level of abstraction that is sufficient for requirements
engineering. It generates an image of the system be-
havior, supports consistency checks of requirements
and stimulates specification of forbidden sequences
and other constraints. One class of such constraints
is the class of reuse constraints. The combination of
the feature computation tree model and the logic of
reuse provides flexibility in the specification of reuse.
Different reuse possibilities become clear and can be
formalized with the help of the feature computation
tree model. Moreover, with the help of the tree, the
impossible reuse can be found.
We have applied our method so far for resolving
conflicts of requirements and configurations at the im-
plementation and testing stages of complex systems
development. By means of this paper we would like
to show how beneficial it would be to apply the ap-
proach at the stage of configuration specification or
specification of system extensions.
The authors thank Prof. Jan Friso Groote from the
Technical University Eindhoven, Prof. Mehmet Ak-
sit, Dr. Arend Rensink and TRESE research group
from the University of Twente and also Dr. Gerrit
Muller from the Embedded Systems Institute (Eind-
hoven) for useful discussions of the paper.
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