This paper describes the utilization of grouping
algorithms in cooperation with control flow graphs
for software analysis purposes. While a number of
algorithms for grouping common visual graphs and
their elements have been proposed, control flow
graph clustering algorithms imply a different kind of
processing. In this context we extended our previous
work on program analysis and we replaced the
existing module that creates the control flow graph
with a new, modified algorithm that can manipulate
the control flow graph prior to displaying it so as to
provide optional levels of details. The basic program
analyzer was tested extensively in a number of
programs ranging from 100 to 20,000 lines of code,
and having different types of statements. The results
demonstrate the ability of the proposed grouping
feature of the new control flow algorithm is able to
handle large programs with different types of
statements (or equivalently different complexity). In
addition, this paper introduces a new software
module, which performs code coverage processing,
the latter enhancing and completing the proposed
With the above feature the modified Basic
Program Analyzer broadens its scope and allows its
usage by additional types of application tools: The
grouping of vertices in different levels of detail
provides the means to investigate larger programs,
since performance and memory no longer constrain
the process. In addition, the ability to select the level
of display detail aids the easy comprehension of a
large program graph, since the analyzer is able to
depict the same information with less graph
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