Zakaria Maamar
, Ghita Kouadri Most
and Djamal Benslimane
Zayed University, Dubai, U.A.E.
University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada
Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, Lyon, France
Context, Policy, Security, Web service.
This paper presents a policy-based approach for securing the contexts associated with Web services, users, and
computing resources. Users interact with Web services for personalization needs, and Web services interact
with resources for performance needs. To authorize any context change, a security context is developed. The
security context reports on the strategies that protect a context using authorization and restriction policies.
Over the last three years, we have been inves-
tigating Web services along the following direc-
tions: context-aware composition, personalization,
self-coordination, semantic mediation, and last but
not least tracking (Benslimane et al., 2005; Maamar
et al., 2006a). This paper continues our investigation
of Web services personalization (Maamar et al., 2005)
with emphasis this time on securing the content of the
contexts of the components that participate in such a
User, Web service, and resource represent these
components. Users trigger Web services to satisfy
their needs, and Web services operate on top of re-
sources during computing. To track the progress
of interaction that happen between users and web
service, and then between Web services and re-
sources, specific structures of type context are de-
vised (Fig. 1). In (Maamar et al., 2005), we special-
ized context into user context (U -context), Web ser-
vice context (W-context), and resource context (R-
context). Coutaz et al. argue that context is not sim-
ply the state of a predefined environment with a fixed
set of interaction resources. It is part of a process of
interacting with an ever-changing environment com-
posed of reconfigurable, migratory, distributed, and
multiscale resources” (Coutaz et al., 2005).
It is widely agreed that any tracking operation relies
on the quality of information that is collected, refined,
and used for feeding this operation. A poor quality
of information usually results in making wrong de-
cisions, which affect for example the chronology of
operations to execute, the scheduling of resources to
use, and the type of data to exchange. The support in-
formation for tracking purposes represents the content
of a context whether of type U , W ,orR. In this pa-
per, we discuss the rationale of securing the content of
these three contexts and the mechanisms that are set
up for authorizing or restricting the management of
this content by using specific policies. Management
means here consultation and update.
Our security approach is built upon a forth type
of context, which we extend from context and refer
to as security context (S-context). While the three
aforementioned types of context are responsible for
catering information on users, Web services, and re-
sources, respectively, the security context is respon-
sible for overseeing their U /S/R-contexts (Fig. 1).
Therefore the security context is specialized into three
types: S-context
(Security context of U ser context),
(Security context of W eb service con-
text), and S-context
(Security context of Resource
context). Fig. 1 illustrates 2 types of link between
contexts: to extend for specialization purposes and to
oversee for tracking purposes.
By promoting security context, our objective is
to track all the concerns and threats that affect the
content of a context, to deploy appropriate measures
based on previous security contexts, and to adjust
the measures subject to the feedbacks obtained out
of this tracking. Some of the elements that could
be identified through a security context are multiple
like the regular actions for identification and encryp-
tion/decryption, the types of violation that targeted
the protective measures, and the corrective actions
that are run for fixing misuse or alteration situations.
Section 2 discusses the rationale of a security con-
Maamar Z., Kouadri Mostéfaoui G. and Benslimane D. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 100-105
DOI: 10.5220/0002443001000105
To extend
(Web services)
To extendTo oversee To oversee To oversee
W-context Web service context U-context User context
R-context Resource contextS-context Security context
Figure 1: Types of context in a Web services environment.
text and overviews the Web services personalization
project as a running case. Section 3 explains our ap-
proach to securing the management of the content of
contexts by using security context. Section 4 presents
the prototype and Section 5 overviews some related
works. Conclusions are drawn in Section 6.
2.1 Why a Security Context?
A security context is a state of the working environ-
ment that requires taking one or more security ac-
tions. A security context is formed by a set of infor-
mation collected from the user’s environment and the
application environment and that is relevant to the se-
curity infrastructure of both the user and the applica-
tion (Kouadri Most
efaoui and Br
ezillon, 2004).
We expect that a security context will highlight the
elements that define the security of the context con-
tent of the components that are engaged in Web ser-
vices personalization. These elements are the encryp-
tion algorithm, the authentication operation, the con-
fidentiality tool, etc. For instance, if a Web service
needs to be authenticated prior to managing its con-
text, it will have to comply with this procedure. In
addition we expect that the security context will limit
the changes in the content of a context. For instance,
a Web service could refrain from submitting consulta-
tion requests to its context because of the interception
threats that originate from a resource.
2.2 Application Case: Web Services
A complete description of the Web services person-
alization project, which integrates the three types of
context (i.e., U -context, W -context, and R-context)
into its operation is given in (Maamar et al., 2005).
In the following we only overview this project by fo-
cussing on the interactions that occur during Web ser-
vices personalization.
Fig. 2 illustrates the interactions that take place dur-
ing context-based personalization of Web services be-
fore considering security. When a user selects a Web
service, he continues afterwards with the personaliza-
tion of this Web service according to time or location
preferences. Time preference is twofold: when the
execution of the Web service should start, and when
the outcome of this execution should be delivered to
the user back. Location preference is attached to user
and is twofold: where the execution of the Web ser-
vice should occur, and where the outcome of this ex-
ecution should be returned to the user.
Web serviceUser Resource
Identification + preferences
no no
Trigger Process Branching EndInteraction
Figure 2: Interactions during Web services personalization.
Once the preferences of a user are submitted to the
Web service, this latter ensures that the dates and lo-
cations are valid as conflicts might emerge during op-
eration (e.g., delivery time occurring before execution
time). Before the identification of the resources on
which it will operate, the Web service checks its W-
context with regard first, to the number of current ac-
tive participations in compositions vs. the maximum
number of active participations in compositions and
second, to the next period of unavailability. After a
positive check of the W -context content (to be se-
cured), the identification of a resource can now start.
A resource mainly needs to accommodate the start-
ing time of the execution of a Web service, and the
time that the execution of a Web service lasts. The
outcome of this execution is tightened to the deliv-
ery time as per user’s indication. To this purpose
a resource checks its R-context with regard first, to
the next periods of time that will feature the execu-
tion of Web services and second, to the next period of
maintenance. After a positive check of the R-context
content (to be secured), the resource notifies the Web
service, which itself proceeds with notifying the user
when the response of his request is ready for delivery.
The various notifications among these three compo-
nents result in updating the content of the different
contexts (Fig. 2). It will be shown in the next section
the way these update operations are monitored.
3.1 Protection Strategy
The aim of the security context is twofold. The
first aim is to announce the security mechanisms,
which guarantee the necessary protection of U/W /R-
contexts in terms of authentication, message safety,
and data integrity. This aim was already investigated
in our previous research on context ontologies (Maa-
mar et al., 2006b). A non-authorized access to a con-
text could result in an inaccurate assessment of multi-
ple elements like location of user, execution status of
a Web service, or capacity of a resource. The second
aim, focus of this paper, is to keep track at the level
of the security context (S-context
) of all the
operations that users/Web services/resources initiate
over the content of their respective U/W/R-contexts.
Operations on a context content are multiple rang-
ing from consultation and modification to content ex-
change between contexts. The sensitive nature of the
content of contexts, as emphasized by the first aim
of the security context, has motivated the develop-
ment of a set of policies that frame the performance
of these operations based first, on the status of the en-
vironment surrounding users/Web services/resources
and second, on previous experiences of running sim-
ilar operations. For instance, a Web service could
refrain from consulting its W -context’s parameters if
this Web service finds out that the resource, on which
it operates, can intercept and modify content. In this
paper, we use Ponder (Damianou, 2002) to specify
the various policies per type of context and per type
of operation to be run over this context content.
Fig. 3 illustrates our proposed policy-based archi-
tecture for protecting a context content. The archi-
tecture highlights three components namely user, re-
source, and Web service, and a repository of poli-
cies (to be associated with an authorization engine).
To keep Fig. 3 clear, the way these three compo-
nents are ”plunged” in the surrounding environment
is represented with the shape overlapping between
”user/resource/Web service” rectangle and ”environ-
ment” cloud. Each component binds to a context
that is overseen by a security context. A compo-
nent carries out operations over the content of its
context upon receiving approval from the reposi-
tory of policies (i.e., the authorization engine). This
approval is the result of triggering policies based
on the inputs that the repository receives after as-
sessing the environment and consulting the secu-
rity context. We have developed two types of
policies in compliance with the types of policies
in Ponder: authorization and restriction.Asex-
ample of a policy specification is given in Sec-
tion 3.2. The input from the environment is about
user (location, status
, etc.), Web ser-
vice (status
, provider identifier,
QoS, etc.), and resource (load
, provider
identifier, QoS, etc.). The input from the security
context is about previous experiences, which have
dealt with the content of context. Previous experience
refers to a similar operation over a context content that
occurred in the past and was reported at the level of
the security context. Any change in the content of a
context is immediately communicated to the security
context. A change is illustrated by setting new val-
ues to parameters of contexts, modifying the update
flag of a parameter from ”permitted” to ”unpermit-
ted”, modifying the consultation flag of a parameter
from ”authorized” to ”unauthorized”, etc. In Fig. 3,
number duplication means concurrent operations.
4- Management
U/ R/ W
Web service
3- Operation
subject to approval
5- To report5- To oversee
U/ R/ W-context
2- Approval (y/n)
Repository of policies
1- Input1- Input
0- Assessment
Figure 3: Architecture for content protection of context.
Our development strategy for a security context of
types user/Web service/resource (S -context
consists of three steps: threat identification, security-
context organization, and policy specification.
Threat identification step consists of list-
ing the threats that could abstain a component
(user/resource/Web service) from managing the con-
tent of its context. We classify the threats according
to their origin.
- Threats on the content of U -context of user pri-
marily originate from Web services. Once a Web
service is selected for participation in a composi-
tion, the Web service could turn out to be untrust-
worthy during run-time. Indeed, subject to per-
sonalization at the levels of execution time or ex-
ecution location, a Web service may aim at mod-
ifying some preferences of user without consult-
ing him. A motivate for the modification could be
the large number of user requests that the Web ser-
vice has accepted to satisfy, exceeding thus its ca-
pabilities. Since U -context’s and W-context’s pa-
rameters overlap (Maamar et al., 2005), the user
is requested to modify the values of some his U -
context’s parameters in accordance with the latest
Table 1: Description of S-context
U /W/R
s parameters and their instantiation.
Parameter & Description
Label context: identifies the context of the component that the security context is associated with.
Operation source: identifies the component that intends running an operation over a context content.
- Operation type: indicates if it is a consultation or modification operation.
- Source trustworthiness: indicates how much the component that binds to a context trusts the component
that intends running an operation over this context content (null if both components are the same).
Parameter list: indicates the parameters of a context that are included in the operation of the component.
- Last operation(s) outcome: identifies the performance outcome in terms of success or failure of a similar
operation(s) that the component binding to a context has received in the past from another component.
- Operation validation and outcome: indicates if the current operation over a context content is approved or
denied (if trustworthiness of source is set to null, then operation validation is by default set to approved) and
what the outcome of this performance is in terms of success or failure.
Date: identifies the time of updating the parameters above.
Parameter & Instantiation
Label context: U-context
(context of user
Operation source: Web service
- Operation type: modification.
- Source trustworthiness: high (user
highly trusts of Web service
Parameter list: parameter
, parameter
- Last operation(s) outcome: null (first time).
- Operation validation and outcome: approved/failure (the operation of Web service
was approved but its
execution failed).
Date: 5/5/2005.
Remark: component refers to user, Web service, or resource; context refers to U/W/R-context.
changes in the W-context’s parameters. If the Web
service is classified as untrustworthy and a similar
modification request has repetitively been issued by
the same Web service, restriction policies should
prevent the user from modifying U -context. De-
tails on the trust level of a Web service and type of
request are contained in the security context (see
Step 2 for details). Contrary to restriction poli-
cies, authorization policies permit the modification
of the U -context’s parameters if for example the re-
cent changes in the preferences of user at the Web
service level still meet the user requirements.
- Threats on the content of W -context of a Web ser-
vice have two origins: user and resource. Regard-
ing the user origin, the aforementioned scenario
that describes the threats on U -context of user is
still valid once the threat direction is reversed. This
time the user, instead of the Web service, aims at
modifying his preferences without consulting the
Web service. The Web service either accepts or re-
jects modifying the W -context. Modification re-
jection could be motivated by the lack of resources
on which the Web service would run. And modifi-
cation acceptance could be motivated by the confi-
dence level that the Web service aims at increasing
towards this user.
Regarding the resource origin, a Web service needs
computing resources on which it operates. In ad-
dition to the overlapping situation between W-
context’s and R-context’s parameters (where a
change in W-context has to be reflected on R-
context too), the resource can request some pri-
vate data from the W -context of a Web service for
different purposes related to tracing current exe-
cutions or scheduling forthcoming executions. A
resource could accept additional Web services for
execution if it could establish the various partici-
pations of this Web service in other compositions.
While this threat (private-data access) could be ad-
dressed using authentication, the resource needs to
be informed about the authentication mechanism
that it needs to comply with prior to any attempt
of consulting W-context. This mechanism type
is known as per the first aim of the security con-
text (Maamar et al., 2006b).
- Threats on the content of R-context of a resource
originate from Web services. The aforementioned
scenario that describes the threats on W-context of
inst autho+ AuthorizationModification{
subject s = per Web service
target t = /User
when s.trustworthinessofsource(”high”) & s.operationtype(”modification”) & s.lastoperationoutcome(”success”)
action ModifyContext(1[t.set(parameter,value)])&Update(t.set(operationvalidation,approved))
& Update(t.set(operationoutcome,success—failure))}
Figure 4: Sample of an authorization policy in Ponder.
a Web service is still valid once the threat direc-
tion is reversed. This time the Web service, instead
of the resource, aims at modifying some execution
parameters without consulting the resource. The
resource either accepts or rejects modifying the R-
context. Modification acceptance could be moti-
vated by the availability of the resource on which
the Web service was planned running. And modifi-
cation rejection could be rejected by the repetitive
requests that originate from this Web service.
Security-context organization step is to iden-
tify the parameters of the security context (S-
) per component type so first, oversee-
ing the changes in the content of contexts properly
happens and second, building a bank of previous ex-
periences occurs (Fig. 3). At this stage of our re-
search, we have identified the following parameters
independently of the type of security context (Ta-
ble 1). In the second part of this table, we provide
an instantiation example of these parameters.
Policy specification step consists of working on
the policies that manage the content of U /W/R-
contexts. This is detailed in Section 3.2. Policies per-
mit a dynamic management of the content of a con-
text. Each management request is verified using poli-
cies. Furthermore policies can be changed on-the-fly
in response to changing conditions.
3.2 Management Strategy
Our motive for adopting policies is to frame the op-
erations that are carried out over the content of con-
texts according to the state of the surrounding envi-
ronment and previous experiences. We selected Pon-
der for policy specification in compliance with some
requirements that need to be satisfied like expressive-
ness, simplicity, and scalability (Tonti et al., 2003).
Ponder permits developing different types of poli-
cies like authorization (positive or negative) and
obligation. Fig. 4 shows an authorization policy in
Ponder to modify the content of a context. The mod-
ification request originates from Web service
to U -
context of user
. The conditions that this request is
subject to are associated with when label and summa-
rized as follows: trustworthiness level of Web service
is high, type of operation is modification, and out-
come of a similar operation in the past is success.
When these conditions are satisfied, actions are per-
formed: set the values of the parameters of U-context,
update the operation validation with approval, and fi-
nally update the operation outcome with either suc-
cess or failure.
We overview the implementation of securing contexts
during Web services personalization. This implemen-
tation continues the prototype we developed in (Maa-
mar et al., 2005). Fig. 5 illustrates the architecture of
the prototype. Seen from a horizontal perspective, the
prototype shows the different relationships that ex-
ist first, between components (i.e., user, Web service,
and resource) and component contexts, and second,
between component contexts and security contexts.
These relationships are denoted by content manage-
ment and supervision, respectively. Content manage-
ment needs to be approved by an authorization en-
gine, which is fed with the outcome of triggering poli-
cies defined
a la Ponder, the current status of the envi-
ronment, and previous experiences related to this con-
tent management.
(context managers)
Web services
(context managers)
of policies
(context managers)
of U-contexts
of W-contexts
of R-contexts
of S-contexts
of S-contexts
of S-contexts
SupervisionSupervision Supervision
Previous context feeding
Content management approval (y/n)
Policy editor
Figure 5: Architecture of the prototype.
Seen from a vertical perspective, the prototype
shows the triple (component, component context, se-
curity context). The content management of any com-
ponent context is reported at the level of the security
context. This report is stored for later use by the au-
thorization engine as part of previous experiences of
content management.
In security, the use of policies is usually geared to-
wards the specification of security mechanisms that
must ensure authentication, message privacy, and au-
thorization of Web services. We report such efforts.
In (Anderson, 2004), Anderson adopts the Web
Services Policy Language (WSPL) to express poli-
cies and achieve Web services interoperability. She
claims that a Web service has various aspects and fea-
tures that can be controlled or described using policy
rules. Examples of such aspects are authentication,
quality-of-service, privacy, and reliable messaging.
Other languages for policy specification exist
such as the Web Service Policy Framework (WS-
Policy) (Nolan, 2004). A WS-Policy specification
defines a syntax and semantics for service providers
and service requestors to describe their requirements,
preferences, and capabilities. The syntax provides a
flexible and concise way of expressing the needs of
each domain in the form of policies. A domain in
this context is a generic field of interest that applies
to the service and can illustrate one of the following
aspects: security, privacy, application priorities, user
account priorities, and traffic control.
Other service-specific policies have been proposed.
Privacy policies discussed in (Yee and Korba, 2004)
are an example. Yee and Korba propose a pri-
vacy policy negotiation approach to protect privacy
of Web services users. Along the same direction, In-
drakanti et al. make use of the XML Access Control
Language (XACL) to specify authorization policies
for patient records in healthcare systems implemented
as Web services (Indrakanti et al., 2004).
In this paper we presented a policy-based approach
that aims at securing the contexts associated with Web
services, users, and resources. To authorize any con-
text change, we suggested the development of a secu-
rity context that reports on the strategies that protect
a context using authorization and restriction policies.
These policies protect context from alteration or mis-
use risks by framing the management operations over
this context. By promoting security context, our ob-
jective was to track all the concerns and threats that
affect the content of a context, to deploy appropriate
measures based on previous security contexts, and to
adjust the measures subject to the feedbacks obtained
out of this tracking.
Anderson, A. H. (2004). An Introduction to The Web
Services Policy Language (WSPL). In Proceedings
of The 5th IEEE Int. Workshop on Policies for Dis-
tributed Systems and Networks (POLICY’2004),New-
York, USA.
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View-based Approach for Tracking Composite Web
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mentation. In Proceedings of The IEEE Int. Confer-
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fornia, USA.
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