Eva Blomqvist, Annika
Ohgren and Kurt Sandkuhl
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, School of Engineering, J¨onk¨oping University
P.O.Box 1126, SE-551 11 J¨onk¨oping, Sweden
Keywords: Ontology engineering methods, Enterprise ontologies, Ontology evaluation.
Abstract: Structuring enterprise information and supporting knowledge management is a growing application field for
enterprise ontologies. Research work presented in this paper focuses on construction of enterprise ontologies.
In an experiment, two methods were used in parallel when developing an ontology for a company in automotive
supplier industries. One method is based on automatic ontology construction, the other method is a manual
approach based on cookbook-like instructions. The paper compares and evaluates the methods and their
results. For ontology evaluation, selected approaches were combined including both evaluation by ontology
engineers and evaluation by domain experts. The main conclusion is that the compared methods have different
strengths and an integration of both developed ontologies and used methods should be investigated.
The area of ontology engineering is developing fast,
new methods and tools are introduced continuously.
When considering small-scale application cases the
need for reducing effort and expert requirements is
obvious. One way of reducing the effort is by fur-
ther facilitating semi-automatic construction of on-
tologies. Other ways are to further detail the existing
manual methods, and to facilitate reuse in the con-
struction process.
Our earlier research has resulted in two differ-
ent methods for constructing enterprise ontologies, a
manual method described in (
Ohgren and Sandkuhl,
2005) and an automatic method, exploiting ontology
patterns for the construction process, described in
(Blomqvist, 2005). These methods have been used in
parallel during a project with industrial partners and
now an evaluation and comparison of the results have
been conducted. Enterprise ontologies in this case de-
notes domain and application ontologies within enter-
prises, for structuring of enterprise information.
Section 2 presents definitions and related work. Ex-
periences from the project are presented in section 3
and the results of the evaluation in section 4. Finally
in section 5 a discussion about the results is presented
and some conclusions are drawn.
This section presents background and definitions to-
gether with an overview of existing evaluation ap-
2.1 Ontologies
In this paper ontology is defined as:
An ontology is a hierarchically structured set of
concepts describing a specific domain of knowledge,
that can be used to create a knowledge base. An on-
tology contains concepts, a subsumption hierarchy,
arbitrary relations between concepts, and axioms. It
may also contain other constraints and functions.
Even using this definition, ontologies can be used
for differentpurposes, and can be constructed in many
different ways. One of the most common ways to de-
scribe the level of generality of an ontology is by us-
ing the structure suggested by (Guarino, 1998), where
a general top-level ontology can be specialised into a
domain ontology or a task ontology. Domain and task
ontologies can in turn be specialised, and combined,
into application ontologies.
Another categorisation is to classify ontologies by
their intended use, as in (van Heijst et al., 1997).
Blomqvist E., Öhgren A. and Sandkuhl K. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 86-93
DOI: 10.5220/0002446700860093
There are three main levels, terminological ontolo-
gies, information ontologies, and knowledge mod-
elling ontologies, where each level adds further com-
plexity. This work is concerned with enterprise on-
tologies on the domain or application level, intended
for structuring of enterprise information.
2.2 Ontology Evaluation
Ontology evaluation is not a very mature research
field but since ontologies are becoming more and
more common, there is an urgent need for well-
defined evaluation methods. The approaches that do
exist differ in their aims, some are used to determine
how to choose between several ontologies, while oth-
ers aim at validating a single ontology.
A recent deliverable by the Knowledge Web Con-
sortium, see (Hartmann et al., 2005), tries to give
an overview of the current state-of-the-art in ontol-
ogy evaluation. They identify three different stages
of evaluation, namely evaluating an ontology in its
pre-modelling stage, its modelling stage, or after its
release. The first stage involves evaluating the mate-
rial the ontology will be based on, the second stage
checks the ontology correctness while building it, and
the final stage involves comparing existing ontologies
and monitoring ontologies in use.
2.2.1 Evaluation During Construction
When evaluating single ontologies during (or right af-
ter) construction, guidelines exist for manually eval-
uating correctness. One approach is described in
(G´omez-P´erez, 1999), where the focus is on evalu-
ating a taxonomy. The guidelines are quite brief, so
some expert knowledge is definitely needed. The idea
is to spot and correct common development errors.
Another approach is the OntoClean methodology,
presented in (Guarino and Welty, 2002). The method-
ology aims at exposing inappropriate or inconsistent
modelling choices by using metaproperties to charac-
terise the modelled knowledge. Three properties are
discussed; rigidity, identity, and unity, and these can
be used to evaluate if subsumption has been misused.
2.2.2 Evaluation After Construction
A quite mature method dealing with comparing on-
tologies is the OntoMetric framework described in
(Lozano-Tello and G´omez-P´erez, 2004). The method
uses a multilevel framework of characteristics as a
template for information on existing ontologies. Five
dimensions are used; content, language, methodol-
ogy, cost and tools. Each dimension has a set of fac-
tors which are in turn defined through a set of charac-
teristics. The evaluation results in an overall score of
the suitability of the ontology in a specific case. To
ease the evaluation of ontology concepts glosses (nat-
ural language explanations) could be generated, as in
(Navigli et al., 2004), to let domain experts evaluate
concepts without the aid of ontology experts.
A similar approach, using quality factors and an
ontology of knowledge quality, is described in (Su-
pekar et al., 2004). Here the focus is more on ”ob-
jective quality” while in OntoMetric the focus is on
subjective usefulness. Yet another similar approach is
presented in (Davies et al., 2003), where the authors
suggest that the meta-models of the ontologies can be
used to compare them.
A very natural way of comparing and evaluating
ontologies is of course to test how well they perform
on certain tasks. Such an approach is suggested in
(Porzel and Malaka, 2004) but it is based on a ”gold-
standard”, which can be very hard to decide on. As
noted in (Brewster et al., 2004)there are, as of now, no
standard tools for evaluating ontologies in specified
task environments.
When it comes to ontology content there exist dif-
ferent ways to compare the content similarity of two
ontologies. Such approaches have been implemented
to match and integrate ontologies, like Chimaera de-
scribed in (McGuinness et al., 2000) and PROMPT
described in (Noy and Musen, 2000). There are also
others which for example measure cohesion of ontol-
ogy concepts and modules, as in (Yao et al., 2005).
This approach is simple but gives a good and intuitive
idea of how the ontology is organised.
2.2.3 IR-related Approaches
In (Brewster et al., 2004) the authors describe why
classical Information Retrieval methods and mea-
sures, like precision and recall, cannot be used to eval-
uate ontologies or ontology construction methodolo-
gies in general (although other authors do use this for
special cases, like in (Navigli et al., 2004)). Instead
(Brewster et al., 2004) suggests an architecture for
evaluating the fit of an ontology to a certain corpus
of texts. This is done by extracting information, ex-
panding the information and then mapping it against
the ontology.
This section describes the experiment performed to
develop an ontology for the same purpose and with
the same scope but using two different methods, a
manual and an automatic method. The experiment
was part of the research project SEMCO. SEMCO
aims at introducing semantic technologies into the
development process of software-intensive electronic
systems in order to improve efficiency when manag-
ing variants and versions of software artifacts.
The scope of the experiment was to construct a se-
lected part of the enterprise ontology for one of the
SEMCO project partners. The purpose of the ontol-
ogy is to support capturing of relations between de-
velopment processes, organisation structures, prod-
uct structures, and artifacts within the software de-
velopment process. The ontologies are so far lim-
ited to describing the requirements engineering pro-
cess, requirements and specifications with connec-
tions to products and parts, organisational concepts
and project artifacts.
The two methods for constructing ontologies are
quite new and have previousto this scenario only been
used in smaller research test-cases. Both construction
processes used the same set of project documents as
starting point and major knowledge source. Further-
more, for the evaluation the same methods, tools, and
evaluation teams were used.
3.1 Manual Construction
In a previous paper we have described the devel-
opment of a methodology to fit the requirements
in small-scale application contexts, see (
Ohgren and
Sandkuhl, 2005). Below we give a short description
of the proposed methodology consisting of four dif-
ferent phases; requirements analysis, building, imple-
mentation, and evaluation and maintenance.
In the requirements analysis phase formalities of
the ontology are specified, e.g. the the purpose and
scope, intended users and uses etc. Usage scenarios of
how the ontology can be applied should be developed.
In order to shorten the development time, one step is
to check whether there are any ontologies that can be
integrated with the one being built.
The building phase is iterative and uses a middle-
out approach. The implementation phase primarily
consists of implementing the ontology in an appropri-
ate ontology editor tool. The implemented ontology
finally needs to be evaluated to check that it fulfils the
requirements. It should also be evaluated according
to criteria such as clarity, consistency and reusability.
The manual construction in our project followed
these four phases. First ofall a user requirements doc-
ument was produced. Information was mainly given
by the SEMCO project leader, for example on in-
tended users and uses of the ontology, purpose and
scope. Different knowledge sources were identified,
and we also looked for other ontologies to integrate
but found none which was considered relevant.
In the building phase the starting point was to use
the available project documents as a basis for building
a concept hierarchy. It was decided that natural lan-
guage descriptions for each concept were not neces-
sary at this point. It was quite hard to derive relations,
constraints, and axioms from the documents so after
Figure 1: Part of the ontology resulting from the manual
document analysis focus was switched to interviews
with selected employees at the company.
The interviews were performed in two sessions. At
the first session the interviewees discussed the top-
level concepts, then went further in the hierarchy dis-
cussing each concept and its subconcepts. Feedback
was given as suggestions, like ”Restructure this” or
”This concept is really not that important”. After the
first interview session the ontology was changed ac-
cording to the suggestions. The second interview ses-
sion was carried out in the same way, resulting in mi-
nor corrections to the ontology.
The evaluation and maintenance phase was partly
integrated with the building phase, where the inter-
viewees reviewed the ontology. The other parts of
the evaluation are described in the following sections.
The maintenance part has not yet been performed.
The resulting ontology has 8 concepts directly be-
neath the root and 224 concepts in total. In Fig. 1 a
small part of this ontology is illustrated.
3.2 Automatic Construction
There are a number of existing semi-automatic ap-
proaches for ontology construction. In most cases
there are existing knowledge sources, the question is
how to extract the knowledge from these sources au-
tomatically and reformulate it into an ontology. Some
of the parts present in most systems are term extrac-
tion by linguistical analysis and relations extraction
by co-occurrence theory. Some systems also try to
automatically builda concept taxonomyby using con-
cept clustering, these are the ones that come closest to
being fully automatic. Our method on the other hand
aims at being completely automatic.
The idea of using patterns is a commonly accepted
way to reduce development effort and increase reuse
in for example Software Engineering, but the ontol-
ogy community has not yet adopted the idea on a
broader scale. There exist a few patterns for ontolo-
gies, but none of the manual methods uses any de-
sign patterns for ontologies today, nor does any semi-
automatic approach to the best of our knowledge.
Our approach, as presented in (Blomqvist, 2005),
uses design patterns as buildings blocks for ontology
construction. Our approach also uses existing tools
to extract concepts and relations. The general idea is
then to take the extracted terms and relations, match
them against design patterns, and depending on the
result use parts of the patterns to build the ontology.
Prior to this experiment25 patterns were developed
(examples can be found in (Blomqvist, 2005)). The
text corpus used consisted of software development
plans and software development process descriptions.
The matching of the patterns against the extracted
concepts was done using a lexical matching tool.
The score representing matched concepts then was
weighted together with a score of matched relations
into a total score. This resulted in 14 patterns above
the predefined threshold. The accepted patterns were
compiled into an ontology using some heuristics and
other rules.
The resulting ontology contains 35 concepts di-
rectly beneath the root concept and in total 85 con-
cepts. In Fig. 2 a small part of this ontology is illus-
This section presents the choice of evaluation meth-
ods and a description of the evaluation and its results.
4.1 Evaluation Setup
A decision was made to use several evaluation ap-
proaches, both intended for ontology expert and do-
main expert review, to get a broader view of the on-
tologies and indirectly also the construction methods.
First, a general comparison of the ontologies was
needed to get an idea of differences and similarities.
This comparison was done based on some intuitive
metrics, like number of concepts, average number of
attributes per concept, average number of subclasses
per concept and average number of association per
concept. Also, the cohesion metrics from (Yao et al.,
2005) were used, since we feel that they complement
the other measures well. These metrics are: number
of root classes, number of leaf classes and average
depth of inheritance tree.
Second, an evaluation was performed by inter-
nal ontology experts using the two most well-known
approaches for taxonomic evaluation, presented in
Figure 2: Part of the ontology resulting from the automatic
(G´omez-P´erez, 1999) and (Guarino and Welty, 2002).
Internal ontology experts were used for these evalua-
tions, mainly because of their previous knowledge of
the evaluation methods. Since we are evaluating both
the ontologies and (indirectly) the methodologies for
creating them, the errors discovered can give valuable
indications on advantages and disadvantages of each
construction method.
Finally, to evaluate the content of the ontologies a
subset of the OntoMetric frameworkin (Lozano-Tello
and G´omez-P´erez, 2004) was used. For our purpose
only the dimension content was deemed interesting,
and only one level of characteristics for each factor.
Some characteristics were not applicable to both on-
tologies and since this is mainly a comparison, these
were taken out of the framework. The computation of
the final score was not performed, since the number
of factors and characteristics were low enough to give
a general impression. Domain experts from the com-
pany in question formed the evaluation team, but in-
ternal ontology experts prepared the material, assisted
through the evaluation and collected the results.
The most desirable method of evaluation would
of course be to apply the ontologies in their in-
tended application context. This is not yet pos-
sible though, since the resulting application of the
SEMCO-project is still in its planning stage. Auto-
matic gloss-generation could be a future improvement
of the OntoMetric method, but at this time no such
tool was available. Finally, the reason for not using
any IR-related approach was mainly that this would
give an unfair advantage to the automatically cre-
ated ontology since this was constructed using similar
methods and already completely based on the avail-
able company documents.
4.2 General Comparison
First some general characteristics of the ontologies
were collected. In Table 1 these are presented for
the two ontologies (the ontology created automati-
cally is denoted ”Aut” and the other one ”Man”). The
results show that the automatically created ontology
has a large number of root concepts, it lacks some ab-
stract general notions to keep the concepts together in
groups. It is also quite shallow and many concepts
lack subconcepts altogether. Despite this, the con-
cepts are much more strongly related through non-
taxonomic relations and has more attributes than in
the other ontology.
The manually created ontology on the other hand
contains a larger number of concepts. It also contains
a top-level abstraction dividing the ontology into sub-
ject areas. There are few attributes and relations, this
might be due to that many attributes are actually rep-
resented by other specific concepts, they are just not
connected by an appropriate relation. Relations seem
to be hard to elicit from interviews.
4.3 Evaluation by Ontology
Two evaluation methods were used in the expert eval-
uation, first the general taxonomic evaluation criteria
and then the OntoClean framework.
4.3.1 Taxonomy Evaluation
The ontologies were evaluated by ontology engineers
according to the criteria presented in (G´omez-P´erez,
1999). The criteria discussed are the following:
Inconsistency: circularity, partition and semantic
Incompleteness: incomplete concept classification
and partition errors
Redundancy: grammatical redundancy, identical
formal definitions of concepts or instances
There exist no circularity errors in the automati-
cally created ontology since there is no multiple inher-
itance present, this also prevents most errors belong-
ing to the inconsistency partition errors group. Mul-
tiple inheritance in the manually created ontology oc-
curs only in a few cases, and no circularity errors were
discovered among these. This also reduces the possi-
bilities for partition errors, as mentioned previously.
There are no exhaustive decompositions or partitions
specified in either ontology so this eliminates the pos-
sibility of finding any other kind of partition errors.
Semantic inconsistency errors are more subtle to
discover. This is a question of identifying wrong
Table 1: Comparison of general characteristics.
Characteristic Man Aut
Number of concepts 224 85
Number of root concepts 8 35
Number of leaf concepts 180 64
Avg depth of inheritance 2,52 1,95
Avg number of rel. concepts 0,13 0,79
Avg number of attributes 0,01 0,46
Avg number of subclasses 1,00 0,57
classifications. In the automatically created ontology
there exist two concepts which could be thought of
as wrongly classified since they make no sense in the
context of this ontology, they are simply ”junk” which
happened to enter the ontology due to the immaturity
of the ontologyconstruction process. Semantic incon-
sistencies could also occur when two overlapping pat-
terns are both included in the ontology, but this seems
not to be the case in the ontology at hand. Concerning
the manually created ontology these errors can only
be assumed to have been discovered in the interview
sessions with the domain experts.
Next, the incompleteness criteria was examined.
Incomplete concept classifications might exist in the
automatically created ontology due to concepts miss-
ing in the patterns or in the text corpus used to de-
velop the ontology. Since this will be an application
ontology, not the whole domain needs to be modelled
but only the parts needed for this specific application.
When comparing the two ontologies though, the au-
tomatically created ontology seems to lack more spe-
cific concepts, such as names and company specific
terms. But even for the manually constructed ontol-
ogy it is difficult to determine the incompleteness cri-
teria until the ontology is used in its intended context.
Several occurrences of partition errors were found
in the automatically created ontology, especially lack
of disjointness definitions. This should be included in
the patterns in order for it to propagateinto the created
ontologies. Also some cases of exhaustive knowl-
edge omission were found, but on the other hand the
knowledge might not be needed for this specific ap-
plication. In the manual construction process disjoint-
ness and exhaustive partitions were not discussed be-
fore building the ontology, so it is at this point not
certain that there is a need for it. Deciding this ought
to be part of the construction methodology.
Finally, there are no concepts with identical formal
definitions but different names or redundant subclass-
of relations in either ontology. Redundant subclass-of
relations are not present in the patterns used in the
automatic approach and no overlapping patterns have
introduced it in this case. It is worth studying when
considering overlap between patterns though.
4.3.2 OntoClean
The second expert evaluation was performed by us-
ing the OntoClean methodology. Every concept in the
ontology was annotated with the properties rigidity,
identity and unity. This resulted in a backbone taxon-
omy containing 25 concepts in the automatically con-
structed ontology. Here two violations of the unity
and anti-unity rule were found and one violation of
the incompatible identity rule. When analysed the
unity problems arise because in this company ”work”
is seen as a ”product”, but ”work” is generally not a
whole. The identity conflict has the same cause since
it is a question of ”work” being defined as subsumed
by the concept ”product”, but products in general are
identified by a id-number while work is not. This is a
quite serious problem which requires some consider-
ation to solve in a good way, so that the solution still
reflects the reality of the company in question.
For the manually constructed ontology, the back-
bone taxonomy contains 178 concepts. One violation
of the unity and anti-unity rule was found, and none
of the other kinds. The violation exists between the
concepts ”function” and ”code”, while a function is a
clearly defined unit the concept of code is more ab-
stract and cannot generally be seen as a homogeneous
unit. This violation exists mainly due to that the ab-
straction level differs too much among the concepts
on the same level of the ontology hierarchy. The fact
that no other violations were found is perhaps due to
the simple structure of the ontology, it is very much
like a simple taxonomy of terms. A summary of the
results is presented in Table 2, where the manually
created ontology is denoted ”Man” and the automati-
cally created ontology ”Aut”.
4.4 Evaluation by Domain Experts
As a third step an evaluation was performed by do-
main experts from the company in question. The
evaluation was done based on a part of the OntoMet-
ric framework in (Lozano-Tello and G´omez-P´erez,
2004). Only the dimension ”content” was considered
and also no final score was computed, since the as-
sessed characteristics are quite few and can tell us
much about the nature of the ontologies.
The dimension ”content” contains four factors:
concepts, relations, taxonomy and axioms. For each
of these factors characteristics applicable in this case
were chosen. The scale suggested in (Lozano-Tello
and G´omez-P´erez, 2004) ranging from ”very low” to
”very high” in five steps, was used as scoring. The
characteristics used and the resulting scores for each
ontology are presented in Table 3, where ”Man” de-
notes the manually created ontology and ”Aut” the
automatically created one.
Table 2: Result of the OntoClean evaluation.
OntoClean rule Man Aut
Incompatible identity No 1
Incompatible unity criteria No No
Unity/anti-unity conflict 1 2
Rigidity/anti-rigidity conflict No No
The table shows that both ontologies contain an ap-
propriate number of concepts, but the concepts in the
manually constructed ontology are deemed more es-
sential. This is most likely due to that the concepts
are more specific. The automatically created ontology
also lacks some general abstract concepts to give it a
comprehensible structure. On the other hand, the au-
tomatically created ontology contains more attributes
which help to describe and define the concepts and
make the need for natural language descriptions less.
The automatically created ontology contains many
more non-taxonomic relations than the manually cre-
ated one, even such relations that the company might
not have thought of itself but which are still valid.
The manually created ontology mostly contains rela-
tions explicitly stated by the company. It is the non-
taxonomic relations that gives structure and the auto-
matically created ontology while the manual ontology
relies on specificity of concepts and precise naming.
The automatically created ontology of course also
has a taxonomic structure even though it lacks both
some abstract top-level and the most specific levels,
compared to the manually created one. Despite this,
it is perceived as having quite a large depth due to
detailed division of the intermediate levels. The man-
ually created ontology has a larger number of sub-
classes per concept since a high number of very spe-
cific concepts exist.
The number of axioms is low in both ontologies,
and the ones present are very simple. More advanced
”business rules” is something that the company might
need if the implemented application using the ontol-
ogy is to function efficiently. In the manual method
the question is how to elicit such rules using inter-
views, in the automatic method these should be in-
cluded in the patterns but then needs to be appropri-
ately matched to the knowledge extracted.
In addition to the evaluation of the characteristics
an interview was conducted in order to see what parts
might be completely missing. Natural language de-
scriptions of concepts was one such item of discus-
sion. For the task to be performed by the implemented
ontology the interviewed domain experts thought this
was not needed, since it was quite clear from the nam-
ing and context how a certain concept would be used.
In a longer perspective,for evolution and maintenance
of the ontology, this would still be desirable though.
Table 3: Result of the domain expert evaluation.
”Very low” ”Low” ”Medium” ”High” ”Very high”
Essential concepts in superior levels Aut Man
Essential concepts Aut Man
Formal spec. coincides with naming Aut Man
Attributes describe concepts Man Aut
Number of concepts Man Aut
Essential relations Man Aut
Relations relate appropriate concepts Man Aut
Formal spec. of rel. coincides with naming Aut Man
Formal properties of relations Man Aut
Number of relations Man Aut
Several perspectives Man Aut
Maximum depth Man Aut
Average number of subclasses Aut Man
Axioms solve queries Man Aut
Number of axioms Man Aut
With respect to the evaluation methods for performing
this experiment some impressions can be noted: The
general characteristics used give a good idea of the
overall structure of each ontology, but they cannot be
used directly to evaluate the ontologies. The intended
contextof the ontologyneeds to be taken into account.
If the ontology is intended for use by an automatic
system there might not be a need for an intuitive top-
level structure for example.
The same problem applies to the taxonomic evalu-
ation method. This method might not be appropriate
when the exact usage of the application of the ontol-
ogy is still not specified in great detail. This is an ex-
planation for the somewhat inconclusive results pro-
duced by that part of the evaluation.
The OntoClean evaluation on the other hand pro-
duces more conclusiveand exact results, which do not
only expose faults in the ontology design but can point
out difficulties and ambiguities of the real-world case
at hand. This evaluation produced valuable results al-
though it was not very easy to perform and required a
deep understanding of the metaproperties involved.
The OntoMetric-framework produced some good
results, but still has some disadvantages. Here the
problem was to present the ontologies to the domain
experts in an understandable way, without at the same
time influencing the reviewers. This difficulty will al-
ways remain when using domain experts without on-
tology expertise, but perhaps it could be reduced in
the future by using something like the gloss genera-
tion discussed in section 2.2.2.
Finally, the most interesting evaluation approach,
where the ontologies are tested against their goals and
application scenarios, is still not performed. This was
not possible to include in this study since develop-
ment of a pilot application in the SEMCO-project is
still a future task. Also no general task-oriented ap-
plication environments exist for testing ontologies, as
noted in section 2.2.2. To further explore the advan-
tages and disadvantages of the two methods, some
additional measures, like construction time, could be
interesting to evaluate. This has not yet been possi-
ble, since the systems of the automatic method are not
yet fully integrated and thereby for example requires
some file conversions and manual procedures which
are not really part of the method.
To summarise the performed evaluations, some
strengths and weaknesses can be noted in both the
manual and the automatic approach. The automatic
approach will probably never capture company spe-
cific concepts, since these will not be part of general
patterns. Also, the method can only capture what is
in the patterns on the upper levels, so a choice has to
be made whether to include some abstract concepts at
the top level of most patterns or to be satisfied with
a less coherent ontology. Finally, the correctness of
the resulting ontology is very much dependent on the
correctness of the patterns. The automatic approach
has its strengths in relying on well-proven solutions
and easily including complex relations and axioms.
The manual approach gives a result with less com-
plex relations and axioms. Furthermore, the extent to
which the application domain is covered by the ontol-
ogy depends significantly on the interviewed experts,
different domain experts might often present different
views. On the other hand, the manual approach has
one big advantage, since it also captures the most spe-
cific concepts that the enterprise actually uses. Also,
the more abstract concepts at the upper level give an
intuitive idea of the scope of the ontology.
Neither of the approaches produce many errors in
the ontology, according to the evaluations, but some
improvements can be made in both methods. Im-
provements of the automatic method could be to eval-
uate the patterns more thoroughly. The patterns could
also be enriched with more axioms and natural lan-
guage descriptions. Improvements of the manual ap-
proach could be to use a larger set of knowledge ac-
quisition methods to elicit more complex structures
from the document sources and domain experts.
The main conclusion, which can be drawn is that
the ontology engineering approaches each have both
strengths and weaknesses and complement each other
well. This might suggest that a combination of the ap-
proaches could give the best results, but it is too early
to state this firmly, since the methods have only been
tested in parallel for one single case. The next step
is to repeat this experiment in other cases in order to
be able to generalise these results and perhaps arrive
at some solution for combining the approaches. Also
the resulting ontologies complement each other quite
well. In this particular project a possible combination
of the two ontologies for generating the application
ontology needed will be investigated.
This work is part of the research project Semantic
Structuring of Components for Model-basedSoftware
Engineering of Dependable Systems (SEMCO) based
on a grant from the Swedish KK-Foundation (grant
2003/0241). We thank all evaluation teams for con-
tributing to the results of this study. Also special
thanks to three anonymous reviewers for valuable
comments on how to improve this paper.
Blomqvist, E. (2005). Fully Automatic Construction of
Enterprise Ontologies Using Design Patterns: Initial
Method and First Experiences. In Proc. of The 4th Intl
Conf. on Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of
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