Djamel Berrabah, Charles-François Ducateau
CRIP5, Paris5 University, 45 rue des Saints Pères, 75270 Paris cedex 06, France
Faouzi Boufarès
LIPN, Paris13 University, 99 avenue J.B.Clément, 93430 Villetaneuse, France
Keywords: Participation constraints, integrity constraints, triggers, active databases.
Abstract: The automation of the database design process using CASE tools is among the multiple efforts devoted to
face the problems of database modeling. These tools often do not take into account all information
presented in a conceptual schema. Consequently, the relational elements obtained during these processes
do not coincide completely with the conceptual elements, and that produces some semantic losses. The idea
is to enrich these tools and to improve them in order to solve some problems of modeling. The goal of this
work is to propose an efficient approach to generate mechanisms that preserve the participation constraints
during the transformation of a conceptual schema into a relational one
Database (DB) design methodologies (Elmasri, 2004,
Toby, 1999) present processes devoted to translate a
conceptual schema (CS) into a relational one (RS).
The relational elements obtained during these
processes do not coincide completely with the
conceptual elements, and that produces some
semantic losses (
Boufarès, 2005). This problem often
arises when most of the constraints established in the
CS are not translated correctly. Among these
constraints, we find “multiplicity constraints”. This
type of constraints was discussed in (
Boufarès, 2001).
He describes how to use assertions in order to check
minimum and maximum multiplicities. (
2004) uses triggers to preserve the minimum
multiplicities. Another type of constraints is
concerned; they are “participation constraints”
(PCs), also called “interrelationship constraints”.
They have dynamic aspects which must be translated
in the RS such as some integrity constraints for
checking the DB modification operations (Insert,
Delete and Update). Today’s most current
commercial CASE tools, such as Power AMC
Sybase 2005) and Rational Rose (Rational 2005), do
not fully take these constraints into account and only
generate a significantly simpler database schema.
Our aim in this paper is to provide an efficient
mechanism which deals with PCs automatically (to
check and control them). These mechanisms consist
in creating trigger systems. Thus, an automatic
module to generate triggers has been thought to be a
good idea to implement PCs defined in a CS and
check them during DB manipulations. In a previous
work, (
Berrabah, 2005) used OCL (Object Constraint
Language) (OMG, 2005) to translate PCs.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2
introduces the basic principles of constraints and
their role in preserving the semantics of the universe
of discourse and provides an overview of active
mechanisms. Section 3 presents the syntax and the
semantics of participation constraints and describes
how to transform a conceptual schema into a
relational one. In section 4, the essential part of this
paper, the trigger-based rules are considered to show
how to generate active mechanisms for expressing
and maintaining participation constraints. Finally,
section 5 presents our conclusions and perspectives.
Berrabah D., Ducateau C. and Boufarès F. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 310-313
DOI: 10.5220/0002453903100313
A constraint constitutes a condition or a semantic
restriction, expressed in a linguistic instruction form,
in a textual language. In general, a constraint is
linked to one or several elements of the CS. It
represents semantic information associated with
these elements. A CS includes a set of all suitable
constraints to represent correctly the semantics of
the universe of discourse. These constraints have to
be defined without conflicts (
Boufarès, 2005). The
graphic elements offered by the CASE tools do not
allow expressing the totality of the constraints. In
addition, no mechanism is generated to verify the
global coherence of the expressed constraints.
Let us consider the participation constraints.
Unfortunately, they are not expressed during the
translation process, and that provide a loss of
semantics. Triggers (
Cochrane, 1996) constitute
powerful systems to deal with these constraints. In
SQL 2003 (
Eisenberg, 2004), a trigger is expressed
using event-condition-action (ECA) rules (Cochrane,
Ceri, 1990, Horowitz, 1994). It is activated
during DB transition state. Each trigger is associated
to one or more events on a table. It is activated, if
one of these events is performed on this table. Once
the trigger is activated, its condition, that is an
assertion on the data or the state of the DB, must be
evaluated. If the condition is evaluated as “true”,
then the action is performed. An action is a sequence
of SQL statements performed on the DB tables or a
"raise error" which rejects the event that activated
the trigger. If the event is rejected, the data of the
DB do not change. Triggers can access to the old
and the new attribute values affected by the
triggering event and use them in SQL statements.
3.1 Participation Constraints in
A PC frequently relates to the coexistence of
occurrences of class objects in one or several
associations (Figure.1). In the literature, several
participation constraints were presented such that
exclusion, inclusion, simultaneity and totality. More
detailed definitions of this category of constraints
are given by (
Berrabah, 2005, and Nanci, 2001). The
introduction of these constraints into a CS must be
taken into account in order to preserve the semantics
of the real world. Consequently, PCs will be
translated in the DB generation script.
Figure 1: Participation constraints.
3.2 From Conceptual Schema to
Relational One
Given the following transformation Rules:
Rule 1: Any class is transformed into a table with a
primary key.
Rule 2: Any binary association which does not
contain maximum multiplicity equal to 1 is
represented by a table, the primary key of which is
made up of both the primary keys of the concerned
classes. These primary keys constitute foreign keys.
Rule 3: Any binary association with a maximum
multiplicity equal to 1 is represented in the form of a
foreign key.
The three classical types of couple of multiplicities
considered are: 1) one-to-many: Only one
multiplicity has a maximum equal to 1; noted 1-N or
N-1, 2) one-to-one: Both multiplicity constraints
have a maximum equal to 1; noted 1-1. This case is
similar to 1-N one, 3) many-to-many: All maximum
multiplicity constraints are not equal to 1; noted N-
Figure.2 summarizes the Relational sub-Schemas
(RsS) associated with the CS1 according to the
multiplicity constraints defined on its associations.
Only the tables concerned by our study are taken
into account in this figure.
Case Association Type relational Sub-Schema
Case I N-1 & N-1 A(PKA,FKB,FKC, AttrA)
N-M & N-1
T(FKB, FKA, AttrR)
A(PKA, FKC, AttrA)
1-N & N-1
T= B( PKB, FKA, AttrB)
A(PKA, FKC, AttrA)
N-1 & 1-N
A(PKA, FKB, AttrA })
T= C(PKC, FKA, AttrC)
Case II
N-1 & N-M
A(PKA, FKB, AttrA)
T(FKC, FKA, AttrR2)
N-M & N-M
T1(FKB, FKA, AttrR1)
T2(FKC, FKA, AttrR2)
1-N & N-M
T1= B(PKB, FKA, AttrB)
T2(FKC, FKA, AttrR2)
N-M & 1-N
T1(FKB, FKA, AttrR1)
T2= C(PKC, FKA, AttrC)
Case III
1-N & 1-N
T1= B(PKB, FKA, AttrB)
T2= C(PKC, FKA, AttrC)
Figure 2: Summary of the RsS associated to CS1
according to the various multiplicity constraints
Where PKX means the Primary Key of the table X,
FKX means the Foreign Key of the table X, AttrX
means the Attributes referencing the table X and
AttrR means the Attributes of association R.
Figure 2 shows that only the considered tables. The
latest represent the binary associations on which the
PC is defined. Three different cases are
distinguished. Case I) The objects of both
associations appear in the table A. Case II) The
objects of only one association appear in the table A.
Case III) No objects of either association appear in
the table A.
This section presents how to translate PCs using
triggers. These triggers are represented in a form of
ECA rules. The study is done according to the three
cases shown in the previous section (figure.2). At
each case, us an example, the ECA translation rules
of the exclusion PC is given. As a case study, an
application example, related to that process in
ORACLE DBMS, will be considered. The
transformation is made in trigger-based SQL scripts.
4.1 Translation Rules of
Participation Constraints
Case I
This case represents the N-1 & N-1 association
types. Thus associations R1 and R2 are both
translated by the migration of the primary keys of
classes B and C respectively as foreign keys (FKB
and FKC) in the table A (Figure.2). With this
solution, all the objects of both associations appear
in the table A.
Example 1
In this case, the exclusion constraint is violated only
if an A-object participates in an association while it
already participates in the other one. This can occur
during an insertion or an update operation. In order
to resolve the problem it is necessary to generate a
trigger that reacts to these events on the table A. The
deletion operation has no effect on this constraint.
event: insert or update on A
condition: new value of FKB is not null
and new value of FKC is not null
action: raise error
Case II
In this case one of the two associations is translated
by a foreign key (FKB or FKC) in table A
(Figure.2). The A-object participation in one of the
two associations appears in table A. The tables taken
into account in this case are classified in Figure.2
Case II.
Example 2
In Case II three events can violate the exclusion
constraint. These events are an update on table A, an
insertion or an update on table T. Two triggers must
be generated to prevent the violation of this
constraint. The first reacts to an update on table A.
Its principle is to reject this update if the new value
of the foreign key in table A is different from the
null value and the value of PKA already exists in
table T.
event: update on A
condition: new value of FKB is not null
and the set of rows that T.FKA=
A.PKA is not empty
action: raise error
The second trigger reacts to an insertion or an update
on table T. Its principle is to reject these two events
if the value of FK, with which the new value of FKA
is associated, is different from the null value.
event: insert or update on T
condition: new value of FKA is not null
the FK value is not null where
action: raise error
Case III
In this case none associations will be translated by a
foreign key in the table A i.e. the participations of A
class objects will not appear in the table A. Let us
consider two tables T1 and T2 which represent
respectively the transformation of the associations
R1 and R2. The tables taken into account in our
study are classified, in the table above, according to
the association types (Figure.2 Case III).
Example 3
Four events can violate the exclusion constraint in
Case III, an insertion or update of the table T1 and
an insertion or update of the table T2. Therefore, two
triggers must be generated in order to control this
constraint. These two triggers have the same
principle. The one on the table T1 (resp. T2) rejects
the events (INSERT/UPDATE) if the new value of
FKA already exists in the table T2 (resp. T1).
event: insert or update on T1
condition: new value of FKA exist in T
action: raise error
4.2 Application Example
In this example, a student either teaches at the
university or works in a company but not both at the
same time. He may not do either. To ensure this
condition it is necessary to add an exclusion
constraint between the associations "to work" and
"to teach". "to work" and "to teach" are both many-
to-one associations (N-1 & N-1). The trigger
generated in this case is as follow:
Create trigger Insert_Update_Student
Before insert or update on Student
Then RAISE_ERROR (‘exclusion constraint
End If;
End Insert_Update_ Student;
In this paper, we reported a systematic study of the
use of PCs for the specification of assertions defined
on the behavior of class object participation into two
associations. Sometimes, it is necessary to use these
constraints in the CS. Thus, we have provided a
general framework for transforming PCs into
trigger-based SQL scripts. It turned out that triggers
are particularly adequate for this purpose. They are
being used in a lot of significant ways in current
database systems and applications.
We are implementing a prototype as an add-in
module for checking PCs. The verification of these
constraints is not easy. Therefore, we think that
incorporating add-in modules is a good idea to solve
PCs modeling problems, and to improve the quality
of CASE Tools.
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to teach
to work