Tony Dwi Susanto
School of Informatics and Engineering, The Flinders University, South Australia
Robert Goodwin
School of Informatics and Engineering, The Flinders University, South Australia
Keywords: eGovernment, SMS, model, developing countries.
Abstract: More than one-third of e-government initiatives in developing countries are total failures, half are partial
failures and just one sixth are successful, showing that e-government development in developing countries
has many problems. According to Heeks (2003), one of the failure factors of e-government in developing
countries is unrealistic design. This paper will focus on this factor, particularly the mismatch of the
technological design for accessing e-government systems and the skills and access to the technology of the
citizens. Many developing countries face problems of lack of internet infrastructure, internet illiteracy and
high internet costs. When governments implement web-based e-government models which require citizens
to access the system by the Internet/web medium, the failure rate is high as few citizens can participate.
There is technology gap between design and reality. In the same countries, mobile phones are widely used,
are low in cost, and citizens are more familiar with the short message service application (SMS) than the
Internet and Web. This paper proposes an SMS-based e-government system as a first step toward a future
Internet/web-based e-government system in order to increase public (citizens and businesses) participation.
The World Bank definition of e-government is the
use of information technology by government to
provide better services to people, to business and to
facilitate cooperation among government
institutions. The use of e-government is expected to
empower the community through public access to
the information resources available. Based on the
above definition, there are at least three important
components of e-government. Firstly, e-government
provides services and facilitates communication
between government and citizens (G2C). Secondly,
e-government provides services and facilitates
communication between government and business
(G2B). Thirdly, e-government facilitates
communication within government institutions and
between government institutions (G2G).
The strategic objective of e-government is to
support and simplify governance for all parties
(government, citizens, and business). Externally, e-
government has the objective of fulfilling the needs
and expectations of business and citizens by
providing satisfactory online services and
simplifying the interaction with various government
departments. Internally, e-government facilitates a
speedy, transparent, accountable, efficient, and
effective process for performing government
administrative activities.
Much of the current discussion on the
implementation of e-government focuses on the
Internet (Siebel, 2005). Current e-government
models, such as the Gartner Model (Backus, 2001),
the Universal Access Model, the
Broadcasting/Wider-Dissemination Model, the
Interactive Service Model and the Comparative
Analysis Model (Digital Governance, 2005.) assume
the Internet as the base medium in all the phases,
recommend governments to build Internet
infrastructure, and urge people to use the Internet to
access the system.
Dwi Susanto T. and Goodwin R. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 185-188
DOI: 10.5220/0002449101850188
What if a country lacks Internet infrastructure,
has high Internet costs, low Internet penetration and
its citizens are Internet illiterate? Are these web-
based e-government models appropriate for the
country? These questions arose when (Ndau 2004)
investigated e-government and ICT situations in
developing countries. For example, in Indonesia,
after 5 years implementing e-government using the
Gartner model, as of 2003 the success level is just
2%: 3 out of 169 e-government systems have
achieved the Interaction and Transaction levels.
98% of the local government e-government systems
in Indonesia still operate at the lowest level (Web
Presence only) and are characterized by static and
insufficient information that is infrequently updated,
few interactive features, non-existent online service,
and low citizen participation (Rusdiah, 2003).
Moreover, a survey by (Heeks 2003) regarding the
success and failure rates of e-government in
developing and transitional countries shows that
most of the e-government initiatives in developing
countries have not yet been successful and more
than one-third of initiatives are total failures, half are
partial failures and only one-seventh are successful.
Further (Heeks 2003) identified that the three
critical failure factors in the failed e-government
projects in developing countries are: unrealistic
design, inadequate technological infrastructure and
lack of requisite competencies. A realistic e-
government model should be appropriate to the
current situation of the country; otherwise there will
be a gap between the model and reality. The larger
this gap, the greater the risk that the e-government
project will fail (Heeks, 2003). Hence, the current
web-based e-government models are likely to fail if
implemented in developing countries.
In developing countries, which lack Internet
infrastructure but have mobile infrastructure and
citizens lack Internet literacy but are familiar with
mobile phones and SMS, it is appropriate to propose
an e-government model that uses mobile phones and
SMS as the main communications channel (not just
as an additional feature of a web-based e-
government system as in current e-government
models). The model is more appropriate for these
countries as it reduces the gap between design and
reality, particularly for accessing e-government
systems by citizens. An SMS-based e-government
model enables citizen participation.
The Gartner model is a popular web-based e-
government model, recommended by the World
Bank, implemented in developing countries
(InfoDev, 2002). The Gartner model consists of
four-phases: information (web presence to provide
information), interaction (web presence plus various
applications for searching, sending email, and
downloading), transaction (complete transaction
processing) and transformation (one single web
address for all services) (Backus, 2001). This model
can serve as a reference to evaluate where an e-
government project fits in the overall e-government
strategy. This paper proposes modifying the Gartner
model to formulate an SMS-based e-government
Additionally, since the objective of the proposed
model is to increase public participation in an e-
government system, the proposed model will focus
on G2C and G2B services. Interactions between
government and citizen and government and
business in each phase of the model use SMS
technology. Internet/Web technology is still needed
for data communication between government
institutions (G2G). The proposed model encourages
governments to focus their public services through
SMS technology rather than Internet/web
technology, in order to minimize technology costs
and technological literacy problems.
A five phase model is proposed. The five phases
are: Delivery, Presentation, Communication,
Transaction, and Integration.
The first phase is the Delivery phase. In this
phase there is one-way delivery of information, from
the Government to citizens and businesses (G2C and
G2B) via SMS technology using government SMS
servers. This system will provide an easy, fast, and
efficient system for disseminating official
government information, in a concise format, to the
public (G2C and G2B). This information could
include: tax payment dates, disaster warnings, bank
interest rates, currency rates, notification of
publication of new government policy/regulation,
weather reports, and other official information.
Examples of applications which could be included in
this phase are: the ‘disaster warning-SMS’
developed by Thailand and Malaysia which, when a
potential disaster like a tsunami or earthquake is
forecast, informs government officials in areas likely
to be affected. Government units including the
police, fire fighters and rescue teams can then
immediately implement evacuation plans. News of
possible disaster is also broadcast through SMS to
all citizens in the area with a request to follow
instructions for evacuation. In Malaysia, the
Ministry of Agriculture sends SMS messages to
farmers’ mobile phones alerting them of increased
water levels enabling them to take the necessary
steps to avoid any potential damage to their
agriculture lands (Automo, 2004).
This stage is similar to mailing-lists in web-
based systems. The public should have a choice
whether or not they receive government SMS
messages and the information that is sent to them.
Therefore, the success of the phase will depend on
the interest and relevance of the government
The government should post information of
value to people in their daily lives and provide
interesting features for the SMS system, then
advertise them on other media continuously in order
to get as many citizens as possible involved in the e-
government system.
The phase requires government to build a
database of citizens with mobile phones. This
information is available from phone companies. In
some countries it’s not compulsory for new mobile
phone customers to register their personal data and
number with the provider or government agency. In
this case the government has to cooperate with all
mobile phone providers to establish an easy
registration system.
The value of this phase to government is that all
new information from the government, or alerts
about new information can be disseminated to the
public (particularly to mobile subscribers and
through mobile subscribers to other citizens) in a
simple, fast and efficient manner. This phase’s value
to public is that people can receive up-to-date
information quickly at minimal cost. The phase will
also stimulate information awareness among the
public. It’s an important phase for starting an
information society, a society that is interested and
eager to get, distribute, and learn about information.
The second phase is the Presentation phase. It’s
called presentation, because in this phase, in addition
to ‘passive’ one-way official information, the SMS
system also lets the public access the Government
SMS server actively by SMS to obtain information
that they need. In this phase, query statements for
getting information are standard and provided by the
SMS servers; the public choose from information
options provided, such as information about
transportation services, weather, news and due dates
for submission of documents. Therefore, in order to
keep the information options of the system up-to-
date, the government should survey the public’s
need regularly and actively.
Examples of applications that may be included in
this phase are: employment services by SMS in
Sweden, which allow an employment seeker to
access the SMS server and choose an employment
area, then the SMS server sends appropriate
employment information
This stage not only provides an easy way for
governments to disseminate up-to-date information
to the public but also gives the public the
opportunity to access, to choose and to get
information actively at any time.
The third phase is the Communication phase.
The communication phase allows two way SMS-
based communications between the public and
government. In addition to the services of phases
one and two, people can also send questions and get
replies in a short time. The questions may be
answered by computer or by an official depending
on the query. For example, people can ask questions
about their electricity or gas or tax bill account, ask
about government policy, or report an accident.
An example of current applications which can be
included in this phase is as follows. In Ireland, The
Office of the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland’s tax
collection agency, receives as many enquiries by
SMS as by telephone which allows citizens to claim
tax credits and request a number of tax forms and
information leaflets by sending SMS from their
mobile phones. Forms and leaflets requested by
users are then sent to them via postal mail. For tax
credits, users receive text messages letting them
know the progress of their claim, and once the claim
has been successfully processed, they receive a Tax
Credit Certificate by post (IDABC, 2005)
For this phase to be successful, answers must be
consistent and received promptly. New and difficult
questions should be acknowledged and information
sent about when the answer will be given, by whom,
and how the explanation will be given (by letter,
email, phone, or meeting). This phase will require
additional complexity of the Government
information technology; no change in the public
technology and the value to the public is higher.
The public now has the opportunity to
communicate with their government directly,
efficiently and quickly.
The fourth phase of this model is the
Transaction phase. This phase’s name is taken
from the third phase of Gartner model, which is
similar. The transaction phase of the SMS-based e-
government model is achieved when the public can
complete transactions by SMS without going to an
office, such as applying for a tax number, applying
for an identity card, or making a tax payment. This
phase will be more complex as authentication,
verification, non-repudiation and security issues
must be addressed.
This phase must take into account current
legislation in relation to transactions and format and
design techniques for getting information by the
limited capabilities of SMS. Current applications
which can be included in this phase are: the parking
payment system by SMS in London and Austria,
US, Ireland which drivers can use to pay their
parking meter by registering their mobile phone,
credit card and licence number details; the drivers
also get a reminder message 10 minutes before they
need to move their vehicle. Another application is
the ‘SMS-Vote system’ used by the Sheffield City
Council, which enables citizens to vote completely
by SMS.
The dominant values of this phase are efficiency
and customer satisfaction, that is the citizens and
businesses have been treated as customers by
government. Additionally, security and trust will be
key issues of this level.
The ultimate phase of this model is the
Integration phase. In this phase each SMS system
is integrated with the other SMS systems and all
other e-government systems, including Internet/web-
based e-government systems. The public can access
all SMS services by sending SMS messages to one
address or by accessing the Internet at one web
address. This phase accommodates the situation that
when Internet penetration has become much greater
and the Internet/web literacy of the public has
increased. The government gives the public the
choice of continuing to access the e-government
systems by SMS or changing to the Internet/web
medium. This is the ultimate goal of this model. By
the time this stage has been reached mobile phones
are likely to be web enabled.
This paper has proposed an SMS-based model for e-
government that can be used in developing countries
to enable citizens without the necessary Internet
technology and literacy to gain electronic access to
e-government services. It provides a suitable path to
the Internet/web-based e-government models used in
first world countries as it utilizes the currently
widely available mobile phone technology and
existing skills of the public. Most of the Information
Technology infrastructure and skills development
needed is in the provision of the services by the
government. Additional costs and skills training for
the public are minimized.
During implementation, all government
institutions don’t have to be in the same phase at the
same time. Each institution can stop at the
appropriate phase as determined by the institution’s
need, infrastructure, and public demand. For
example, the climate and disaster department can be
just in phase one, the police department can be in
phase three, and in the same time the tax department
can be in phase four. Also, the model indicates that
in its current phase, an institution must provide the
services of the previous phases.
Issues needing further investigation include: the
presentation of information using SMS, using SMS
messages to access databases and future directions
of mobile phone technology.
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