Shang-Juh Kao, I-Ching Hsu
Department of Computer Science, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan
Keywords: LOM, Semantic Web, SCORM, OWL.
Abstract: One of important functions of Learning Object Metadata (LOM) is to associate XML-based metadata with
learning objects. The inherent problem of LOM is that it’s XML specified, which emphasizes syntax and
format rather than semantic and knowledge representation. Hence, it lacks the semantic metadata to provide
reasoning and inference functions. These functions are necessary for the computer-interpretable descriptions
that are critical in the reusability and interoperability of the distributed learning objects. This paper aims at
addressing this shortage, and proposes a multi-layered semantic framework to allow the reasoning and
inference capabilities to be added to the conventional LOM. To illustrate how this framework work, we
developed a Semantic-based Learning Objects Annotations Repository (SLOAR) that offers three different
approaches to locate relevant learning objects for an e-learning application - LOM-based metadata,
ontology-based reasoning, and rule-based inference.
The Sharable Content Object Reference Model
(SCORM) (SCORM, 2004) is developed and
extended based on IEEE Learning Object Metadata
(LOM) (IEEE LOM, 2002). The LOM in SCORM is
used to describe SCORM-compliant learning objects
in a consistent fashion such that they can be
identified, categorized, searched for and discovered
within and across systems to further facilitate
sharing and reuse.
The inherent problem of LOM is that it is based
on XML, which lays stress on syntax and format
rather than semantic and knowledge representation.
Hence, LOM exhibits the advantage of data
transformations and digital libraries, but it lacks the
semantic metadata to provide reasoning and
inference functions. These functions are necessary
for the computer-interpretable descriptions, which
are critical in the area of learning objects reusability,
autoexec course generation, dynamic course
decomposition, learning object mining, etc.
To this problem, a mapping from LOM to
statements in an RDF model has been defined
(Nilsson, 2003). However, RDF alone doesn't share
some basic common structures that help to describe
classes of learning objects and types of relationship
between learning objects. Thus, we need more
flexibilities and facilities for expressing meaning
and semantics than what has in RDF. The Semantic
Web provides a catalytic solution to this problem.
To enhance the knowledge representation of the
XML-based markup language, the traditional
Semantic Web approach is to upgrade the original
XML-based to ontology-based markup language.
The upgrade mentioned above from XML-based
LOM to RDF-based LOM is an example. The main
problem with this approach is that the original
XML-based markup language is replaced with the
new ontology-based markup language. In this paper,
we propose a novel integration approach that
combines the first four layers of Semantic Web
stack, including URI layer, XML layer (LOM),
ontology layer, and rule layer. In the multi-layered
semantic framework, Semantic Web technologies
can be integrated with LOM to enhance the
computer reasoning, and the original LOM still exist
to cooperate with ontologies and rules. That is, the
multi-layered semantic framework does not change
the original schema of LOM. Hence, the existing
LOM and SCORM metadata documents can
continue to be used.
In order to demonstrate the feasibility of this
multi-layered semantic framework, an application
system of the Semantic-Based Learning Objects
Annotations Repository (SLOAR) is developed to
dynamically provide the information of relevant
learning objects for course creators. SLOAR
supports three different approaches to finding
relevant learning objects, including LOM-based
metadata, ontology-based reasoning, and rule-based
inference. Such dynamic finding is desirable for a
number of reasons. Firstly, it is customized for each
Kao S. and Hsu I. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 181-184
DOI: 10.5220/0002445101810184
individual learning object, based on what metadata
and knowledge the learning object has shown so far.
Secondly, because the content or category of a
learning object may keep changing, dynamic finding
provides more up-to-date suggestions than a static
design. Thirdly, as the number of learning objects
may be large, adding suggestion links may become
cumbersome for the course developer. Lastly, it can
also be used at run-time to help in the decision of
what content model component to deliver to the
This paper is organized as follows. The next section
presents the multi-layered semantic framework.
Section 3 gives the architecture of SLOAR. In
Section 4, we illustrate how the SLOAR can employ
Semantic Web technologies to provide different
approaches for finding relevant learning objects.
In this paper, we propose a novel integration
approach to combine the first four layers of
Semantic Web stack, including URI layer (learning
objects), XML layer (Metadata, LOM), Ontology
layer (OWL), and Rule layer (Rule Markup
Language, RuleML), as shown in Figure 1.
The URI layer is composed of learning objects,
which can be identified by URI. The XML layer is
composed of LOM metadata that are XML-based
metadata for describing learning objects. The
Ontology layer provides OWL-based ontologies,
which can enhance LOM to Semantic-based
metadata, hence, improve reasoning capabilities of
LOM. The Rule layer supports more complex
inference than the Ontology layer, and builds
RuleML rules on top of OWL ontologies. The
ontology is based on description logics to provide
sound and decidable reasoning. In contrast, the rule
is a logic program, which can complement ontology
to support more complex rule-based inferences.
Markup Ontology
cu-1 cu-2
if jm:XMLParser(ml:XML,ml:JAXP) and jm:using(jm:JAXP,jm:DOM)
then jm:treeMode(ml:XML,jm:DOM)
Ontology Layer
ontology base)
Rules Layer
XML Layer
learning object ID relationclass
URI Layer
JAXP for XML XML Advance
http://../jaxp.htm http://../xml.htm http://../html.htm
Java DOM
Java Ontology
learning object
Figure 1: Multi-layered semantic framework.
The basic function of SLOAR is to provide the
information of relevant learning objects for course
creators. It supports three different approaches for
finding relevant learning objects, including LOM-
based metadata, ontology-based reasoning, and rule-
based inference. In SLOAR, each learning object is
associated with a classification metadata to quote
extra semantic from a specific ontology class and is
associated with a relation metadata to quote extra
semantic from a specific ontology property. These
ontologies are implemented in OWL that can be
integrated into LOM, and as a result, the semantic
capabilities of LOM were greatly improved.
The core components of SLOAR include the
annotation base, knowledge base, search agent, and
inference agent. The flow-oriented SLOAR
architecture is depicted in Figure 2, as described in
the following:
˙ Annotations base: is a learning object
annotations repository that is composed of LOMs. A
LOM is an XML document containing a set of
markup elements to describe the learning objects..
˙ Knowledge base: is developed by the Semantic
Web standard to support reasoning tasks. The
knowledge is grouped into two categories: ontology
layer inference using OWL-based ontologies and
rules layer inference using RuleML logic program.
˙ Search agent: is a search engine that supports for
a XPath query on the learning objects metadata base.
˙ Inference agent: is an intelligent agent that is
implemented based on a JESS-based rule engine
(JESS, 2005) and supports a XSLT processor.
Figure 2: SLOAR Architecture.
The information flow of the SLOAR, as listed in
the Figure 2, can be realized and started as follows.
1. The requester sends a learning object with URL
to the search engine.
2. This step is the LOM-based metadata approach.
The search agent relies on the request to query
the LOM Base to finding all relevant LOM-
based metadata documents of the learning
3. The search engine sends these LOM-based
metadata documents to invoke the inference
4. This step is the ontology-based reasoning
approach. The inference agent conducts the
following tasks to infer for semantic links.
4.1 It retrieves and parses the relevant OWL-based
ontologies quoted by the classification and
relation tags.
4.2 It utilizes the OWL2Jess.xsl XSLT style sheet
(OWL2Jess, 2005) for transforming these
semantics of OWL-based ontologies into JESS-
based rules.
4.3 It infers the semantic relevant learning objects
from these JESS-based rules.
5. The rule-based inference is performed. The
inference agent conducts the following tasks to
infer the relevant learning objects.
5.1 It relies on the relevant ontologies, mentioned
on the step 4.2, to query the rule base to retrieve
relevant RuleML-based rules.
5.2 It utilizes the RuleMLTransform.xsl XSLT style
sheet (RuleML2Jess, 2002) for transforming
these RuleML-based rules into JESS-based
5.3 It infers the rule relevant learning objects from
these JESS-based rules.
6. Finally, the inference agent passes the
information of relevant learning objects,
including LOM-based, ontology-based, and
rule-based learning objects to the requester.
To explicitly demonstrate how SLOAR works, a
usage scenario of locating relevant learning objects
is presented in the following.
4.1 Multiple-Layered Conceptions
Figure 1 provides a concrete example of how
multiple-layered semantic framework is employed
by SLOAR. In the URI layer, there are a number of
learning objects, including XML Advance, XHTML
Introduction, JAXP for XML, Java DOM, etc. In the
XML layer, each learning object is described with a
LOM that consists of classification metadata and
relation metadata.
The user interface of SLOAR is shown in the
Figure 3. A course creator selects a learning object
and then presses the "Query" button. The SLOAR
will rely on the learning object to invoke search
agent and inference agent to produce information of
relevant learning objects. In the next section, we will
base on this example to explain SLOAR how to
support different approaches to finding relevant
learning objects.
Figure 3: A query result on SLOAR with course ID is cu-
4.2 Different Approaches
When the inference agent receives LOMs from the
search agent, it sequentially invokes different
approaches for locating relevant learning objects.
4.2.1 LOM-based Metadata
According to the learning object ID (i.e. cu-1)
received, the search engine finds all relevant LOMs
in the annotations base. Since all LOMs are actually
XML documents, this corresponds to performing an
XPath query on each LOM, looking for learning
object whose identifier has the same value as "cu-1".
The search results consist of two LOMs. The former
is the cu-1's LOM that consists of an outbound link
from cu-1 to cu-4, as shown in Figure 4. The latter is
the cu-2's LOM that consists of an outbound link
from cu-2 to cu-1. The LOM-based approach only
depends on the cu-1's LOM that exhibits a number
of metadata. First, the file element describes the
URL address of cu-1. Second, the classification
element is used to describe where cu-1 quotes a
particular ontology class. Third, the relation element
is used to describe features that define the
relationship between cu-1 and other learning objects.
For example, the kind element describes where the
relationship quotes a particular ontology property,
and the resource element describes where cu-1 links
to a particular learning object.
This kind of approach is that directly extracts
data from the original LOM to produce the relevant
information of learning objects, so we call it LOM-
based metadata approach. The inference agent
extracts data from the relation metadata of cu-1 to
show that there is an XMLParser relation from cu-1
to cu-4. The output result of ontology-based
reasoning is shown in (A) of Figure 3.
<resource identifier="cu-1">
<file href="http://…../SCORM/xml.htm"/>
<catalog>learning object ID</catalog>
</resource></identifier></relation> ……………
Figure 4: The partial LOM code of the learning object cu-
4.2.2 Ontology-based Reasoning
The inference agent depends on semantics of
Markup ontology and cu-2's LOM to reason the
following facts.
1. The cu-2 learning object is an instance of
XHTML class.
2. There is a standard relation from cu-2 to cu-1.
3. The application property is an inverse of
standard property (see Figure 1).
Base on the above facts, inference agent can reason
that there is an application relation from cu-1 to cu-
2. The output result of ontology-based reasoning is
shown in (B) of Figure 3.
4.2.3 Rule-based Inference
This inference agent relies on the previous inference
results, LOM-based metadata documents and
RuleML rules to perform the following tasks.
1. It converts the LOMs to JESS-based facts, as
shown in Figure 5.
(assert (triple (predicate "http://../markup.owl#standard")
(subject "cu-2") (object "cu-1")))
(assert (triple (predicate "http:/./markup.owl#XMLParser")
(subject "cu-1") (object "cu-4")))
(assert (triple (predicate "http://../java.owl#using")
(subject "cu-4") (object "cu-3")))
Figure 5: The JESS-based facts.
2. It converts the RuleML rule (see Figure 1) to
JESS-based rule, as shown in Figure 6.
(defrule XMLparserMode
(triple (predicate "http://../DO/markup.owl#XMLParser")
(subject ?x) (object ?y))
(triple (predicate "http://…/DO/java.owl#using")
(subject ?y) (object ?z))
(triple (predicate "http://…/DO/markup.owl#treeMode")
(subject ?x) (object ?z))))
Figure 6: The JESS-based rule.
3. It relies on the above JESS-based facts and rule
to infer the rule-based learning objects. The
inference can infer that there is a treeMode
relation from cu-1 to cu-3. The output result of
rule-based reasoning is shown in (C) of Figure
In this paper, an intelligent SLOAR prototype
system is implemented. SLOAR is developed based
on multi-layered semantic framework, including
URI layer (learning objects), XML layer (LOM),
Ontology layer (OWL), and Rule layer (RuleML).
This framework is embedded into the Semantic Web
stack and does not change the original schema of
LOM. It results in making LOM computer-
interpretable and hence enables automatically
relevant learning objects finding.
Novel Semantic Web solutions, integrated with
different types of high-level ontology-based
metadata and XML-base rules, can dynamically
tailor the knowledge base to take into account the
user preferences for personalization. Thus, one
future work is to extend the accessibility of the
SLOAR towards the personalization model for
individual-dependent dynamic courses according to
user preferences.
IEEE LOM, 2002. Retrieved Sep. 18, 2005, from
JESS, 2003. Retrieved Sep. 18, 2005, from
Nilsson, M., et al., 2003. IEEE LOM RDF binding,
Retrieved Sep. 18, 2005, from
SCORM: Sharable Content Object Reference Model, 2004.
Retrieved Sep. 18, 2005, from
OWL2Jess, 2005. Retrieved Sep. 18, 2005, from
RuleML2Jess, 2002. Retrieved Sep. 18, 2005, from