Benefits MS Visio ISCaDE/DOORS
Ease of graphical use Yes No
Enhanced report facilities Yes No
Traceability No Yes
History of events No Yes
Fig. 5. A Comparison of the Features of MS Visio and ISCaDE/Doors.
5 Conclusions
The research highlights the importance of data interchange within the safety-critical
industry and provides sufficient proof of concept to demonstrate that data transfer can
be carried out effectively between existing safety development environments, using
existing EDI systems having the minimum set of components, namely a global
repository, a business logic processing unit and supporting messaging specifications.
The research concentrates on the message processing and building a XML specific
data channel for efficient EDI. GSML is used as a starting point, as its principles can
be expanded to cover all aspects of the safety management industry. These standards
can include ASCAD, the WeFA model, hazard logs and risk analysis matrices. To
ensure future standardisation, it is possible that a regulation body will have to be set
up to validate and authorise proposals for XML representations within EDI structures
in relation to safety cases.
Future work may involve the formation of an independent initiative group across the
industry to research and propose a set of XML-based safety case standards. This will
provide the safety management industry with scientific knowledge that can be used to
develop XML/EDI safety systems.
If approved by the British Standards Committee or ISO (International Organisation
for Standards), these could become industry standards.
1. CENELEC (1998) ENV 50129 Railway applications – Safety related electronic systems for
signalling, European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation.
2. CWA 13992:2000 (2000) Recommendations for standardisation in the fields of XML for
electronic data interchange, British Standards
3. CWA 13993:2000. (2000) Recommendations and guidance on the use of XML for
electronic data interchange, British Standards.
4. Kelly, T. P. (2003) Managing Complex Safety Cases, Proceedings of the Eleventh Safety-
critical Systems Symposium, Bristol, UK. Springer Verlag.
5. Morrison, M. (2000) XML Unleashed, Sams Publishing
6. Schmelzer, R. (2002) XML and Web Services Unleashed, Sams Publishing Ltd.
7. Wilson, S.P., Kelly T.P. and McDermid, J.A. (1995) Proceedings of the 12
Annual CSR
Workshop, York University.