PSSI) and the meetings (in what concerns
to communication in a teamwork context). The
electronic mail is already available in most of the
PSSI, but it is not much used.
Regarding to the investment priorities and its
short-run planning, in spite of the great majority of
the inquired PSSI consider that the existing
computers are insufficient, a significant number of
them have a clear intention to invest more in the
connection of the computers to a network. They also
consider that it would be useful to invest in
integrated applications, and a few reveal the
intention of doing it in a short run.
It is important to mention that there is not, in
none of the considered PSSI, anyone responsible for
the information systems. There are, in the majority
of the cases, administrative personnel and even
social workers that give some technical support.
Finally, in terms of acquisition and adoption of IT
based solutions, the PSSI are aware of the
importance of people’s training, formalization of
tasks, standardization of procedures and integration
of information. It is still important to mention that it
is implicit the need that the information which is
currently scattered by several institutions, centres
and professional fields, should correspond to a one
single and coherent body.
However, this evolution strikes against a
diversified set of barriers, namely the lack of the
financial resources, the collaborators low level of
schooling and reduced experience in use of IT,
resistance to change, collaborators expertise directed
towards the necessity of running the daily problems
and not available for planning and realising
advanced organisational and technological
innovations, the level of complexity apprehended by
PSSI collaborators regarding technology, poor
formalization of the tasks, lack of standardized
procedures, low level of integration of the existing
systems and some lack of recognition of the
importance of technology.
In reference to eventual facilitators to the
introduction of IT based services, some factors can
be named, namely, the experience resulting from
several projects, a slight change on the PSSI
collaborators’ attitude (starting to show more
predisposition to work using IT and showing also a
higher recognition of its usefulness), the positive
way of facing the deepening of the PSSI
collaborators’ knowledge, the appearance of
younger professionals who are more receptive and
qualified to use this kind of tools and the level of
increasing importance which is given to the
technology acquisition.
At the time being Portugal presents a fast
introduction of IT in the public welfare agencies,
within the modernization of the public
administration. This puts a considerable political
pressure to the PSSI. Furthermore, due to several
modifications of the social and healthcare political
frameworks, the PSSI are being pressed to evolve
for a new perspective of care providing with an
efficient cooperation between social and health
This evolution has been very difficult to achieve
due to several causes, namely, the fragmentation of
social and health services, the reduced degree of
decentralization of the policies in the country, the
low level of allotment of resources between social
and health systems, the importance of the power for
the professionals, the hermetic characteristics of the
health entities, the prejudices among professionals,
the discrimination regarding certain groups of
collaborators, the professionals and institutions fear
of being evaluated and even aspects such as the high
level of individualism of the society.
In fact, the fragmented supply of the care
providing is a real problem in the existing social and
health systems, which contributes to the inefficiency
of the services and to low quality standards in the
care provision. However, an integrated perspective
of the care providing (Kodner, 2002) needs the
creation of multidisciplinary teams (horizontal
integration) in the same level of care or the linkage
between different levels: primary, secondary and
tertiary care (vertical integration). In this process,
the goals, the skills and the roles of each part must
be clarified and the IT solutions must be used to
create virtual organizations, formally separated, but
allowing the information sharing and the teamwork.
The PSSI are short of good practices in the
introduction of IT and in the development of
protocols and guidelines for care providing. A
specific methodology, the Best Institution Practice
(BIP), was developed to respond to this need. It is
based on a set of principles or good practices and it
is focused on the organizational processes and on the
optimisation of activities inherent to the teamwork,
within a PSSI and between different PSSI (Rocha,
Another important component is the Reference
Information Model. Usually, a PSSI is composed by
a set of autonomous services that can be
geographically distributed and with different levels
of complexity. Due to this distributed nature,
monolithic IT applications can hardly be adapted to
the requirements of the PSSI. On the other hand, a
distributed architecture presents several advantages,
since it allows the most adequate technological
solution for each unit that compose an organization
of this type. However, the specific characteristics of
the care providing can lead, in technological terms,
to a great number of different and heterogeneous
applications, conceived to satisfy the requirements
of particular users and most probably not compatible
among them.
Therefore, it is important to guarantee the
evolution, integration and interoperability between a
set of different and heterogeneous applications that
can be developed at different moments by different
suppliers with different technologies but, logically,
are part of the same information service.
It should be pointed that the available technology
allows in an easy way the interconnection of
distributed applications, even if they are
heterogeneous and part of different physical
systems. However, this type of interconnection is
only related with technical aspects and do not
provide the applications interoperability in terms of
information consistency, which is the important
issue for the final users. Furthermore, is not enough
a simple messages exchange for the cooperation
between different applications, inasmuch as this
solution only allows a relative interoperability,
without a real integrated organizational perspective.
The establishment of common information
models, able to relate the different types of data
available to all the applications required for the
information services, can promote real information
integration. The main concept behind such model is
that, independently of its characteristics and goals, a
PSSI can be considered as a set of users,
individually different and carrying out very specific
tasks, but all of them needing to share a common
and reliable infrastructure of basic information. This
common information structure cannot belong to a
particular application, but must be accessible to all
applications through public and well-defined
interfaces, which do not have to depend on any
technical characteristic of a particular system
For this, a reference model is required. The
Reference Information Model guarantees a common
conception of the information that is transferred,
which cannot be defined without having a common
vision of processes, procedures and concepts,
despite the differences that, necessarily, exist
between the PSSI. Such approach makes possible
the generalization of common functions and the
specification of specific functions for each particular
social service. The base for the development of the
Reference Information Model was the correct
description of the different processes, from a high
level to a deep detail perspective. Considering the
heterogeneity of the PSSI, the processes are similar
up to certain level (even so can be different), but
when a greater detail is incorporated, the processes
necessarily will be different, partially due to the
local procedures and rules.
In order to guarantee the interoperability between
different applications it is essential to define a way
to structure the essential information of the PSSI. On
possible way is to consider a nuclear group the data
regarding the clients (including not only their
characteristics and needs, but also the results of the
different activities centred in them). By analogy with
what happens in the health domain (Beale, 2001) we
assigned this nuclear group of data as an Electronic
Social Record (ESR). The conceptual framework of
the electronic support for the clients’ records is a
fundamental tool and it allows (Himss, 2004) the
improvement of the quality, security and efficiency
of care providing, emphasizes the client centred
care, improves the prevention, reduces the
information redundancy, facilitates the information
sharing among institutions (because it can be
consulted starting from any point by properly
authorized users) and reduces the probability of
errors in adverse situations, through the access to the
complete client record and the use of decision
support systems.
The conceptual framework of the ESR is derived
from the paper based client record, which is used by
most of the PSSI, but that presents some difficulties,
namely, incapacity to access the clients’ global data
(many times scattered by several care providers),
inadequate forms of archiving, data supports that can
be damaged by handling, difficulties in updating the
data, impossibility to guarantee privacy, among
A client can be described through several
concepts, because it assumes several roles
throughout the life cycle. For the PSSI, the client
visibility starts with the registration, can continue
with an individual care plan until the interaction
with the PSSI ends. Once more, the fact that some
data is defined by an activity that occurs explicitly
outside of the PSSI should be valued. In fact, some
data can be received from external centres as a result
of external processes and represents autonomous and
self-consistent information only related to the client.
The definition of the ESR architecture considers
that it should support information services that are
essential for the care providing, reflecting on
different organizational levels and different types of
processes, namely in respect to processing of client
data, such as, observation, reasoning and intention.
The information that supports the various activities
and processes can be more or less complex,
constitute a more or less significant part of the
potential set of all the necessary data for the
functioning of a PSSI. In the scope of an information
system to the care providing, the ESR is responsible
to support the applications for the clients’
management and must contain all data that is
necessary to assure the consistency of care
providing. Therefore, the information model must
allow the retrieve of the social and clinical history of
the client, as well as all the relevant moments of
The development approach that was followed was
to separate the information semantics and
knowledge into two different levels: the information
model and the knowledge model.
The information model is a generic one, in order
to be able to embraces all type of information
necessary to record the client’s information, but also
adjustable to answer to the requirements of each
service in what concerns to the access to the
information. It contains only non-volatile concepts
in order to be maintainable, and it is the fundamental
model for the software engineers to perform the
technical implementation of the information
The main components of ESR model allow
answering to six basic questions linked to each
record: what, when, where, who, why and how.
Therefore, it is composed by four basics elements
(see the high level diagram of the Figure 1):
transaction, entry, collection and item. The ESR is
composed by several versioned transactions, which
can contain one or more entries of different types:
observation, assessment or instruction. The
information contained in an entry is grouped in
collections. The collections are constituted by items,
which correspond to the elementary units of
information. Furthermore, the transaction must be
capable to reflect the context (who validated the
inserted information and why it was inserted) and
the collection must reflect the procedural context
and time, where the information was created, as well
who is the author of the information.
The presented structure is a generic one (prepared
to suffer evolutions, whether they are technological
or organizational structure) that allow to store all
information about the clients, without however to be
compulsive the use of all the data for all the services
or institutions. Therefore, it is necessary to define a
set of different models that organize the information
according to the different services or the needs of the
different care providers. This corresponds to a
second level of abstraction (the knowledge model)
where the numerous, volatile concepts of most
domains are expressed.
The knowledge model adjusts the information
model to the needs of each PSSI, service or care
provider in what concerns to the information that
should be part of the client record and to the forms
of accessing this information. For that it is necessary
to define archetypes that are distinct domain entities
that express constraints on instances of the
underlying information model (Beale, 2001). In the
followed approach, archetypes are instances in an
object oriented system implementation, which
means they can be created and manipulated by
graphical user interface tools, alter as desired
without changing the underlying information system
technical specifications.
The main advantage of the followed approach is
that software engineers develop the technical
models, while a phased approach with an active
involvement of the PSSI collaborators is used to
develop the concepts of the knowledge model.
Therefore, the final users are empowered to directly
produce artefacts to control how their system will
This technical approach allows the introduction
of a new information service in an incremental way,
being the PSSI collaborators the ones who define the
relevant information to maintain in the system, how
the user interfaces should behave, what are the
suitable forms for accessing the information and
how the care providing process should be organized.
Due to the opportunities and challenges of the
development of the information society it is urgent
to find the best practical ways for that development.
The Programme Aveiro - Digital (Rocha, 2002)
attempts to respond to this important challenge
through the search for better ways to the
development and introduction of IT solutions in a
region scale as well as by showing evidence of the
advantages they can provide. The making of the
Aveiro - Digital has been accomplished more on the
basis of a radical transformation of the habits and
behaviour of the citizens and institutions, rather than
just providing it with the necessary infrastructures
and systems. Therefore, the Aveiro - Digital
represents an opportunity and an ideal scenario to
evaluate the developed tools and models. The
Information Services for the Social Solidarity
Institutions, a three years project of the Programme
Aveiro - Digital that congregates a representative
Figure 1: Main Components of the ESR information model.
-executor perfil
-instruction date
-assessment date
-observation date
-validation date
-who validates
Transacti o n
group of PSSI and public welfare agencies, has been
selected for this evaluation.
Therefore, the ESR was part of a Client
Management Information Service that allows the
care providers to have a distributed access to the
information about the clients.
The underlying information systems follow a
multi-layer architecture. At the presentation level,
different interfaces may exist according to final
user’s preferences, needs and terminal equipment
that are being used. This corresponds to an
abstraction layer that comprises all the
communication between the system and the users,
with their profiles stored in the system. The profiles
can determine how the interface to a given user is
presented. This approach has been easily
implemented due to XML technologies.
Several archetypes were developed and they were
included in a concept layer that is used to access the
ESR. The ESR belongs to a middleware layer that
presents other common functions such as a person
identification service or security related functions
(namely, authentication of the identity of the user
that is requesting an information access or the basic
mechanisms describing the users authorised to
access the system and the functions they are able to
From the engineering point of view, the web
services technologies were selected for the
implementation of various components. This system
architecture is technologically neutral, guarantees
the interoperability with standardized solutions and
allows the integration of software components from
different sources.
Within the Aveiro - Digital a structured approach
has been followed to capture heterogeneous users
requirements, to define complex technical
specifications, to help the systematisation of broad
range of concepts of the social care domain and to
facilitate the reorganization of internal procedures of
several PSSI. The main result was the establishment
of new practices, namely those related to the record
of the performed activities (almost inexistent
before). The developed Client Management
Information Service allowed a continuous record of
the performed activities and had motivated the
standardization of procedures for the
accomplishment of certain actions or interventions.
Furthermore, the implementation approach of
having a generic information model for the ESR that
can be customize by defining the appropriate
knowledge model (archetypes) allows the
generalization of the information systems (the same
implementation has been introduced in different
PSSI, although different archetypes were defined).
The experience gained shows a high level of
acceptance by the involved PSSI. Among others, the
reasons for the acceptance are related with the
structured approach, namely the existence of
reference models and a set of comprehensible tools
that facilitates the involvement of the PSSI
At this moment, the aim is to identify a set of
performance indicators in order to quantify the
profits and to measure the return of the investment in
terms of benefits that contribute to the PSSI
Rocha, N., 2002, Aveiro - Digital Town: A Social
Services Experiment. In Advances in Digital
Government - Technology, Human Factors and
Policy. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Souza, E., Santana, S., Rocha, N., 2004. The Supporting
Role of Technology in the Provision of Care,
Inhibitors and Facilitators in its Implementation,
Universidade de Aveiro. Aveiro.
Kodner, D., 2002, Integrated Care: Meaning, Logic,
Applications, and Implications: A Discussion Paper.
In International Journal of Integrated Care, Vol.2.
Rocha, N., Queirós, A., 2005, Introduction of Information
Services into the Private Social Solidarity Institutions.
In Innovation and the Knowledge Economy – Issues,
Applications, Case Studies. IOS Press.
Beale, T., 2001, Health Information Standards Manifesto,
Himss, 2004, HIMSS Electronic Health Record
Definitional Model, EHR Definition, Attributes and
Essential Requirements – version 1.0, Electronic
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