If more issues regarding E-Gov are considered, the
situation for system analysis for interface control
toward SOA is getting harder than previous case.
In this paper, the way to conduct system interface
control toward SOA is discussed for System
Engineer more effectively and accurately in time
manner. As there are increasing requirements for
information exchange and service sharing in a
unified manner, the situation of change request
based on health system using HL7 protocol is
considered. And the effective representation is
addressed using XML.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="EUC-KR"?>
<Field2>NEXT OF KIN</Field2>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="EUC-KR"?>
<Field2>NEXT OF KIN</Field2>
Figure 3: Converted XML from HL7 Sample Message.
Figure 3 is the corresponding representation of
HL7 example.
XML representation is more
understandable for System Engineer and scalable to
different format for future needs. Whenever
appropriate, it can be possibly triggered and
converted by the development.
A common
environment as shown in Figure 4 can be built for
further testing and the simulation of the impact
analysis on the interface. As an input, interface
related documentation information such as ICD, and
more for specific systems, Online log file and parsed
data at the developmental engineering lab for testing
are considered. Most components are smoothly
linked through XML and triggered by XPath.
Parsed Data
HL7 Log
Do cu me nt
Do c_ 2 _T xt
DOM Checker
Path_ Fi nder
Ac t iv e _
Do cu me n t
Report _Generat or
Mi dd l e w a r e
Case(for IA)
Vi r tu a l
SOA-based Executable Architecture (Local Server)
Simulator (User Client)
XML_2_ Tr ee
Txt _2_ XML
Cs v _ 2 _ T xt
HL7 Test Maintainer
Tr act
Input : Document/Parsed Data/HL7 Log, Output : Active Document
Program for conversion: *_2_*, IIA & T : Interface Impact Analyzer and Tester
Figure 4: Proposed XML-based Architecture.
The simulation system is designed to equip the
scalability for the future demands. In other words,
the experiment with another non-functional
requirement system on security as well as
performance tool and an extension of the rule
domain upon the future demands are combined.
In Figure 4, in order to compare DOM tree-based
information, to maintain the HL7 message segment
table and the previous test case history data set is
needed as a database. At this point, the performing
interface issue using the local server at the
operational environment for simulation is out of
scope in this paper, as the primary purpose of the
simulation is on showing an efficiency improvement
of the suggested impact analysis for the decision-
making during developmental testing phase on
whether or not a system change can be applied to the
systems without causing any negative interface
It is ensured that there are many more problems
to which this technique can be applied. Using XML-
based information, system and testing engineers save
their time and support customers with more value-
added service by getting more realistic information
using testing requirement for impact analysis. More
information with non-functional requirement for
impact analysis in general is discussed later. Based
on the testing for the research with XML-based