contextualize the training resource in a well defined
knowledge domain. Thanks to this vector, it will be
possible to associate each resource with other
training resources that belong to established
knowledge domains allowing in this way the
organization of training paths. Besides, this type of
representation seems to be particularly suitable for
locating and recovering the resource itself within the
{Pedagogical Educational Properties}: this vector,
describing the pedagogical and educational
characteristics, defines the resource. It is so possible
to know the interactivity level of the resource with
the user, its semantic density, and in general to
pedagogically define it.
{Technical requisites}: this vector has to describe
the technical requisites necessary to the correct
utilization of the resource. In particular, it is engaged
in defining what its technological format is, what
operating system makes it work, and what software
is necessary for its correct utilization. In addition, it
makes it possible to find the actual location of the
{Rights}: This vector describes the billing modes
and the costs associated with the resource.
Every component matches with the respective
descriptive IMS standard field. In this way we can
work with a well defined set of standard
information, which is also the most meaningful, and
we can use all descriptive fields when more detailed
information is needed.
The choice of the best training path obviously
involves the choice of the learning objects more
suitable to the student preferences. The resource,
using ontology standard description, can be chosen
taking into account the pedagogical context in which
the user attends the lesson. From the point of view of
size, light resources (in byte) should be preferred in
case of non high-quality Internet connections.
Another aspect to be considered is related to the time
that the user can dedicate to the lesson. The system
must therefore offer resources whose learning time
estimated by the teacher should not overcome the
time that the user would like to spend attending the
lesson. Our module has to acquire the following
information from the standard descriptive fields of
the user profile: Interactivity level preferred by the
student in the resource, student learning level, time
dedicated by the student to the lesson, connection
type usually used by the user, preferred user
language. In this way, we can create a vector similar
to the learning object digest vector introduced in the
previous paragraph. The information contained in
the fields of this vector will be interpreted,
manipulated and kept in a special structure, in this
case a numerical vector, which represents, from a
numerical point of view, the resource and the user
profile. The structures are so defined:
User = {Difficulty
; Interactivity
Training resource = {Difficulty
; Size
; Time
The Difficulty field in the vector User is closely
related to the results obtained by the user during the
courses and contains a numerical value representing
the arithmetical mean of the results obtained until
the present time. Our software module therefore uses
this numerical information to create a range of
values. The Difficulty field in the vectors’ Training
resource is obtained from the field of Pedagogical
Educational Properties of vectors that describe the
learning object. In this case this information is
manipulated and arranged in order to obtain a value
in the range of 0-10. As previously said, the vector
Pedagogical Educational Properties contains
numbers and strings related to the learning object
description. The first step is to transform each string
content in a numerical value in the range 0-10.
Obviously we manipulate only the information of
interest (for example the field description is not
useful). At the end of this phase we obtain the
difficulty field number as a weighted average of all
values. In particular, we give a greater weight to
features as difficulty and semantic density. The
Interactivity Level field contains the interactivity
level preferred by the student within a training
resource. Our module divides the interactivity level
in L
sub-levels (from very low level to very high
level) and assigns a numerical value (from 1 to 10)
to each level. Also in this case the system retrieves
information from the description of learning object
through the most appropriate fields of {Pedagogical
Educational Properties} (for example interactivity,
interactivity level and so on) and {technical
requisites} (for example format: in this case we give
greater values for format as video, flash animation
and lower values for format as doc, pdf, ppt and so
on). The Size field describes the connection capacity
generally used by the student. For the learning object
the information is obtained by manipulating the field
Size of the vector {Technical requisites}. The
software module executes the same operation for the
Typical Learning Time features that describes the
time usually spent by the user in attending the
lesson. In order to obtain the best correspondence
between User Resource and Training Resource, we
have calculated a correspondence index (Ind) by