A total of 6,239,480 feature values (130 features for each of 47,996 samples) were
computed and the different combinations of them were used for classification. The
best value of
100)( =vJ
was achieved for several texture sample sizes and several
All the features suitable for classification (which gave results with leave-one-out
error less than 0.1) and the corresponding sample sizes are shown in Table 1.
Originally, also slower Mixture model method was considered, because it should
give better results. Because even feature selection method provided right diagnosis for
every patient, we decided not to do so.
Table 1. Size of texture samples, leave-one-out classification error and the features used for the
4 Discussion and Conclusion
The results show the excellent discrimination between hepatocellular carcinoma and
liver cysts can be established on the basis as few as one optimal feature among the
130 texture characteristics tested.
From these results the principal descriptive feature can be identified: f10. Feature
f10, which was chosen among other 130 features, represents the average deviation of
horizontal curvature computed from original pixel gray levels. This feature gave
100% classification success rate in all texture samples size (from 7x7 to 19x19
Also the most effective size of texture sample was determined. We computed
features for samples from the tiny squares of size 7x7 pixels up to large squares with
side of 41 pixels. The maximum success of 100% correct classification was achieved
for texture samples with size 9x9 to 13x13 pixels. Then with the increasing size of
side the error also increased (for 41x41 samples the total error was 0.25). The failure
of the large squares can be contributed to the fact that they do not cover the area of
ROI sufficiently and thus it results in an information wasting (a considerable big
Size of
Features used for classification
7x7 0.056 f10, f11, f15, f186, f2, f8, f9, raw
9x9 0 f10, f15, f20
11x11 0 f10, f129, f16, f20, f8, f9
13x13 0
f10, f11, f129, f13, f132, f157, f16, f172, f187, f2, f20,
f8, f9
15x15 0.071
f10, f11, f1117, f1127, f117, f119, f12, f127, f13, f157,
f16, f167, f172, f177, f197, f2, f20, f8, f9, raw
17x17 0.071
f10, f11, f1107, f1117, f117, f12, f13, f16, f197, f2,
f20, f8, f9, raw
19x19 0.077
f10, f11, f117, f12, f13, f147, f157, f197, f2, f20, f8, f9,