problem solving systems in non-superadditive envi-
ronments. Althhough agents can belong to multiple
coalitions at the same time, agents execute one task
at a time. The task allocation process is completed
prior to the execution of the tasks. Agents are group-
rational, i.e., they form coalition to increase the sys-
tem’s payoff.
Sandholm et. al. (Sandholm and Lesser, 1995)
analyze coalition formation among self-interested
agents who are bounded-rational. They consider de-
liberation cost in terms of monetary cost. The agents’
payoffs are directly affected by deliberation cost. In
their work, agents agree to form coalition and each of
the agents can plan to acheive their goals.
Soh et. al. (Soh and Tsatsoulis, 2002) propose
an integrated learning approach to form coalition in
real time, given dynamic and uncertain environments.
This work concentrates on finding out potential coali-
tion members by utilising learning approach in order
to quickly form coalitions of acceptable quality (but
possibly sub-optimal.)
Sandholm et. al. (Sandholm et al., 1999) study the
problem of generating coalition structure generation.
Since the number of coalition structure can be very
large for exhaustive search, they argue whether the
optimal coalition structure found via a partial search
can be guaranteed to be within a bound from opti-
mum. They propose an anytime algorithm that es-
tiblishes a tight bound withing a minimal amount of
Coalition formation is an important area of research
in multi-agent system. The problem of generating
optimal coalition structure, the partitioning of a set
of agents such that the sum of all coalitions’ values
within the partitioning is maximal, is an important is-
sue in the area. The small number of existing stud-
ies assume each coalition value is known a priori.
Such assumption is impractical in realworld settings.
Furthermore, finding all coalition values becomes in-
tractable for a relatively small number of agents.
We study coalition formation among fully coopera-
tive agents where each coalition value is not known a
priori. We proposes a distributed algorithm to gener-
ate optimal coalition structure by reducing the num-
ber of coalitions to be involved. Since they do not
help increasing coalition structures’ values, the non-
profitable coalitions are not generated by the delib-
eration algorithm. If there is any, each agent delete
them first. Then the information of remaining coali-
tions will be exchanged among agent. For each coali-
tion size, each agent prunes its list of coalitions again
deleting those, whose centres are not the agent it-
self and those whose values are not maximal within
their coalition sizes. Remaining coalitions will be ex-
changed among agents again. Lastly, each agent uses
existing algorithm (Sandholm et al., 1999) to com-
pute optimal coalition structure.
Although this algorithm helps reducing number of
coalitions involved in generating optimal coalition
structure, there is always rooms to improve. We want
to further reduce the number of coalitions generated
by each agent and want to make sure that coalitions
generated are highly likely to be in the coalition struc-
ture. Furthermore, we want to improve the coalition
algorithm rathan using existing one.
Dang, V. D. and Jennings, N. R. (2004). Generating coali-
tion structures with finite bound from the optimal
guarantees. In Third International Joint Conference
on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems - Vol-
ume 2 (AAMAS’04), pp. 564-571.
Kahan, J. P. and Rapoport, A. (1984). Theories of Coalition
Formation. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale,
New Jersey.
Owen, G. (1975). On the core of linear production games.
Mathematical Programming 9 (1975) 358-370.
Sandholm, T., Larson, K., Andersson, M., Shehory, O., and
Tohmé, F. (1999). Coalition structure genera-
tion with worst case guarantees. Artif. Intell., 111(1-
Sandholm, T. and Lesser, V. (1995). Coalition Forma-
tion among Bounded Rational Agents. 14th Inter-
national Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
pages 662–669.
Shehory, O. and Kraus, S. (1995). Task allocation via coali-
tion formation among autonomous agents. In Proc. of
IJCAI, pages 655–661.
Shehory, O. and Kraus, S. (1996). Formation of overlap-
ping coalitions for precedence-ordered task-execution
among autonomous agents. In ICMAS-96, pages 330–
Soh, L.-K. and Tsatsoulis, C. (2002). Satisficing coali-
tion formation among agents. In Proceedings of the
first international joint conference on Autonomous
agents and multiagent systems, pages 1062–1063.
ACM Press.